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In partnership between Faculty of Computer Science, Sriwijaya University, Kirklareli University and Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), we are delighted to be hosting the first international conference on computer science and engineering.
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Articles 28 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1, No 1 (2014)" : 28 Documents clear
Noise Reduction Technique for Heart Rate Monitoring Devices Q.H Hii; Reza Firsandaya Malik
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal has been widely used to detect the heart rate of the human, and it is useful in cardiac pathology. ECG detects several heart diseases of the patients. Wearable technology comes to be conducted as work as the monitoring devices to get the ECG signal directly from the patients. However, the movement of the patients will cause noises which interfere the result of the ECG. To overcome this problem, the digital filter is proposed to be designed and used in getting an accurate ECG signal. The filtering ECG results give likely in analysing the heart disease.The structures and the coefficients of the digital filters are designed using Filter Design & Analysis (FDA) tool in MATLAB. The analysis of magnitude responseis done in two type of the digital filter - the infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR). This paper evaluatesthat the FIR digital filter is more stable and better to be used in removing noise from ECG signals.
Sensor Fusion and Fuzzy Logic for Stabilization System of Gimbal Camera on Hexacopter Huda Ubaya; Hanipah Mawarni
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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Hexacopter has the ability to fly in the air can be used as an air monitoring system. To get the video or images that have good quality then it is used gimbal camera as a movement stabilizer and vibration damping. Stabilization System consists of two axes, x axis (roll) and y axis (pitch) and has a 2-axis camera gimbal controller which is have microcontroller ATMEGA 328 that serves to regulate the stability of the gimbal camera. The Input of this system is derived from accelerometer and gyroscope sensors that are within the sensor module MPU 6050, to determine the tilt position of hexacopter. The output of this sensor will be filtered first using complementary filters that serve to reduce noise of both sensors and complement advantages and disadvantages of each sensor. The output of this system is the movement of two brushless motors, brushless roll and pitch, that are controlled with Sugeno fuzzy logic method because it has a simple calculation so the response is faster and more suitable for real-time applications. From the case study with the data of the roll at by 35 º and pitch at by 17 º resulting PWM duty cycle value by -69.47% roll and pitch resulting PWM duty cycle value by -25.5 %, where (-) represents the direction of movement. 
Data Optimization on Multi Robot Sensing System with RAM based Neural Network Method Ahmad Zarkasi; Siti Nurmaini
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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Monitoring the environment activities is an attractive Abstract— Monitoring the environment activities is an attractive thing for development. That is because the human life would affect the surrounding environtment. There’s a lot of research of environment has been done, one of those is the changes of air quality in urban areas.  To measure the level of air quality, the data and information from field measurements and laboratory analysis result was needed. This paper review the research result that focus on sensor data processing in multi robot using RAM based neural network. There are 11 pattern input data were processed by temperature data optimization from 250C until 350C, humadity data from 20% until 60% and gas data from 350ppm until 450ppm. The obtained result is from 8 bits and 9 bits become 6 bits in certain level with optimazion percentage is25% and 33,3%. This result effect to the computationan load, it’s become more simple, the execution time and data communication becomes faster.    
Rock Genre Classification using K-Nearest Neighbor Yoppy Sazaki
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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Music genre  classification is a part of Music Information Retrieval. This research was a genre music detection based on signal from an audio. Divided into two processes namely extraction of features and classification. Signal would be transformed using Fast Fourier Transform to get frequency domain signal which will be processed to extract Short Time Energy, Spectral Centroid, Spectral Roll-Off, Spectral Flux, and Energy Entropy feature. Besides those features, Zero Crossing Rate would be counted from time-domain signal. in classifying phase, research using k nearest neighbor with accuracy reaching 54,44%.
Molecular Docking on Azepine Derivatives as Potential Inhibitors for H1N1-A Computational Approach Neni Frimayanti; Fri Murdiya; rossi passarella
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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Azepine are an important class of organic compounds. They are effective in a wide range of biological activity such as antifeedants, antidepressants, CNS stimulants, calcium channel blocker, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. In our continue efforts to search for a potent inhibitor for H1N1 virus using molecular docking. In this study, 15 azepine (ligands) derivatives were docked to the neuraminidase of A/Breving Mission/1/1918 H1N1 strain in complex with zanamivir (protein). The Cdocker energy was then calculated for these complexes (protein-ligand). Based on the calculation, the lowest Cdocker interaction energy was selected and potential inhibitors can be identified. Compounds MA4, MA7, MA8, MA10, MA11 and MA12 with promising Cdocker energy was expected to be very effective against the neuraminidase H1N1.
The Development Model for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to Improve The Quality of Services in Academic Information Systems Faculty of Computer Science Sriwijaya University Fathoni Fathoni
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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The development and utilization of information technology will make the competition among universities,  as a result the universities should maintain their quality of services to get their potential customers and key customers, in particularly to get related information, in order to being first choice in the society. Professional management will be able to provide outstanding quality services and highly competitive, especially in academic services. The development of academic information system to improve the services can be done by apply the Customer Relationship Management or (CRM). Implementation of CRM in academic information system can create an emotional bond that is able to build a two-way communication between users and academic system providers. With good and reliable communication can improve the quality of academic services to the customers, which in turn will be able to improve the customer loyalty and increase the customer satisfaction in the Faculty of Computer Science.
Fuzzy Logic Implementation on Enemy Speed Control to Raise Player Engagement Abdiansah abdiansah; Anggina Primanita; Frendredi Muliawan
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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Shoot em’ up game is the sub-genre of action game. Action game is attractive because the game play usually use the interesting user interface and easily affect human emotion. With the aim to eliminate all the enemy, this kind of game will be boredom the player if the enemy behavior are monotones. This game needs a controller to add dynamic system into the enemy such as the artificial intelligence. Therefore, this paper proposes Fuzzy Takagi Sugeno method that will take several input and give the response as the output. So, the game will manipulate the enemy behavior that make the game more challenging and interesting to be played.
Simplification Complex Sentences in Indonesia Language using Rule-Based Reasoning Rifka Widyastuti; M Fachrurrozi; Novi Yusliani
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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Complex sentence consist of two or more single sentence and one or more conjunctions. Complex sentences have many meaning, so that is quite difficult to be simplified because the results of simplification complex sentence does not match the original sentence. To solve this problem, this research using Rule-Based Reasoning method and Surface Expression Rules. Because Rule-Based Reasoning method can be adapted to the rules of surface expression that can look for patterns of complex sentences, so thus simplifying precise and accurate results. The results of researchis the Rule-Based Reasoning methods used in accordance with the accuracy of 93.8% and an assessment of questionnaires obtained values 76-100

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