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Jurnal Mechanical
Published by Universitas Lampung
ISSN : 20871880     EISSN : 24601888     DOI :
Jurnal Mechanical (eISSN 2460 1888 and pISSN 2087 1880), is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles from the disciplines of mechanical engineering, which includes the field of study (peer) material, production and manufacturing, construction and energy conversion. Articles published in the journal Mechanical include results of original scientific research (original), and a scientific review article (review). Mechanical journal published by University of Lampung and managed by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering for publishing two periods a year, in March and September .
Articles 162 Documents
Perancangan Ulang Mesin Pres Hidrolik Sebagai Alat Penunjang Praktikum Pada Laboratorium Teknik Produksi Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Lampung Eko Wahyu Saputra; Yanuar Burhanuddin
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 11, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/mech.v11.i1.202005


Dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan akan peralatan penunjang praktikum bagi laboratorium teknik produksi Universitas Lampung, maka telah dilaksanakan tahapan-tahapan untuk menghasilkan sebuah mesin pres hidrolik dengan spesifikasi panjang 815 mm, lebar 600 mm dan tinggi 1747 mm, bentuk desain two columns press serta penggerak berupa pompa jenis hydraulic hand pump. Penelitian ini berfokus pada perancangan ulang mesin pres hidrolik yang telah dihasilkan sebelumnya, untuk kemudian dilakukan tahapan analisis pembebanan (stress analysis) menggunakan software Autodesk Inventor 2015®, dengan maksud untuk lebih mengoptimalkan kapasitas pembebanan pada rangka mesin pres. Untuk hasil simulasi tersebut kemudian akan didapatakan nilai beban maksimum yang dapat ditanggung desain rangka serta nilai faktor keamanan, baik untuk simulasi desain awal maupun simulasi perbaikan desain. Hasil simulasi desain awal, diketahui bahwa beban maksimum yang dapat ditahan oleh rangka mesin pres yakni sebesar 15 ton dengan faktor keamanan rata-rata pada batang penyangga mesin pres sebesar 1,373. Untuk proses simulasi selanjutnya setelah dilakukan perancangan ulang pada desain awal didapatkan penambahan nilai beban maksimum yang dapat diterima oleh rangka mesin pres yakni sebesar 20 ton, dengan faktor keamanan rata-rata pada batang penyangga mesin pres sebesar 1,123.
Studi Kelayakan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (PLTMH) pada sungai Arter Desa Hurun Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran Lampung Agus Sugiri
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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Electricity is very important in human life. In Indonesia,electricity is a basic necessity for society and industry. Electrical energy supply in Indonesia is targeted to use the 5% comes from renewable energy, it has been included in the government regulation No. 3 of 2005. One of the power plants that are potentially is Micro Hydro Power (MHP), which is an implementation of the green energy initiative to encourage renewable energy step. If the MHP potential can be developed, then at least 12,000 MWh or 14% of Indonesia's total energy needs in 2005 are contributed by the MHP.The purpose of this final project: " Feasibility Study of micro hydro power plant (MHP) on arter river at hurun village Padang Cermin district Pesawaran region lampung " is to plan a hydroelectric small scale power plant that can be used and applied as a fulfillment of electrical energy in Indonesia, especially for people who can not enjoy electricity.The Procedures to obtaining data for Head cleaner using a plastic hose method and calculation method, so the net head of 11.15 m obtained. To determine the amount of water flow, the method used is the method of floating objects, as well as doing some calculations and obtained intake capacity of 66.7 l / s. And the resulting power of 5.10 Kw. From data result, turbine suitable types is crossflowtubine.Keywords: micro hydro power plant, water discharge, crossflow turbine.
Studi Reduksi Beban Termal ke Dalam Ruangan Secara Konveksi dengan Sistem Underground Thermal Storage Sebagai Altenatif untuk Mendinginkan Ruangan Rumah Hunian Indra Mamad Gandidi
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 2, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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Space cooling is required all year around in the tropics area especially Indonesia. To provide the space cooling requirement, the electricity cost and environment impact are important aspect that  it must be considered. The household in the tropical area is real conditions  require a cooling device and greatest potential to use alternative cooling.  In fact, solar radiation over the roof surface can be thrown to the environmental by convection mechanism in order to the room can be remaining in comfortable condition.The experimental investigation was performed to two model of household. That is household without and  using evaporator, respectively. Also in this reasearch, evaporator was placed in two location, over and or under surface of the roof.  Water from underground thermal storage is used as a working fluid to pick up amount of heat over the roof and then rejected on thermal storage environment. The mesurement of experimental data was conducted start from 08.00 WIB to 17.00 WIB. Roof temperature will fluctuation with raise of time start from the morning to evening. The maximum temperature difference between household without and with evaporator are ± 12 0C with water mass flow rate 0.0125 kg/s and ± 8 0C with water mass flow rate 0.0187 kg/s for evaporator over and under the surface of the roof respectively.This research result have still uncomfortable condition for household. However, this research can be used as an initial step to build up a cooling system with low cost of electrical power and environmental friendly. Moreover, thermal reduction on the wall and the window to increase in the performance of this method are necessary. Then,  the impromevent of roof geometry has to performed to keep the maximum interface area of heat transfer.  Keywords: convection mechanism, space cooling, household
Rancang Bangun Boiler Pemanas Tahu Kapasitas 90 kW Dengan Tungku Gasifikasi Berbahan Bakar Sekam Padi Ahmad Maulana Kartika; Aa Setiawan; Dedi Suwandi; Wardika Wardika
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 8, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/mech.v8.i2.201708


