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Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies
ISSN : 0126012X     EISSN : 2338557X     DOI : 10.14421
Al-Jamiah invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in the areas related to Islam, Muslim society, and other religions which covers textual and fieldwork investigation with various perspectives of law, philosophy, mysticism, history, art, theology, sociology, anthropology, political science and others.
Articles 17 Documents
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Indonesian Muslims’ Discourse of Husband-Wife Relationship Nurmila, Nina
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.511.61-79


Islam as the majority religion in Indonesia has important influence on its adherents, including in the matter of husband-wife relationship. This paper aims at discussing Indonesian Muslims’ discourse of husband-wife relationship. In Indonesia, Muslim women are mainly accustomed to stay at home, to respect and to obey their husbands. This construction of women’s domestication and subordination is usually based on the two most frequently quoted hadiths: (1) on the curse of angel for women who refuse to have sex with their husband; and (2) on the woman whose parent enters paradise because of the woman’s obedience to her husband. The two traditions are commonly used to justify this construction of husband-wife relationship. However, since the coming influence of global Muslim feminism in Indonesia in the early 1990s, this traditional construction of husband-wife relationship has been criticized by the emerging Indonesian Muslim feminist scholars whose works have provided new perspective on the discourse of husband-wife relationship. Different from the mainstream perspective which tends to domesticate and subordinate women, the new perspective gives position to women and should be treated as equal partner of their husband. [Islam sebagai agama mayoritas di Indonesia berpengaruh besar dalam keseluruhan aspek kehidupan pemeluknya, tidak terkecuali dalam aspek hubungan suami-istri. Artikel ini mendiskusikan diskursus relasi suami-istri yang dilontarkan oleh pemikir Islam di Indonesia. Di Indonesia, perempuan Muslim kerap ditempatkan dalam ranah domestik saja, dituntut untuk menghormati dan mematuhi suami mereka. Cara pandang domestifikasi dan subordinasi perempuan tersebut biasanya didasarkan pada hadis mengenai murka para malaikat kepada perempuan yang menolak ajakan berhubungan badan para suami dan hadis yang menceritakan kisah orang tua seorang istri yang tunduk terhadap perintah suaminya. Namun, sejak dekade 1990an, ketika feminisme global diperkenalkan, konstruksi tersebut dikritik oleh sebagian kalangan akademisi feminist Muslim, yang karya-karyanya mengetengahkan perspektif baru mengenai diskursus hubungan suami-istri. Berbeda dengan perspektif mainstream, perspektif baru ini menempatkan perempuan pada posisi yang sejajar dengan suami mereka.]
The Formation of PPME’s Religious Identity Sujadi, S.
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.511.81-128


The Persatuan Pemuda Muslim se-Eropa (PPME, Young Muslim Association in Europe) with its diverse religious backgrounds was established by many Indonesians living in the Netherlands. The organisation takes consideration not only the development of religious practices in Indonesia, but also the prevailing condition in the Netherlands in dealing its religious identity formation. The article focuses on how the organisation’s religious identitiy has been shaped. To deal with this issue, a historical approach is used, combining chronological presentation with analytical approach. This approach is in line with the objective of this research, i.e. to see the ways in which the PPME’s religious identity take shape through reading the bulletins and religious practices. Because of its residence in the Netherlands, the shaping of its religious identity has been dictated by neither political force nor agenda. This led to in acceptance of diverse and plural ideas within the organisation. This has entailed the occurrence of diverse religious identities. Adjustments to the Dutch contexts have been featured by PPME. As a consequence, memories of Indonesia have been adapted to the atmosphere of the Netherlands. [Persatuan Pemuda Muslim se-Eropa (PPME) dengan keragaman latar belakang orientasi keagamaan anggotanya adalah organisasi yang didirikan oleh orang-orang Islam Indonesia yang tinggal di Belanda. PPME memperhatikan tidak saja keberagamaan ala Indonesia, namun juga kondisi di Belanda, utamanya dalam menegaskan identitas keberagamaan mereka. Artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana identitas keagamaan PPME tersebut dibentuk. Untuk mendiskusikan tema tersebut, digunakan pendekatan sejarah --pendekatan yang tidak hanya menyajikan hasil penelitian secara kronologis tetapi juga eksplanasi analitis. Pendekatan ini sejalan dengan tujuan penulisan artikel ini, yaitu mengidentifikasi metode pembentukan identitas keagamaan PPME. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mencermati bulletin yang diterbitkan PPME dan aktifitas keagamaan yang dilaksanakan. Karena hidup di Belanda, identitas keberagamaan PPME berjalan dengan alamiah, tanpa intervensi politik. Ini mengakibatkan pada penerimaan PPME terhadap keragaman cara pandang yang hidup dalam PPME. Yang terakhir, PPME berusaha keras untuk menyesuaikan identitas keberagamaan mereka dengan konteks Belanda. Konsekuensinya, memori tentang Indonesia itu akhirnya diadaptasi dengan situasi dan kondisi di Belanda.]
Editorial: Islam in Asia and Europe
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.511.ix-xi


