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Jurnal Cita Hukum
ISSN : 23561440     EISSN : 2502230X     DOI : 10.15408
Jurnal Cita Hukum is an international journal published by the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia. The focus is to provide readers with a better understanding of legal studies and present developments through the publication of articles, research reports, and book reviews. Jurnal Cita Hukum specializes in legal studies, and is intended to communicate original researches and current issues on the subject. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines. It aims primarily to facilitate scholarly and professional discussions over current developments on legal issues in Indonesia as well as to publish innovative legal researches concerning Indonesian laws and legal system. Published exclusively in English, the Review seeks to expand the boundaries of Indonesian legal discourses to access English-speaking contributors and readers all over the world. The Review, hence, welcomes contributions from international legal scholars and professionals as well as from representatives of courts, executive authorities, and agencies of development cooperation. The review basically contains any topics concerning Indonesian laws and legal system. Novelty and recency of issues, however, is a priority in publishing. The range of contents covered by the Review spans from established legal scholarships and fields of law such as private laws and public laws which include constitutional and administrative law as well as criminal law, international laws concerning Indonesia, to various approaches to legal studies such as comparative law, law and economics, sociology of law and legal anthropology, and many others. Specialized legal studies concerning various aspects of life such as commercial and business laws, technology law, natural resources law and the like are also welcomed.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 9 Documents
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Existence of Clemency as President Prerogative Right (Comparison Study of Indonesia with Countries of the World) Fathudin .; Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.6574


The debate about the existence of clemency as a prerogative of the president stems from the understanding that the rights is coming independently from the authority and without any branches of power. In this context, the comparative study of the constitutional norms in some countries in the world related to the norm of clemency is important to read the tendency of other countries about clemency rules. This study shows that the constitutional norm of countries in the world basically has the same tendency in the application of clemency by the president; there is involvement of other branches of power. Some constitutions of the world call the recommendation, hearing, information, consultation, advice, in accord, concurrence (approval) and others. The involvement of other branches of power in the grant of pardon does not mean reducing the authority of the president (prerogative), but it has become a tendency in almost all modern states to embrace the system of government power within the framework of public accountability. The term prerogative of the president (absolute) in practice is no longer absolute and independent. Perdebatan sepuar eksistensi grasi sebagai hak prerogatif presiden berpangkal pada pemahaman yang menyebut bahwa suatu hak disebut sebagai hak prerogatif presiden jika kewenangan yang lahir dari hak tersebut bersifat khusus dan  mandiri tanpa adanya keterlibatan cabang kekuasaan lain. Dalam konteks ini, kajian perbandingan terutama terhadap norma konstitusi di beberapa negara di dunia terkait dengan norma tentang grasi menjadi penting untuk memotret kecenderungan yang dimiliki negara-negara lain dalam hal pengaturan tentang grasi. Kajian ini menunjukan bahwa norma konstitusi negara-negara di dunia pada dasarnya memiliki kecenderungan yang sama dalam penerapan pemberian grasi oleh presiden, yakni ada keterlibatan cabang kekuasaan lain. Beberapa konstitusi negara-negara di dunia menyebut keterlibatan tersebut dengan menggunakan ragam istilah seperti recomandation, hearing, inform, consultation, advice, in accordance, conccurance (persetujuan) dan lain-lain. Adanya keterlibatan cabang kekuasaan lain dalam mekanisme pemberian grasi bukan berarti mereduksi kewenangan presiden (hak prerogatif), tetapi memang menjadi kecenderungan hampir di semua negara-negara modern untuk menganut sistem pemerintahan yang berusaha menempatkan segala model kekuasaannya dalam kerangka pertanggungjawaban publik, sehingga istilah hak prerogatif presiden (sacara mutlak) dalam prakteknya tidak lagi bersifat mutlak dan mandiri. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.6574
