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Retorika “Kebenaran Tungal”: Peran Kyai terhadap Laku Hidup Perempuan Sunda di Pesantren R, Navita Hani
Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 29, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan

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This paper talked about the role of Kyai and its power relations in influencing the lives of women in traditional ‘pesantren’ in Sundanese society through the lens of structural functionalism theory. Sundanese society were the people who uphold the principles of Islam, it was not surprising that ‘pesantren ‘and Kyai quite well developed in that area. The role and position of Kyai considered very major in Sundanese society. Kyai in the Sundanese society not only as a teacher or a person who was an expert in religion, he also acted as society solidarity guard. The Strategic Role of the Kyai in maintaining social stability and collective solidarity also had influence on the behavior of women living in ‘pesantrens’ Sundanese - West Java. Women built and reworded by Kyai said. He should be at home, caring for and maintaining the child, as well as comply with the husband. Earlier in the Sundanese cultural context, women had a power over domestic space, but in a pesantren, where the teaching of Islam is very strong applied, women no longer had good power in the domestic sphere especially in public areas. The duties of women entirely set in ujaran- speech Kyai they must obey. Womens lived in the pesantren very different from ordinary women. Although Islam in Sundanese had finely mixed with local traditions, but still more women at the school based on the teachings of Islam. Each of what was presented by Kyai was the truth that comes from God.
Komodifikasi Agama dalam Ruang Politik di Seberang Kota Jambi Batubara, Ariyandi; Malik, Abdul
Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 29, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan

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Religion in an ideal concept was understood as guide measure of moral. Religion was the way of life that had doctrines with universal meanings and cross the space and  time along with always relevant to be directived in all context, including politic. But this perspectives on the real situation was deviate. So, today, religion was shifted from its position as guidliness become only instrument and could be understood with flexible according to person comprehension who exploitation the religion itself. This research wanted to find the answer (1) what was the motivation of religion put into politic space on Seberang Kota Jambi, (2) how did the kinds of religion commodification in politic space on Seberang Kota Jambi, and (3) what was the implication from the religion commodification phenomenon in politic space on Seberang Kota Jambi. By using the data that took from observation, interview, and documentation, this research found (1) the motivation of majority politicans on Seberang Kota Jambi put religion into politic pace was to get a power, (2) and the forms of religion commodofication in politic space on Seberang Kota Jambi were using Kitab Yāsīn as politic promotion, put religion symbols into politic banner, and using ulama as instrument for increasing politic electability, etc. If this phenomenon allowed as well as, so in future time would bring (3) implication in understanding of religion become superficial and partial. This research was recomended to stakeholders as politicans, ulama, academics, and people of Seberang Kota Jambi to take their own part, so that religioncould be understood and done.
Hegemoni Agama dalam Pendidikan: Euforia Pendidikan Islam Terpadu di Solo Raya Kusumawati, Dian
Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 29, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan

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Integrated Islamic Primary School called by Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu / SDIT appeared in the area of religious hegemony in through educational institutions. Community who were swept away in the euphoria of educating children to be part of a faith-based effort to save her from straying from the black hole of cultural globalization. Integrated Islamic School became one of the institutions that were believed by the public to educate children in accordance with his religious beliefs, which was based on the power of the discourse of the Quran text. Cause public euphoria pragmatism hegemony in the religious life and discourse interpret the Qur’an text that should not only be part of the formal idol without the full meaning and understanding simple. Integrated Islamic School that raised public hegemony became part of religious education that had doctrinal side of the positive values that emphasize ethical moral teachings for the sake of public order and peace, but it could be different from that created by religious hegemony with power and dominance over his people. Religiosity practice known in the west as a new era of spirituality or postmodern spirituality. Dream institute which was expected to educate children to be part of the human being started based on religious values but becomes oppression and imprisonment for children. Determination of the values of the Qur’an made school teaching hours increase, so that integrated Islamic  Education refers to the concept of a full - day school. Religious hegemony in the educational area to be part of the euphoria that saved the way education was becoming increasingly oppressive and merely a formality in meaning in performing religious beliefs that were considered sacred.
Perubahan Pemaknaan Peran Perempuan Muslim dalam Pengasuhan Anak di Pedesaan Kawasan Prambanan Muryanti, Muryanti
Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 29, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan

