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Published by Universitas Khairun
ISSN : 16931041     EISSN : 26860392     DOI : 10.33387
TéKSTUAL adalah jurnal bidang ilmu humaniora seperti linguistik, kesusastraan, sejarah, antropologi, filsafat, agama, dan seni.
Articles 59 Documents
An Analysis of Online English Learning Through Messenger Application at SMAN 1 Tinambung Rani Suhartini; Andi Mega Januarti Putri; Amrang Amrang
TEKSTUAL Vol 19, No 2 (2021): Tekstual: Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1066.161 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/tekstual.v19i2.4226


The purpose of this study was to analyze the learning process and student responses to online English learning through the messenger application at SMAN 1 Tinambung, by analyzing the learning process. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection techniques were observation, interviews and documentation. Researcher took 2 classes at SMAN 1 Tinambung as research subjects, class XII MIA 4 as subjects in the learning process and XII IIS 4 total 24 students as respondents to the learning process through messenger applications. The researcher chose class XII IIS 4 as the respondent because the researcher saw that class XII IIS 4 each student had a different character and was more responsive in giving answers. The results showed that the process of learning English online through the messenger application was inefficient, meaning that the process of learning English through the messenger application could not help students understand learning through the messenger application. Furthermore, the student's response to learning English using the messenger application, from 8 questions in the interview showed that the student's response to learning English using the messenger application was inefficient because they could not understand the learning material taught through the messenger application. In this case, the researcher assessed that the online English learning process through the messenger application was inefficient in learning. In addition, students also sometimes have difficulty learning to use messenger applications.
Analisis Pengaruh Media Sosial (Facebook) Terhadap Pola Kebahasaan Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya Universitas Khairun Ikmal Muhammad
TEKSTUAL Vol 19, No 2 (2021): Tekstual: Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1166.196 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/tekstual.v19i2.425


Progress of information technology and communications bear creation peripheral of sophisticated communications and can penetrate room boundary and time. one of them  is  internet.Attendance of internet can form world society become incircuit globally or which more knowledgeable as community cyber. where passing the the room happened various penetration and transfer of culture complexly. One of them language. Social media of facebook is one of the application friendship of which can become example  what a passive is friction of culture and way of communications, the core important is youngster, this matter is started from usage of Ianguage as instrument which is used in communications of facebook.Most Society group affect is youngster nowadays, insoluble especially to technology, including student faction with Ianguage study background even if. For the reason activity in the form  giving of socialization with a purpose to give the understanding of to condition of contempore concerning influence of facebook to usage of Ianguage in interaction in social media of facebook become important to be conducted. Through discourse and demonstration vary, student given by the understanding of hitting influence of facebook to Ianguage aspect in student scope in faculty of letters and culture as an real example of which easierly digested.This matter is conducted on the chance of can give effect, especially at its applying in actifity in  facebook. Because however, especially faculty of letters and culture students which is have Ianguage study background to have responsibility to know to regarding contemporary Ianguage phenomenon which in this time is happened, particularly systematically such phenomenon can affect socially in its life.
Dictionary of Fantasy Terms Dayangku Alina Awang Habuan
TEKSTUAL Vol 19, No 2 (2021): Tekstual: Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1143.495 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/tekstual.v19i2.4271


