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Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal
ISSN : 20864841     EISSN : 27146200     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Jurnal Al-Manar (pISSN: 2086-4841) diterbitkan oleh Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Suska Riau 2 kali setahun (Juni-Desember) bertujuan mempublikasikan tulisan/artikel hasil pemikiran original yang berkenaan dengan pendidikan bahasa arab, metodologi pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, Sastra Arab dan Pengembangan Bahasa Arab.
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Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal
Publisher : Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/al-manar.v5i1.4116


The researcher found that students had low ability in writing narrative text. It was identified that there were several factors that caused students had low ability. From the students themselves, they did not know how to start their writing because they did not apply certain technique. Then, they also get it difficult to express their ideas in written form. Furthermore, they got lack of vocabulary, lack understanding of gramatical devices, organization and mechanism in writing.To improve the students’ ability in writing Narrative text, the researcher conducted classroom action research by using Brainstorming Technique. The purpose of this research is to find out whether Brainstorming Technique could better improve students’ writing ability and to find out factors that influence it. In collecting the data, the researcher used essay tests, observation checklist, field notes, and interview. This classroom action research consisted of three cycles constituting meeting. Based on the finding, the implementation of Brainstorming Technique could better improve students’ skill in writing Narrative text at the second year students of State Islamic University Suska Riau. The improvement was shown by the increasing of the percentage of students’ writing tests from cycle 1 to cycle 2, and from cycle 2 to cycle 3. The factors influenced the students’ ability in writing Narrative text were the indicators of Brainstorming Technique itself. Finally, the action research by the implementation of Brainstorming Technique could improve the students’ ability of writing narrative text by the second year students of English Department of State Islamic University SUSKA Riau.
Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal
Publisher : Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/al-manar.v5i1.4121


This research tried to investigate three major research problems, namely: (1) the types of morphological errors based on the scope of Linguistic Category Taxonomy (LCT), (2) the types of syntactical errors based on the scope of Linguistic category Taxonomy (LCT) and (3) the types of both morphological and syntactical errors based on the scope of Surface Strategy Taxonomy (SST). There were merely 25 (30 %) of compositions were checked as the sample of 30 compositions done by the respondents. Pertaining to the performance of students in writing, especially in terms of morphology, the errors were dominated by the taxonomy of mis-formation (79 errors =75.23 %). On the other hand, in term of syntax, the errors were also dominated by the taxonomy of mis-formation (123 errors = 77.40 %).Based on the results of the research depicted above, therefore, the researcher suggests, especially to the teachers of writing to intensify the applications of peer collaborative writing, peer collaborative learning, and peer correction in ESL/EFL Writing class. Having those activities, it facilitates and enables the student writers to learn from faster student writers. Besides, it familiarizes students with tolerant and appreciative manners. Consequently, the intricate problems of writings such as limited knowledge of grammar, un-fluent and unclear ideas expressed or stated which were caused by the lack of vocabulary mastery (inadequate knowledge of vocabulary, idioms, word forms) can be minimized.
Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal
Publisher : Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/al-manar.v5i1.4112


This article presents a review that provides insight in the concept, characteristics, people involved, and purposes of a productive learning environment (PLE). As is expected, teaching and learning in a productive learning environment results in a student-centered learning, higher academic performance, and improvement of students’ intrinsic motivation. Based upon review on research and non-research papers as well as books, results show that 1) goal-oriented learning, authentic and reality-based learning, motivating and engaging activities, active and supportive knowledge construction, self-regulated, and reflective are the components that characterize a PLE, 2) a PLE should be promoted collectively, and 3) a PLE is intended to improve both process and outcome of learning.
Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal
Publisher : Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/al-manar.v5i1.4117


Fazlur Rahman is one of the new innovator in Islam that has a big influence in 20 century, especially in Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other countries  (Islamic countries), and the Chicago America (West country) that has the various thinking related with the problem. He success thinking critically either Islam or West tradition. He successes to develop a method that can give alternative solution toward contemporary Muslim. Fazlurrahman offers the idea that neo-modernism, it is certainly included in the educational aspect. Education surrounding the neo-modernism have two models; traditional and modern. Both of these models have different character. In one side follow toward old model while the second want to rebuilt the new version in education. In otherwise, both of them have the same objectives to empower people (empowerment). The differences only in matter of technical and operational methods. According to Rahman, the goal of Islamic education is formatted to realize Muslim that civilized order and consistent to God.
Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal
Publisher : Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/al-manar.v5i1.4113


Many students assumed that English is difficult, which caused by many factors such as the students’ inadequacy in order to master English. Many assumptions and negative-suggestions was affected by their environment and internal factors that has negative experiences in learning English. Fear of making mistakes is one of the factors that break their motivation in learning English, where English language is a foreign language that has any probabilities on the occurrence of making mistakes. Every mistake made, is the process to know the truth.
دورالوسائل التعليمية في تعليم اللغة العربيىة rusdi Rusdi
Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal
Publisher : Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/al-manar.v5i1.4118


edia pembelajaran sebagai alat bantu dalam proses belajar, dan pembelajaran adalah suatu kenyataan yang tidak bias kita pungkiri keberadaannya. Karena memang dosen atau gurulah yang menghendaki untuk memudahkan tugasnya dalam menyampaikan pesan – pesan atau materi pembelajaran kepada mahasiswa atau siswanya. Dosen atau Guru sadar bahwa tanpa bantuan media, maka materi pembelajaran sukar untuk dicerna dan dipahami oleh mahasiswa atau siswa, terutama materi pembelajaran yang rumit dan komplek. Setiap materi pembelajaran mempunyai tingkat kesukaran yang bervariasi. Pada satu sisi ada bahan pembelajaran yang tidak memerlukan media pembelajaran, tetapi dilain sisi ada bahan pembelajaran yang memerlukan media pembelajaran. Materi pembelajaran yang mempunyai tingkat kesukaran tinggi tentu sukar dipahami oleh mahasiswa atau siswa, apalagi oleh mahasiswa atau siswa yang kurang menyukai materi pembelajaran yang disampaikan.
Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal
Publisher : Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/al-manar.v5i1.4114


