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Media Trend: Berkala Kajian Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan
ISSN : 18581307     EISSN : 24607649     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy,
Economic Development Program provides a platform for researchers who want to publish their research results through "MEDIATREND", the periodical Journal of economic studies and development studies. Journal "MEDIATREND" published two (2) times a year in March and October and can be accessed online. This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Development Planning, Regional Economics, Public Economics, Moneter, Rural Development And Agricultural, Fiscal, Shari'ah Economics, Public Policies, Institutional Economics, Industrial Economics, ESDM & ESDA, International Economics.
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Interkoneksi Volatilitas Nilai Tukar Dan Tujuan Domestic Impossible Trinity Pada Asean-4: Dornbusch Overshooting Model Lilis Yuliati; Fendi Indra Sujianto; Aisah Jumiati
MediaTrend Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v13i2.4269


The purpose of this research is to identify the issues of becoming of the volatility of the exchange rate that is seen the theory of exchange rate overshooting by Dornbusch with the assumptions that goods prices are sticky. Then implicates in determining the monetary policy framework in a country known as the impossible trinity. Impossible Trinity consists of three the policy are not fully always dominant used simultaneously, namely the stability of exchange rates, the mobility of capital flows (FDI), and monetary independent policy, namely GDP, inflation, and the interest rate. The research period lasts 1987Q1-2016Q4 with the country which became the object of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. In this research model is the model Dynamic Vector Error Correction models (VECM) models.The result of the analysis indicate that all countries experienced the phenomenon of overshooting. Then in the determination of policies Monetary found, that Indonesia puts more emphasis on inflation and GDP, Malaysia on interest rates and Foreign Direct Investment, Thailand on inflation and interest rates and Philippines on exchange rate and GDP trails through inflation. Exchange rate overshooting determines of the monetery policy that depend on the characteristic and economic priority of a countries.
Konsumsi Sinergistik Produk Kecantikan (Studi Pembentukan Perilaku Konsumsi Sinergistik Pada Komunitas Perempuan Muslimat di Surabaya Oleh Produsen Kosmetik X) Ratna Azis Prasetyo; Udji Asiyah
MediaTrend Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v13i2.3923


In a social reality, "beauty" is constructed through certain standards to produce a common beauty standard. The capitalists through advertising do not propose beauty as a natural and relative thing but are made in a common standard according to the measures they made for the marketing of their products. Through advertising, capitalists are also targeting Muslim women community who are very large in Indonesia as a market share. They use religious symbols, as seen in beauty product advertisements they feature many hijab-wearing models. This study aims to examine the discourse about the commodified beauty and ultimately provide economic value for products, especially beauty products. The capitalists then diversify the product, either by adding a variety of products or making derivative products. The goal is to form a synergistic consumption of its consumers. They held beauty talk shows in the form of Islamic recitation as an attempt to attract the interest of Muslim women's communities. This study uses a cultural studies approach to explain how the behaviour of synergistic consumption is formed. The results of this study concluded that the synergistic consumption of informants by consuming product variation or consuming derivative products from beauty products is started from beauty vitamin, then continued on body lotion, face cream, and face toner.Keyword: Beauty, Women, Synergistic Consumption, Cultural Studies 
Infrastruktur dan Output Perkapita Antar Provinsi di Indonesia Bayu Kharisma; Vita Nuraeiny
MediaTrend Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v13i2.4369


in 2010-2015, Indonesia's economic growth experienced a slowdown, the average economic growth of Indonesia during 2010-2015 was 5.65%. Indonesia's economic growth was influenced by various conditions that developed in the world economy such as declining world commodity prices, high inflation after the price hike of subsidized fuels, and the decline in bank credit due to tightening monetary policy. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of infrastructure which includes roads, electricity, clean water and ports on per capita output. This study uses a static and dynamic panel data model in 33 provinces in Indonesia during the period 2010-2015. The results of this study indicate that road and port infrastructure has a positive and significant influence on per capita output, while electricity and clean water infrastructure have a positive but insignificant influence. In this regard, the government can take a policy of increasing and building road infrastructure and improving service performance in the form of port loading and unloading productivity.
Perubahan Landscape Ekonomi Wilayah (Studi Kasus Pendekatan Historical Input-Output di Jawa Timur) Muhammad Alwan Habibi Mushlih; Teguh Hadi P; Fajar Wahyu P
MediaTrend Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v13i2.4367


Industrialization grew fast in East Java after 1998 crisis and can be look at the first position of the easy of doing business category year 2017 by the Asia Competiveness Institute. This study aims to determine the pattern of economic landscape in East Java by using the input-output table which is then analyzed into various tables derived from the input-output itself. Structural changes occurred in East Java during the period 2000 to 2015 which is shown by changes in economic landscape. This change can be seen in the Multiplier Product Matrix (MPM). In 2000 the highest MPM value was in 2000 the highest MPM value was mining and quarrying sector with other industrial sector with MPM value equal to 0,1247. In 2006 the highest MPM value is fishery sector with trade sector with MPM value equal to 0,11012. In 2010 the highest MPM value of the livestock sector with the sector of financial institutions, building businesses, and services companies with MPM value of 0.141735. In 2015 the highest MPM value is the mining and quarrying sector with other industrial sectors with MPM value of 0.19426.
Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Likuiditas, Leverage, dan Corpo-Rate Governance Terhadap Kecurangan Laporan Keuangan, Serta Financial Distress Sebagai Variabel Intervening Albert Adi Nugroho; Zaki Baridwan; Endang Mardiati
MediaTrend Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v13i2.4065