Today fantasy has become a renown genre not only in the literature, but also in the pop-culture such as TVs and movies. Even in the movies, there are considerable number of the fantasy genre, and among those movies, The Lord of The Rings (LOTR) and Harry Potter (HP) are ranked at the top. Moreover, based on Gamble and Yates’ explications, LOTR franchises fall into category (1) because they tell a story of a whole new universe. While HP franchises fall into category (2) and (3) because the stories are about secondary world which can be entered through various portal, and indeed, that’s a ‘world within-a-world’. This means that, both movies are considered as a ‘high fantasy’. Furthermore, this such could be more interesting when the focus is highlighted to the elements, words, or terms that constitute a fantasy genre, for instance, terms which refer to a certain creature or people in the realm of fantasy. These data thus can be compiled into one set of entries, which leads to a project of dictionary-making. In short, the purpose of this project is to conduct a mini scale dictionary contains words in relation to the fantasy genre, especially LOTR and HP universes. Since they are the most popular and categorized as ‘high fantasy’ which contains more reference concerning the fantasy terms.
Mengungkap Representasi Imajiner Kajian Paskakolonial Pada Cerpen Macan Lapar Akmal Jaya
TEKSTUAL Vol 20, No 1 (2022): Tekstual: Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1056.063 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/tekstual.v20i1.4645


Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan adanya representasi-repsentasi imajiner yang terjalin diantara dua kubu dalam cerpen Macan Lapar karya Danarto. Metode yang dilakukan untuk mengungkapkan representasi imajiner yakni dengan metode menyimak pada teks sehingga ditemukan wacana-wacana yang diduga mengandung representasi imajiner. Wacana tersebut kemudian dianalisis melalui pendekatan teori poskolonial terutama Homi.K.Bhaba. hasil analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat wacana-wacana kolonial yang dikontruksi masing-masing pihak pada posisi antagonistic satu sama lain.This paper aims to reveal the existence of imaginary representations that exist between the two camps in Danarto's short story Macan Lapar. The method used to express imaginary representations is by listening to the text to find the discourses that is assumed contains imaginary representations. The discourse is then analyzed through a postcolonial theory approach, especially Homi.K.Bhaba. The results of this analysis show that there are colonial discourses that are constructed by each party in an antagonistic position to each other.Keywords: imaginary representation, postcolonial theory, short story Macan Lapar.
Peranan Masyarakat Lokal Air Tege-tege Terhadap Perkembangan Wisata Sejarah Cengkeh Afo Di Kota Ternate Mustafa Mansur; Betly Taghulihi
TEKSTUAL Vol 20, No 1 (2022): Tekstual: Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1081.812 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/tekstual.v20i1.4637


