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Articles 200 Documents
General Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) Bi-response Applications on Diabetes Mellitus Patients Response Adji Achmad Rinaldo; Sulis Harmamik
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (9.381 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.natural-b.2011.001.02.1


General Linear Mixed Model  (GLMM) Bi-respon was  an  alternative  solution for  longitudinal  data  with  bi-responses  which  joining  fixed  effects, random effects and vector of  realization of bi-responses process  into single  statistical model. GLMM can  overcome  the  correlation between  observations  in  longitudinal  data  for  the  response  in  the form of continous data.  In each formation GLMM model beginning with  the  determination  of  a  tentative model  through  exploration  of data.  Exploration  data  covering  several  aspects  of  the  individual profile,  average  structure,  variance  structure,  and  correlation structure. Building GLMM  was done by  selecting  fixed  effects under using  Maximum  Likelihood  (ML)  method,  and  the  selection  of variance  components  (the  number  of  random  effects)  using Restricted  Maximum  Likelihood  (REML)  method.  Based  on  the comparison of AIC value, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 disease data  was better  to  be  modeled  using  GLMM  with  one  response.  Cross correlations  matrix  elements  were  about  0.3  to  0.6  and  produced unstructured  covariance.  Correlation  coefficient  between  two responses was 0.5526 and  produced unstructured  covariance.
Environmental Run-off Impact Case Study: The Impact of Development and Campus Development of State Islamic University (UIN) Malang Mohammad Nawawi; Bambang Rahadi
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (54.293 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.natural-b.2011.001.02.2


Development and improvement of Islamic State University of Malang will cause landscape changes that will cause increasing of run off. This impact is significant because Malang Islamic University is located in the centre of Malang City. The boundary area of this study are Dinoyo sub district, Ketawanggede sub district, Sumbersari sub district, and Karang Besuki sub district. The time of this research is 2006 until 2007. The aim of research is to predict run off due to development and improvement of Islamic State University of Malang. The result of this research indicates that 1) landscape changes due to construction and conversion of open space, 2) decrease green open space amount 52.39%, 3) amount of infiltrationof rainfall is small, 4) increase run off amount 7.14% n rainy season, 5) increase of flood embankment in the street and community settlement in Sumbersari and Klaseman Villages.
Entas-Entas Etnoritual in Tengger Village Ngadas Kidul Poncokusumo Subdistrict Malang Jati Batoro
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (8.069 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.natural-b.2011.001.02.3


The aim of this research was to study and investigate the various plants and animals to used for ritual Entas-entas, Tengger society in Ngadas Kidul village, subdistrict of Poncokusumo, residence of Malang, East Java. This research methods was included structural and open ended discussion and direct observation with follow ceremonial ethnoritual from Petinggi Tengger, Dukun Pandhita (master of ritual), wong Sepuh, Legen and Tengger people. The result of this research showed that the ethnoritual Entas-entas was still good and consistency special in Ngadas Kidul, central Tengger area. Sum of plants to used in ritual involved 30 species and 6 species of animals; 3 species of mammals  and 3 species of aves.
Identification of GDF-9 and BMP-15 Gene Polymorphisms on Goat Beans Sri Rahayu
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.358 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.natural-b.2011.001.02.4


The aim of this research was to determine the polymorphisms of BMP-15  and GDF-9 gene of  Kacang goat. DNA was isolated from blood samples of five female goats with salting out method. Quantitative and qualitative  analysis of DNA was measured using spectrophotometer and agarose gel electrophoresis. To get DNA fragment GDF-9 gene was amplified using Forward 5'-AGTTTGTACTGAGCAGGTCT -3 ', Reverse 5'-ACTCCGCTTCGTATGTCAG-3', while to get  DNA fragmen BMP-15 gene was amplified using Forward primer 5’-CAAGGAGGGGACCCCTAAAT-3’, reverse primer 5’- ACCAGAGGCTCAAGAGGAGC-3 for GDF-9. The results of amplification was a specific DNA band with the length of 1400 bp for GDF-9 gene  and 400 bp for BMP-15 gene. Restriction with HaeIII enzyme of GDF-9 PCR product was resulted a haplotype with fragment size 1100 bp, 300 bp, and 100 bp. While, restriction with AluI enzymes of BMP-15 PCR product was resulted a haplotype which consist of two fragments with sizes 180 bp and 120 bp. It was concluded that there are no polymorphism of GDF-9 and BMP-15 gene of Goat Beans.
Study of Sansevieria trifasciata's Morphology, Anatomy, and Leaf in Malang Winda Aisyah; Nunung Hariyati; Esti Laras Arumingtyas
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (61.092 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.natural-b.2011.001.02.5


The research had aim to study differentiation of morphology, anatomy, fibers content and fiber strength from leaves of S. trifasciata. The samples were obtained from five different districts in Malang, each varian was taken from three different locations, and each of their leaves was measured its length, width, thickness, and fiber content and fiber strength. Six varian Sansevieria Trifasciata which were found included Sansevieria Trifasciata Prain, S. trifasciata Prain var.laurentii, S. trifasciata varian lilian true oil plastic, and S. trifasciata Varian tiger, S. trifasciata varian moonshine and S. trifasciata varian parva kenya hyacinth. Each of S. trifasciata leaves had special pattern and color. The measurement result showed that the longest, widest, and thickness of leaves was given by S. trifasciata Prain var. laurentii, S. trifasciata varian moonshine and S. trifasciata varian parva kenya hyacinth respectively. S. trifasciata Prain var. laurentii had highest content fibers of leaves, weight of leaves and fibers strength. The anatomy observation showed that fiber xylem diameter of all varian was not significantly different. Sansevieria trifasciata varian tiger had the highest number of fibers
Calcium Oxalate Crystals (CaOx) on Porang (Amorphopallus muelleri Blume) Exposed and Unexposed Sun Nurul Chairiyah; Nunung Harijati; Retno Mastuti
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (66.045 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.natural-b.2011.001.02.6


