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Ushuluddin (Online ISSN 2407-8247 | Print ISSN 1412-0909) adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ushuluddin Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Jurnal Ushuluddin terbit pertama kali pada Bulan Desember 1998 dengan nama Jurnal Ushuluddin Cendikia. Pada tahun 2000 namanya berganti menjadi Jurnal Ushuluddin. Jurnal Ushuluddin memuat kajian-kajian dasar keislaman (islamic studies), baik dalam bentuk kajian kepustakaan maupun riset lapangan. Fokus utama Jurnal Ushuluddin meliputi aqidah, pemikiran Islam, filsafat agama, tasawuf, tafsir dan studi al-Qur'an, kajian Hadits, dan perbandingan agama. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dalam upaya mengkomunikasikan berbagai kajian yang terkait dengan Islam, baik klasik maupun kontemporer yang ditinjau dari berbagai perspektif. Dengan demikian, baik para sarjana Indonesia maupun sarjana asing yang fokus dengan kajian tersebut dapat memperkaya artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal ini. Artikel yang masuk akan dinilai oleh peer-review, dan jika dipandang layak baru akan diterbitkan. Jurnal Ushuluddin diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun, dan selalu menempatkan kajian Islam dan kajian tentang umat Islam sebagai fokus utama.
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Articles 253 Documents
Geneology of Muhammadiyah Education Movement in Indonesia: Study of Living Hadith Rohmansyah Rohmansyah
Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 31, No 1 (2023): January - June
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jush.v31i1.21930


Muhammadiyah education was founded in 1908, before the founding of Muhammadiyah. This education is a response to social conditions in the past such as ignorance, poverty, and underdevelopment. The response to these three things is based on religious doctrine, namely the Qur’an and hadith. This study aims to explain the hadiths that inspired Muhammadiyah to carry out educational movements as a response to social phenomena that occurred in the past and what influenced Muhammadiyah to carry out educational movements based on hadiths. The research method is a qualitative one based on observation, interviews, and library research. The findings of this study are: Muhammadiyah, through KH. Ahmad Dahlan, carried out an educational movement as a response to social problems that occurred during the Dutch colonial period. This educational movement is based on the hadiths of the Prophet, who ordered this organization to carry out reforms and renewals. Renewal in the field of education is carried out by changing the old educational model into a new one. The hadiths of the educational movement were written by two students of KH. Ahmad Dahlan, namely Sudja and KRH. Hadjid. This educational movement was influenced by four factors, namely social factors, economic factors, political factors, and cultural factors that developed in Java
Traditionalist and Revisionist Madzhabs’ Perspectives Against the Sunni Hadith Criticism Method and Refutation Abdul Mufid
Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 31, No 1 (2023): January - June
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jush.v31i1.21470


This research aims to reveal the traditionalist and revisionist madzhabs’ perspectives on the criticism of Sunni hadith. As is well known, traditionalists and revisionists still doubt the authenticity and authority of hadith. According to them, one of the reasons for the unauthenticity of hadith is the inefficiency of the evaluation system and the concept of hadith criticism. Employing a historical approach, this research first analyzed the main reasons for this inefficiency, including the presence of inauthentic hadiths in collections of hadith books, the prevalence of falsification and fiction in hadiths, ignorance of internal criticism by hadith narrators, gaps in the principles the notion of Rijāl science, and the falsifications and distortions in the transmission chain. Moreover, it also discussed the responses of hadith defenders, including the possibility of justifying hadiths that have been considered inauthentic, ignorance of the different linguistic levels of hadiths, the constant efforts of hadith narrators to purify the legacy of hadiths and identify falsifications from the time of their publication, the efforts and attention of experts’ hadiths on textual examination and rigorous investigation of Rijāl. The research results revealed that although the revisionist madzhab doubted the authenticity of the hadiths compiled by Sunni circles, they admitted that they had compiled were not without selection but had gone through external and internal criticism. Meanwhile, the traditionalist madzhab viewed that hadiths narrated by trusted narrators and considered valid by hadith experts should not be questioned or sorted out based on modern critical methods. This madzhab considered that the method of critique of hadith used by some modern scholars tended to doubt the authority and reliability of hadith and thus threatened the integrity and oneness of religious teachings. Meanwhile, the refutation of Sunni hadith experts against the perspectives of traditionalist madzhab included: (1) historical and social context must be considered in assessing the validity and relevance of a hadith. It was what the traditionalist madzhab ignored; (2) it was necessary to assess the hadith narrators critically; (3) the method of hadith criticism developed over time allowed further disclosure of the authenticity of hadith; (4) Traditionalist madzhabs were frequently inconsistent in their assessment of hadith; and (5) Traditionalist madzhab might be influenced by particular cultural contexts, which could influence the interpretation of hadith and lead to bias
The Dynamics of Hadith Studies in Southeast Asia: Study of Tanqîḥul Qawl by Imam Nawawi and Jawhar al-Mawḥȗb by Syekh Wan Ali Vina Manzila Rofiah; Ubaidillah Ubaidillah
Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 31, No 1 (2023): January - June
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jush.v31i1.21966


The study of Sharh Hadith develops along with the increasingly complex problems of society, especially related to the distortion of the hadith meaning. This research method uses a comparative method by analyzing literature data in the form of hadith sharh works of the two figures with supporting data sourced from primary and secondary books in the form of journals and manuscripts. Through Fazlur Rahman's book study and Hermeneutics-History approach, this study aims to explain how the model of hadith sharh and its contribution to the dynamics of hadith studies on the one hand and the writing of hadith sharh books in Southeast Asia. The results of the study: Kitab Tanqîḥul Qawl is superior in linguistics, narration, and quality of hadith, while Kitab Jawhar al-Mawḥȗb superior in substance aspects with richer courses. Then, the characteristics of the book of Tanqîḥul Qawl are patterned fiqh Imam Shafi'i because it is related to heterogeneous community traditions, so fiqh is not only interpreted as a religious command but also builds the brotherhood relations of the local community, while the book of Jawhar al-Mawḥub is in the style of Sufism of Imam Ghazali because the focus of Syekh Wan Ali's goal is the salvation of the world and the hereafter, it is explained in detail involving other scientific studies. Finally, the Book of Tanqîḥul Qawl and Jawhar al-Mawḥȗb contributed to providing reforms in the study of sharh related to social problems such as moral reconstruction, influencing the legal basis of marriage in Indonesia, and fostering moderate understanding to prevent religious fanaticism