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ISSN : 1410900X     EISSN : 25035215     DOI : 10.24257
Core Subject : Education,
Atavisme adalah jurnal yang bertujuan mempublikasikan hasil- hasil penelitian sastra, baik sastra Indonesia, sastra daerah maupun sastra asing. Seluruh artikel yang terbit telah melewati proses penelaahan oleh mitra bestari dan penyuntingan oleh redaksi pelaksana. Atavisme diterbitkan oleh Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Timur. Terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun, pada bulan Juni dan Desember.
Articles 9 Documents
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Fungsi Teater Rakyat Ubrug Bagi Masyarakat Banten Nur Seha; Anitawati Bachtiar; Adek Dwi Oktaviantina; Rukmini Rukmini; Sehabudin Sehabudin
ATAVISME Vol 17, No 1 (2014): ATAVISME, Edisi Juni 2014
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3237.133 KB) | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v17i1.23.107-120


The purpose of this research is to describe the functions of the ubrug folk theater for Bantenese people. This study uses function theory and cultural studies. The data resources for the article is Mang Cantel’s Ubrug folk theater because it still often accepts the offer to perform on stage in wedding events in the area around Serang and Pandeglang. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. Meanwhile, the data collecting techniques are recording, interviewing, observing, making a transcription, and translating. The result of this research shows that ubrug folk theater has several functions for Bantenese people. The first function of ubrug is as a preservation media for Bantenese languages which are Serang Javanese and Banten Sundanese. Moreover, ubrug has become the media in moral education, media in a publicizing government program such as family planning (KB), and media of entertainment. Key Words: folk theater; function; ubrug Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan fungsi teater rakyat ubrug bagi masyarakat Banten. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori fungsi dan kajian budaya. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah teater rakyat ubrug Mang Cantel karena ubrug Mang Cantel masih sering menerima tawaran pentas pada acara-acara hajatan di daerah sekitar Serang dan Pandeglang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik perekaman, wawancara, pengamatan, transkripsi, dan terjemahan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa teater rakyat ubrug memiliki beberapa fungsi bagi masyarakat Banten. Ubrug berfungsi sebagai media pemertahanan bahasa Jawa Serang dan Sunda Banten. Bahasa yang digunakan tersebut menjadi ruh pertunjukan sehingga dapat menjadi alat untuk mempertahankan bahasa dan budaya Banten. Selain itu, ubrug dapat menjadi media penanaman pendidikan moral, media informasi program pemerintah seperti Keluarga Berencana (KB), dan sebagai media hiburan
Kearifan Lokal Dalam Sastra Lisan Suku Moy Papua Sriyono Sriyono
ATAVISME Vol 17, No 1 (2014): ATAVISME, Edisi Juni 2014
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (194.3 KB) | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v17i1.19.55-69


This research is aimed at describing the local wisdom in the oral literature of Moy tribe in Papua. The main data of this research is the oral literature of Moy tribe. Based on the analysis, there are some local wisdom found in the oral literature of Moy Tribe, such as the using of clay as a basic material of ceramics; the using of bia (shell) as a horn; building the harmony with nature, human being, and God; identifying the spirit of jungle and the way to overcome their disturbance; giving a name to such animal or a plan; prohibition of committing adultery; spell of covering snow; martial knowledge and strategy; and concept of mountain as the source of water. This research is aimed at describing the local wisdom in the oral literature of Moy tribe in Papua. The main data of this research is the oral literature of Moy tribe. Based on the analysis, there are some local wisdom found in the oral literature of Moy Tribe, such as the using of clay as a basic material of ceramics; the using of bia (shell) as a horn; building the harmony with nature, human being, and God; identifying the spirit of jungle and the way to overcome their disturbance; giving a name to such animal or a plan; prohibition of committing adultery; spell of covering snow; martial knowledge and strategy; and concept of mountain as the source of water. Key Words: oral literature, local wisdom Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kearifan lokal dalam sastra lisan suku Moy di Papua. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah sastra lisan suku Moy. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa kearifan lokal yang dimiliki oleh suku Moy, antara lain sebagai berikut: pembuatan keramik dari kanah liat; pemanfaatan kulit bia sebagai alat pemanggil; membangun harmoni dengan alam, manusia, dan Tuhan; mengenali makhluk penunggu hutan dan cara mengatasi gangguan makhluk tersebut; pemberian nama pada jenis binatang dan tanaman tertentu; larangan berbuat zina; ilmu salju tutup; strategi dan ilmu perang; serta konsep gunung sebagai sumber mata air
ATAVISME Vol 17, No 1 (2014): ATAVISME, Edisi Juni 2014
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.169 KB) | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v17i1.24.121-133


This paper aims to analyze the problems concerning the existential freedom of the young, black, female, main character. Several concepts are used in the analysis; namely, black women existentialism, existential backlash, power feminism, and black feminism. The analysis is also done in the frame of feminist criticism. The result of the analysis shows that it is not easy for a young, black, female character to construct, keep, and/or perform her critical opinion concerning her own existential freedom. There are various kinds of existential backlashes that have to be faced by the female character. Finally, the female character who insists on keeping her own critical opinion concerning her own existential freedom, after she fails to put it into practice in daily life, still has to face a tragic ending.  This paper aims to analyze the problems concerning the existential freedom of the young, black, female, main character. Several concepts are used in the analysis; namely, black women existentialism, existential backlash, power feminism, and black feminism. The analysis is also done in the frame of feminist criticism. The result of the analysis shows that it is not easy for a young, black, female character to construct, keep, and/or perform her critical opinion concerning her own existential freedom. There are various kinds of existential backlashes that have to be faced by the female character. Finally, the female character who insists on keeping her own critical opinion concerning her own existential freedom, after she fails to put it into practice in daily life, still has to face a tragic ending Abstrak: Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji permasalahan seputar kebebasan eksistensial tokoh utama perempuan muda kulit hitam. Beberapa konsep digunakan dalam kajian; yaitu, eksistensialisme perempuan kulit hitam, lecut balik eksistensial, feminisme yang mengandalkan kekuatan, dan feminisme kulit hitam. Kajian juga dilakukan dalam kerangka kritik feminis. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa tidak mudah bagi perempuan muda kulit hitam untuk mengkonstruksi, menyimpan, dan/atau menerapkan pemikirannya yang kritis berkenaan dengan kebebasan eksistensialnya sendiri. Ada berbagai lecut balik eksistensial yang harus dihadapinya. Akhirnya, tokoh perempuan yang bersikeras menyimpan pemikirannya yang kritis berkenaan dengan kebebasan keberadaannya tersebut, setelah ia gagal menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari­?hari, masih harus menghadapi akhir yang tragis. Kata-Kata Kunci: eksistensialisme perempuan kulit hitam; lecut balik eksistensial; feminisme yang berbasis kekuatan; feminisme kulit hitam.
ATAVISME Vol 17, No 1 (2014): ATAVISME, Edisi Juni 2014
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.678 KB) | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v17i1.15.1-15


