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e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia
Published by Universitas Jember
ISSN : 25023508     EISSN : 24432318     DOI : -
Core Subject : Engineering,
JAEI (Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia) adalah majalah berkala ilmiah yang berisi hasil penelitian para peneliti, dosen dan praktisi mengenai ilmu-ilmu bidang keteknik elektroan khususnya di Indonesia dan tidak menutup kemungkinan hasil riset dari para penulis luar negeri. Arus yang dimaksud disini adalah asumsi dari pergerakan elektron yang mengalir melalui sebuah media tertentu. Dengan diberikannya bagian nama “arus” ini, keberlanjutannya nanti akan terus “mengalir arus” perkembangan terkini ilmu pengetahuan keteknik elektroan dengan lebih cepat di seluruh Indonesia melalui media artikel/jurnal ilmiah ini. Adapun topik-topik yang diusulkan untuk terbit pada majalah berkala ilmiah JAEI ini adalah topik mengenai elektronika, sistem tenaga, energi terbarukan, kendali, telekomunikasi dan multimedia.
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Articles 133 Documents
Rancangan Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks untuk Solusi Jaringan Komunikasi Antar Armada Bergerak menggunakan Simulasi NS Cahyadi, Widya
e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia

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AbstractThis paper proposed a route for a design of protocol that is considered appropriate to be applied as a solution to the communication networks between mobile fleet. The proposed protokol is AODV. The purpose of this protocol is able to expand the scope of these communications services, routing protocol techniques that fit the needs of that channel on VHF frequencies which have a low bitrate and narrow canal, with the consideration of the chosen AODV algorithm, use routing table with one entry for each destination without using source route, AODV relies on routing table to spread the Route Reply (RREP) back to the source and sequentially will direct the data packets to the destination. Based on the simulation results indicate that there are five nodes (0,1,2,3,4) nodes are mutually move (Mobile) where are node 0 will be connected to node 4, and then make the node 2 (nearest) as a relay link between node 0 to node 4, AODV protocol is a reactive routing protocol, which is only to request a route when needed.Keywords— Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET), Network Simulator (NS), Routing Protocol
Perancangan dan Analisis Kerja Mobile Jammer Tipe D dengan Sensor Sinyal Berbasis Mikrokontroler untuk Jaringan GSM 900 Herdianto, Dedy Wahyu; Utomo, Satryo Budi; Sarwono, Catur Suko
e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia

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AbstractMobile Jammer is a tool used to transmitting electromagnetic signal in selular frequency. There are many types of mobile jammer, one of it is type D which able to select interfered signal using a sensor. The sensor will receive GSM signal sent as an input for the jammer’s activator.This sensor consist of two IC CA3130, IC555 and microcontroller ATMega8 and This research purpose is to combine the jammer for GSM signal and microcontroller as the control. The result of this research is showing that the system that we created was able to perfectly working 100 %. It’s shown 100% successful rate for the length of 5 to 7 meters in the field test for three providers which are Telkomsel, Indosat and XL.Keywords— Mobile jammer, GSM, Signal Sensor, Microcontroller.
Studi Aplikasi Sistem Energi Surya Fotovoltaik Hibrid Tanpa Sinkronisasi di Ponpes Mahfilud Duror Setiawan, Andi
e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia

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AbstractA study of the photovoltaic (PV) system implementation in aneducational institution has been done and leads to the conclusionthat economically there is no reason that could make this into afeasible implementation plan. However, this technology has beenvery mature and needs to be implemented as an activity that has avisionary goal. In this deployment scenario, SESF is hybridconfigured with PLN without synchronization. To make this systemproduces a more optimum benefits, some engineering activities isrequired such as reconfiguration of system load and loadscheduling to reduce the wasted excess energy during the day.Keywords—PV system, renewable energy, hybrid system
Pengaruh Kecepatan Angin pada Karakteristik Performansi Konduktor SUTET Prasetyono, Suprihadi
e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia

