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Ushuluddin (Online ISSN 2407-8247 | Print ISSN 1412-0909) adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ushuluddin Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Jurnal Ushuluddin terbit pertama kali pada Bulan Desember 1998 dengan nama Jurnal Ushuluddin Cendikia. Pada tahun 2000 namanya berganti menjadi Jurnal Ushuluddin. Jurnal Ushuluddin memuat kajian-kajian dasar keislaman (islamic studies), baik dalam bentuk kajian kepustakaan maupun riset lapangan. Fokus utama Jurnal Ushuluddin meliputi aqidah, pemikiran Islam, filsafat agama, tasawuf, tafsir dan studi al-Qur'an, kajian Hadits, dan perbandingan agama. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dalam upaya mengkomunikasikan berbagai kajian yang terkait dengan Islam, baik klasik maupun kontemporer yang ditinjau dari berbagai perspektif. Dengan demikian, baik para sarjana Indonesia maupun sarjana asing yang fokus dengan kajian tersebut dapat memperkaya artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal ini. Artikel yang masuk akan dinilai oleh peer-review, dan jika dipandang layak baru akan diterbitkan. Jurnal Ushuluddin diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun, dan selalu menempatkan kajian Islam dan kajian tentang umat Islam sebagai fokus utama.
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Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 24, No 1 (2016): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Ushuluddin

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As one of the barns in the Islamic scholars throughout Indonesian archipelago, many Minangkabau scientists in the field of hadith had born figures spelled out with no exception. Trend of works by scholars of Minang in the field of hadith had also shown its own special evidences. Not only the work of translation and Sharh were generated, but also the original works in the field of hadith even drafted in Arabic. The main purpose of this article is to introduce a number of works on hadith and the science of hadith generated by the egg heads of Minangkabau, typically in the 20th century. As for example, Professor Mahmud Yunus, Engku Mudo Zainuddin Hamidy, Ustaz Fachruddin Husain Datuk Majo Indo, Professor Zainal Abidin Ahmad, Buya Mawardi and Ustaz Muhammad Oemar Bakry Besar Datuk Tan. This study inspired cutting-edge scholars, even if they were graduates of local Surau and Madrasah, glorious hadith’s books of high-value compilation were published similar to the context of riwayah-dirayah hadith, fiqh al-hadith or mushthalah hadith. The works were worthy triggers the spirit and inspiration of Muslim intellectuals today for innovation and transformation. In addition, the recent Muslim intellectual were exposed to a lot of formal higher education and academic degree holders, to be more productive in the delivering of similar treasury with the supports of sophisticated modern technology. Above all, the triggers should have been for the sake of preserving the writings of hadith in this beloved country
Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 24, No 1 (2016): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Ushuluddin

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One of the miracles of al-Qur’an is i’jaz ilmi, it’s meant the information of al-Qur’an about science which is then able revealed and proven in accordance with the development of science. I’jaz ilmi does not present itself, but should be explored and researched, so that the evidence of i’jaz ilmi can be more and more and grow over time. Scientists gave the parable is like a spring that never runs dry. Every time always comes new discoveries and scientific provisions which already hinted at al-Qur’an for 14 centuries ago as evidence of i’jaz. I’jaz ilmi later became a effective propaganda media, especially among scientists. Many cases found confession of scientists when they were able to prove the truth of which is informed by al-Qur’an. In addition, evidence of ilmi i’jaz is able to ward off external oblique view of Islam that al-Qur’an is man work, because when they know that what is described by al- Qur’an has been proved by modern scientific discoveries, and eventually they acknowledges that al-Qur’an is really the word of God
READING SURAH YASIN AT NIGHT: Study of Takhrij al-Hadits Faza, Asrar Mabrur
Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 24, No 1 (2016): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Ushuluddin

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Based on Hadith which is still debatable, we are suggested to read certain Surah in al- Qur’an, such as reading of Surah Yasin at night, But, it is still needed to re-clarified to see the source or quality. The study of Takhrij hadith is a means to conduct those clarified. Search resources of Hadith code about reading Surah Yasin at night is done by using one of Takhrij methods. Searching the quality of hadith is done by analysis of rijal (criticism of sanad) and analysis of material (criticism of matan). Thus, it can be obtained that hadith of reading surah Yasin is more listed outside al-kutub al-tis’ah, as well as weak, both in the aspect of sanad and matan
Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 24, No 1 (2016): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Ushuluddin