Shift of Criminal Acts of Copyrights to the Direction of Civil Dispute (Review of Article 95 Paragraph (4) of Law Number 28 Year 2014 on Copyright) Sufiarina Sufiarina
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.6581


This article conducted a study about the obligation of mediation as a precondition for copyright infringement based on article 95 paragraphs (4) of the Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. Mediation provisions in the Laws Number 30 of 1999 on Arbitration is a way of settlement of civil disputes outside the court to reach a settlement by consensus with the help of a mediator. While mediation is based on the supreme court  rule number 1 of 2008 is intended as an obligation for judges at first instance in the district courts and religious courts in the settlement dispute resolution is the authority of commercial courts as special courts general judicial. But the commercial court does not apply the obligations mediation. A study conducted by the approach of the laws and regulations. By considering the crime of copyright as higly relevant to a complaint mediation prior obligations imposed as a condition of doing criminal charges. Article 95 paragraph 4 of the law number  28 of 2014 on copyright, which requires the completion of  mediation prior to file criminal charges has brought about a shift in the field of copyright criminal offenses into civil disputes. Thus the obligation of mediation in the settlement of copyright disputes is not only necessary for a criminal offense, but also expanded as a condition for completion in litigation in the commercial courts. Artikel ini melakukan kajian terhadap kewajiban mediasi sebagai syarat untuk melakukan tuntutan pidana atas pelanggaran hak cipta berdasarkan Pasal 95 ayat (4) UU No. 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. Ketentuan mediasi dalam Undang-Undang No. 30 Tahun 1999 tentang Arbitrase merupakan cara penyelesaian sengketa perdata di luar pengadilan untuk mencapai penyelesaian secara musyawarah mufakat dengan bantuan mediator. Sedangkan mediasi berdasarkan Perma No.1 tahun 2008, ditujukan sebagai kewajiban bagi hakim pada pengadilan tingkat pertama di Pengadilan Negeri maupun Pengadilan Agama dalam rangka penyelesaian sengketa keperdataan. Penyelesaian sengketa hak cipta merupakan kewenangan Pengadilan Niaga, sebagai pengadilan khusus di lingkungan peradilan umum. Namun di Pengadilan Niaga tidaklah berlaku kewajiban mediasi. Kajian dilakukan dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statuta aproacht). Dengan mengingat tindak pidana hak cipta sebagai delik aduan sangatlah relevan dibebankan kewajiban mediasi terlebih dahulu sebagai syarat melakukan tuntutan pidana. Pasal 95 ayat (4) UU No. 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta yang mensyaratkan penyelesaian mediasi terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan tuntutan pidana, telah membawa konsekuensi pergeseran tindak pidana bidang hak cipta menjadi sengketa keperdataan. Dengan demikian kewajiban mediasi dalam penyelesaian sengketa hak cipta (HKI) tidak hanya diperlakukan bagi tindak pidana saja namun juga diperluas sebagai syarat untuk penyelesaian secara litigasi di Pengadilan Niaga. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.6581
National Legal Reforms about Unofficial Marriage Dwiyana Achmad Hartanto
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.4691