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Muslim women worked in public sector in all variant jobs not only in urban area, but also in rural area phenomena. They had been doing it because of freedom, education, solidarity, or economic reason. When Muslim women worked in public sector, the new problems were appears, about care of children in the house as domestic work. These phenomenons were related to Indonesian’s culture and Islam perspective that believed the jobs of care of children was women burden. This article described about changing of meaning the role of Muslim women in the caring children. There were many institutions replaced care children, like day care etc. This article used qualitative research with observation and interview. The result of research, there were changing care of children in rural society. Before 2000, Muslim women were depend on family (extend family), neighbors, domestic worker, but in 2013, they prefered care of their children in the new institution (day care) because this institution gave early education to the child and save. But, majority Muslim women in this research believed that domestic works are their jobs.
Interaksi Sosial dalam Keberagaman Umat Muslim Masyarakat Giri Asih, Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta Muhadi, Muhadi
Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 29, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan

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In the discussion of contemporary religious issued, the discourse of religious pluralism was one of the most hotly debated themes; it was born amid the diversity of the exclusive truth claimed and truth claimed that were inclusive attitude of looking at the reality of religious plurality. Plurality was a reality in Indonesia, ethnic diversity, culture, religion, and class made much difference. The difference was a necessity that must be respected, but it was not rare to find some social conflicts underlying racial issues, namely the conflict between religious groups or religious sects’ conflict. However, the existence of diversity and that diversity should be valued and mutual respect between one another, create a harmonious life in religious plurality.
Paradigma Baru Pengelolaan Institusi Dakwah: Urgensi Ilmu Manajemen Mewujudkan Majelis Taklim Ideal Minangsih, Kalsum
Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 29, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan

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One of the organizations that was growing and developing in Indonesia was taklim. This happens not only because of the collective consciousness of Muslims about the importance of studying the science of religion in daily life, more than that, taklim had become a container that could foster familiarity among the congregation. Taklim as a center of Islamic learning (Islamic Learning Institution) were recognized had a very large role in the intellectual life of the people and the nation. Currently, the existence of taklim felt increasingly important and was expected to play a greater role to solve various problems faced by the community. Most taklim managed traditionally and used the approach and concept lillahi taala reward that sometimes ignore the quality of the material that was tailored to the needs of the congregation, delivery methods, and so forth. Taklim certainly not enough just be a "Jiping", "Shalawatan", or "Hafmul" (memorized mouth) without knowing the letters of hijaiyyah. Thus, the pattern of management should be amended by introducing a new management scheme based on good management, improvement in terms of human resources (Ustadzah, Ustad), curriculum or materials, methods, and media used. This was the importance of a functioning management taklim made a planning, organization, implementation, control, and evaluation. Hopefully, with a new management-based on professionality, taklim could develop into the power of civil society and play a greater role in building the Indonesian Muslim community and the ideal taklim.
Ajaran Tasawuf Karim Jamak dalam Membentuk Karakter Jam’iyatul Islamiyah Kerinci Zuhdi, Ahmad
Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 29, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan

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Abdul Karim Jamak telah berupaya mendalami dan mengamalkan ajaran Islam dalam historiografi keagamaan di Kerinci. Sebagai guru agama, Ia memiliki harapan dan cita-cita mengembangkan dakwah Islam. Cita-cita dan harapan itu juga dimanifestasikan dengan mendorong perubahan masyarakat Kerinci, dari “kuno”, “statis” dan “berlatarbelakang rendah” ke arah “modern”, yaitu masyarakat yang mengamalkan Islam secara kaffah. Abdul Karim Jamak juga bersikap hati-hati dalam menyampaikan materi dakwah. Ia sadar bahwa jika salah dalam memberi bimbingan, maka resiko yang ditanggung bukan saja terhadap manusia melainkan juga kepada Allah SWT. Upaya Karim Jamak menyampaikan ilmu agama kepada jamaahnya telah mengupayakan memenuhi standard benar seperti yang dituntut Islam, jauh dari kesalahan, bersih dalam syariah, benar dalam akidah asli yaitu kitab Allah (Alquran) dan Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW. Tulisan ini hendak mengurai lebih mendalam ajaran tasauf dari Abdul Karim Jamak, yang walaupun dianggap kontroversi oleh sebagian orang, tetapi di sisi lain ajarannya tentang tasauf patut diresapi sebagai bagian dari sejarah keIslaman orang Kerinci secara khusus dan Jambi secara umum

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