The subjects of discussion in this edition of Al-Jāmi‘ah are mostly modern Indonesia with the exception of Al Makin’s paper on early Islam and Miftahurrohim N. Sarkun on classical Islamic jurisprudence. To begin with, Nina Nurmila overviews the extent to which modern Indonesian Quranic and tradition exegetes gives new meaning to the basic sacred text of Islam. Indeed Nurmila finds that the issues of gender have attracted the attention of Indonesian intellectuals, who argue for gender equality and men’s and women’s equal role both at home and work. In fact, many Indonesian exegetes reject the inferiority of women at home with regard to conventional understanding that men are seen superior in domestic leadership. Pribadi, on the other hand, highlights the identity of Madurese in relation to the way in which santri culture always revives in this island. According to Pribadi, the main components in the Madurese culture and politics are kiai or ulama (religious leader), pesantren (traditional Islamic boarding school), and NU (Nahdlatul Ulama, the biggest Islamic organization in Indonesia). These factors always played critical role from the Dutch colonial time down to the reform period. At the same time, the Madurese never lose their traditional ethnic values and traditions.
The Politics of Retaliation: the Backlash of Radical Islamists to the Deradicalization Project in Indonesia Hilmy, Masdar
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.511.129-158


This paper seeks to analyze how the program of deradicalization in Indonesia is approached, understood and treated by radical Islamists. This paper argues that the deradicalization program in this country has invited controversies, criticisms and even backlash from radical Islamists on the grounds that it goes against the principles of human rights because of state’s intervention into religious life of its citizens. In addition, it is carried out by violent method which mostly ends with killing the accused terrorists along with the arrest and ambush by security officers. In order to analyze the focus of the study, this paper employs socio-political approach. This paper finds that more thorough approach needs to be employed by the state within the framework of human rights. Therefore, the ideology of radical Islamism and terrorism must be dealt with from two sides; at the upstream and the downstream levels. At the upstream level, the program of deradicalization must be carried out within the framework of interdepartmental and ministerial partnership. This program should invite as many institutions as possible to be involved and reach as wide audience as possible. At the downstream level, the program of deradicalization must abide to human rights principles. The security approach taken by the government should not end with killing or dehumanizing terrorists. By doing so, the national program of deradicalization can appeal as wide sympathy possible and will not harvest backlash from the Islamists. [Artikel ini mendiskusikan bagaimana program deradikalisasi di Indonesia dipahami, dimengerti, dan disikapi oleh kalangan Islamis. Tulisan ini berasumsi bahwa program deradikalisasi yang dilakukan memincu kontroversi, kritik, bahkan memicu juga aksi balasan yang dilancarkan kalangan Islamis radikal. Beberapa kalangan menilai program tersebut melanggar prinsip hak asasi manusia karena merepresentasikan bentuk intervensi negara terhadap kehidupan beragama masyarakatnya. Lebih dari itu, beberapa program dilaksanakan dengan melakukan tindak kekerasan dan kerap berakhir dengan penangkapan, penganiayaan, bahkan pembunuhan tersangka teroris. Dalam menganalisis tema tulisan, pendekatan sosialpolitik digunakan. Artikel ini kemudian menemukan bahwa pendekatan yang berangkat dari nilai-nilai hak asasi manusia perlu dipertegas. Karena itu, ideologi islamis-radikal and terorisme harus dilihat melalui dua sisi secara bersama. Pada level atas, program deradikalisasi dilakukan dengan kerjasama antar lembaga dan kementerian terkait. Dengan begitu, program deradikalisasi diwujudkan dengan mengajak sebanyak-banyaknya lembaga untuk terlibat serta memperluas target audien. Pada level bawah, program deradikalisasi harus mematuhi prinsip hak asasi manusia. Pendekatan keamanan yang dominan dilakukan tidak harus berakhir dengan membunuh atau dengan melanggar hak asasi manusia yang juga melekat pada diri Islamis dan teroris. Dengan model seperti ini, program nasional deradikalisasi mampu memperoleh dukungan dan simpati masyarakat luas dan dapat meredam aksi balasan kalangan Islamis.]
Religious Networks in Madura: Pesantren, Nahdlatul Ulama, and Kiai as the Core of Santri Culture Pribadi, Yanwar
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.511.1-32