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu keterlibatan dan peranan masyarakat lokal di Air Tege – Tege dalam mengembangkan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat. Diharapkan dari penelitian ini masyarakat lokal air tege – tege dapat menjaga kestabilan pengembangan pariwisata yang sudah berkembang di destinasi cengkeh afo. Pariwisata berbasis masyarakat merupakan sebuah konsep pengembangan suatu destasi wisata melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal. Salah satu representasi dari pembangunan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat adalah desa wisata. Cengkeh afo merupakan destinasi wisata sejarah yang menerapkan ekowisata dan melibatkan masyarakat lokal untuk mengelola destinasi tersebut. Destinasi ini terletak di desa Air Tege – Tege Kelurahan Tongole Kota Ternate. Masyarakat lokal disekitar objek memegang peranan penting dalam keberlanjutan destdiinasi tersebut. Target luaran penelitian ini adalah 1). Bertambahnya wawasan masyarakat Kota Ternate tentang Wisata Sejarah, 2). Publikasi di Jurnal ber ISSN, 3). Bahan ajar di Program Studi Usaha Perjalanan Wisata.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian di Cengkeh Afo Air Tege – Tege. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat air tege - tege benar – benar terlibat dan mempunyai peranan penting dalam pengembangan objek wisata sejarah cengkeh afo yang sampai sekarang masih berkembang dan menjadi saah satu destinasi favorit di kota ternate.Sejak awal pendirian wisata sejarah Cengkeh Afo dengan konsep pariwisata berbasis masyarakat membuat masyarakat begitu antusias dan bersemangat meskipun pada kenyataannya proses mengembangkan sebuah destinasi tidaklah mudah karena mengalami berbagai kendala kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat lokal tentang pariwisata. Simpulan pada penelitian ini adalah terdapat 4 (empat) bentu partisipasi yang dilakukan masyarakat dalam pengembangan wisata sejarah cengkeh afo seperti 1). Bentuk partisipasi yang mengawali aktivitas kepariwisataan , 2). Bentuk partisipasi proses awal kepariwisataan dimana masyarakat mulai melakukan musyawarah dan membicarakan keinginan mereka terhadap aktivitas. 3). Bentuk partisipasi dalam perencanaan serta 4). Bentuk partisipasi dalam pengembangan.This research aims to investigate the involvement and role of local community at Air Tege–Tege in developing the community-based tourism. This research expects the local community of Tege - Tege can maintain the stability of tourism development that has been developed in Cengkeh Afo destination. Community-based tourism is a concept of developing a tourist destination through the empowerment of local communities. One of the the representations of community-based tourism development is a tourist village. Cengkeh Afo is a historical tourist destination that implements ecotourism and involves local community to manage the destination. This destination is located in Air Tege–Tege, Tongole Village, Ternate City. The local community around the object holds an important role in the sustainability of the destination. The outcomes of this research are: 1). The increasing insight of Ternate people about Historical Tourism, 2). Publication in Journal with ISSN, 3). Teaching materials in the Travel Business Study Program. This research uses a qualitative method. The research location is Cengkeh Afo Air Tege–Tege. The findings in this research indicate that the Air Tege –Tege community is actively involved and has an important role in the development of the Cengkeh Afo historical tourist attraction which is still developing and has become one of the favorite destinations in Ternate City. The initial establishment of Cengkeh Afo historical tourism with the concept of community-based tourism makes people so enthusiastic and passionate even though in reality, the process of developing a destination is not easy because it experiences various obstacles and lacks local community understanding about tourism. The research concludes that there are 4 (four) forms of community participation in the development of Cengke Afo historical tourism such as: 1). The Form of participation that initiate tourism activities, 2). The form of participation in the initial tourism process in which the community begins to conduct deliberations and discuss their eagerness for the activity. 3). The form of participation in planning and 4). The form of participation in development.Keywords: Masyarakat Lokal, Pariwisata Berbasis Masyarakat, Wisata Sejarah
Social Condition of French Society pre-revolution in A Tale of Two Cities Novel by Charles Dickens La Ode Muhamad Irwin Syawal; Fathu Rahman; M. Amir P.
TEKSTUAL Vol 20, No 1 (2022): Tekstual: Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1098.33 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/tekstual.v20i1.4507


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis permasalahan kondisi sosial masyarakat Prancis sebelum potret revolusi dalam novel A Tale of Two Cities karya Charles Dickens. Keterkaitan karya sastra sebagai penggambaran kehidupan sosial membuktikan bahwa karya sastra selalu memiliki keberpihakan. Oleh karena itu, dapat dikatakan bahwa karya sastra merupakan karya tendensius yang berarti memiliki tujuan tertentu di balik penciptaannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan sosiologi sastra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi sosial masyarakat Perancis dimana rakyatnya hidup dalam kemiskinan dan rakyat miskin dieksploitasi oleh kaum bangsawan, kelaparan melanda di setiap sudut kota, kakunya hukum pada masa sistem monarki, dan penyalahgunaan kekuasaan oleh kaum bangsawan kepada orang-orang miskin, yang menjurus pada revolusi yang dipimpin oleh orang-orang miskin. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa kondisi sosial masyarakat sebelum revolusi adalah kemiskinan, kelaparan, hukum yang kaku, dan penyalahgunaan kekuasaanThis research aims to analyze the problem of social condition of French society before the revolution portrait in A Tale of Two Cities novel written by Charles Dickens. The linkage of literary works as a portray of a social life proves that a literary work always has partiality. Therefore, it can be said that literary work is a tendentious work which means having certain purposes behind its creation. This research uses the qualitative and sociology of literature approach. The result of the research that the social condition of French society where the people live in poverty where the poor people exploited by the noble, famine struck in every corner of the city, rigid of law during the monarchy system, and power abuse by the nobles to the poor people, which lead this into revolution lead by the poor people. The Researcher concluded that social condition of the society before the revolution are poverty, famine, rigid law, and power abuse.Keywords: Sociology of Literature, Social Condition, Revolution.
Social Problems In Drama 13 Reasons Why: Peirce Semiotics Approach Ratu Ainun Jariah; Fathu Rahman; M. Amir P
TEKSTUAL Vol 20, No 1 (2022): Tekstual: Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1388.521 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/tekstual.v20i1.4508