The legal consequences of Constitutional Court Decision Number 46/PUU-VIII/2010 perspective of national law reform are a progressive development of the law. The ruling granted part of the petition for judicial review of Article 2 (2) and Article 43 (1) of Law Number 1 in 1974 concerning Procurement of Articles 28B (1) and (2), and Article 28 D (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The review of Article 2 (2) of the Marriage Law is not granted because the Constitutional Court is of the opinion that marriage registration is not a marriage restriction, but an orderly form of administration. Material review Article 43 (1) of the Marriage Law is granted by the Constitutional Court so that the child is a legal child. The Constitutional Court's decision on the unofficial marriage has positive and negative implications. One of the positive implications is the recognition of the child's relationship status with his biological father as long as it can prove the relationship and have a negative impact because it creates a sense of calm for the offender unofficial marriage (nikah sirri) and increase the quantity.  Akibat hukum putusan MK No.46/PUU-VIII/2010 perspektif pembaharuan hukum nasional merupakan pembangunan hukum progresif. Putusan tersebut mengabulkan sebagian permohonan pengujian materiil pasal 2 (2) dan pasal 43 (1) UUP terhadap pasal 28B (1) dan (2), serta  pasal 28D (1) UUD NRI tahun 1945. Pengujian materiil pasal 2 (2) UUP tidak dikabulkan karena Mahkamah Konstitusi berpendapat pencatatan perkawinan bukan pembatasan perkawinan, melainkan bentuk tertib administrasi. Pengujian materiil pasal 43 (1) UUP dikabulkan MK, sehingga anak tersebut berstatus  anak sah. Fenomena nikah sirri menurut penulis, putusan MK mempunyai implikasi positif dan negatif. Berdampak positif adanya pengakuan status hubungan anak dengan ayah biologisnya sepanjang dapat membuktikan hubungan tersebut dan berdampak negatif karena menimbulkan rasa tenang bagi pelaku nikah sirri dan bertambah kuantitasnya. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.4691
Legal Protection Against Indonesian Umrah Jemaah Salman Maggalatung
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.6582


Implementation of Umra in Indonesia has increased significantly in recent years. It is caused by better condition of the economy in Indonesia so that raising the awareness of the Indonesian people to do the Sunnah that they believed. Therefore, it has become the obligation of the government to facilitate the implementation of Hajj and Umra to be good and not harm for Indonesian pilgrims. This is important because in some cases many problems occur and harm both morale and material to the Indonesian people. Therefore, clear and definite legal instrument are needed to protect the rights of pilgrims as consumers of Hajj and Umra. Pelaksanaan Ibadah umrah di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Hal ini didorong dengan semakin baiknya kondisi perekonomian di Indonesia sehingga meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia untuk menjalankan ibadah Sunnah yang diyakininya. Oleh karena itu sudah menjadi kewajiban pemerintah memfasilitasi penyelenggaraan ibadah haji dan umrah agar pelaksanaannya menjadi baik dan tidak merugikan kepada calon jamaah Indonesia. Hal ini penting dikarenakan pada beberapa kasus banyak masalah yang terjadi dan merugikan baik moril maupun materil kepada jamaah. Untuk itu diperlukan perangkat hukum yang jelas dan pasti agar melindungi hak-hak jamaah sebagai konsumen penyelenggaraan ibadah haji dan umroh. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.6582Implementation of Umra in Indonesia has increased significantly in recent years. It is caused by better condition of the economy in Indonesia so that raising the awareness of the Indonesian people to do the Sunnah that they believed. Therefore, it has become the obligation of the government to facilitate the implementation of Hajj and Umra to be good and not harm for Indonesian pilgrims. This is important because in some cases many problems occur and harm both morale and material to the Indonesian people. Therefore, clear and definite legal instrument are needed to protect the rights of pilgrims as consumers of Hajj and Umra. Implementation of Umra in Indonesia has increased significantly in recent years. It is caused by better condition of the economy in Indonesia so that raising the awareness of the Indonesian people to do the Sunnah that they believed. Therefore, it has become the obligation of the government to facilitate the implementation of Hajj and Umra to be good and not harm for Indonesian pilgrims. This is important because in some cases many problems occur and harm both morale and material to the Indonesian people. Therefore, clear and definite legal instrument are needed to protect the rights of pilgrims as consumers of Hajj and Umra.
