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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: sociolinguistic, taboo, folklore, social mental structure Language can be the most powerful attribute to define the mental structure of the people in particular group. Taboo is one of the social phenomena that can be used as an object of the study in sociolinguistic field. Taboo consists of normative rules that are transferred orally through generations without any specific rational. The appeareance of these taboo rules in society are accepted by the society as their local belief in communicating with others. In order to find the relationship between social mental structure and taboo rules, oral tradition as the device to transfer the information must be examined. The oral tradition as the social behaviour that havethe same characteristics with the taboo rules appear as the form of language that can also define the social mental structure. Based on those backgrounds, the writer is interested in analyzing the existence of taboo rules in Banyuwangi society especially in Alas Purwo which is touted as one of the most superstisious society in Banyuwangi area. The focus of the study attempts to find answers of this following problems of study: (1) What kind of taboo are believed in Alas Purwo Banyuwangi, (2) What are the meanings of the taboo in Alas Purwo Banyuwangi, (3) What are the types of folklore for each of the taboo in Alas Purwo? In the study, the writer uses Keith and Burridge (2006) categorization related to thefunction and the impact of breaking the rules. The writer also uses Danandjaja’s (1982) categorization of folklore. The result of the study shows that there are 4 fatal taboos, 1 exploiting taboo, 1Uncleanliness taboo, and 9 less serious taboo. From those taboos, there are two types of folklore that namely Myth and Legend. There are 10 myths and 3 legends in Alas Purwo. This result proves that eventhough the development of technology and information has grown fast in Banyuwangi area, the societ y’s subconscious mind still cannot accept the modernity principles in their life which demands eliminating the traditional beliefs which are full of superstition and myths. The writer suggest the study of taboo in Banyuwangi area be developed by the nextresearcher by tracking the existence of the characters like Werjo and Minak Jinggo with the historical data taken. 
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: morality, utilitarianism, social realityThrough the development of knowledge, morality can no longer be a basic consideration to define the truth. This situation occurs because of the basic principle of modern knowledge which is based on empirism and rationalism has put morality as a value that is born by sentiments and not by logical reason. Because of this background, modern morality theories are designed to be accepted by scientific principle. One of them is called Utilitarianism. In order to put morality into society, one of the ways is by putting its values into literary works. Through the movie Unthinkable, the conflict between rationality and conscience is reflected. Based on those backgrounds, the focus of the study is formulized by the researcher in the moral dimension of literary work. The problem of the study is: How Utilitarianism is reflected on the movie entitled Unthinkable.The study is focused on the exploration of moral dimension of literary works through moral philosophical approach which place literary works as a product of society that reflects moral lesson. Mise-en-scene is also used to explore visual performance of the reflected moral theory Utilitarianism in the movie.In the end of the research, the result shows that there are several actions reflecting Utilitarianism principles. Those principles are reflected on the military activities in conducting the interrogation towards terrorist. Also on the other side, those principles appear in the terrorism activity. Those principles are depicted through two ways. From the verbal data, the debate appearing on the dialogue between characters reveals Utilitarianism principles used to justify whether an action is right or wrong. From the visual data, the Utilitarianism events are pictured dramatically as morally unaccepted actions. However, the movie also shows how important the application of Utilitarianism on that situation.The writer wants to give some suggestions for the next researcher about the different research  method that can be used. The next researcher can focus the research using dialectical method which is also applicable in analyzing literary product. Second, historical approach may develop the research to the next level by taking the second data source from US historical record about policies in war against terrorism.