Sunlight was suspected to affect CaOx crystal formation in porang. This research had aim to determine variations in forms of CaOx crystals and the influence of shade on the density of CaOx crystals in porang. Preparations for microscopic observation derived from sliced leaf, petiole, and tuber of porang that grown under shaded and exposed to sunlight conditions. Sliced organ was cleared by using the modified clearing method. The parameters that observed included shape, shape variety, and density of CaOx crystals. CaOx crystal density were analyzed using ANOVA followed by Tukey (α 0.05). The differences of crystal density between the edges and middle of the organ were analyzed using Paired Samples T Test. Microscopic observation showed that CaOx crystals were grouped into large (20-710 m) and small (1-15 m) crystals size. The density of CaOx crystals in plants exposed to sunlight was 3 times higher than the shaded plants. Leaf organ had the highest number of crystal compared to others organ. The tuber had the lowest density of CaOx crystals among organ. In addition, the shaded or exposed to sunlight condition had no effect on CaOx crystal density between the edges and center of the organ.
Mechanism Focus of Volcanic Type A Earthquake at Mount Semeru, East Java - Indonesia Kartika Andryana; Sukir Maryanto; Adi Susilo; Hetty Triastuti
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (54.279 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.natural-b.2011.001.02.7


Study of the focal mechanisms of A-Type Volcanic earthquake (VA) Semeru has been done to know the volcanic activity in more detail, until the information about the magma migration process. The study began with the selection of seismic events that has a clear appearance, continued with the conversion value in the instrument readings and the amplitude correction which includes the correction of propagation effect and local effect. Hypocenter distribution showed that the epicenter was dominant in the northwest direction, relative to the central volcano, with a depth between 1-13 km. Interpretation of the hypocenter distribution, supported by past research as well as geological information around, gave initial estimates that there was a column of magma flow that leads from the northwest to the center of the crater. VA study of earthquake focal mechanism illustrate that the dominant type of normal fault occurs at the peak of eruption, and would change to reverse fault after the activity dropped to normal. From the research, VA earthquake in G. Semeru could be classified into two types: deep VA (VAD) with a depth range of more than 6 km and the shallow VA (VAS), with a depth of 1-6 km.
Method of Reducing Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles Unggul Punjung Juswono; Siti Jazimah Iswarin; Achmad F.D Romly; Rurini Retnowati
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (9.077 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.natural-b.2011.001.02.8


Increasing of air pollutions which are occurred in Indonesia is running together with the increase of motor vehicle populations. The old motor vehicles contribute to the increase of air pollution significantly due to the imperfectly burning process in their machine. Air pollution is seriously threat human being not only disturb human health but also cause greenhouse effect and global warming. It needs do some research to decrease air pollution caused by motor vehicle to get a better environment. The research has been done by filtration of disposal gas from motor vehicles using water, lubricant and carbonic acid as a filter. The disposal gas from a motor vehicle was flowed throw bottles contain of water, lubricant and carbonic acid. The result showed that water filter can decrease the disposal gas CO and CO2. Oil filter significantly decreased HC gas and carbonic acid filter could be used to decrease Pb.
Opportunity of Applying Clean Production in UMKM (SMBs) Badminton Racket at Malang City Bambang Ismuyanto
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7.823 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.natural-b.2011.001.02.9


Small medium enterprise badminton racket in Malang consume water wastefully. Rinse water discharged into river and causing pollution problem. In fact, rinse water can still be utilized. Rinse water can be reused for anodizing other racket. The results showed that the rinse water could be used five times and the impact on saving electricity and water resources. Rinse water used to anodize produced products that are not much different if the new rinse water is used.
Nitration Time and Ultrasonic Waves Utilization Effects Against Mol Percentage of Nitrogen in Nitrocellulose Synthetic Based on Cotton Fiber Mohammad Farid Rahman; I Made Jiwa Astika; Yudhi Dwi Kurniawan; Suratmo Suratmo
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (10.378 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.natural-b.2011.001.02.10


Nitrocellulose is an ester of nitric acid from cellulose which has important role in propellant manufacture, especially having minimal degree of substitution (DS) of 2.5. The aims of this research were to understand the influence of time of reaction in nitration of cotton fiber both synthesized with and without using ultrasonic wave irradiation to mole percentages of nitrogen in nitrocellulose products. The nitrations were conducted by using mixture of sulphuric acid and nitric acid with mass composition ratio of 3:1 (30 mLs of H2SO4 95-97% (w/w) solution; 20 mLs of HNO3 65% (w/w) solution) for 35, 40, 45, 50 and 55 minutes at temperature of 28-29oC, whereas in irradiation treatment by ultrasonic wave the initial temperature adjusted at the same. The mol percentages of nitrogen in nitrocellulose products were determined by using absorbance ratio method from IR spectra without external calibration prerequisite. The results showed that the mol percentages of nitrogen in nitrocelluloses both synthesized with and without using ultrasonic wave irradiation tended to increase up to about 45 minutes and tended to decrease after it. The highest mole percentage of nitrogen in nitrocellulose product synthesized without using ultrasonic wave irradiation was 33.05% with DS of 0.99; whereas that of using ultrasonic wave irradiation increased to 52.78% with DS of 1.58. The analysis of IR spectra and burning characteristic from nitrocellulose products showed the existence of the NO2 group in nitrocellulose products.

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