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POTENSIA: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/potensia.v7i2.13361


The low performance of teachers in learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pekanbaru is a problem in this study. This can be seen from the results of the National Examination that Madrasah is lower than SMP which can be seen from the average score of graduates. MTs UN results 65.5 and SMP results 81.35. Factors that affect teacher performance are teacher dedication and welfare guarantees. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of dedication and welfare insurance on the performance of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pekanbaru teachers. This research is a correlation study with three variables, two independent variables, namely teacher dedication and welfare and one guarantee variable, namely teacher performance. Respondents in this study were teachers of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pekanbaru with a total sample of 123 people. The instruments used in this study were observation, questionnaires and documentation. To analyze the data, simple and multiple linear regression were used. After processing the data using SPSS version 23 with simple and multiple linear regression tests, it was found that there was a significant influence between teacher dedication on teacher performance with an effect of 51.2%, the effect of welfare insurance on teacher performance by 31%, the effect of dedication and welfare guarantees on teacher performance by 51.3%. Based on the partial analysis, it is also proven that there is a correlation between all the independent variables purely on the dependent variable. In other words, dedication and welfare insurance are interrelated without being influenced by other variables. it means that dedication has a relationship with teacher performance without being influenced by welfare insurance (correlation coefficient 0.698, partial correlation coefficient 0.361). Likewise, welfare guarantees on performance have a relationship without being influenced by dedication (correlation coefficient 0.557, correlation coefficient 0.310). So that there is no change to the predetermined hypothesis
Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal
Publisher : Al-Manar : English and Arabic Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/al-manar.v5i1.4117


Fazlur Rahman is one of the new innovator in Islam that has a big influence in 20 century, especially in Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other countries  (Islamic countries), and the Chicago America (West country) that has the various thinking related with the problem. He success thinking critically either Islam or West tradition. He successes to develop a method that can give alternative solution toward contemporary Muslim. Fazlurrahman offers the idea that neo-modernism, it is certainly included in the educational aspect. Education surrounding the neo-modernism have two models; traditional and modern. Both of these models have different character. In one side follow toward old model while the second want to rebuilt the new version in education. In otherwise, both of them have the same objectives to empower people (empowerment). The differences only in matter of technical and operational methods. According to Rahman, the goal of Islamic education is formatted to realize Muslim that civilized order and consistent to God.
Akulturasi Islam dalam Adat Pengesahan Perkawinan Suku Sakai Solapan Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau Ellya Roza; Yasnel Yasnel; Mirawati Mirawati
TSAQAFAH Vol 15, No 1 (2019): Da'wah and Islamic Communication
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.23 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v15i1.2785


AbstractThis paper aims to reveal the acculturation of Islam with the customary endorsement of the marriage of the Sakai tribe community in the Bathin Solapan region in Bengkalis Regency, Riau. As a native tribe, Sakai has a strong belief in his culture, especially marriage by using various social symbols with Bathin as the main character who becomes the legitimate determinant of a marriage. Likewise the shrill of a dog in Bathin's house is a benchmark for the validity of a marriage. Because this study is a study of social and cultural heritage that integrates with Islam, the methodology used in accordance with the concept of social science research is a qualitative descriptive method that focuses on content analysis with several stages of work through the concept of Research and Development (R & D) . At the end of the study it was found that the social symbol in the custom of the marriage of the Sakai tribe in the Bathin Solapan region was (1) Bathin who started with a picture of a puppet at the pole of his house using betel lime. After that the bride's second hand is put together with the position of the man's hand on the woman's hand. Then a family testimony was held for both parties: (2) The dog's curse which was beaten by Bathin as the validity of a marriage. With the Islamization in Riau, there was an acculturation of Islam towards the customary ratification of the Sakai tribe marriage which was implemented using Islamic social symbols which were manifested in the pillars of marriage and full of marriage with the nikah as the main actor.Keywords: Acculturation of Islam, Social Symbols, Ratification of Marriage, Sakai Tribe, BatinAbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap akulturasi Islam dengan adat pengesahan perkawinan  masyarakat suku Sakai dalam wilayah Bathin Solapan di Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau. Sebagai suku asli, Sakai memiliki keyakinanan yang kokoh terhadap kebudayaannya terutama perkawinan dengan menggunakan berbagai symbol social dengan Bathin sebagai tokoh utamanya yang menjadi penentu sah atau tidaknya sebuah perkawinan. Demikian juga lengkingan seekor anjing yang ada di rumah Bathin menjadi tolok ukur terhadap sahnya sebuah perkawinan. Dikarenakan penelitian ini merupakan kajian terhadap peninggalan social dan budaya yang berintegrasi dengan Islam, maka metodologi yang digunakan sesuai dengan konsep penelitian ilmu-ilmu social yakni metode deskriptif kualitatif yang menfokuskan kepada content analysis dengan beberapa tahapan kerja melalui konsep Research and Development (R & D). Pada akhir kajian ditemukan bahwa symbol social dalam adat pengesahan perkawinan suku Sakai  di wilayah Bathin Solapan  adalah (1) Bathin yang memulai dengan gambar orang-orangan di tiang rumahnya dengan menggunakan kapur sirih. Setelah itu tangan kedua calon pengantin disatukan dengan posisi tangan laki-laki di atas tangan perempuan. Kemudian diadakan kesaksian keluarga bagi kedua belah pihak: (2) Lengkingan anjing yang dipukul oleh Bathin sebagai sahnya sebuah perkawinan. Dengan adanya Islamisasi di Riau, maka terjadi akulturasi Islam terhadap adat pengesahan perkawinan suku Sakai yang diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan symbol sosial agama Islam yang wujud pada rukun nikah dan sarat nikah dengan pengulu nikah sebagai actor utamanya.Kata Kunci:  akulturasi Islam, symbol sosial, pengesahan perkawinan, Suku Sakai
Problematika Pelaksanaan Program Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Wustha Al-Furqan Kandis Nurhayati Zein; Murny Murny; Afrida Afrida; Mirawati Mirawati; Marwan Marwan
Instructional Development Journal Vol 6, No 1 (2023): IDJ
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/idj.v6i1.23301


