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Alfredo Bayu Satriya
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e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia
Published by Universitas Jember
ISSN : 25023508     EISSN : 24432318     DOI : -
Core Subject : Engineering,
JAEI (Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia) adalah majalah berkala ilmiah yang berisi hasil penelitian para peneliti, dosen dan praktisi mengenai ilmu-ilmu bidang keteknik elektroan khususnya di Indonesia dan tidak menutup kemungkinan hasil riset dari para penulis luar negeri. Arus yang dimaksud disini adalah asumsi dari pergerakan elektron yang mengalir melalui sebuah media tertentu. Dengan diberikannya bagian nama “arus” ini, keberlanjutannya nanti akan terus “mengalir arus” perkembangan terkini ilmu pengetahuan keteknik elektroan dengan lebih cepat di seluruh Indonesia melalui media artikel/jurnal ilmiah ini. Adapun topik-topik yang diusulkan untuk terbit pada majalah berkala ilmiah JAEI ini adalah topik mengenai elektronika, sistem tenaga, energi terbarukan, kendali, telekomunikasi dan multimedia.
Arjuna Subject : -
Articles 133 Documents
Penyiram Tanaman Otomatis menggunakan Sensor pH Tanah dan Sensor Kelembaban Tanah untuk Tanaman Tomat Berasis IoT Alvin Mujahid; Misbahul Jannah; Salahuddin Salahuddin; Taufiq Taufiq
Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 9 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jaei.v9i2.32623


Tanaman tomat merupakan jenis sayuran buah yang banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat indonesia dan bernilai ekonomis tinggi bagi petani. Dalam budidaya tanaman tomat harus diperhatikan dengan baik terutama pada pengairan tanaman. Karena apabila tanaman kekurangan air atau kebanyakan air maka tanaman tomat akan mati. Kelembaban tanah yang ideal untuk tanaman tomat pada kadar air tanah 60-80% dan pH yang stabil antara 5,5-7penulis terinspirasi untuk melakukan peneletian yang berjudul “Rancang Bangun Penyiraman Tanaman Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor pH Tanah dan Sensor Kelembaban Tanah Untuk Tanaman Tomat Berbasis Internet Of Thing (IoT)” yang bertujuan untuk membuat alat membantu pengguna untuk memantau tanamannya baik petani, ibu rumah tangga dan pengelola tanaman dalam melakukan pemantauan serta dalam penyiraman tanaman otomatis.Penelitian ini menggunakan NodeMCU ESP8266 sebagai mikrokontroler nya, sensor soil moisture sebagai sensor kelembaban tanah, sensor pH Tanah sebagai pendeteksi tingkat keasaam pada tanah, sensor float sebagai pendeteksi ketersediaan air dan LCD I2C sebagai penampil intruksi pada alat ini. Alat ini bekerja secara IoT dengan menggunakan webThingSpeak sebagai monitoring tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan alat ini telah dirancang dan berhasil dibangun dengan baik. Dengan hasil pengujian konfigurasi NodeMCU dan komponen lainnya telah berjalan dengan baik sesuai pada program. Hasil pengujian keseluruhan pada kelembaban rata-rata pada tiga jenis tanah, menggunakan metode manual dan otomatis didapat hasil yang tidak signifikan dengan rata-rata nilai eror 0,024%, dan untuk pH tanahnya didapat rata-rata nilai eror 0,050%. Kata Kunci — Penyiraman otomatis, monitoring, sensor kelembaban, sensor pH, IoT, Tomat pH Sensors and Soil Moisture Sensors for Internet-Based Tomato Plants Of Thing (IoT)” which aims to create a tool to help users monitor their crops, both farmers, housewives and plant managers in monitoring and watering plants automatically. This research uses the NodeMCU ESP8266 as the microcontroller, the soil moisture sensor as the soil moisture sensor. , Soil pH sensor as a detector of the level of acidity in the soil, a float sensor as a detector of water availability and an I2C LCD as a display of instructions on this tool. This tool works IoT by using webThingSpeak as plant monitoring. The results of the research show that this tool has been designed and built successfully. With the test results, the NodeMCU configuration and other components have been running well according to the program. The overall test results on the average moisture in three types of soil, using manual and automatic methods obtained insignificant results with an average error value of 0.024%, and for soil pH an average error value of 0.050% was obtained.. Keywords — Automatic watering, monitoring, humidity sensor, pH sensor, IoT, Tomato
Coconut Peeling System Berbasis PLC untuk Ekonomi Bangkit Pasca Pandemi Charis Fathul Hadi; Muliyono Muliyono
Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 9 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jaei.v9i2.34932


In the current post-pandemic era, the creativity of MSME actors is required so that the economy immediately rises, this is aimed at stabilizing the economic sector after almost 3 years of being hit by a pandemic. Increasing the level of creativity in sales must also be accompanied by an increase in the number of productions made, one of which is SMEs making fresh drinks from young coconuts. From the results of observations of SMEs in Banyuwangi district, especially in the business of making jelly. a young coconut seller can afford 16 seconds to two minutes at a time coconuts with the shape of one fruit and the other not being uniform. If within 10 minutes consumers come as many as 42 people or more to order young coconuts. So the peeling ability with the above time, is not comparable to the arrival of consumers, it makes consumers wait a long time and makes sellers want to peel quickly to meet consumer needs and will affect the shape of young coconuts that will be served to be unattractive. For this reason, a machine is designed that can help peel young coconut skin more quickly as a substitute for human labor, which in turn can increase the efficiency of young coconut peeler, both in terms of speed, power, production amount, to the safety factor of the peeler machine. So that consumer needs are met more quickly and more attractively to be presented. The methods used in this research are Phase 1 Needs Survey, Phase 2 Design, Phase 3 Prototype, Phase 4 Prototype Testing. From the test results, the frequency variation is 37 Hz, 44 Hz, 58 Hz. From the 3 variations found a frequency of 60 Hz which gets smooth and maximum stripping results.
Konveyor untuk Klasifikasi Kualitas Buah Pisang menggunakan Image Processing Immawan Wicaksono; Azhar Bima Javier; Sumardi Sumardi; Widya Cahyadi
Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 9 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jaei.v9i2.33037


Post -harvest processing is one of the activities to maintain the quality of bananas. Efforts made to maintain the quality of bananas are sorting. Sorting is the separation of cleaned materials into various fractions based on their physical character (shape, size, weight, type, color), chemical (odor composition and rancidity) and biological (type and damage by insects, number of microbes, and growth power). . The purpose of sorting is to determine the classification of commodities based on similar qualities contained in the commodity itself. One of the banana fruit harvesting methods that can be used is to use image processing. Image processing is the handling of text data and image data based on a visual system that has a much higher level of accuracy than human visual. One of the methods that can solve the problem is to use the Image Classification method. With the addition of these supporting methods, the identification results and the level of data accuracy will be better.