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AbstractWind speed changes at SUTET conductor besides having coolingeffects it also improves the transmission line capacities and will giveinfluence to conductor performances. This research aimed to knowthe influence of the wind speed to performance conductorcharacteristics such as temperature, tension, length, sag andcurrent carrying capacity of conductor. As simulation model, anextra high voltage transmission line 500kV Paiton – Kediri span no10 is used. Temperature of Conductor is calculated based on hotbalanceequation, whereas Catenary method and Rulling spanmethod used to determine sag conductor and length. The result ofcalculation shows, that the wind speed can be used to coolconductor with the range from 1 - 3 degree of celcius each for everyincrease of wind speed for 0,5 m / s. While conductor mechanicalcharacteristics such as tension, length, and sag does not having anysignificant changes.Keyword : Mechanical performance, Transmission line, Conductor.
Pemulihan Tegangan Kedip Menggunakan Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) dengan Kendali Constructive Levenberg Marquardt Neural Network Setiawan, Dedy Kurnia
e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia

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AbstractIn this paper proposed an algorithm to control dynamic voltagerestorer (DVR). The proposed controller is using an artificialneural network with Levenberg Marquardt method ConstructiveNeural Network (CLMNN). The purpose of this control is to obtaina DVR with a quick and accurate response while improving thequality of the voltage due to the voltage flicker in low-voltagesystems. CLMNN use that is based on the configuration of hiddenlayer neural network used can be changed to obtain the optimalvalue. CLMNN used in the detection of the change in voltageconditions, either in the form of fluctuations in the voltageamplitude and phase changes in load. Once detected, CLMNNgenerate a PWM signal as a control. To determine the performanceCLMNN controller, then the simulation is used as a comparison ofconventional controllers. Based on the simulation results it isknown that overshoot voltage of sensitive load decreased by 20%when using CLMNN. In addition, the DVR is more stable with afaster settling time, ie less than 0.01 seconds, whereas when using aPI controller reaches 0.02 seconds.Keywords— Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), voltage flicker,Levenberg Marquardt Constructive Neural Network 
Aplikasi Energi Terbarukan Melalui Pengukuran Potensi Angin dengan Metode Analisis Weibull pada Pantai Puger Jember Widiyanto, Parmaputra; Arif, Miftachul; Hardianto, Triwahju
e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia

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AbstractThe territory area of south sea Jember Regency gets potential to bebuilt a PLTA because it has great wind potential of energy whichsupports it. One of the parameters to know the wind characteristicsis by using weibull analysis. Wind speed characteristic on thePuger beach has range among 1,3-15,0 m/s, so it can be taken upabout the distribution-probability characteristic of it by making aWeibull characteristic curve by using a k-form(k) parameter is3.068; and for scale parameter (c) is 7.807. From this result, weconclude that the wind speed which can be used at the range of 3,5m/s-10.5 m/s reaches 91.11 %, so it still has enough potential to bebuilt a PLTA by a turbine from small to moderate range in size.Meanwhile, by looking from its power potential, by the averagewind speed of 6.1 m/s, it has power potential of 3025 watt and theabsorbed power by the turbine reaches 1758 watt. This value wouldbe useful enough if the number of used turbine getting bigger.Keywords—Weibull Analiys, Puger Beach, Power potential
Perbandingan Kinerja Teknik Modulasi Inverter Dua-Level untuk Pengaturan Kecepatan Motor Induksi Tiga-Fase Satiawan, I Nyoman Wahyu; Citarsa, Ida Bagus Fery; ., Supriono
e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia

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AbstractThis paper compares various modulation techniques of twolevelinverter, i.e 180 conduction method, Sin-PWM (SPWM) andspace vector PWM (SVPWM). Simulation result shows that 180conduction mode is able to generate the highest voltage outputhowever it results the worse performance. Comparison offundamental component of the output voltage is 0.637 : 0.5 : 0.57p.u for 180 conduction method, SPWM and SVPWM respectively.Meanwhile comparison of voltage output THD is 31% : 68% : 30%and comparison of phase stator current THD is 50 % : 24% : 9.7%for 180 conduction method, SPWM and SVPWM respectively.Furthermore, relationship of speed - torque shows that when motoris fed by inverter using 180 conduction method, motor is able toreach the highest speed (1765 rpm) but results high torque ripplecompare to SVPWM (1685 rpm) and SPWM (1460 rpm). It is alsoshown that the SVPWM method performs the smoothest torqueripple among the three modulation methods. The results prove thatSVPWM method is the most suitable method for variable speeddrive of a three-phase induction motor.Keywords— 180 conduction method, SPWM method, SVPWM method, Total Harmonics Distortion (THD), Three-phase induction motor speed drive.
Skalabilitas Protokol MAC pada Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) Untuk Komunikasi Taktis Agustini, Siti
e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia

