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Hadith Hermeneutic of Ali Mustafa Yaqub Rohmansyah, Rohmansyah
KALAM Vol 11, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (799.57 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v11i1.1053


Hermeneutic hadith is disputed by academics; some refuse, others develop the theory (as long as it does not conflict with the source of Islamic teachings when the theory is used in the text of the hadith). The hermeneutics of hadith are from the West used in the Bible. The research method used is the library research with hermeneutical interpretation approach and produce several things, such as: First, in terminology, hadith according to Ali Mustafa Yaqub is a source of Islamic teachings both derived from the words, deeds and the characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad. The characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad are part of the sunnah. Secondly, in understanding the text of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad is not only taken from the literary meaning, but must look for other meanings so that the text of hadith can be fully understood. Comprehensive understanding of hadith can be done by looking at the background of the emergence of Hadith (asbâb al-Wurûd), local and temporal (zamāni wa makâni), sentence causality (illat al-kalam) and socio-cultural (taqâlid). Hermeneutic Gadamer states that the application of the hadith understanding can be understood as part of the hermeneutical process of hadith, although Ali Mustafa Yaqub does not explicitly explain the hermeneutic theory used in the understanding of a hadith text.
Pendidikan Akhlak Bermasyarakat Dalam Perspektif Hadis Nabi Rohmansyah, Rohmansyah
EDUKASI: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muhammadiyah Tulungagung

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This research aims to describe and provide concrete explanations about how the Prophet Muhammad provide moral education in hanging out and wrestle in public life. The community consists of a human community composed of, among others, children, father, mother, grandmother and others who have a wide range of different characteristics. Based on the research method of library reseach and descriptive data collection methods-intepretatif, generate a conclusion about the words of the Prophet which is very simple yet important and relevant to be applied in the life of society. As the Prophet of the settlement solution is to teach moral education among other noble; First, drop by and receive the guests. Second, establish good relations with the neighbours namely mutual say greetings and respond when encountering each other, looked out the person being sick, complementary invitation if not hitch, delivering bodies came to the liang lahat and answer the person who sneezes. In addition, the education of morals who delivered Prophet is the third, building a social piety to his fellow man. Fourth, establish ukhuwah islamiyah with fellow human beings. The fourth point when developed in the life of a nation and a country then it will create a social life that is dignified and appropriate grain berkeadaban pancasila first until the fifth sila. Therefore, values morals education of society who delivered Prophet Muhammad in his sayings provide an inspiration and motivation to keep doing tajdīd (renewal) of good character at the center of public life. Moral education of community implies to all existence of Islam in all his teaching either can the Quran nor Hadith the Prophet, either about the creed, worship and muamalah as political, economic and others.  In addition, forming a disciplined man, leading to emotional intelligence and spiritual, wise, brave, keep yourself and be fair.
The Contextualization of Philanthropic Hadiths at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Yogyakarta rohmansyah, rohmansyah
RELIGIA Vol 22 No 2: Oktober 2019
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1057.406 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v23i2.1887


Philanthropic hadiths are very interesting for contextual understanding in order to respond to social problems that occur in the community such as poverty and health problems which unwittingly increase day to day. This paper aimed to present philanthropic traditions about PKU Muhammadiyah hospital. The method used by researcher was analytical descriptive by using the method of socio-historical approach and Max Weber's social theory framework. The findings in this study were: First, philanthropic traditions of the hospital was delivered by the Prophet from the Companions of the Prophet around one hadith assisted by other hadiths. Second, contextualization of hadith understanding resulted in the formulation of its name; previously named Polyclinic. ​​Muhammad Sudja considered that Muhammadiyah has not had a hospital which handled  needy people. Third, the roles of the PKU Muhammadiyah hospital are very large in the terms of public health services such as medical treatment, social services and in handling disasters. Fourth, the philanthropic movement conducted by the hospital are based on religious doctrines originating from Quran and al-Sunnah al-Maqbūlah so that it can realize the noble ideals of the Indonesians, namely the true Islamic community; the main, justice, safe and prosperous society, and hence blessed by Allah SWT.
Elasticity of Understanding of M. Syuhudi Ismail on Hadith About the Threats for Painter Rohmansyah, Rohmansyah
ADDIN Vol 13, No 2 (2019): ADDIN
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v13i2.6263


Painting or drawing is a penchant for some humans, especially pictures or paintings that are seen as beautiful as images of humans, animals, plants, and others. However, on the other hand it becomes a problem if the painting is worshiped or cultured. This paper seeks to present the elasticity of the understanding of the hadith of M. Syuhudi Islam concerning threats to painters by using library research and descriptive-analysis approaches from the sociological aspects of knowledge and historical-sociological. The findings show the elasticity of M. Syuhudi Ismail in understanding the hadith of painting. Hadith of painting had been understood temporally and locally which occurred when the hadith was delivered by Rasulullah when the new societies came out of idolatry worshiping idols or statues including animate images so that hadiths appeared on the prohibition of painting or drawing because they feared they would do the same again. According to Syuhudi Ismail, the prohibition was seen from ‘illah al-hukm (legal cause), namely worshiping and culturing paintings or drawings so that in today's context it is permissible for painters to aim not to be worshiped or cultured but to be used as a field of economic endeavors to fulfill everyday life.
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Dirasat Islamiyah Imam Syafi'i Jember