The Paradigm of Cyberporn On Legal Culture and Religion Perspective Prima Angkupi
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.3509


Indonesia as the largest Muslim country should ideally have a society with good legal culture. Criminal offense or a violation related to cyberporn, does not need to happen. Cyberporn crime is not only a legal issue, but it is more complex. The weakness of the legislation, as well as the technological advances that are supported by the low legal awareness of society, it will difficult to tackle the cyberporn crime. The role of religion is needed as ethical teachings. Indonesia, which recognizes the principle of the Deity as its first principle, mean idealizing the condition of religious society. Awareness of the law will also be easily formed in communities that implement the teachings of their religion well, including public awareness for not accessing the cyberporn. : Indonesia sebagai Negara umat muslim terbesar idealnya memiliki masyarakat dengan budaya hukum yang baik. Tindak pidana atau bentuk pelanggaran yang berkaitan dengan cyberporn tidak perlu terjadi. Kejahatan cyberporn tidak hanya merupakan permasalahan hukum, tetapi lebih kompleks. Kelemahan peraturan perundang-undangan serta kemajuan teknologi yang didukung dengan kesadaran hukum masyarakat yang sangat rendah mengakibatkan akan sulit menanggulangi kejahatan cyberporn. Peran agama dibutuhkan sebagai sebuah ajaran etika. Indonesia yang mengakui sila Ketuhanan sebagai sila pertamanya, berarti mengidealkan kondisi masyarakat Indonesia yang religius. Kesadaran terhadap hukum pun juga akan mudah dibentuk dalam masyarakat yang mengamalkan ajaran agamanya dengan baik, termasuk kesadaran masyarakat untuk tidak mengakses cyberporn.    DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.3509
Diversity in the Child Criminal Justice System Sartika Intaning Pradhani
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.6575


The Child Criminal Justice System in practice, the child as a victim of sexual violence does not always feel its justice being reversed because the diversion process involving the community, the police, the social department, and the parties concerned does not always have a victim's perspective. The absence of a victim's perspective in resolving the issue of sexual violence through diversities makes restorative justice incapable of restoring and fulfilling justice for child victims of sexual violence compared to the criminal justice system in general because diversity is unable to bridge the gap between the challenges faced by victims and the help available to victims. Legal protection of child victims of crime, especially crimes against morality, with child offenders under the Criminal Justice System which must prioritize the approach of Restorative Justice by guaranteeing the rights of child victims to the efforts of medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation both inside and outside the institution; assurance of safety, whether physical, mental, or social; and ease in obtaining information about case development through diversion. Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak pada praktiknya, anak sebagai korban kekerasan seksual tidak selalu merasakan keadilannya dikemalikan karena proses diversi yang melibatkan masyarakat, polisi, departemen sosial, dan para pihak terkait tidak selalu memiliki perspektif korban. Ketiadaan perspektif korban dalam penyelesaian permasalahan kekerasan seksual melalui diversi membuat keadilan restoratif tidak mampu mengembalikan dan memenuhi keadilan bagi anak korban kekerasan seksual dibandingkan dengan sistem peradilan pidana secara umum karena diversi tidak mampu untuk menjembatani jurang antara tantangan yang dihadapi oleh para korban dan pertolongan yang tersedia untuk para korban. Perlindungan hukum terhadap anak korban kejahatan, khususnya kejahatan terhadap kesusilaan, dengan pelaku anak menurut Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak yang wajib mengutamakan pendekatan Keadilan Restoratif dengan memberikan jaminan hak anak korban terhadap upaya rehabilitasi medis dan rehabilitasi sosial, baik di dalam lembaga maupun di luar lembaga; jaminan keselamatan, baik fisik, mental, maupun sosial; dan kemudahan dalam mendapatkan informasi mengenai perkembangan perkara melalui diversi. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.6575
Traditional Wisdom of Adat Law Baduy Community In Farming System In Kanekes Village, Leuwihdamar Lebak Banten Sodikin Sodikin
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.5398