This paper addresses three institutions in Madurese santri culture: the pesantren (Islamic traditional education system), the Nahdlatul Ulama, and the kiai (tradisional Islamic authority). These three elements have characterised and become central part of both Islam and politics in Madura. The issues are raised in this paper: the nature of pesantren, the role of Nahdlatul Ulama, and kiais within the whole tradition of santri Islam in Madura. How does each of these elements form relationships with the others? These questions lead to answer the main question: Is Islam in Madura different from Islam in other places in Indonesia? Today, it seems clear that despite their rather changed perceptions of modern education, Islamic associations, and men of religion, Madurese people continue to preserve their sacred values, as the main three elements of the santri culture in Madura which have had a great influence on society, in both religious and worldly domains. The people share the view that Islamic law (shari’a) is fundamental to daily life and thus must be integrated in all aspects of life. However, like Islam in other places in Indonesia, the characteristic of Islam in Madura emphasizes primarily, but not exclusively, on aspects such as mysticism and local cultures. [Artikel ini menjelaskan tiga elemen penting budaya santri yang melekat pada masyarakat Madura, yaitu pesantren, mewakili elemen pendidikan Islam tradisional, Nahdlatul Ulama, mewakili organisasi Islam, dan kiai, merepresentasikan tokoh Islam. Ketiga elemen tersebut berjalin-kelindan dan membentuk relasi yang kompleks antara Islam dan politik sebagaimana dipraktikkan dalam masyarakat Madura. Dua persoalan penting yang hendak dijawab melalui artikel ini yaitu bagaimana karakter pesantren, Nahdlatul Ulama, dan kiai yang menjadi dasar Islam-santri di Madura dan bagaimana ketiga elemen tersebut saling terkait satu sama lain. Persoalan ini kemudian mengantarkan pada pertanyaan penting lainnya, yakni apakah Islam di Madura memiliki karakteristik dan bentuk yang berbeda dengan Islam yang hidup di wilayah lain di Indonesia? Sampai sekarang, meski masyarakat Madura mengalami pergeseran dalam menilai pendidikan modern, organisasi Islam, dan ulama, mereka masih tetap mempertahankan nilai-nilai sakral agama. Ini bisa dibuktikan dengan kuatnya pengaruh pesantren, Nahdlatul Ulama, dan kiai dalam urusan agama dan duniawi. Masyarakat Madura meyakini bahwa syariat Islam sangat penting dan perlu diterapkan dalam keseluruhan aspek kehidupan mereka. Namun, seperti Islam di wilayah lain di Indonesia, Islam di Madura juga sangat dipengaruhi oleh tasawuf dan budaya lokal.]
Fasting in Countries Where The Day is Very Long or Very Short: A Study of Muslims in the Netherlands Burhani, Ahmad Najib
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.511.159-188