Penelitian ini berjudul Social Problems In Drama 13 Reasons Why: Peirce Semiotics Approach, dengan menganalisis 13 episode yang ditayangkan pada season pertama serial ini oleh Bryan Yorkey. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis masalah sosial yang terjadi pada Hanna Baker berdasarkan tanda-tanda yang muncul yang membuatnya bunuh diri dalam serial drama tersebut. Untuk mendeskripsikan masalah sosial Hanna, peneliti menggunakan metode analisis teks media Charles Sanders Peirce. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setiap adegan dan dialog dalam drama menunjukkan masalah sosial yang meliputi bullying, kekerasan seksual, bunuh diri, penguntitan, dan penjurian. Hasil penelitian yang penulis dapat simpulkan bahwa permasalahan sosial yang dialami Hanna dalam serial drama “13 reason why” merupakan bentuk seni yang membujuk penonton dan menyampaikan kondisi sosial remaja yang penuh dengan perilaku menyimpang dan menyampaikan kepada semua orang untuk peduli dengan tindakan menyimpang yang ada di sekitar kita.This study is entitled Social Problems In Drama 13 Reasons Why: Peirce Semiotics Approach, by analyzing the 13 episodes that aired in the first season of this series by Bryan Yorkey. This study aims to of this research is to analyze the social problems that happened to Hanna Baker based on the signs that appeared that made her commit suicide in the drama series. To describe Hanna's social problems, the researcher uses Charles Sanders Peirce's media text analysis method. The results of this study show that every scene and dialogue in the drama shows social problems including bullying, sexual assault, suicide, stalking, and judging. The results of the study that writer can conclude that the social problems experienced by Hanna in the drama series "13 reasons why" is a form of art that persuades the audience and conveys the social conditions of teenagers who are full of deviant behavior and conveys to all people to care about deviant actions that are present around us.Keywords: Drama Series, Semiotics, 13 Reasons Why.
Imagery In The Poem “Siap Sedia” By Chairil Anwar Indra Purnawan Panjaitan
TEKSTUAL Vol 20, No 1 (2022): Tekstual: Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1070.596 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/tekstual.v20i1.4653


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis imaji yang terdapat dalam puisi Siap Sedia karya Chairil Anwar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data tertulis berupa imajiner dalam puisi Siap Sedia karya Chairil Anwar. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik notetaking. Berdasarkan analisis imajiner dalam puisi Siap Sedia karya Chairil Anwar, dapat disimpulkan bahwa karya penyair menggunakan beberapa imajiner seperti visual, auditori, dan tackle. Imajiner visual terdapat pada Bait 1, 2, dan 7. Imajiner tackle terdapat pada Bait 4, 5. dan Imajiner pendengaran hanya terdapat pada Bait 3. Jadi, imajiner visual yang terdapat hampir pada setiap bait.This research aims to describe the types of imagery in the poem Siap Sedia by Chairil Anwar. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. This type of research is library research. The data that is used in this research is written data such as imagery in the poem Siap Sedia by Chairil Anwar. The technique that is used to collect data in this study is the notetaking technique. Based on the imagery analysis in the poetry Siap Sedia by Chairil Anwar, it can be concluded that the work of the poet uses several images such as visual imagery, Auditory imagery, and tactle imagery. Visual imagery can be found in Stanza 1, 2, and 7. Tactle imagery can be found in Stanza 4, 5. and Auditory imagery only can be found in Stanza 3. So, Visual imagery that is almost in every stanza.Keywords: Literary, Poetry, Imagery
Values of Literary Texts for Language Pedagogy: A Practical Proposition Lavinia Disa Winona Araminta
TEKSTUAL Vol 20, No 1 (2022): Tekstual: Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1100.205 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/tekstual.v20i1.4573