Baduy community, tradition laws were a genealogical community with the type of lineage according to the male line (patrilineal). They believed in a descent or the same origin through the teachings of Sunda Wiwitan religion. The teachings of Sunda Wiwitan were the basis or guidance in their life. In terms of farming that they did was a mandate it religion that they professed or believed. Environmental wisdom in terms of farming with the system of shifting cultivation or dry rice (huma) was a mandate of the teachings of its religion. Masyarakat hukum adat Baduy merupakan komunitas masyarakat yang bersifat geneologis dengan tipe pertalian keturunan menurut garis laki-laki (patrilineal). Mereka mempercayai satu keturunan atau asal usul yang sama melalui ajaran agama Sunda Wiwitan. Ajaran agama Sunda Wiwitan ini merupakan dasar atau pedoman dalam kehidupan masyarakatnya. Dalam hal bercocok tanam yang mereka jalankan merupakan amanat agama Sunda Wiwitan yang mereka anut atau percayai. Kearifan lingkungan dalam hal bercocok tanam dengan sistem ladang berpindah atau sawah kering (huma) adalah amanah dari ajaran agama Sunda Wiwitan. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.5398
The Eradication Concept of Illegal Fishing In Keeping The Security And State Sovereignty In The Fisheries: The International And National Legal Perspective of Indonesia Muhammad Risnain
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.4120


Illegal fishing, not only has an adverse impact on the economy, ecology and social, but also on the larger issue of state sovereignty. Therefore, a legal policy concept that ensures the protection of state sovereignty and the realization of sustainable fisheries development is required. Illegal fishing eradication policy in the legal system in Indonesia has been done through the establishment of various laws and regulations, legally providing legitimacy for the government and law enforcement in eradicating Illegal fishing. However, it has not been maximum to ensure sustainable fisheries development due to incomplete policies and the establishment of a fishery court that has not been effective yet as a special court to solve criminal offenses in the field of fisheries. Therefore, it is necessary the concept of eradicating illegal fishing that can realize sustainable fisheries development and maintain the sovereignty of the state in the future with the concept of legislation to eradicate illegal fishing.  Penangkapan ikan secara melawan hukum (illegal fishing), tidak saja berdampak buruk terhadap ekonomi, ekologi, dan sosial, tetapi pada persoalan yang lebih besar yaitu kedaulatan negara. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sebuah konsep kebijakan hukum yang dapat menjamin terlindunginya kedaulatan negara dan tewujudnya pembangunan perikanan berkelanjutan. Terdapat  dua permasahalan pokok dalam penelitian ini : pertama, apakah kebijakan pemberantasan Illegal  fishing  dalam sistem hukum di Indonesia yang berlaku saat ini  dapat menjamin pembangunan perikanan berkelanjutan ?kedua, bagaimanakah konsep pemberantasan illegal fishing  yang dapat mewujudkan pembangunan perikanan berkelanjutan dan menjaga kedaulatan negara pada masa yang akan datang ?    Hasil analisis penelitian ni menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, Kebijakan pemberantasan Illegal  fishing  dalam sistem hukum di Indonesia saat ini telah dilakukan melalui pembentukan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengandung dua aspek penting yaitu;  pertama, kebijakan kriminalisasi perbuatan illegal fishing dalam undang-undang nomor 31 tahun 2004 tentang perikanan maupun dalam undang-undang Undang-undang Nomor 45 tahun 2009 tentang perubahan atas undang-undang nomor 31 tahun 2004 tentang perikanan dan Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan tentang No. 56/PERMEN-KP/2014 tentang Penghentian Sementera (Moratorium) Perizinan Usaha Perikanan Tangkap di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan (WPP) Negara Republik Indonesia secara hukum memberikan legitimasi bagi pemerintah dan penegak hukum dalam pemberantasan Illegal fishing, namun belum maksimal dapat menjamin pembangunan perikanan berkelanjutan karena kebijakan yang belum komprehensif dan , pembentukan pengadilan perikanan yang hingga kini belum efektif sebagai pengadilan khusus untuk menyelesaikan tindak pidana di bidang perikanan. Kedua, Konsep pemberantasan illegal fishing  yang dapat mewujudkan pembangunan perikanan berkelanjutan dan menjaga kedaulatan negara pada masa yang akan datang adalah konsep legislasi pemberantasan illegal fishing. Arah kebijakan pemberantasan