The Novels Berpacu Nasib di Kebun Karet, Kuli, and Doekoen by Szekely­?Lulofs written on the basis of author's involvement in plantation companies on the East Coast of Sumatra, represents the world of a plantation with all of its characteristics. Through Berpacu Nasib di Kebun Karet, Kuli, and Doekoen, Szekely-Lulofs delivers reportage on the deforestation of the Sumatran East Coast being converted to plantation lands and the growth of plantation companies in Deli and its surrounding areas in the 1930s. Exploitation of forest resources was largely carried out by the Dutch and other foreign companies which secured concessions from the Dutch Colonial Government. This study attempts to explain the ecological transformation of the Sumatran East Coast in the form of deforestation and conversion of the new land as plantation, describes the practices of dehumanization against the plantation workers as the excesses of the achievement of certain economic targets, describes the new lifestyle of the planters as the impact of economic growth occurred in the area. To achieve that goals, the researcher conducts close and contrapuntal reading to expose the ecological colonialism practice. The theory used are postcolonial ecology based on the assumption that colonialism does not only change the structure of social, political, and cultural of colonized society but also radically changes the ecology and traditional livelihood patternsThe Novels Berpacu Nasib di Kebun Karet, Kuli, and Doekoen by Szekely-­?Lulofs written on the basis of author's involvement in plantation companies on the East Coast of Sumatra, represents the world of a plantation with all of its characteristics. Through Berpacu Nasib di Kebun Karet, Kuli, and Doekoen, Szekely-Lulofs delivers reportage on the deforestation of the Sumatran East Coast being converted to plantation lands and the growth of plantation companies in Deli and its surrounding areas in the 1930s. Exploitation of forest resources was largely carried out by the Dutch and other foreign companies which secured concessions from the Dutch Colonial Government. This study attempts to explain the ecological transformation of the Sumatran East Coast in the form of deforestation and conversion of the new land as plantation, describes the practices of dehumanization against the plantation workers as the excesses of the achievement of certain economic targets, describes the new lifestyle of the planters as the impact of economic growth occurred in the area. To achieve that goals, the researcher conducts close and contrapuntal reading to expose the ecological colonialism practice. The theory used are postcolonial ecology based on the assumption that colonialism does not only change the structure of social, political, and cultural of colonized society but also radically changes the ecology and traditional livelihood patterns Key Words: deforestation; transformation; ecology; exploitation; dehumanization Abstrak: Novel Berpacu Nasib di Kebun Karet, Kuli, dan Doekoen karya Szekely-Lulofs yang ditulis berdasarkan keterlibatan pengarang di perusahaan perkebunan di Pantai Timur Sumatra merepresentasikan dunia perkebunan dengan segala karakteristiknya. Melalui Berpacu Nasib di Kebun Karet, Kuli, dan Doekoen, Szekely­?Lulofs menyampaikan reportase tentang deforestasi Pantai Timur Sumatra yang dikonversikan sebagai lahan perkebunan dan pertumbuhan perusahaan perkebunan di Deli dan sekitarnya pada tahun 1930­?an. Eksploitasi sumber daya hutan ini sebagian besar dilakukan oleh perusahaan Belanda dan perusahaan asing lain yang mendapatkan konsesi dari Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menjelaskan transformasi ekologi berupa deforestasi Pantai Timur Sumatra dan konversi lahan baru itu sebagai lahan perkebunan; menjelaskan praktik dehumanisasi terhadap para pekerja perkebunan sebagai ekses dari pencapaian target ekonomi tertentu; menjelaskan gaya hidup baru dari para pekebun sebagai dampak dari pertumbuhan ekonomi yang terjadi di daerah itu. Untuk mencapai tujuan itu dilakukan pembacaan dekat (close reading) dan teknik pembacaan kontrapuntal (contrapuntal reading) untuk menyingkap praktik kolonialisme ekologis itu. Adapun teori yang digunakan adalah teori ekologi pascakolonial yang bertolak dari asumsi bahwa kolonialisme tidak hanya mengubah struktur sosial, politis, dan kultural masyarakat terjajah, tetapi juga secara radikal mengubah ekologi dan pola­?pola penghidupan tradisional.