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Komunikasi taktis menuntut keamanan jaringan yang kuat, skalabilitas yang tinggi, dan dapat menangani pergerakan node yang dinamis. Jaringan taktis memiliki karakteristik jumlah node dan ukuran area yang berbeda-beda, serta model pergerakan node. Operasi militer bisa berada pada tempat yang tidak memiliki infrastruktur, namun komunikasi harus tetap berlangsung. Sehingga, diperlukan evaluasi kinerja pada komunikasi taktis. Penelitian ini berfokus pada skalabilitas Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) dalam komunikasi taktis dengan menerapkan protokol MAC Aloha dan CSMA/CA, jumlah node dan luas topologi area, dan formasi node yang berbeda-beda. Nilai skalabilitas didapatkan dari parameter waktu pembentukan jaringan dan throughput. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa protokol MAC CSMA/CA memiliki skalabilitas yang lebih baik dari protokol MAC Aloha berdasarkan perubahan jumlah node, luas topologi area, dan formasi node. Kata Kunci — Aloha, CSMA/CA, protokol MAC, skalabilitas, komunikasi taktis.
Aplikasi Tracking Object pada Sistem Web Streaming dengan Protokol TCP/IP sebagai Sistem Navigasi Mobile Robot Berbasis Mini PC Azis, Awaluddhin Choliq; Cahyadi, Widya; Sarwono, Catur Suko
e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia

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Perkembangan dunia robotika saat ini telah menjadi suatu hal yang menarik untuk dibicarakan. Image processing  atau sering disebut dengan pengolahan citra digital merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk mengolah atau memproses dari gambar asli  sehingga menghasilkan gambar lain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Pada penelitian ini, akan menggabungkan antara teknologi image processing pada robotika dengan merancang sebuah navigasi robot berdasarkan pergerakan obyek berupa bola, sebagai input pada sistem menggunakan webcam untuk mengambil video (real time video) yang nantinya akan ditransfer dan ditampilkan pada halaman website melalui protokol TCP/IP. Tingkat keberhasilan pendeteksian  bola menggunakan metode segmentasi warna, dalam hal ini parameter pendeteksian obyek dipengaruhi oleh tingkat lumen cahaya. Selanjutnya protokol TCP/IP yang akan digunakan pada saat pengiriman data akan diuji performanya, seberapa besar delay serta keberhasilannya dalam mentransfer data. Secara keseluruhan sistem dapat berjalan dengan baik, pendeteksian obyek berhasil pada tingkat lumen cahaya sebesar 47.1 lm hingga 21500 lm, pada rentang jarak deteksi baca 50 hingga 500 cm, transfer data menggunakan algoritma protokol TCP pada layer transport berhasil mengirimkan data, performa pengiriman data dapat dilihat dari delay pengiriman antar paket dengan menggunakan protokol TCP/IP sebesar 0.026 detik.Kata Kunci — Navigasi Mobile Robot, Raspberry Pi, Segmentasi Warna, TCP/IP, Webcam.
e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia

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Tenaga listrik sekarang ini sudah menjadi suatu kebutuhan primer bagi setiap penduduk, terutama didaerah perkotaan. Saat ini pembangkit listrik berdaya rendah semakin berkembang dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya mikrohidro dan angin sebagai energi penggerak yang ramah lingkungan. Biasanya pada pembangkit listrik berdaya rendah menggunakan generator induksi satu fasa yang memiliki konstruksi yang sederhana. Dalam pengoprasiannya nilai keluaran dari generator mengalami fluktuasi baik pada tegangan, arus maupun frekuaensi dikarenakan nilai beban yang tidak stabil. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat memonitoring kinerja generator dan mengontrol pembebanannya.Kata Kunci — generator, monitoring, raspberry pi

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