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Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
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Pemberdayaan Masyarakat “Kampung KB” Ditinjau dari Perspektif Ottawa Charter Maulana Satria Aji; Gita Putra Heru Yudianto
Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.206-218


Latar Belakang: Kampung Keluarga Berencana (KB) merupakan kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat berbasis keluarga dan komunitas. Kampung Keluarga Berencana merupakan program yang didasarkan pada Nawacita. kajian tentang program Kampung KB banyak dianalisis dari berbagai perspektif. Namun tidak banyak yang menganalisis dari perspektif Ottawa Charter, hal ini yang membedakan dengan penelitian lainnya . Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeskplorasi implementasi pemberdayaan masyarakat Program Kampung KB dari perspektif ottawa charter. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus yang didukung dengan pengambilan data berupa wawancara mendalam dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Informan dalam pelaksanaan in-depth interview sebanyak 15 orang. Lokasi penelitian di Surabaya di RW 12 Sidotopo Kecamatan Semampir Surabaya. Hasil: Hasil analisis berdasarkan poin Ottawa charter, menunjukkan Kampung KB RW 12 belum optimal, seperti belum adanya kebijakan kesehatan tertulis. Komunikasi antara Puskesmas dan DP5A masih lemah sehingga terjadi penumpukan tugas, kurangya anggaran operasional, serta anggaran dana dari pemerintah yang belum tuntas. Uniknya, pengurus mampu menggalang dana swadaya untuk operasional Kampung KB. Pihak luar pun turut membantu masyarakat dalam hal bantuan pendidikan hingga pelatihan UMKM. Kampung KB membawa banyak perubahan di masyarakat, seperti gerakan bimbingan belajar pada remajanya hingga proyek bank sampah. Kesimpulan: Implementasi pemberdayaan masyarakat pada program kampung ditinjau dari perspektif ottawa charter belum memenuhi semua aspek dengan sempurna, terutama dalam hal kebijakan dan reorientasi health services.
Preventive Behavior to Obesity in Elementary School Students in Surabaya, Indonesia Rif'atin Haibah; Muji Sulistyowati; Ismayani Ismayani
Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.190-197


Background: Overweight and obesity are two of the main non-communicable disease risks, causing mortalities in developed and developing countries. Obesity is a condition of excessive body fat, which causes overnutrition and obesity in children increases each year. Child obesity raises physical health problems that have the impact on the quality of life and the child’s body development. Moreover, it potentially makes children suffer from diseases. Purpose: This study aims to identify the related factors of preventive behavior for obesity among elementary school students in Surabaya by using the Health Belief Model Theory. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study, which involved 104 elementary school students in fourth and fifth grade in SD Dr. Soetomo V, Surabaya as samples. These samples were taken with simple random sampling. The independent variables in this study were perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self-efficacy and cues to action. While the dependent variable was preventive behavior for obesity. Data were analyzed by using double logistic regression after the candidates selectionwith p<0.25 was obtained from the analysis of dependent and independent variables. Results: The results show that perceived susceptibility (P Value= 0,262), perceived severity (P Value= 0,967), perceived barriers (P Value= 0,255), and cues to action (P Value= 0,565) does not have a correlation with preventive behavior for obesity among the students. Factors related to preventive behavior for obesity were perceived benefits (P Value= 0,037) and self-efficacy (P Value= 0,037). Conclusion: The factors which are related to preventive behavior for obesity among the students at Dr. Soetomo V Elementary School, Surabaya are perceived benefits and self-efficacy.
Perilaku Kepatuhan Konsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah Remaja Putri di Jember, Indonesia Farida Wahyu Ningtyias; Diana Febriyanti Quraini; Ninna Rohmawati
Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.154-162