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Cooperative Principle, Conversational Maxims, Humor, Jokelopedia. In human communication, the participants must speak cooperatively to be understood in a particular way. The cooperative principle, along with the four conversational maxims, describes how effective and efficient communication in conversation is achieved. However, comedians often purposefully flouted these maxims for the humorous effect of their story. The writer conducted a study about the role of cooperative principle, more specifically, the flouting of conversational maxims in the creation of humor in narrative jokes in Jokelopedia: The Biggest, Best, Siliest, Dumbest, Joke Book Ever!. This study aims at finding out the flouted maxims in the narrative jokes, the implicature in the narrative jokes, and how the implicature is expected to create humorous effect in the narrative jokes.This study focuses on the flouting of conversational maxims in three chapters with the most number of narrative jokes in Jokelopedia. This study uses qualitative approach in relation to the use of clear and systematic description about the phenomena being studied. Descriptive study in textual analysis is applied in this study to analyze the narrative jokes in the book.This study reveals that all conversational maxims are flouted in order to create humorous effect in the narrative jokes. From 40 narratives analyzed by the researcher, maxim of relation is the mostly flouted maxim with 15 occurrences.The maxim of quantity is the second with 10 occurrences. Then, the maxim of quality and manner are the least flouted maxims with 9 and 6 occurrences. These flouting of conversational maxims gives access to hidden meanings called implicature with which humorous effect is generated. Mostly, the implicature is expected to create humorous effect by showing a contrast between the development of the reader’s expectation and the fact in the story, or by showing the foolish or inappropriate behavior of the characters.The conclusion of the study shows that humor can be invoked by the flouting of conversational maxims. In addition, the emergence of the humor caused by the flouting of maxims also depends on the interpretation of the readers and their encyclopedic knowledge. The writer suggests future researchers to use other theories such as Leech’s politeness principle or Sperber & Wilson’s relevance theory, to find other materials such as visual and auditory media as the source of data, and to analyze the humorous effect which is not caused by the flouting of conversational maxims.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: being, having, intersubjektivitas, novel, filsafat sastraManusia memiliki kebutuhan-kebutuhan dasar yang mendorong seseorang untuk mencapai transendensinya. Demi mencapai transendensi, seseorang membutuhkan individu lain. Dalam novel Go Nen Go No Love Letter digambarkan hubungan antara tokoh Shimura dengan tokoh lainnya yang membawa tokoh Shimura Wataru mencapai eksistensinya. Karena itulah dalamstudi ini penulis akan menjawab rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu : (1) Bagaimana relasi yang terjalin antara Shimura Wataru dengan istri, sahabat dan anaknya berdasarkan konsep intersubjektivitas Gabriel Marcel (2) Apa bentuk eksistensi tokoh Shimura Wataru dalam pandangan filsafat eksistensialisme Gabriel Marcel.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan deskripsi analisis secara tekstual yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis relasi yang terjalin dan eksistensi tokoh Shimura Wataru dalam novel Go Nen Go No Love Letter. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa relasi yang terjalin antara tokoh Shimura Wataru dengan istri, anak dan sahabatnya merupakan hubungan intersubjektivitas. Relasi yang terjalin ini membawa perubahan dan membawa tokoh Shimura Wataru mencapai eksistensinya. Eksistensi tokoh Shimura Wataru terus hidup walaupun Shimura Wataru telah meninggal dunia.Penulis menyarankan peneliti selanjutnya untuk meneliti kembali dan menggali lebih dalam novel Go Nen Go no Love Letter karya Murakami Momoko ini. Peneliti selanjutnya dapat menganalisa eksistensi tokoh Kondo Nao dengan menggunakan teori filsafat Gabriel Marcel. Peneliti selanjutnya juga dapat menggunakan teori psikologi sastra untuk menganalisa tokoh Kondo Nao.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: hikikomori, sosiologi sastra, film, oniichan no hanabiKarya sastra sastra adalah gambaran kenyataan dari suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk karya sastra adalah film. Penelitian ini menggunakan film Oniichan no Hanabi yang menceritakan kehidupan pelaku hikikomori. Hikikomori adalah istilah masyarakat Jepang yang berarti mengasingkan diri atau mengurung diri. Rumusan masalah yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimana peran keluarga dalam mengubah perilaku hikikomori pada tokoh Taro Sudo dalam film Oniichan no Hanabi karya sutradara Masahiro Kunimoto.Dengan menggunakan kajian sosiologi sastra sebagai perombak masyarakat dan mise en scene, serta sumber-sumber data seperti konsep tentang hikikomori, penelitian ini akan menjelaskan alasan, perilaku spesifik pelaku hikikomori dan peran keluarga terhadap pelaku hikikomori yang terjadi secara deskriptif melalui teks dan gambar.Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa film Oniichan no Hanabi sebagian besar telah menggambarkan kehidupan pelaku hikikomori yang sebenarnya. Terdapat 26 adegan dan dialog yang mencerminkan kehidupan pelaku hikikomori. Dialog maupun adegannya menunjukkan alasan Taro menjadi pelaku hikikomori, perilaku spesifik seorang pelaku hikikomori dan peran keluarga terhadap pelaku hikikomori. Peran keluarga sangatlah penting dalam proses penyembuhan pelaku hikikomori.Selain menjadi hiburan, film ini dapat menjadi pembelajaran mengenai berbagai hal seperti budaya, sosial, dan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, penulis menyarankan pada peneliti selanjutnya bisa mengkaji kondisi psikologis seorang pelaku hikikomori melalui pendekatan psikologi sastra.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Drama, Daisuki, Peranan ibu dalam sosialisasi primer, Peranan ibudalam pendidikan anak. Skripsi ini membahas tentang peranan ibu yang mengalami keterbelakangan mental dalam pendidikan anak. Namun sosok ibu yang ditampilkan dalam drama Daisuki adalah sosok ibu yang mengalami keterbelakangan mental yang mengalami kendala dalam menumbuhkembangkan potensi anak. Penelitian terhadap drama ini terfokus pada peranan ibu yang mengalami keterbelakangan mental dalam pendidikan anak yang terbagi menjadi dua yaitu, peranan ibu dalam proses sosialisasi primer anak dan peranan ibu dalam proses pendidikan akademik anak. Objek yang penulis teliti adalah tokoh utama. Oleh karena itu, penulis menggunakan teori tokoh dan penokohan dari BurhanudinNurgiyantoro.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ibu yang mengalami keterbelakangan mental dapat melakukan perannya dalam proses sosialisasi primer anak dan pendidikan akademik anak. Peranan ibu dalam proses sosialisasi primer seperti, melatih kemandirian anak, membina kedekatan emosional antara orang tua dan anak, mengajarkan etika, serta nilai moral. Sedangkan peranan ibu dalam proses pendidikan akademik anak seperti, memilihkan sekolah yang baik bagi anaknya dan partisipasi ibu dalam kegiatan Parent Teacher Assosiation (PTA). Parent Teacher Assosiation adalah suatu kelompok organisasi yang dibentuk dalam lingkungan sekolah. Kelompok ini terdiri dari orang tua siswa dan guru di sekolah tersebut. Namun dari hasil temuan dapat diketahui bahwa dalam proses tersebut Ibu yang memiliki keterbelakangan mental masih memerlukan peran significant others (orang yang paling dekat) untuk tugas-tugas tertentu. Seperti melatih anak buang air kecil di toilet, mengajarkan anak mengucapkan itadakimasu, memilihkan sekolah yang baik bagi anak, kegiatan konseling antara ibu dan guru kelas anak.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Postmodernisme, Postmodernitas, Budaya Tinggi, Budaya Rendah,  Anime, Samurai, Hip-Hop. Produk kebudayaan manusia berkembang silih berganti sesuai dengan perkembangan pemikiran manusia yang dipengaruhi oleh kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Anime Samurai Champloo karya sutradara Shinichiro Watanabe menggambarkan salah satu produk pemikiran manusia yang dipengaruhi oleh Postmodernisme. Pada pemikiran postmodern batas hirarki tradisional runtuh, karya-karya yang tidak orisinal diakui, kebudayaan alternatif yang tidak mengikuti pakem arus utama diberi tempat, diapresiasi, diproduksi, dan dikonsumsi. Dengan menggunakan kajian postmodern, penelitian ini akan menjelaskan eksistensi Postmodernisme dengan menunjukkan bentuk-bentuk perpaduan budaya tinggi dan budaya rendah dalam adegan-adegan anime ini secara deskriptif melalui teks dan gambar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan prinsip utama postmodern, yaitu hirarki yang hilang dalam konsep kebudayaan tinggi dan rendah akibat reproduksi elemen-elemen budaya pada masa lampau yang kemudian dimassakan dengan jalan memparodikan teks orisinal, memperkaya penggayaan terhadap dandanan para karakter, serta mematahkan keselarasan-keselarasan dalam dialog antar elemen pada unsur pembangun cerita. Anime Samurai Champloo sendiri masih memiliki beberapa muatan lain yang menarik untuk dikaji oleh karena itu, penulis menyarankan untuk meneliti anime ini dengan pendekatan postmodern murni tanpa terfokus dalam perpaduan budaya tinggi dan budaya rendah kemudian dapat juga menggunakan pendekatan historis untuk mengetahui pemberontakan shimabara dan perkembangan agama Katholik di Jepang.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Traditional Women, Modern Women, Feminism, Images of Women. This study talks about women and their image that has changed in society. The changes include the traditional image of women into their image in modern society. Images and roles of women often appear in literary works, including films.  One of the films about women is Taxi. Taxi is an action movie which puts women as the most dominant characters. They are Belle Williams, Vanessa, and Lieutenant Marta. The problem of this study is how the images of modern women are portrayed in the movie Taxi. Meanwhile the purpose of this study is to disclose the images of modern women portrayed in Taxi movie. This study is carried out using qualitative approach since the images of modern women of the three female characters in Taxi movie is analyzed in descriptive ways.  