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Based on the results of the study, there are about 146 hadith; between 54 jihâd concept and 92 suport jihâd hadith that have been collected from Kutub at-Tisâ??ah that result in the concept of jihâd, which is the definition of the jihâd, the kinds of the jihâd, the procedure of the jihâd, and the philosophy of the jihâd. The jihâd means mobilizing all of the capabilities in terms of spirits and materials and avoiding blamable conducts in order to be close to Allah SWT. Additionally, the jihâd also means learning religious knowledge and teaching others the knowledge. The kinds of the jihâd include the jihâd against polytheists (musyrik), the jihâd against desires, and the jihâd against tyrant. The procedure of the jihâd includes good intention (niat), parental permission, organized collectively, and under the command of a leader. The philosophy of the jihâd is to spread Islamic knowledge, to deny hostility and evil, to protect and to defend self and possessions, to express truth and justice, to socialize good and noble conduct and to materialize Islamic values in social, national and state lives.
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Dirasat Islamiyah Imam Syafi'i Jember

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Indonesia is a country that is loaded with compounds with the pattern of thought to give birth to a variety of religious organizations and the emergence of new flow that starts from the belief that sometimes cause conflict. This paper aims to explore and analyse the principle of mass organization and the new flow in the Qur'an. This paper uses a contextual approach with descriptive analysis method in understanding the Quran about the mass organization and flow. Research results showed the six principles of the Organization, namely staple Istiqamah, al-Mas'uliyah wa al-Amanah, al-Ghardh al-Wadhih, al-Tawassuth, al-Imam, and al-Khudhu ' wa al-Tha'ah. The flow of so-called "firqah" tends to be interpreted as a negative flow (flow left) again went astray due to a pattern of understanding based on the confidence and trust of its own apart from the Qur'an and al-Sunnah. Keywords: mass organization, the flow of new subject matter, the principle of the organization. Abstrak: Indonesia adalah negara majemuk yang sarat dengan corak pemikiran hingga melahirkan berbagai organisasi keagamaan dan bermunculannya aliran baru yang berawal dari kepercayaan yang kadang menimbulkan konflik. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggali dan menganalisis prinsip organisasi massa dan aliran baru dalam al-Qur'an. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual dengan metode deskriptif-analisis dalam memahami al-Quran tentang organisasi massa dan aliran baru. Hasil penelitian menunjukan enam prinsip pokok organisasi, yaitu Istiqamah, al-Mas'uliyah wa al-Amanah, al-Ghardh al-Wadhih, al-Tawassuth, al-Imam, dan al-Khudhu' wa al-Tha'ah. Aliran disebut firqah' yang cenderung diartikan sebagai aliran negatif (aliran kiri) lagi sesat disebabkan pola pemahamannya yang didasarkan pada keyakinan dan kepercayaan sendiri selain al-Qur'an dan al-Sunnah.
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Dirasat Islamiyah Imam Syafi'i Jember

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Study of the book of hadith is a very important thing for lovers of hadith adding a vast knowledge about the systematics and the chain of the various books of hadith isnaad good book of Shia-Sunni version or later versions. This paper examines the study book of the Was??il asy-Syi?ah fi Ta?sil asy-Syar??ah the works of Muhammad Ibn Hasan al-Hur al-Amili. The method used is descriptive-analytical and historical approach, sociological and anthropological. The book discusses the problems of jurisprudence, Fiqh of worship mu'amalah and morals. Everything is discussed based on the sequence of the chapters and specific theme with their version of the Hadith-hadith (Shi'a). Hadith-hadith that are listed are not much different from the Sunni version, but the isnaad and different accounts, due to their particular scholars resting Ali as a caliph after the Prophet. The quality is good based on results hadisnya research some hadith, but does not cover the possibility of the existence of the Hadith-hadith da'?f. Hadis-hadisnya composed equipped isnaad-isnaad that is only found in Pole al-Arba'ah (four book) they are, namely, al-K?fi al-L? Yahdur, Man Kulaini al-Tahd?b, al-Faq?h Ahk?m and Al-Istibsh?r. It also drafted several texts contained in juz or some chapters in the order specified by the author of the book. Keywords: book, hadith, Shi'a, approach   Abstrak Kajian kitab hadis merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi para peminat hadis, menambah pengetahuan yang luas tentang sistematika dan mata rantai sanad hadis dari berbagai kitab baik kitab versi Sunni maupun versi Syi?ah. Tulisan ini mengkaji studi kitab Was??il asy-Syi?ah fi Ta?sil asy-Syar??ah karya Muhammad bin Hasan al-Hur al-Amili. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-analitis dan pendekatan historis, sosiologis dan antropologis. Kitab tersebut membahas masalah fikih ibadah, fikih mu?amalah dan akhlak. Semuanya dibahas berdasarkan urutan bab dan tema tertentu dengan hadis-hadis versi mereka (Syi?ah). Hadis-hadis yang dicantumkan tidak jauh berbeda dengan versi Sunni, namun sanad dan periwayatan yang berbeda, karena disandarkan kepada ulama mereka khususnya Ali sebagai seorang khalifah sepeninggal Rasulullah SAW. Kualitas hadisnya adalah baik berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebagian hadis, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya hadis-hadis da??f. Hadis-hadisnya tersusun yang dilengkapi sanad-sanad yang hanya terdapat dalam Kutub al-Arba?ah (empat kitab) mereka, yakni al-K?fi al-Kulaini, Man L? Yahdur al-Faq?h, Tahd?b al-Ahk?m dan Al-Istibsh?r. Selain itu juga disusun berdasarkan beberapa kitab yang terdapat dalam juz atau beberapa bab sesuai urutan yang ditetapkan oleh pengarang kitab tersebut.
Elasticity of Understanding of M. Syuhudi Ismail on Hadith About the Threats for Painter Rohmansyah, Rohmansyah
ADDIN Vol 13, No 2 (2019): ADDIN
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v13i2.6263