Latar Belakang: Anemia merupakan masalah gizi pada remaja putri yang perlu dicegah dan ditanggulangi karena akan berdampak pada periode 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK). Pemerintah memprioritaskan program suplementasi Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD) remaja putri dan Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) untuk menurunkan prevalensi anemia pada kelompok tersebut. Salah satu indicator keberhasilan program tersebut yakni kepatuhan remaja putri dalam mengonsumsi TTD. Perilaku seorang individu dapat diprediksi dari niat individu tersebut yang dirumuskan dalam Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan kontrol perilaku dengan niat patuh dalam mengonsumsi TTD secara teratur. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel berjumlah 328 remaja putri yang diambil dengan metode stratified proporsional random sampling. Variabel penelitian adalah persepsi kontrol perilaku dan niat patuh minum TTD yang dianalisis dengan uji statistik Chi-Square. Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan 51,2% responden berumur ≤ 13 tahun, 85,7% responden mengalami pubertas yang normal, dan 85,4% responden mengalami gejala anemia yang rendah serta mayoritas 81,4% responden memiliki status gizi normal. Terdapat hubungan antara kontrol perilaku (P Value= 0,000; OR= 3,906; 95 % Cl= 1,906-6,640) dengan niat patuh konsumsi TTD teratur. Kesimpulan: Remaja yang memiliki kontrol perilaku yang kuat akan memiliki niat patuh konsumsi TTD teratur 3,906 kali dibandingkan remaja putri dengan kontrol perilaku lemah terhadap konsumsi TTD.
Health Promoting School Program to Prevent Hypertension of Adolescents in Indonesia and Western Maninggar Kayuningtyas; Ismayani Ismayani
Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.228-237


Background: Complications of hypertension causes 9.4 million of death worldwide each year. The risk factors for hypertension include heredity and environmental factors such as obesity, salt intake, physical activity, and alcohol. One-third of teenagers spent their time on school activities, so schools contribute to preventing hypertension in adolescents through Health School Program activities. Objective: to compare the health-promoting school program in Indonesia and Western in the prevention of hypertension. Method: The method used in writing this article was a literature review from 11 specific articles that were collected through google scholar, ProQuest, and SAGE pub search engines, with article inclusion criteria published in 2013-2019. Result: the review found that health promotion program in schools which was implemented in Indonesia have not been effective in preventing the emergence of risk factors for the incidence of hypertension in adolescents, compared with implementation in western. Ineffectiveness that occurs due to nutritional control patterns in adolescents in schools in the absence of regulations governing the nutritional content of student food, the lack of the teacher’s role in implementing health education due to high academic demands, and the lack of parental involvement. Conclusion: There are differences in the implementation of the health promotion program in Indonesia and the Western. The government priority for increasing the quality of live students trough health-promoting schools.
How is Mothers' Characteristics of Toddlers Below the Red Line? Nurshe Aliviolla Azmi; Malik Afif
Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.182-189


Background: Below the Red Line is the main cause of death among children <5 years old. Indonesia is one of the countries that still have some nutritional problems such as malnutrition, short nutrition and over nutrition, leading to 54% of deaths among children under five years old. Toddlers aged 12-59 months in Surabaya are still suffering from malnutrition despite receiving health services from the puskesmas. That is caused by several factors influencing the mother's role in taking care of her children. Objective: This study aimed to determine the description of the Red Line incidence among children. Methods: The population in this study were 691 toddlers aged 12-24 months with 31 toddlers in Below the Red Line category in Puskesmas Wonokusumo, Surabaya. The sample was taken using a simple random sampling method. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive analysis with percentage and frequency distribution techniques. Results: The data showed that 69.8% of the mothers aged 21-30 years are classified in the healthy reproductive period. As many as 81.1% of them are unemployed, 49.1% graduated from elementary school, and 52.8% have adequate knowledge. Mothers’ age is one of the indirect factors. If they are classified in the young age, they are considered to be lacking knowledge about nutrition for their children. Therefore, children become vulnerable to experience malnutrition. Conclusion: Interventions towards factors that influence Below the Red Line incidence have been carried out to prevent and overcome the problem of nutritional status. This program is not optimal due to the lack of society understanding related to the importance of nutrition improvement programs and active participation in Pos Pelayanan Terpadu or Integrated Healthcare Centre (Posyandu), so the intervention has not gone well.
Studi Kualitatif Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Pencegahan Malaria di Manokwari Barat, Papua Barat, Indonesia Nilce Astin; Andi Alim; Zainuddin Zainuddin
Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.132-145