Traditionally it is clear enough that women’s place is in the home. However, along with the evolution women’s place is no longer always in home and doing all the housework things. Women in this era also become autonomous decision makers. They now can decide the good or bad for themselves even for the other. Through the female characters in Taxi movie too, women are also represented as independent and do not need men’s protection. Men’s view of women primarily as sexual objects does not change, but now they are also interested in women as people. Women also can use men’s interest to get what they want. Through Belle, Liuetenant Robbins and Vanessa, the new images of women are clearly represented.  The main female characters in Taxi movie, the characteristics of Belle, Lieutenant Robbins, and Vanessa have the similarity, they are beautiful, smart, optimistic, profesional, considerable, good taste, and talented.  Modern women show different images from the traditional expectation on women. The writer suggests for the readers who want to analyze the characters in Taxi movie, the reader may analyze another characters. The next researcher can use a theory of gender reversal which puts Washburn and Jesse as the main figures to be analyzed.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: language, politeness strategies, positive politeness, negative politeness,madiunese, formadima. Language has a social function as a tool to make a connection among human beings. In using language strategies such as Politeness, it affords us to become more eligible on using the choices that are made in language use. Madiunese as the object of the study, they have unique temperaments that differ from Solonese and Surabayanese culture characteristics. In conducting the study, the researcher analyzed two problems of study, as follows; (1) What are the positive politeness and negative politeness categories used in the conversations between Madiunese in Formadima, and (2) What is the possible reason on performing positive politeness and negative politeness categories within the conversation used by Madiunese speakers in Formadima. In this study, main theory to conduct the problems of study is using politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson (1987, p.101-210) which is also supported by the theory of Watts (2003).This study used qualitative analysis since the data of this study are conversations analysis and human social phenomena happened in Formadima by the members. In conducting this study, the researcher chooses and explains utterances based on the conversations containing positive politeness and negative politeness strategies. From 62 utterances on total of five conversations that have been analyzed by the researcher, there are 12 utterances containing positive politeness strategies and10 utterances categorized in negative politeness strategies.Based on the analysis of positive politeness strategies, the researcher finds two categories that used by the speakers, there are; (1) Claim Common Ground, and (2) Fulfill that the Hearer Wants Some X. In negative politeness, most of Madiunese used to be more careful when produced the utterances. The researcher finds negative politeness strategies that performed by Madiunese, namely; apologize, be pessimistic,and sometimes go on record or baldly to indebting the hearers.Finally, the researcher suggests for further study about politeness should be conducted properly according to the object e.g., daily conversations or another human social phenomena which can be acquired in many things on social terms. Theresearcher also suggests to the next researchers to use other theories related topoliteness in analyzing the implicit meaning of the utterances produced by the speaker.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords : Mental Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, Movie Study, Peacock Dissociative disorder in general refers to a disorder that causes someone find difficulties in mingling with others, since he or she has multiple personalities. Someone who lives with the phenomenon of dissociative disorder found in Peacock the movie.The result from the thesis shows that the main character of the movie, John Skillpa suffers mental disorder. The type of mental disorder suffered by John Skillpa is dissociative disorder. Dissociative disorder can be categorized into four disorders namely dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, depersonalization disorder, and dissociative identity disorder. By having these four disorders, John Skillpa finally has multiple personality.The writer suggests that the next researchers to apply other perspectives in analyzing the movie, such as anxiety approach to analyze anxiety of main character in the film.

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