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This paper discusses the Method of Tahfidz Al-Quran at the Boarding Schools in the Regency of Kampar. The method used in fostering students at the Boarding Schools of this Regency was the focus of this study. It was a qualitative approach which was conducted at the Boarding School of Daarun Nahdhah, Al-Badr, the Ansar al-Sunnah, Daar al-Salafi, Sabil al-Salam and al-Taufik. Interview, documentation and observation were the instrumentations used in this study. It was found that the boarding schools in the regency of Kampar used various methods in nurturing students to employ activities of tahfizd al-Qur’an, by means of reading carefully and repeatedly to memorize verse-by-verse without neglecting the Mushaf (annadzar), memorizing verse-by-verse over and over and finally the students could learn by heart (al-Wahdah), depositing or listening what the students had newly been memorized to a teacher (talaqqi), memorizing piecemeal of the Qur’anic verses and read the verses repeatedly (takrir) and listening the memorized verses to others, i.g. both to friends and other congregation (tasmi’)
Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 24, No 1 (2016): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Ushuluddin

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There are a lot of hadiths that influenced certain circumstances, especially those “degrading” degrees of women. If the hadiths are textually practiced, there would certainly be an impact on human-right violations. If broken, it will also affect the person’s faith in applying the traditions of Prophet SAW in his life. This issue certainly needs the best solution in understanding these hadiths. It is unneglectable to avoid that women harassment are still happening today. Everyone witnesses that so many women lost their rights, both as a human being, such as subordinated to its shortcomings, but also as citizens, such as loss of right to be a leader. The women with this particular plight are the result of men’s behavior who stand on religious arguments (especially hadith) that put women as “humbled” and even simply as the creature that confined to live in walls of house, which is just back and forth between the kitchen, wells and mattresses. Reinterpretation of Islamic concepts on the position of women should be provided in order to give opportunity to the present women as highly dynamic, courteous, and beneficial for religion and society. We all believe that Prophet Muhammad SAW was the great personal who respected and uphold the honor of women. This is the gap between the will of the Prophet SAW with the understanding of Muslim believers about the hadiths of the Prophet SAW
Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 24, No 1 (2016): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Ushuluddin

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The concept of conventional found the form of M theory that almost able to unite the dimensions of time and space, but it still leaves unclear structure and systematics of the concept itself. Islam in the Qur’an Surah al-Hijr [15]: 87 was able to interpret the dimensions of time and space by tiered meaning of significance 7 and Qur’an. H’ Theory as a formula could be more better and more precisely, because it can synchronize with the symbols of root word of Islam. The Hahslm equation H=Ah (SLM) can be obtained by a single theory that is also based on values of Islam and derived from al-Qur’an the word of Allah. This God equation would be the answer for the conventional scientific development that based on empirical values together with science of Islam that based on the value of worship or intangible value. In the end, the human civilization is able to break through the impasse of united science that stagnates in order of different dimensions. And Islam will be recognized as a single formula in human thought
Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 24, No 1 (2016): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Ushuluddin

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Cerai talak (formula for divorce) and Cerai gugat (sue for divorce) are two terms of termination of marriage bond in Indonesia. The formula of divorce is a term that coincides with a divorce coming from the will of a husband and sue for divorce is the desire of a wife to separate from her husband. Islamic Law legalizes the right of wives in cases of divorce redeem (khulu‘) and fasakh because of syiqaq. On the other side, there are signs setting the rights up, so that the given reasons to use the rights must be legal in syar‘i. The reasons for the legality of divorce is a common-cause factor, so that the banning with threatening hadiths as well as those of the hadiths that say wives must obey their husbands, the wives should not hurt their husband and the wives are prisoners of husbands are all categorized into general. At another angle, there also the hadiths concerning with the status a couple husband and wife is heaven and hell for them in a household. Contextualization of hadiths that ban a wife asking for divorce without any legal cause from Syar‘i, and also those of the hadiths legalize khulu‘ are the realization of the conjugal lives with regards to the mandate of Allah and religious values. The facts of a wife sue for divorce to her husband are the conditions related to a confusion occurred in a household which are influenced by a variety of factors, i.g. economy, adultery, polygamy, social strata and others. A sue for divorce which is Syar’i based condition is a disagreement prolonged strife after peace held between the two sides and act endangers a wife
Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 24, No 1 (2016): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Ushuluddin

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After the era of tadwin, almost all disciplines of knowledge in the Islamic world, including the study of hadith, was considered “running on the spot.” Yet, attention and maintenance of the hadith was still favored by intellectuals. Similarly, in the modern era, the hadith remains the object of criticism by not only Muslim intellectuals but also outsiders, such as the West. Western imperialism against the Islamic world in the past was now the beginning of the history of how Muslims are only able to “survive” rather than “attack.” The emergence of defensive and reactive works against trends of the West in criticizing and blasphemed the hadith, then, such works became trends and supporting methodologies among Muslim observers of the hadith in today’s modern era

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