Ramadan falls both during winter and autumn months, when the days are cool and short, and spring and summer months, when the days are long and hot. Fasting in areas where the climate is extremely hot and the day is more than twenty hours is a double hardship that can be a dangerous assault on physical condition. In contrast to that, fasting in areas where the day is very short is, to some extent, like an interval between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and dinner. This article, therefore, intends to discover how Muslims in the countries where the day is either very long or very short deal with the problem of the fasting time. This research is based on the practices of some Muslims in the Netherlands with a variety of countries of origin. This article attempts to answer the following questions: How did they manage their fasting time in the summer or when the day is very long? How did they manage their fasting time in the winter or when the day is very short? What kind of fiqh book or fatwā did they use as reference? Did they think that fasting obligation was dangerous for their health when the day was very long? [Bulan Ramadan bisa tiba pada musim dingin dan musim gugur, ketika siang hari pendek dan sejuk, tetapi Ramadan juga bisa tiba pada musim semi dan musim panas, ketika siang hari sangat panjang dan panas. Puasa di tempat yang sangat panas dan dengan panjang siang hari lebih dari dua puluh jam adalah beban yang berat dan bisa berbahaya bagi kondisi fisik pelakunya. Sebaliknya, puasa di tempat yang siang harinya sangat pendek terasa tak seperti puasa karena ia hanya seperti interval antara makan pagi dan makan siang atau antara makan siang dan makan malam. Tulisan ini didasarkan pada penelitian terhadap praktik berpuasa orang-orang Islam di Belanda dari berbagai negara asal. Pertanyaan yang ingin dijawab dalam tulisan ini adalah: Bagaimana umat Islam Belanda melaksanakan puasa pada musim panas atau ketika siang hari teramat panjang? Bagaimana pula mereka menjalankan puasa pada musim gugur atau ketika siang hari sangat pendek? Buku fikih apa atau fatwa dari siapa yang mereka pakai sebagai dasar praktik ibadah puasa itu? Apakah mereka berpikir bahwa praktik puasa di musim yang siang harinya sangat panjang akan berbahaya bagi kesehatan mereka?
From Musaylima to the Khārijite Najdiyya Makin, Al
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.511.33-60


This paper tries to reconstruct the following accounts: the defeat of Musaylima and the death of his prominent followers, and the rise of the Khārijite Najdiyya in Yamama. Moreover, this study seeks the evidence which points to the possible connection between Musaylima’s movement and the Khārijite Najdiyya. This paper highlights that many founders and prominent leaders of the Khārijites, and particularly the Najdiyya sect, came from the tribe of Ḥanīfa, to which Musaylima belonged. This, among other things, seems to have become the main impulse of attraction for the people of Ḥanīfa to join the sect. Additionally, the ‘characteristics’ and the ‘image’ of the Najdiyya reflect those of Musaylima. This leads us to conjecture that the people of Ḥanīfa, having failed to defend their prophet Musaylima and the land of Yamāma against the Medinan caliphate under Abū Bakr in the Battle of ‘Aqraba, later joined the Khārijite Najdiyya. [Artikel ini menjelaskan kekalahan Musaylima dan kematian pengikut-pengikut utamanya serta kemunculan aliran Khawārij Najdiyya di Yamāma. Melalui artikel ini, penulis membuktikan relasi antara gerakan Musaylima dan Khawārij Najdiyya. Ini bisa dibuktikan dengan mencermati fakta bahwa sebagian pendiri dan tokoh utama Khawārij, utamanya sekte Najdiyya, berasal dari suku Ḥanīfa suku yang juga menjadi asal muasal Musaylima. Kesamaan suku inilah dan beberapa faktor lainnya nampaknya menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi orang-orang suku Ḥanīfa untuk bergabung dengan sekte Najdiyya. Selain itu, ‘karakteristik’ dan ‘imej’ sekte Najdiyya yang menyerupai gerakan Musaylima adalah hal lain yang turut menguatkan asumsi tersebut. Pandangan inilah yang kemudian mengantarkan penulis pada kesimpulan bahwa setelah gagal mempertahankan nabi mereka, Musaylima, dan wilayah mereka, Yamāma, melawan khilafah Islam di Madinah yang dipimpin Abū Bakr, suku Ḥanīfa memilih memberontak dan bergabung dengan sekte Khawārij Najdiyya.]
Islamic Ethical Investment as Mechanism to Mitigate Agency Conflict: An Empirical Study in Indonesian Stock Exchange Hanafi, Syafiq M.
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.511.189-216