Latar Belakang: Malaria di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Papua Barat menyebutkan, hingga Agustus 2018, tercatat 4.182 kasus Malaria di Provinsi Papua Barat. Dari jumlah tersebut, 2.346 kasus Malaria terjadi di Kabupaten Manokwari atau hampir 50%. Di urutan kedua ditempati Kabupaten Manokwari Selatan dengan 692 kasus dan ketiga, Kabupaten Teluk Wondama dengan 286 kasus. Tujuan: Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengeksplorasi informasi tentang upaya pencegahan Malaria pada masyarakat di Kecamatan Manokwari Barat Kabupaten Manokwari. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Informan penelitian sebanyak 9 orang yang ditetapkan dengan teknik snowball, informan tersebut terdiri 8 orang warga yang berdomisili di Kecamatan Manokwari Barat dan 1 orang petugas kesehatan dari Puskesmas yang menangani program Malaria. Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa upaya pencegahan Malaria dengan cara membunuh jentik dan nyamuk Malaria dewasa melalui penyemprotan rumah, larvaciding dan biological control tidak pernah dilakukan oleh masyarakat karena anggapan hal ini merupakan tanggung jawab petugas kesehatan. Untuk mencegah gigitan nyamuk Malaria terhadap mereka yang memiliki kebiasaan berada di luar rumah pada malam hari dengan cara memakai pakaian baju kaos lengan panjang, jaket, dan sarung panjang. Penggunaan kelambu saat tidur malam tetap dilakukan akan tetapi tidak digunakan secara rutin, hanya sesekali dan bahkan ada yang tidak menggunakan kelambu sama sekali. Pemakaian obat anti nyamuk jenis obat nyamuk bakar, selain karena hemat juga harganya terjangkau. Pemakaian kawat kasa tidak dilakukan, sebab sebagian rumah masyarakat masih semi permanen yang jendelanya terbuat dari papan dan memakai plastik bening serta kain sebagai gorden sebagai penutup jendela. Kesimpulan: Upaya pencegahan Malaria oleh masyarakat tidak dilakukan secara konsisten dan menyeluruh karna adanya anggapan bahwa upaya pemberantasan nyamuk Malaria merupakan tanggung jawab petugas kesehatan.
Family, Social, and Health Workers Support with Complience Behaviour to Patients with Hypertension in Bogor, Indonesia Siska Maytasari; Ratu Ayu Dewi Sartika
Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.146-153


Background: Abnormalities of the heart and blood vessels marked by an increase in blood pressure are known as hypertension. Worldwide, high blood pressure is estimated to affect more than one in three adults aged 25 years and over, or about one billion people. Overall, high-income countries have a lower prevalence of hypertension (35% of adults) than low and middle-income groups (40% of adults). The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia based on the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data in 2018 was 34.1%. Objective: This study determines the relationship of family support, social support, and health worker support with compliance of hypertensive patients. Methods: This research was conducted at the Tegal Gundil Community Health Center, North Bogor District, Bogor City, Indonesia, which was conducted from May to December 2017. The design of this study was cross-sectional. Sampling was carried out with a purposive sampling method with inclusion and exclusion criteria. The former consisted of all hypertensive patients aged 25-65 years who routinely control during the last six months who are present and willing to be interviewed during the study. The later includes hypertensive patients who have memory disorders with the number of samples of 110 respondents. Results: The results showed the respondents were dominated by the age of under 59 (75.5%), female (86.4%), junior high school as the highest education (68.2%), have no job (81.8%), and the prevalence of their sufferers’ compliance was 47.3%. The results of the Chi-square test showed that family support, social environment, and health workers were associated with compliance in hypertensive patients (OR = 2.461; CI 95% 1.140 to 5.310; P Value = 0.034). Conclusion: In order to improve compliance of patients with hypertension, it is necessary to pursue a program of activities focused on health promotion activities not only for patients but also involving family and social members.
The Role of Health Workers and Community Leaders to Prevent Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Magetan, East Java Dimas Abdullah Marha; Mohammad Zainal Fatah; Winarko Winarko
Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.172-181