Painting or drawing is a penchant for some humans, especially pictures or paintings that are seen as beautiful as images of humans, animals, plants, and others. However, on the other hand it becomes a problem if the painting is worshiped or cultured. This paper seeks to present the elasticity of the understanding of the hadith of M. Syuhudi Islam concerning threats to painters by using library research and descriptive-analysis approaches from the sociological aspects of knowledge and historical-sociological. The findings show the elasticity of M. Syuhudi Ismail in understanding the hadith of painting. Hadith of painting had been understood temporally and locally which occurred when the hadith was delivered by Rasulullah when the new societies came out of idolatry worshiping idols or statues including animate images so that hadiths appeared on the prohibition of painting or drawing because they feared they would do the same again. According to Syuhudi Ismail, the prohibition was seen from ‘illah al-hukm (legal cause), namely worshiping and culturing paintings or drawings so that in today's context it is permissible for painters to aim not to be worshiped or cultured but to be used as a field of economic endeavors to fulfill everyday life.
Studi Komparatif Kitāb Rijāl Sunni dan Syīah (Studi atas Kitāb Tadzkirah al-Huffāzh Karya al-Dzahabi dan Kitāb al-Rijāl Karya Dāwud al-Hulli) Rohmansyah Rohmansyah
AL QUDS : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Hadis Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (296.071 KB) | DOI: 10.29240/alquds.v1i2.237


Study the book of Hadith is a great importance to study, especially the study of rijāl al-hadīth, such as Tadzkirah al-Huffazh of al-Dzahabi, Sunni versions, and Kitāb al-Rijāl of al-Hulli, Syi'i version. This research was conducted with descriptive analytical approach and historical approach. This study found that both books discuss the rijāl al-hadīth (the narrators of hadith) from the aspect of quality that is structured in the systematic style of the book of Mu'jam. The difference is that the Sunni rijāl al-Hadīts are the companions of the Prophet, the tabi'in and so on, while the Shi'ite rijāl al-hadīth is the Ahl al-Bait which is attributed to the figure of Ali bin Abi Talib. Historically, the two books are composed from the historical background behind it. The Book of Tadzkirah al-Huffazh is structured as an attempt to legitimize narrators and memorizers of Hadith from amongst shahabah, tabi'in, and so on. Meanwhile, the Kitāb al-Rijāl version of the Shi'ah also wanted to prove the greatness of their companions from the ahl al-Bait people attributed to Ali ibn Abi Talib.
Hadith Hermeneutics of Ṣalāḥuddīn bin Aḥmad al-Idlibī about Ᾱisyah’s Criticism for Abu Hurairah’s Narration Rohmansyah
IJISH (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/ijish.v4i2.2273


Hermeneutics is an interpretive methodology used to understand a text, both the Qur'an and hadith. To some extent, it can also be functioned to analyze a person's understanding pattern. In this article, it is applied to evaluate the thoughts of a contemporary hadith scholar, namely Ṣalāḥuddīn bin Aḥmad al-Idlibī. He criticized Abu Hurairah by quoting a hadith from 'A'ishah about a corpse tortured because of her or his family's crying, and a hadith about matters that could invalidate prayers in the form of women, donkey and dogs. This research is library research with a descriptive-analytical and critical analysis approach. The theory used is Hans George Gadamer's Hermeneutic theory. This article concludes: first, the al-Idlibī’s hadith hermeneutics is influenced by the hadith development both in the past and present. Second, al-Idlibī's academic background was shaped by later orientalists who criticized Abu Hurairah's hadiths. Third, the criticism of al-Idlibī has a positive influence on the development of hadith scholarship, which has not been discussed too much by classical hadith scholars because they place more emphasis on the study of hadith sanad criticism.