ATAVISME Vol 17, No 1 (2014): ATAVISME, Edisi Juni 2014
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v17i1.21.85-95


This study attempts to describe the meaning of comic tale "Pak Andir" with the perspective of hermeneutics. This study is focused on exploring the main character with the theory of functional models and aktan, developed by Greimas. The source of data is the story of "Pak Andir" from the community of South Bengkulu. From the analysis, it is concluded that the behavior of the husband as the central character has made the wife a victim. The husband?s arrogance in strictly practicing the patriarchal tradition makes the wife have no courage to be herself. The wife?s claim at the end of the story is a positive thing, but it's too late. As a form of appreciation of literary work, the meaning of these stories need to be disseminated to the public, especially the residents in Bengkulu, that the husband and wife?s attitudes ares incorrect and need to be avoided. This study attempts to describe the meaning of comic tale "Pak Andir" with the perspective of hermeneutics. This study is focused on exploring the main character with the theory of functional models and aktan, developed by Greimas. The source of data is the story of "Pak Andir" from the community of South Bengkulu. From the analysis, it is concluded that the behavior of the husband as the central character has made the wife a victim. The husband?s arrogance in strictly practicing the patriarchal tradition makes the wife have no courage to be herself. The wife?s claim at the end of the story is a positive thing, but it's too late. As a form of appreciation of literary work, the meaning of these stories need to be disseminated to the public, especially the residents in Bengkulu, that the husband and wife?s attitudes ares incorrect and need to be avoided Key Words: comic tale; aktan model; functional model; hermeneutic Abstrak: Penelitian ini berusaha mendeskripsikan makna cerita humor ?Pak Andir? dengan perspektif hermeneutika. Kajian ini difokuskan untuk mengeksplorasi tokoh utama cerita dengan teori aktan dan model fungsional yang dikembangkan oleh Greimas. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah cerita ?Pak Andir? yang berasal dari masyarakat Bengkulu Selatan. Dari hasil pembahasan diperoleh simpulan bahwa perilaku suami sebagai tokoh sentral mengakibatkan istri menjadi korban. Keangkuhan suami dalam memegang teguh tradisi patriarkat membuat istri tidak berani menjadi diri sendiri. Gugatan sang istri pada akhir cerita merupakan hal positif, tetapi sudah terlambat. Sebagai wujud apresiasi terhadap karya sastra, makna cerita ini perlu disebarluaskan ke masyarakat khususnya warga Bengkulu, bahwa sifat­?sifat suami istri itu keliru dan perlu dihindari
ATAVISME Vol 17, No 1 (2014): ATAVISME, Edisi Juni 2014
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v17i1.17.29-39


This study reveals the myth criticism on rhyme "Hang Tuah", an Amir Hamzah?s work expressing Malay myth. The Malay myth found in the rhyme "Hang Tuah" is placed as a meeting place of myth criticism study which includes (1) the structure of the text, (2) figure with its ideology, (3) setting presenting the myth, (4) type of myth, (5) method the poet displays the myth, and (6) the benefit or function of myth. The six elements of the review are expected to contribute in exposing and describing the element of mythology in modern Indonesian poetry and its relevance to the present situation. It is identified that Hang Tuah has an ideology of Malay heroism loyalty able to be a resource in national character building: willing to sacrifice and resilient in defending the country's sovereignty rights. The Malay heroic myth of Hang Tuah, delivered in the form of poetic ballads, adds to the classic aesthetic value. The present benefits of Hang Tuah myth, by his heroism in getting rid of European colonization, is certainly to boost the fighting spirit in defending the rights and dignity as an independent nation, free from occupation or colonialism.  This study reveals the myth criticism on rhyme "Hang Tuah", an Amir Hamzah?s work expressing Malay myth. The Malay myth found in the rhyme "Hang Tuah" is placed as a meeting place of myth criticism study which includes (1) the structure of the text, (2) figure with its ideology, (3) setting presenting the myth, (4) type of myth, (5) method the poet displays the myth, and (6) the benefit or function of myth. The six elements of the review are expected to contribute in exposing and describing the element of mythology in modern Indonesian poetry and its relevance to the present situation. It is identified that Hang Tuah has an ideology of Malay heroism loyalty able to be a resource in national character building: willing to sacrifice and resilient in defending the country's sovereignty rights. The Malay heroic myth of Hang Tuah, delivered in the form of poetic ballads, adds to the classic aesthetic value. The present benefits of Hang Tuah myth, by his heroism