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Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam
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Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam adalah jurnal berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Syari’ah Fakultas Ilmu Agama Islam Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta bekerjasama dengan Himpunan Ilmuan dan Sarjana Syari’ah Indonesia ( HISSYI). Jurnal ini mengkhususkan diri pada kajian, penelitian, pengembangan pemikiran Hukum Islam dan isu-isu kontemporer. Al-Mawarid Journal of Islamic Law is a scientific periodical journal published by the Department of Shari’ah the Faculty of Islamic Studies Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta Indonesia in cooperation with the Association of Shari’ah Scientists and Scholars of Indonesia ( HISSYI Himpunan Ilmuan dan Sarjana Syari’ah Indonesia ). This journal specializes in the discourse, research, development of Islamic law thought and contemporary issues.
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Articles 124 Documents
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 2 (1993): Edisi Kedua Al-Mawarid Journal of Islamic Law
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut di atas, Itlengenai keterikatan As Sunnah terhadap Al -Quran dalam menetapkan hukum dapatlah dimengerti bahwa dalam hal menggali hukum dalam Al Quran haruslah melalui As Sunnah. Jalan -untuk
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 11, No 1 (2010): Penerapan Syariah dalam Aspek Ekonomi dan Hukum Keluarga di Indonesia
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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The following article is a research on fatwa National Shariah Council - MUI No. 25 and No. 26 of 2002 as the operational basis of Sharia in Indonesia. From pawnshops this study found that the Fatwa Council of the National Shariah-MUI No. 25 and No. 26 technical bedasarkan determination formulated a fatwa that has been set by the MUI, the review conducted by the Executive Board of the National Shariah Council (BPH-DSN), the result is revealed that fatwa draft form, and then taken in a plenary session of the National Shariah Governing Council to then decide National Fatwa Council to Shariah. Economic realities of society in such a way that demands a lot of different choices of economic services from conventional economic services; community hoping there is certainty of Sharia-based services, particularly in terms of mortgage, and also a request to the Council of Indonesian Ulama Fatwa by conventional economic institutions on economic services that embraces the principles of Sharia.
إستعراض علي إجتهاد محمّد أبي القاسم حاج حمد في أحكام الأسرة Mth, Asmuni
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 15, No 1 (2015): Islamic Family Law Reform in Contemporary Indonesia
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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إنّ الموقف من المرأة في العالم الاسلامي مازال محكوما بجملة من القضايا والامور التي ظلت حبيسة منهج تفسيري محافظ ترسخ علي مدي قرون بفعل إختلاط الفكر الديني بالموروثات
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 2 (1993): Edisi Kedua Al-Mawarid Journal of Islamic Law
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Mencari ukuran tingkat kesadaran hukum masyarakat Islam mengenai, hukum sosial-kekeluargaan Islam tentu bukan hal yang, mudah. Jikaukuran untuk ,menentukan taraf . tinggi rendahnya kesadaran hukum itu sendiri tidak mudah, lebih-lebih lagi untuk dapat mengukur taraf kesadaran hukum tmasyarakat ito sendiri.
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 11, No 1 (2010): Penerapan Syariah dalam Aspek Ekonomi dan Hukum Keluarga di Indonesia
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Buku karya Abdul Jabbar Hamid al-Sabhany ini berupaya mengisi celah kekosongan pemikiran ekonomi Islam di tengah merebaknya pemikiran ekonomi klasik dan neoklasik yang jarang disentuh oleh referensi asing secara umum termasuk pula pada referensi berbahasa Arab—kecuali beberapa karya kecil yang focus pada sebagian pemikiran teorikus ekonomi Islam seperti Ibn Khaldun, al-Maqrizi dan lain-lain. Di samping itu, penulisan buku ini dilandasi kegelisahan Abdul Jabbar ihwal aliran pemikiran ekonomi Islam yang ditopang oleh al-Quran dan Sunnah tidak dilakukan studi yang layak terhadapnya secara proporsional (hal. 12). Menariknya, usaha maksimal penulis memaparkan aliran pemikiran ekonomi secara singkat, mengacu pada referensi asli tanpa disertai komentar penulis yang cukup semata-mata untuk menghindari subyektifitas.