Fiksi dan karya sastra telah diklaim memiliki potensi yang menjanjikan sebagai sumber materi untuk pengajaran bahasa kedua meskipun yang menentang gagasan tersebut beranggapan bahwa sastra tidak cocok untuk pedagogi bahasa kedua. Namun demikian, ada studi kasus empiris yang mentunjukkan keberhasilan dan/atau keunggulan menggunakan sastra untuk mengajar bahasa kedua. Studi menunjukkan bahwa sastra masih memiliki banyak cara yang ditawarkan dalam memfasilitasi pembelajaran bahasa kedua. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan nilai-nilai dari tiga jenis teks sastra, yaitu novel, puisi, dan drama untuk pedagogi bahasa dan menggambarkan kegiatan kelas yang dapat diterapkan dengan menggunakan tiga contoh teks tersebut.Fiction and literary work has been claimed to have promising potential as a source of materials for second language teaching although opponents of that idea argue that literature is not suitable for second language pedagogy. Nevertheless, there have been empirical case studies which report the success and/or advantages of using literature for teaching a second language. Studies suggest that literature still has much to offer in facilitating second language learning. This article will elucidate the values of three types of literary texts, namely novels, poetry, and plays, for language pedagogy and illustrate classroom activities that can be carried out using three examples of texts.Keywords: Fiction, literary text, language pedagogy
Pemetaan Tingkat Kebutuhan Bahasa Inggris di Destinasi Wisata Kabupaten Halmahera Barat Halida Nuria; Indra Purnawan Panjaitan
TEKSTUAL Vol 20, No 2 (2022): Tekstual: Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/tekstual.v20i2.4787


This research focuses on mapping the English needs in West Halmahera. The background for choosing the title is because there are several tourist attractions that are excellent in West Halmahera, namely Lapasi Beach, Gamtala Mangrove tourism, and Tanjung Rappapelangi Bubanehena. The three attractions mentioned above are managed by the community. The community as tourism actors in these places must be ready and have knowledge of their tourism awareness. In addition to tourism-conscious knowledge, language as a means of communication is important between guests and hosts. Guests are tourists who come to tourist objects and the hosts are people who manage tourism objects in West Halmahera Regency. Language is an important thing in the world of tourism services and more specifically English. Not being a stranger, almost all over the world make English a very effective communication tool for the smooth running of a goal. The purpose of this study is to find out the mapping of the level of English language needs in West Halmahera Tourism Destinations. The type of this research uses descriptive qualitative methods, namely the data is described through words. The description of this elaboration is through data on the need for English in the community as tourism actors in West Halmahera Tourism Objects. In this case the research subject is the community as a tourism manager. The focus of the research location is on three tourist attractions, namely Lapasi Beach, Gamtala Mangrove tourism, and Tanjung Rappapelangi Bubanehena. The result of the research is that the attractions of Lapasi Beach, Gamtala Mangrove, and Tanjung Rappapelangi have the potential for beautiful marine tourism objects, nature tourism, historical tourism, and cultural tourism. Can be categorized how to manage well by the manager / community. In mapping the need for English in tourist attractions in West Halmahera, there are three tourist objects that really need English learning. This is due to the low knowledge of English owned by the manager/community. This statement is also supported by the findings of this study, namely, first, the needs of the community/manager for knowledge of English can help self-actualization. Second, the community realizes the importance of the role of English in supporting the development of tourism objects, and the third is the community's desire to learn English through training for self-development. Keywords : Mapping, Needs, English, West Halmahera