This paper attempts to investigate whether Ethical Investment (EI) could reduce the role of dividend and debt in reducing agency conflict between controlling and public shareholders in Indonesia. I investigate market reaction when EI and Non-EI stocks announce dividend payments, dividend non-payments, and bond issuance. I also investigate the effect of EI and the interaction between EI and dividend and between EI and debt on company’s value. The smaller market reaction shows that EI stocks contain less surprise, since EI stocks are able to reduce information asymmetry, and increase trust among investors. The empirical results show that market reaction for debt issuance is less positive for EI stocks than for Non-EI stocks. Regression analysis shows that EI strengthens the role of debt in increasing company’s value. The role of EI in reducing agency conflict seems to have multi-dimensions. Event studies show that debt could be used as a substitute for debt in reducing agency conflict, but regression result shows that EI complements debt in reducing agency conflicts, and increases company’s value. Overall I conclude that EI provide an important role as mechanisms to reduce agency conflict, and increase company’s value. [Artikel ini menelisik apakah Ethical Investment (EI) dapat mengurangi peran dividen dan bunga dalam menekan konflik perusahaan antara manajer dan pemilik saham publik di Indonesia. Reaksi pasar akan dilihat ketika stok EI dan non-EI mengumumkan dividen dibayarkan, dividen tidak dibayarkan, dan bon pengeluaran. Hal lain yang juga dilihat adalah pengaruh dari EI dan interaksi antara EI dan dividen serta antara EI dan hutang pada nilai perusahaan. Reaksi pasar yang lebih kecil menunjukkan bahwa stok EI tidak banyak mengejutkan, karena stok EI dapat mengurangi ketidaksinkronan informasi sekaligus meningkatkan kepercayaan investor. Analisis lapangan menunjukkan bahwa pengumuman tentang hutang perusahaan memiliki dampak kurang positif pada stok EI daripada non- EI. Sedangkan analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa EI memperkuat peran hutang dalam meningkatkan nilai perusahaan. Sementara itu, peran EI dalam menekan konflik perusahaan tampak memiliki banyak dimensi. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan pula bahwa EI memiliki peran yang cukup penting dalam mekanisme untuk menekan agency conflict dan meningkatkan nilai perusahaan.]
Islamic Ethical Investment as Mechanism to Mitigate Agency Conflict: An Empirical Study in Indonesian Stock Exchange Hanafi, Syafiq M.
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.511.189-216