in getting rid of European colonization, is certainly to boost the fighting spirit in defending the rights and dignity as an independent nation, free from occupation or colonialism Key Words: myth criticism; heroism; loyalty; fighting spirit Abstrak: Penelitian ini mengungkapkan kritik mitos sajak ?Hang Tuah? karya Amir Hamzah yang menampilkan mitos Kemelayuan. Mitos Kemelayuan yang ditemukan dalam sajak ?Hang Tuah? tersebut ditempatkan sebagai pumpunan penelaahan kritik mitos yang meliputi (1) struktur teks, (2) tokoh dengan ideologinya, (3) latar yang menghadirkan mitos, (4) jenis mitos, (5) cara penyair menampilkan mitos, dan (6) manfaat atau fungsi mitos. Dengan keenam unsur penelaahan kritik mitos itu diharapkan dapat diungkapkan dan dideskripsikan adanya unsur mitologi dalam puisi Indonesia modern dan relevansinya dengan keadaan masa kini. Ternyata Hang Tuah memiliki ideologi loyalitas heroisme Kemelayuan yang dapat menjadi pembentuk karakter bangsa: rela berkorban dan tangguh mempertahankan hak kedaulatan negeri. Mitos kepahlawanan Melayu Hang Tuah dengan cara disampaikan dalam bentuk balada yang puitis menambah nilai estetika klasik. Manfaat bagi kehidupan masa kini mitos Hang Tuah, atas kepahlawanannya mengusir penjajahan bangsa Eropa, tentu sebagai pemompa semangat juang mempertahankan hak dan martabat diri sebagai bangsa yang merdeka, bebas dari penjajahan atau kolonialisme
ATAVISME Vol 17, No 1 (2014): ATAVISME, Edisi Juni 2014
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v17i1.22.95-106


The purpose of this study is to discover the purpose of Paku Alam V, the supreme ruler of Kadipaten Pakualaman Yogyakarta (1878-1900) in initiating the recopying of classic manuscripts by changing a number their r?r?nggan (illustrations), while at the same time adapting texts from newspapers to be written in Javanese with Javanese characters. In this study, the researcher used philology and hermeneutics approach. Philology was used because the research objects were old manuscripts. Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics was utilized as a means to understand the text. The results of the study show that the creation of a number of copies at that time reflects the policies of Paku Alam V. Some of the policies were in the fields of economics and education. The economic slump at the end of the reign of Paku Alam IV forced Paku Alam V to live frugally. Despite this situation, Paku Alam V worked hard to support his daughters to study overseas and sought for the welfare of his people by providing good examples to encourage them to work hard. They were driven to have a modern way of thinking, but they should still uphold Javanese teachings handed down from Pakualaman's ancestors. The purpose of this study is to discover the purpose of Paku Alam V, the supreme ruler of Kadipaten Pakualaman Yogyakarta (1878-1900) in initiating the recopying of classic manuscripts by changing a number their r?r?nggan (illustrations), while at the same time adapting texts from newspapers to be written in Javanese with Javanese characters. In this study, the researcher used philology and hermeneutics approach. Philology was used because the research objects were old manuscripts. Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics was utilized as a means to understand the text. The results of the study show that the creation of a number of copies at that time reflects the policies of Paku Alam V. Some of the policies were in the fields of economics and education. The economic slump at the end of the reign of Paku Alam IV forced Paku Alam V to live frugally. Despite this situation, Paku Alam V worked hard to support his daughters to study overseas and sought for the welfare of his people by providing good examples to encourage them to work hard. They were driven to have a modern way of thinking but they should still uphold Javanese teachings handed down from Pakualaman's ancestors. Key Words: copying; adaptation; r?r?nggan (illustration); Javanese teachings; a modern way of thinking Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui maksud Paku Alam V, penguasa tertinggi Kadipaten Pakualaman Yogyakarta (1878?1900) memprakarsai penyalinan kembali naskah?naskah adiluhung dengan mengubah sejumlah r?r?nggan ?ilustrasi?­?nya, sekaligus menyadur teks dari surat kabar untuk ditulis dalam bahasa dan aksara Jawa. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan filologi dan hermeneutika. Filologi digunakan karena objek penelitian adalah naskah karya masa lampau; sedangkan hermeneutika pemikiran Paul Ricoeur dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana untuk memahami teksnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penciptaan sejumlah naskah pada waktu itu mencerminkan kebijakan Paku Alam V, antara lain dalam bidang ekonomi dan pendidikan. Keterpurukan ekonomi pada masa akhir Paku Alam IV menyebabkan Paku Alam V harus hidup hemat. Meski demikian, Paku Alam V berusaha keras memajukan pendidikan anak-anak perempuannya ke luar negeri dan menyejahterakan warganya dengan memberikan keteladanan agar mau bekerja keras. Mereka didorong berpikiran modern namun tetap harus memegang teguh piwulang Jawa yang diberikan oleh para leluhur Pakualaman