This paper examines the affect of profitability, liquidity, leverage, and corporate governance to financial statement fraud, and financial distress as a intervening variable. Based on Association of Certified Fraud Examiners  (ACFE) 2016, financial statement fraud was growth from 2012 – 2016, it’s mean more companies have a motivated to do manipulate financial statement. In this paper, financial distress as a intervening variable before companies manipulate financial statement. We conclude profitability, leverage, shareholding, number of boards are significant to financial distress. Finally financial distress is significant to financial statement fraud
The Impact Of Sundaries To Improve Production And Welfare (Case study Cabai Sundari Innovation Desa Lembor District Brondong Lamongan District East Java Province) Abid Muhtarom; Bambang Eko Muljono; Zulkifli Lubis; Nuril Badriyah; Abdul Ghofur; Husen -
MediaTrend Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v13i2.4370


Chili Sundari, Farmers Innovation So Superior Product Lembor Village, Brondong District, Lamongan Regency, East Java Province is a blessing for the people of Lembor village, because of the innovation of this product, the potential of the village can be done and explored more deeply and systematically.The type of research used is quantitative research. Quantitative research is a research by collecting data that is numerical then using statistical procedures to obtain information behind the image. The location of this research is Lembor Village, Brondong District, Lamongan Regency, East Java Province, where the data used in this research are primary and secondary data. Primary data in this research is questionnaire.The increase of new superior product type make a big impact on Chili farm sector so that it can increase the production of chili farming. And theoretically the economy can improve the welfare of farmers with increased income perkapital farmers
Pengaruh Keputusan Pendanaan dan Keputusan Investasi Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Kebiijakan Dividen Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Sektor Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Nyayu Khairani Putri; Isnurhadi Isnurhadi; Yuliani Yuliani
MediaTrend Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v13i2.4023


The purpose in this research is aims the influence funding decision and investment decision on the value of the company with dividend policy as intervening variables on manufacture company at Indonesian Stock Exchange. Sample in this study were 50 companies in manufacture sector in period 2013-2016. Samples were chosen by using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by using path analysis. The result of the research showed; funding decision (DER), investment decision (MBVA), and dividend policy (DPR) has positive and significant effect on the value of the company (PBV). Funding decision (DER) have negative and significant effect on dividend policy (DPR). Investment decision (MBVA) has positive and significant effect on dividend policy (DPR). Dividend policy (DPR) is able to partial mediation the effect of funding decision (DER) and investment decision (MBVA) on the value of the company (PBV).
Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Sektor Konstruksi di Indonesia (Studi pada 6 Provinsi di Jawa) Herman Cahyo Diartho; Ma'ruf Hanuraga
MediaTrend Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v13i2.4365


Labor absorption can be measured by using the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) rate. The greater the value of wages earned is expected to affect the level of labor productivity. In this study aims to determine the effect of Province Minimum Wage on employment absorption of the construction sector. This research is qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative analysis uses prescriptive analysis while quantitative analysis using method PanelLeast Square (PLS). The data used are time series (year 2006-2015) and cross section (6 provinces in Java). The type of data used in this study is secondary data obtained from the Central Statistic Agency (BPS) and the journal as a supporter. The analysis method used is linear regression analysis method of panel data with Random Effect Model (REM). The results show that, Minimum Wage variable Province has a positive influence with coefficient of 1.7671 and probability of 0.3538 to the absorption of labor in 6 provinces of Java Island in 2006-2015.
Regional Tax Externality and Competition: Empirical Study in Early Decentralization Era of East Java Province Rifa'i Afin
MediaTrend Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v13i2.4398


This paper concerned with the empirical study about tax competition among regions which in a theoretical point of view, tax competition is seen as an economic policy strategy to attract mobile tax bases and firms in order to boost economic development in terms of employment and output growth within the political jurisdiction implementing it. Using a panel of more 400 observed district and municipal inEast Java. It provides empirical evidence on how the local tax as well as the retribution in the neighborhood affect the local tax. The results support the existence of fiscal externalities: an increase in the tax and retribution of local neighbors exerts a positive effect on the local tax which is shown by spatial weighting variable both tax and retribution. Several factors that are hypothesized affect local tax also significant to determine local tax, these factors such as original regional income, and regional domestic product as a proxy of income. 
Jaminan Sosial Bagi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (Mencari Pelajaran Dari Implementasi Kebijakan di Berbagai Negara) Anita Kristina
MediaTrend Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v13i2.3819


The purpose of this study is to review the social security policy for Indonesian workers and various implementations of social protection policies in some countries. Qualitative descriptive approach as the appropriate method, because this review is used to look at the social security policy of migrant workers as a whole. This review does not focus on specific steps, but describes the foundations and orientations of policies promoted by some countries, particularly in providing protection for migrant workers. Findings on the results of this review show that implementation of social security policies for labor migrants require change as a policy evaluation context. This is as a new hope for the design of protection received by migrant workers based on implementation reviews from various countries.

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