Reading helps students to improve their knowledge, experience, and to get much information from the written materials. It is also a skill that can make students develop their ways to learn well about something. By reading, the students can spend their time in good way to get information, knowledge, as well as enrich their vocabulary, and improve their structure. On the other hand, there some students who cannot get the point about what they read. Therefore, it is a job of the lecturer/teacher to solve that problem, how to improve students low comprehension by using strategy or technique. In this paper, the writer want to explain about how to improve students reading comprehension by using Preview, Brainstorm, Predict (PBP) strategy. Preview, Brainstorm, Predict (PBP) strategy is part of pre reading. It refers to a positive pre-reading with simply model the process of previewing the text by looking at the title, author, subheadings illustrations and other relevant structures. This strategy is a strategy that engages students to preview the text by reading that can be implemented with little preparation.
الخليل بن أحمد الفراهيدى في فكرته النحوية nandang syarip hidayah
Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal
Publisher : Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/al-manar.v5i1.4119


Khalil bin Ahmad Al-Faraahidi adalah seorang ulama Nahwu dikalangan basroh yang terkenal pada masa itu, beliau adalah peletak pertama pengarang al-mu’jam al-arabiy yaitu “ al-Ain “, beliau seorang ulama  yang terkenal saat itu, karena pemikiran-pemikiranya dalam kajian al-qawaid al-Arabiyyah, khususnya dalam bidang ilmu nahwu, karyanya yang terkenal saat itu adalah “ al-Jumal fi-al Nahwi “. Khalil bin Ahmad al-farahidi ini adalah ulama Nahwu Basroh yang hidup bersamaan dengan tumbuh dan berkembangan filsafat saat itu, dan banyaknya gerakan penerjemahan filsafat dalam bahasa arab, sehingga pemikiran-pemikiran Nahwunya agak bergesekan dengan filsafat. pemikiran-pemikiran nahwu Khalil bin Ahmad al-Farahidi diantaranya : العوامل والمعمولات، السماع والتعليل والقياس، وفكرته  في كتابه " الجمال ". Kepopuleran Khalil bin Ahmad Al-Farahidi ini semakin menyebar dengan  munculnya karya ilmu nahwu “ Al-Kitab “ yang dikarang oleh muridnya Sibawaih.
Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal
Publisher : Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/al-manar.v5i1.4115


This paper was the result of classroom action research that tried to answer the question how small group discussion technique could improve the students speaking skill and what factors influenced it. Frankly speaking, some English lecturers are only able to blame their students because of their limited skill in speaking English. In the other words, the lecturers rarely discuss about the technique used in the teaching process, especially speaking class. Though, lecturer also becomes a factor that determines whether or not the students can develop their speaking skills well. This researcher took second semester students of Accounting of Pasir P engarain University as his participant. This research was done in two cycles that each cycle consisted of 5 meetings with the test included. In the cycle 1, it was found that the students speaking skill got progress in two aspects only such as Vocabulary and grammar, while the other aspects are not well improved yet. That’s why the researcher did the cycle 2 as to improve the three aspects could not get better yet. After doing the second cycle, it was found that the students’ pronunciation, fluency and comprehension got progress. It could be seen from the speaking score achieved from the test given. The rule of friends found in small group discussion technique became the main factor that influences students’ speaking skill. Pertaining to the data analysis of the comparison of  based score with the two cycles. It could be concluded that Small group discussion better improved the students’ speaking skill at second semester students of Accounting of Pasir Pengarain University.
تعليم اللغة العربية بالطريقة الإيحائية لترقية مهارة الكلام kasmiati kasmiati
Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal
Publisher : Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/al-manar.v5i1.4120


Pembelajaran bahasa Arab bertujuan untuk agar siswa mampu memahami bahasa arab dan mampu mengusai ketrampilan berbahasa yaitu istima, ( menyimak ), takallum ( berbicara ), qira’ah ( membaca ) dan kitabah ( menulis ). Agar tujuan pembelajaran bahasa Arab tersebut tercapai, guru mempunyai peranan yang penting, karena guru merupakan oarng yang merancang dan melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran tersebut. Salah astu tujuan pembelajaran bahasa arab adalah agar siswa menguasai maharatul kalam. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, salah satu metode yang sesuai adalah metode suggestopedia. Metode sugesstopedia adalah salah satu metode yang mensugesti siswa untuk menghilangkan perasaan tidak mampu, perasaan takut salah dan kekhawatiran terhdadap sesuatu yang baru. Metode ini menekan tehnik relaksasi dan kosentrasi yang akan menolong siswa membuka sumber bawah sadar mereka sehingga mereka bisa menguasai kuantitas mufradat yang lebih banyak dan juga struktur-struktur bahasa yang lebih mantap dan bisa mengungkapkan pikiran mereka melalui takallum berbahasa Arab tersebut. Jadi metode ini membuat siswa berani untuk takallum ( berbicara ) karena mereka rilek dan santai serta perasaan takut sudah hilang, biasanya yang menghambat siswa untuk belajar bahasa Arab khususnya takallum adalah persaan taku, perasaan takut salah, grogi,  dan perasaan tidak mampu.

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