Boilers that used in the tofu industry in Indramayu are still use firewood as a fuel. The use of firewood as a fuel in boiler is not effective because it affects the destruction of forests as producers of plants (timber) and oxygen in earth. On the other hand there are also many rice husks that mount in the rice mill and has not been utilized by the surrounding community. Therefore, this research is conducted to utilize rice husk as fuel in boiler for cooking tofu with boiler. This research begins by doing a survey in the field of industry to know about the capacity of traditional wood-fired boilers, which capacity is obtained of 90kW capacity. Then the next step is making boiler husk based on the existing calculations to determine the size of the boiler to be made. Data retrieval is carried out until the temperature of the air boils with a tolerance of up to 30 minutes. Based on the results of the test, the rice husk boiler that has a capacity of 98.3 kW, greater than the value of designing that only 90 kW capacity of combustion and able to heat 190 kg of water within 35 minutes, so it can be used as a substitute of firewood boiler.
Pengaruh Kecepatan Putaran Kompresor Terhadap Produktivitas Unit Desalinasi Berbasis Pompa Kalor Dengan Proses Humidifikasi dan Dehumidifikasi Indri Yaningsih
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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This study was conducted to examine the effect of the compressor rotation speed on the productivity of a desalination unit based heat pump with using humidification and dehumidification process. Desalination unit consists of a heat pump system, humidifier and dehumidifier, and seawater heater and air heater (condenser). In this study, the compressor rotation speed was varied at 500 rpm, 700 rpm and 900 rpm, using a variable frequency inverter that mounted on an electric motor driving the compressor. Research parameters were kept constant i.e. the seawater mass flow rate entering the humidifier at 0.086 kg/s, the temperature of seawater entering the humidifier was kept constant at 45oC, the air velocity entering the humidifier constant at 4 m/s, salinity seawater feed at 31,342 ppm, and seawater in the system was recirculated. The results of this study show that the production of freshwater increases with increasing the compressor rotation speed. The average of freshwater production rate of the desalination unit for the compressor rotation speed of 500 rpm, 700 rpm and 900 rpm were 20.33 l/day, 22.20 l/day, and 24.48 l/day, respectively. Keywords : compressor rotation, dehumidification, desalination, heat pump, humidification
Optimisasi Ketebalan Dinding Model Atap Menara Siger Pada Proses Injection Molding Yanuar Burhanuddin; Suryadiwansa Harun; Lapri Aries Pukesa
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 6, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/mech.v6.i2.201511


Produk berbahan baku plastik semakin banyak dijumpai, mulai dari peralatan rumah, komponen elektronik hingga otomotif. Hal ini dikarenakan beberapa kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh plastik seperti ringan dan tahan karat, lebih murah dibandingkan dengan produk logam atau kayu serta proses pengerjaannya relatif mudah. Proses pembentukan produk plastik yang palingg umum digunakan adalah injection molding. Penggunaan plastik yang semakin mendominasi penggunaan material menuntut suatu usaha untuk mengurangi waktu dan biaya produksi, salah satu caranya yaitu dengan memanfaatkan program simulasi sebelum dilaksanakan di lantai produksi. Dengan simulasi pemoderan dapat diketahui ketebalan optimal suatu produk, sehingga produk yang dihasilkan memiliki ketebalan seminimal mungkin dengan kualitas yang dapat diterima. Penelitian ini akan mensimulasikan variasi ketebalan dinding terhadap waktu pengisian, suhu aliran depan, waktu pendinginan, cacat garis dan udara terperangkap. Variasi ketebalan yang dipilih yaitu 1 mm, 1,5 mm, 2 mm, 2,5 mm, 3 mm, 3,5 mm dan 4 mm. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa ketebalan optimal model adalah sebesar 2 mm, dimana pada ketebalan ini memiliki waktu pengisian 2,753 detik, suhu aliran depan 230,3oC, dan waktu pendinginan 25,8 detik. Cetakan (mold) mulai dapat terisi cairan plastik secara penuh mulai pada ketebalan 2 mm. Semua variasi ketebalan mengalami cacat produk yang semakin meningkat seiring dengan bertambah ketebalan model. Kata kunci: Plastic Injection molding, ketebalan dinding, waktu pengisian, suhu aliran depan, waktu pendinginan, cacat garis, udara terperangkap
Pengaruh Kemiringan Benda Kerja dan Kecepatan Pemakanan terhadapGetaran Mesin Frais Universal Knuth UFM 2 Romiyadi Romiyadi
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 7, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/mech.v7.i2.201609