illegal fishing ke depan yang dapat menjaga kedaulatan negara di bidang perikanan adalah dengan pengaturan dalam satu undang-undang tersendiri tentang pemberantasan illegal fishing.Penelitian ini menyarankan beberapa rekomendasi, pertama,untuk menjamin bahwa kebijakan pemberantasan illegal fishing yang komprehensif dan dapat menjaga kedaulatan dan keamanan negara maka Presiden RI  dan DPR RI dapat menggunakan hak inisiatifnya untuk mengajukan RUU pemberantasan illegal fishing (RUU pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Perikanan) sebagai bagian dari program legislasi nasional pada 2015-2019. Kedua, Dalam proses pembahasan RUU illegal fishing (RUU pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Perikanan) terdapat beberapa aspek-aspek yang dapat dipertimbangkan untuk diatur yaitu aspek kelembagaan, mekanisme kerjasama antar lembaga, pembentukan satuan tugas (satgas) tetap dan lain-lain yang dianggap perlu untuk mendukung sistem pemberantasan illegal fishing.   ABSTRACT The impact of illegal fishing not only negative effect for economy, ecology, social but also about state soverignty. For this problem need new legal concept that can guarantine for protection of state sovereignty and fisheries sustainable development. There are two problems of this research ; first, whether the policy of eradiction of illegal fishing under Indonesian law can guaranted and sustainable development fishires ? second, how the concept for  eradicting  of illegal fishing for soverignty of state and sustainable fishiers development in next ?The result of analyses showed that first, eradiction of Illegal  fishing policy in Indonesian law throught legislate varies laws which contains two aspects ; first, criminalization of illegal fishing  and formulation of fishires court by act no. 31 /2004 amended throught act no. 45/2009.Second, the concept eradiction illegal fishing that could realization sustainable fisheries development and state sovereignty in next time is legislation of illegal fishing eradiction trhought solely law about eradiction of legal fishing.This research recommended several recommendation, first, house of representative and president of republic of Indonesia initiating to include draft of act about eradiction of illegal fishing in the national legislation program 2015-2019. Second, there are several aspects will be regulate in this draf of act, institutionalization, cooperation between institution, etc. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.4120
Prevention of Dumping Practice in Asean Free Trade China Free Trade Area (Acfta) Regarding Government Regulation Number 34 Year 2011 Dewi Anggraeni
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.6583


The practice of dumping is the practice of selling imported goods below the normal price of domestic products. This governmental regulation is logical consequence in implementing the dumping regulation on the framework of GATT.  Govermental regulation No. 34 Year 2011 on Antidumping and Safeguard Measures Trade does not regulate the substance in detail. The Government Regulation more regulates about procedures. Whereas in Anti Dumping Agreement (ADA) is arranged detail. Currently, foreign products are easy to find in various shopping centers, especially imported goods from China, China's export activities to Indonesia unstoppable since the existing of ACFTA agreement. In the free trade dumping practice and allegation of dumping practice are problems that received big attention by various countries relating effort to realize fair trade practice Praktik dumping merupakan praktik penjualan barang impor di bawah harga normal produk domestik. PP ini wujud konsekuensi logis pemerintah Indonesia dalam melaksanakan ketentuan dumping dalam rangka GATT. PP No. 34 Tahun 2011 Tentang Tindakan Antidumping, Tindakan Imbalan dan Tindakan Pengamanan Perdagangan tidak mengatur substansinya secara detail. Peraturan Pemerintah tersebut lebih mengatur tentang prosedur. Padahal dalam Anti Dumping Agreement (ADA) diatur sedemikian detail. Saat ini produk-produk asing mudah sekali kita temukan diberbagai pusat pembelanjaan, terutama barang-barang impor dari Negara China, kegiatan ekspor China ke Indonesia semakin tidak terbendung tatkala sejak berlakunya perjanjian ACFTA.. Dalam perdagangan bebas praktik dumping dan tuduhan praktik dumping merupakan persoalan yang mendapat perhatian sangat besar oleh berbagai negara karena berkaitan dengan usaha untuk mewujudkan praktik dagang yang adil. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i1.6583

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