This paper attempts to investigate whether Ethical Investment (EI) could reduce the role of dividend and debt in reducing agency conflict between controlling and public shareholders in Indonesia. I investigate market reaction when EI and Non-EI stocks announce dividend payments, dividend non-payments, and bond issuance. I also investigate the effect of EI and the interaction between EI and dividend and between EI and debt on company’s value. The smaller market reaction shows that EI stocks contain less surprise, since EI stocks are able to reduce information asymmetry, and increase trust among investors. The empirical results show that market reaction for debt issuance is less positive for EI stocks than for Non-EI stocks. Regression analysis shows that EI strengthens the role of debt in increasing company’s value. The role of EI in reducing agency conflict seems to have multi-dimensions. Event studies show that debt could be used as a substitute for debt in reducing agency conflict, but regression result shows that EI complements debt in reducing agency conflicts, and increases company’s value. Overall I conclude that EI provide an important role as mechanisms to reduce agency conflict, and increase company’s value.[Artikel ini menelisik apakah Ethical Investment (EI) dapat mengurangi peran dividen dan bunga dalam menekan konflik perusahaan antara manajer dan pemilik saham publik di Indonesia. Reaksi pasar akan dilihat ketika stok EI dan non-EI mengumumkan dividen dibayarkan, dividen tidak dibayarkan, dan bon pengeluaran. Hal lain yang juga dilihat adalah pengaruh dari EI dan interaksi antara EI dan dividen serta antara EI dan hutang pada nilai perusahaan. Reaksi pasar yang lebih kecil menunjukkan bahwa stok EI tidak banyak mengejutkan, karena stok EI dapat mengurangi ketidaksinkronan informasi sekaligus meningkatkan kepercayaan investor. Analisis lapangan menunjukkan bahwa pengumuman tentang hutang perusahaan memiliki dampak kurang positif pada stok EI daripada non- EI. Sedangkan analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa EI memperkuat peran hutang dalam meningkatkan nilai perusahaan. Sementara itu, peran EI dalam menekan konflik perusahaan tampak memiliki banyak dimensi. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan pula bahwa EI memiliki peran yang cukup penting dalam mekanisme untuk menekan agency conflict dan meningkatkan nilai perusahaan.]
Indonesian Muslims’ Discourse of Husband-Wife Relationship Nurmila, Nina
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.511.61-79


Islam as the majority religion in Indonesia has important influence on its adherents, including in the matter of husband-wife relationship. This paper aims at discussing Indonesian Muslims’ discourse of husband-wife relationship. In Indonesia, Muslim women are mainly accustomed to stay at home, to respect and to obey their husbands. This construction of women’s domestication and subordination is usually based on the two most frequently quoted hadiths: (1) on the curse of angel for women who refuse to have sex with their husband; and (2) on the woman whose parent enters paradise because of the woman’s obedience to her husband. The two traditions are commonly used to justify this construction of husband-wife relationship. However, since the coming influence of global Muslim feminism in Indonesia in the early 1990s, this traditional construction of husband-wife relationship has been criticized by the emerging Indonesian Muslim feminist scholars whose works have provided new perspective on the discourse of husband-wife relationship. Different from the mainstream perspective which tends to domesticate and subordinate women, the new perspective gives position to women and should be treated as equal partner of their husband.[Islam sebagai agama mayoritas di Indonesia berpengaruh besar dalam keseluruhan aspek kehidupan pemeluknya, tidak terkecuali dalam aspek hubungan suami-istri. Artikel ini mendiskusikan diskursus relasi suami-istri yang dilontarkan oleh pemikir Islam di Indonesia. Di Indonesia, perempuan Muslim kerap ditempatkan dalam ranah domestik saja, dituntut untuk menghormati dan mematuhi suami mereka. Cara pandang domestifikasi dan subordinasi perempuan tersebut biasanya didasarkan pada hadis mengenai murka para malaikat kepada perempuan yang menolak ajakan berhubungan badan para suami dan hadis yang menceritakan kisah orang tua seorang istri yang tunduk terhadap perintah suaminya. Namun, sejak dekade 1990an, ketika feminisme global diperkenalkan, konstruksi tersebut dikritik oleh sebagian kalangan akademisi feminist Muslim, yang karya-karyanya mengetengahkan perspektif baru mengenai diskursus hubungan suami-istri. Berbeda dengan perspektif mainstream, perspektif baru ini menempatkan perempuan pada posisi yang sejajar dengan suami mereka.]

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