In milling process with slope of workpiece, the milling process requires more energy from milling machine. The greater the slope of workpiece estimated to be the greater energyrequired by the milling machine. Therefore, the machining vibration that occurs was estimated to be very big. This study aimed to determine influence theslope of workpiece to machining vibration in milling machine with variations of feeding. This study used Milling Machine Knuth Universal UFM 2 with vertical milling approach. The slope of workpiece used was 300, 450 and 600.The machining process parameters varied was feeding while depth of cut and spindle speed were constant. The study results show that the greater the slope of work piece, the greater the machining vibration on the up milling process and the down milling processes for all slope of work piece. Similarly the influence of feeding to machining vibration in milling process. The study results show that the change of feeding will give a positive impact to machining vibration on the up milling process and the down milling processes. For same the slope of workpiece and feeding the machining vibration on the down milling process is greater than the up milling process.
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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Gears are used to transmit torque and angular velocity in a wide variety of applications. There is also a wide variety of gear types to choose from.The simplest type is spur gears, designed to operate on parallel shafts,while others for nonparallel shafts are usually using helical, bevel and worm gears. Design of gearset is base on given parameters, tables, graphs and standard which needs much time for calculating if done manually. Based on that drawback it needs computational design to safe time so that gives more benefit. Computer program’s we made  can get accurate design which only has small different compare to conventional design method. Those differents are surface stress for idler-gear mesh and surface stress for pinion-idler mesh. Rounding values in conventional design cause it, while computational design  doesnot needs that step.  Key words : Gears, design, conventional, computational
Pengaruh Jarak Pemasangan Secondary Cabin Roof (SCR) Terhadap Temperatur Kabin Mobil Yudi Eka Risano
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 3, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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Abstrak SCR atau Secondary Cabin Roof  merupakan aksesoris tambahan pada mobil berupa atap kabin sekunder yang dipasang diatas atap utama mobil. SCR ini dirancang dengan maksud mengurangi panas yang masuk ke dalam kabin karena sinar matahari ketika sebuah mobil sedang diparkir ditempat terbuka ataupun sedang berjalan, sehingga akan membantu meringankan kerja ac mobil ketika ac dihidupkan. Telah dilakukan pengujian jarak pemasangan (mounting distance) SCR terhadap atap kabin utama, hal ini untuk mengetahui jarak pemasangan yang terbaik.Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberikan margin atau jarak pemasangan sebesar 2 cm, 5 cm dan 7 cm. Proses pengujian dilakukan dengan menjemur mobil di terik matahari selama 1 jam, kemudian mulai diukur temperatur di dalam kabin mobil setiap selang waktu 2 menit untuk setiap variasi margin pemasangan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jarak pemasangan terbaik ditinjau dari sisi besarnya penurunan temperatur kabin adalah dengan jarak pemasangan 7 cm, yaitu sekitar  6 0C tanpa ac mobil dihidupkan.Kata kunci : atap kabin sekunder, jarak pemasangan, temperatur.
Makrostruktur dan Permukaan Patah dalam Uji Tarik Terhadap Perlakuan Panas pada Baja Karbon Rendah Nofriady Handra
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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Baja karbon rendah kekuatan tinggi memperlihatkan kombinasi yang baik dalam kekuatan dan keuletan yang menarik perhatian dari berbagai penelitian. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki dan mempelajari dalam analisa mikrostruktur dan perilaku permukaan patah pada tensile properties dengan variasi temperatur pada baja dual phase. Sebelumnya,bahan telah di austenised pada temperatur 1000°C selama 30 menit dan diikuti dengan water quench untuk menghasilkan full martensit pada specimen. Kemudian bahan di anneal dalam kawasan interkritikal untuk mendapatkan 20, 50 dan 80% a’. Mikrostruktur baja dual phase setelah di annealing pada daerah dual phase dan water quenching, kekerasan baja dual phase ini meningkat dengan seiring meningkatnya vol.% martensit. Disamping itu, volume % martensit yang dihasilkan adalah lebih banyak dari pada ferit.Perubahan tegangan dan regangan lebih tinggi/meningkat dari pada kondisi 20% dan 50%. Dari kondisi pengujian tarik ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan meningkatnya vol.% martensit maka tegangan maupun regangan bahan meningkat.Kekerasan bahan meningkat dengan meningkatnya %vol. martensit, ini terlihat bahwa kekerasan baja Cu adalah lebih tinggi dari baja base.Kata Kunci :  Uji Tarik, Mikrostruktur, Baja Karbon Rendah dan Perlakuan.

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