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan program Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Wustha (MDTW) dan problem yang terjadi dalam proses pelaksanaannya. Data diambil di MDTW Al-Furqan yang diintegrasikan dengan SMP Negeri 5 Kandis Kabupaten Siak. Pelaksanaan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif sedangkan data dihimpun melalui obervasi dan wawancara dengan guru yang mengajar di MDTW lokasi penelitian. Program MDTW yang diarahkan oleh pihak Pemerintah Kabupaten Siak telah dilaksanakan oleh kepala sekolah dan guru. Namun ditemukan problem yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam menjalankan program MDTW yaitu lokasi merupakan daerah terpencil, tidak adanya panduan administrasi yang baku, pasilitas sekolah yang tidak mendukung, bervariasinya latar belakang siswa dan guru, serta tidak ada pendampingan dan pelatihan kepada guru dari pihak pemerintah dan institusi terkait. Menindaklanjuti problem yang dihadapi, guru hanya melaksanakan sesuai dengan kemampuan yang dimiliki sehingga program tidak terlaksana dengan maksimal.
Akulturasi Islam dalam Adat Pengesahan Perkawinan Suku Sakai Solapan Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau Ellya Roza; Yasnel Yasnel; Mirawati Mirawati
TSAQAFAH Vol. 15 No. 1 (2019): Da'wah and Islamic Communication
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v15i1.2785


AbstractThis paper aims to reveal the acculturation of Islam with the customary endorsement of the marriage of the Sakai tribe community in the Bathin Solapan region in Bengkalis Regency, Riau. As a native tribe, Sakai has a strong belief in his culture, especially marriage by using various social symbols with Bathin as the main character who becomes the legitimate determinant of a marriage. Likewise the shrill of a dog in Bathin's house is a benchmark for the validity of a marriage. Because this study is a study of social and cultural heritage that integrates with Islam, the methodology used in accordance with the concept of social science research is a qualitative descriptive method that focuses on content analysis with several stages of work through the concept of Research and Development (R & D) . At the end of the study it was found that the social symbol in the custom of the marriage of the Sakai tribe in the Bathin Solapan region was (1) Bathin who started with a picture of a puppet at the pole of his house using betel lime. After that the bride's second hand is put together with the position of the man's hand on the woman's hand. Then a family testimony was held for both parties: (2) The dog's curse which was beaten by Bathin as the validity of a marriage. With the Islamization in Riau, there was an acculturation of Islam towards the customary ratification of the Sakai tribe marriage which was implemented using Islamic social symbols which were manifested in the pillars of marriage and full of marriage with the nikah as the main actor.Keywords: Acculturation of Islam, Social Symbols, Ratification of Marriage, Sakai Tribe, BatinAbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap akulturasi Islam dengan adat pengesahan perkawinan  masyarakat suku Sakai dalam wilayah Bathin Solapan di Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau. Sebagai suku asli, Sakai memiliki keyakinanan yang kokoh terhadap kebudayaannya terutama perkawinan dengan menggunakan berbagai symbol social dengan Bathin sebagai tokoh utamanya yang menjadi penentu sah atau tidaknya sebuah perkawinan. Demikian juga lengkingan seekor anjing yang ada di rumah Bathin menjadi tolok ukur terhadap sahnya sebuah perkawinan. Dikarenakan penelitian ini merupakan kajian terhadap peninggalan social dan budaya yang berintegrasi dengan Islam, maka metodologi yang digunakan sesuai dengan konsep penelitian ilmu-ilmu social yakni metode deskriptif kualitatif yang menfokuskan kepada content analysis dengan beberapa tahapan kerja melalui konsep Research and Development (R & D). Pada akhir kajian ditemukan bahwa symbol social dalam adat pengesahan perkawinan suku Sakai  di wilayah Bathin Solapan  adalah (1) Bathin yang memulai dengan gambar orang-orangan di tiang rumahnya dengan menggunakan kapur sirih. Setelah itu tangan kedua calon pengantin disatukan dengan posisi tangan laki-laki di atas tangan perempuan. Kemudian diadakan kesaksian keluarga bagi kedua belah pihak: (2) Lengkingan anjing yang dipukul oleh Bathin sebagai sahnya sebuah perkawinan. Dengan adanya Islamisasi di Riau, maka terjadi akulturasi Islam terhadap adat pengesahan perkawinan suku Sakai yang diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan symbol sosial agama Islam yang wujud pada rukun nikah dan sarat nikah dengan pengulu nikah sebagai actor utamanya.Kata Kunci:  akulturasi Islam, symbol sosial, pengesahan perkawinan, Suku Sakai