ABSTRACTBackground: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is still one of the major public health problems in Indonesia. With the increasing mobility and population density, the number of people and vast distribution area is increasing. Village of Tawanganom is one endemic region, for three consecutive years, there is an incidence of dengue. The incidence of dengue can be influenced by several aspects, including vectors, climate change, environment, mobility of people, and people's behavior. The participation of health workers and community leaders become important related behavior. These include the role of motivation, coordination, policy implementation, as well as healthy behaviors. Objective: This study aimed to determine the role of health workers and community leaders in response to the incidence of dengue in the Village Tawanganom. Methods: Using qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, as well as in-depth interviews carried out with supporting data, the number of informants were 13 informants. Consisting of health professionals that the holder of dengue program, Health Promotor, and village midwives, community leaders the Head of the village, RW, as well as health cadres. Results: The motivation of public figures came from the concern over them because of the many cases of DHF and personal experiences of informants and families. Health workers motivate people to do counseling, which was supported because of responsibility as health professionals. Coordination has been made with the relevant sectors. Reporting cases of executed massively and focused. Implementation of policies in the prevention of dengue fever has been carried out based dengue prevention program Magetan District Health Office. Healthy behavior is shown with dengue prevention measures such as 3M Plus, giving abate powder in the bathroom, as well as maintaining the cleanliness of the home environment. Conclusion: The motivation to do a public figure driven intrinsic motivation of the individuals themselves, while medical personnel with extrinsic motivation based on the responsibility as health workers to encourage people to do the prevention of dengue. Coordination has been carried out massively and regularly within the scope of cross-fertilization. Implementation of policies based on the program of the Health Service Magetan. Healthy behavior implemented preventive and promotive measures.
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program: Reference to the Indonesian Government Ghaisani Ikramina Aiffah; Wandera Ahmad Religia
Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.238-252


Background: Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) was a global problem widespread in many countries. Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia or Indonesian Children Protection Commission (KPAI) recorded as many as 1.880 children become victims of sexual abuse such as rape, fornication, sodomy and paedophilia. The Government of Indonesia become made become efforts both national and international scale, but there is no effective and applicable program that has been implemented. Objective: The purpose of this article was to analyse the programs had been implemented to prevent sexual violence against children. Method: This article was a literature study by examining 38 articles related to the program against child abuse. The researcher was looking for reference sources from the Science Direct, Sage pub and Google Scholar online become. The keywords used were Child Sex Abuse Prevention Program, Parenting Program, Parent Training, Parent Intervention, Maltreatment, Violence, and Violence Prevention. Result: In children, programs that had been implemented include C-SAPE; IGEL; Train the trainer; BST; A program for minorities in Australia; Cool and Safe. For parents, the programs that had been applied include ACT-RSK; Triple-P; RETHINK; The Incredible Years Parents, Teachers, and Children Training Series; PACE; The Making Choices and Strong Families; The African Migrant Parenting; Strengthening Families; 123 Magic; PDEP and FAST. Conclusion: The sexual violence prevention program for children that can be implemented by the Indonesian government was using teaching methods based on school curricula that can be delivered by teachers. For parent, the program that could be implemented by the Indonesian government was using positive parenting methods that focus on preventing sexual violence against children and delivered by expert facilitators.  To reach children and families with different cultural backgrounds, the Indonesian government could adapt sexual violence prevention programs for the Australian minorities and The African Migrant Parenting.
The Influence of Family Support on Providing Complete Primary Immunizations Ilhami Ilhami; Malik Afif
Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.198-205


Background: Primary immunizations is a series of vaccination given to babies before the age of one, and it can actively increase immunity to diseases such as Hepatitis B, Poliomyelitis, Tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Pneumonia, and Meningitis caused by Hemophilus influenza type B, and measles. Family support is one of the essential factors for the completeness of immunization because it will encourage parents to immunize their children. The social support theory was used here since it assumes that the source of support from families such as parents, siblings, children, relatives, and partners provides examples for individuals to perform or suggest a positive behavior. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of family support on the provision of complete primary immunization at the Sidotopo Health Center in Surabaya. Methods: This research used a descriptive-analytic method with a simple random sampling of 54 respondents with a degree of significance (α=0.05). Sample inclusion criteria include mothers who have children aged 12-24 months, have a health card (KMS), and live around the area of Sidotopo Health Centre. The exclusion criteria are those who were not willing to be respondents. Results: The effect of family support on immunization has a significant value of 0.015 (P Value <0.05) on emotional support, while the support of appreciation, instrumental support, and informative support are not substantial (P Value>0.05). Conclusion: Family support for complete primary immunizations includes emotional support, appreciation support, instrumental support, and informative support. Overall, emotional support has a direct influence on providing immunization. Therefore, appreciation support, instrumental support, and informative support did not significantly affect immunization.

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