THE DISCOURSE OF INDONESIAN FIQH Methodological Bid of Family Law Reform Wahid, Marzuki
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 15, No 1 (2015): Islamic Family Law Reform in Contemporary Indonesia
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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The following article discusses the methodology bid and that of family law reform. This discussion is an affirmation that the Indonesian fiqh which is constructed based on reality Indonesia. Most of the Indonesian fiqh still littered the pages bahtsul masa’il decision, the Majlis Legal Affairs Committee, the board hisbah, MUI’s fatwa, and in the form of motion religiosity Indonesia’s diverse Muslim communities. Others fiqh of Indonesia have entered into a state structure, which is a positive law. Fiqh Indonesia as positive law is a political and social construction, not merely theological formulation, but also the factors of non-theological is a logical consequence of the building fiqh who live in the midst of true nation-state based on Pancasila and justified by the state’s political decision , Therefore, approved or rejected a formulation of Islamic law in the legislative process is not as theologically correct or incorrect, but because of the victory of the political configuration and the dominant actors who are able to influence the legislature and the Government as the legislators and the public as a support group or a suppressor. On that basis, the creation of a public space free (free public sphere), controversy or public debate about Indonesian fiqh is actually very productive. In this debate konterks Shari’ah understood in the context of Indonesian-ness, defined and redefined in the public space nationality how Shari’ah take a constructive role in the big house Pancasila. Keywords : Methodology, Indonesian Fiqh, Islamic Family Faw, and Reform.
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 2 (1993): Edisi Kedua Al-Mawarid Journal of Islamic Law
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Peluncuran satelitbumi buatan yang pertama, SPUTNIK I, oleh Uni Soviet, padatangga14 Oktober 1957 ~erupakan peristiwabersejacab yang membuka pintu gerbang sejarah kebudayaan manusia dan mengantarkannya ke abadsatelit. Sejak peristiwa itu, demam angkasa luar (Outer Space Fever) telah menyerang manusia dengan hebatnya, mempengaruhi cara berpikir sehari-hari dan mengubah pandangan mereka yang sebelumnya merupakan khayalan dan .impian belaka.
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 11, No 1 (2010): Penerapan Syariah dalam Aspek Ekonomi dan Hukum Keluarga di Indonesia
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Theoretically between one court to another court split on the basis of jurisdiction (court separation system based on jurisdictions), in Article 55 of the Act No. 21 of 2008 has caused the intersection of two judicial authority of religious courts and public justice in sharia banking dispute. Why is this happening. According to the author of one of the reasons is the assessment stems from mistrust to unpreparedness and religious courts in resolving disputes shariah banking. Judicially Article 55 of the Act No. 21 of 2008 does not contradict horizontally with Article 49 of the Act No. 3 of 2006 and vertically not consistent with the Constitution of 1945. Solutions to the authority of sharia banking dispute settlement is to the exclusion of common justice to the logic of "Sertificate Property Rights which came first can not be undone by a certificate of ownership that comes later for the same object", and with the logic of lex specialis derogat leg generalis.
[BOOK REVIEW] Menuju Fiqh Keluarga Progresif Yulianti, Rahmani Timorita
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 15, No 1 (2015): Islamic Family Law Reform in Contemporary Indonesia
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Discourse of Muslim family issues from the classical period to the contemporary era today, has undergone with dynamics need to be responsive justification of Islamic law. The dynamics of family issues can not be separated from the changes taking place in society. According to James W. Vand er Zanden in Nasruddin Rusli1 that happened changes were caused by several factors, for instances a) Increasing or decreasing the population and changes in the ecosystem that exists around humans. b) Other Effect of cultural community as a result of cultural interaction. c) The nature of the community collectively, movement, and social revolution. and d) Tech- and modernity.
MUSLIM FAMILY LAW REFORM IN INDONESIA (A Progressive Interpretation of The Qur’an) Mulia, Siti Musdah
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 15, No 1 (2015): Islamic Family Law Reform in Contemporary Indonesia
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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If we look at Muslim Family laws in different countries or communities, we can see how different they are from one another and how more or less option-giving they are for women. There is obviously no such thing as the Sharia as a God given law, eternal and a-historical. The fact is there are many different Muslim Family laws and they are really man-made. One of the subtle but most pervasive areas of discrimination against women in the Muslim world today is the inequality that occurs within the context of the family. Throughout Muslim countries, Muslim women are speaking out about such discrimination and are fighting for reform of family laws to promote justice and equality within the family. This Article outlines key discriminatory provisions within Muslim Family Law in Indonesia which is called The Compilation of Islamic Law (1991) and the efforts being made by progress Indonesian Muslim to advocate for comprehensive reform of the Compilation. This effort includes developing an understanding of why and how reform of Muslim family laws is possible using the principle of justice and equality in Islamic perspective. The last part of this article will introduce a new draft of The Compilation of Islamic Law which is called the Counter Legal Draft of The Compilation of Islamic Law (The CLD) in 2004, that is based on the principle that the Quranic ideal for the Muslim family is founded on the fundamental Islamic values of human equality and freedom. The CLD is constructed on the premise that the realization of the Quranic vision of the family can be achieved only if the values of equality and freedom are reflected in all aspects of the regulation of marriage and family. Keywords : Family Law, Reform, Indonesia, CLD KHI and Progressive.

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