ATAVISME Vol 17, No 1 (2014): ATAVISME, Edisi Juni 2014
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v17i1.16.17-28


This study aims to identify and expose the opinion of local writers of East Kalimantan on various environmental devastations and their causes in East Kalimantan. Using sociology of literature, it can be identified that the writers of East Kalimantan are closely related to and care about their neighborhood environment which is now suffering from devastation. Those writers actually hold a truly crucial role in publicizing that environment may turn into a ?hell? for a human being if it is not well taken care and preserved. This study aims to identify and expose the opinion of local writers of East Kalimantan on various environmental devastations and their causes in East Kalimantan. Using sociology of literature, it can be identified that the writers of East Kalimantan are closely related to and care about their neighborhood environment which is now suffering from devastation. Those writers actually hold a truly crucial role in publicizing that environment may turn into a ?hell? for human being if it is not well taken care and preserved. Key Words: environmental devastation; writers of East Kalimantan; sociology of literature Abstrak: Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengungkapkan pandangan sastrawan lokal Kalimantan Timur terhadap berbagai kerusakan alam dan penyebab kerusakan alam di Kalimantan Timur. Dengan menggunakan teori sosiologi sastra dapat diketahui bahwa sastrawan Kalimantan Timur sangat akrab dan peduli dengan lingkungan hidup di sekitar mereka yang pada saat ini tengah mengalami kerusakan. Para sastrawan Kalimantan Timur tersebut sesungguhnya mempunyai peran yang sangat vital dalam mengampanyekan betapa lingkungan hidup dapat menjadi ?neraka? bagi umat manusia jika tidak dipelihara dan dilestarikan.
ATAVISME Vol 17, No 1 (2014): ATAVISME, Edisi Juni 2014
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v17i1.18.41-54


his study aims to build the theory of prose fiction of Javanese literature based on the study of folktale as a first step towards the development of the study of native literature. This study?s objects are ten pieces of folktale, consisting of 93 story?s episodes, which were published in Panjebar Semangat magazine between 2006-2010. This study uses structural­?phenomenological-hermeneutic approach, by applying phenomenological reduction, eidetic reduction, and transcendental reduction. The results of phenomenological reduction are nine elements of the work: author, a title of the story, special object, language, setting, character, emotional event, plot, and idea. The results of eidetic reduction are opposition rule, internal relation rule, and external relation rule. The results of transcendental reduction are the values of holiness, truth, and kindness. his study aims to build the theory of prose fiction of Javanese literature based on the study of folktale as a first step towards the development of the study of native literature. This study?s objects are ten pieces of folktale, consisting of 93 story?s episodes, which were published in Panjebar Semangat magazine between 2006-2010. This study uses structural­?phenomenological­?hermeneutic approach, by applying phenomenological reduction, eidetic reduction, and transcendental reduction. The results of phenomenological reduction are nine elements of the work: author, a title of a story, special object, language, setting, character, emotional event, plot, and idea. The results of eidetic reduction are opposition rule, internal relation rule, and external relation rule. The results of transcendental reduction are the values of holiness, truth, and kindness. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun teori prosa fiksi sastra Jawa berbasis pada kajian cerita rakyat sebagai langkah pertama menuju pengembangan studi sastra kepribumian. Penelitian ini menggunakan objek kajian sepuluh buah cerita rakyat, terdiri atas 93 episode cerita, yang dimuat di majalah Panjebar Semangat antara tahun 2006-2010. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis struktura­?fenomenologis-­hermeneutik, dengan menerapkan reduksi fenomenologis, reduksi eidetis, dan reduksi transendental. Hasil dari reduksi fenomenologis adalah sembilan unsur karya: pengarang, judul cerita, objek khusus, bahasa, latar cerita, tokoh cerita, peristiwa emosional, alur cerita, dan gagasan. Hasil dari reduksi eidetis adalah kaidah oposisi, kaidah relasi internal, dan kaidah relasi eksternal. Hasil dari reduksi transendental adalah nilai kekudusan, nilai kebenaran, dan nilai kebaikan. Kata-Kata Kunci: teori prosa fiksi sastra Jawa; cerita rakyat; pendekatan struktural-fenomeno logis-hermeneutik

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