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JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE publishes original research or theoretical papers, notes, and minireviews on new knowledge and research or research applications on current issues in basic sciences (biology, phsycology, pharmacy, midwifery, public health and physics). The journal is published by the Directorate of Research and Community Service, Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia.
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Search results for , issue " Vol 4, No 1 (2018): April 2018" : 7 Documents clear
Factors That Influence The Numbers of Children in The Village Pusong Banda Sakti Lhokseumawe City Mursyida, Rika; Mutiara, Erna; Asfriyati, Asfriyati
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

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The number of children means how many children owned by someone, usually in the form of the intended family size. Family size will be increased, along with the increase in the number of children because each family attempts to get the number of children by their own way. The objective of the research was to find out some factors influenced the number of children such as the factors of mother’s age, family income, and child value through the first age at exposure to sexual intercourse at Pusong Village, Banda Sakti Subdistrict, City of Lhokseumawe, in 2017. The research was observational with cross sectional design. The population was 246 wives of PUS (Fertile Age Couple) at Pusong Village, in January, 2017, and 95 of them were used as the samples, using simple random sampling technique. The data were analyzed by using path analysis. The result of the research showed that simultaneously wife’s age, family income, child value, and the first age at exposure to sexual intercourse influenced the number of children of 24.9%. Of the three independent variables, the variable of the first age at exposure to sexual intercourse influenced the number of children (ρ < 0.001) with the amount of influence was 24.9%, and the rest (75.1%) was influenced by other factors such as Family Planning, education, and mother’s job. It is recommended that community and religious leader at Pusong Village, as the head of “tuha peut gampong’ should correct negative perception about the use of contraception device so that the community will believe that contraception device is halal (legitimate) and can be used by the wives of fertile age couple arranging their number of children. Keywords: wife’s age, family income, child value, the first age at exposure to sexual intercourse, number of children
Partnership of Midwife and Traditional Birth Attendants in Aid Delivery at Sub District Singkil District Aceh Singkil Hayati, Mustika; Harbiyah, Harbiyah; Agustina, Agustina
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

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The traditional birth attendants and midwife partnership in Singkil sub-district has been running but there are still non-partnering traditional birth and the proportion of deliveries delivered by traditional birth is still high at 10%. It can be reviewed about the process of building partnership of traditional birth and midwife in delivery aid to know barrier in the implementation of partnership of traditional birth and midwife in delivery aid in Singkil sub-district of Aceh Singkil Regency. This research uses qualitative design with grounded theory approach. This research was conducted in 1 Sub-District consists of 6 Villages, DesaSukaDamai, PayaBumbu, Teluk Ambon, PakalPasir, DesaPemuka and TelukRumbia. The respondents in this study were traditional birth partners, non-partnering traditional birth, midwifes, KIA program holders, religious figures, public figures, postpartum assisted by traditional birth partners during this research period, postpartum mothers who were assisted by traditional birth did not partners during the study period and postpartum family. The result of the research shows that the obstacles in the implementation of the traditional birth and midwife partnership program in the aspect of the allocation of special funds for this program are not sufficient, facilities and infrastructure are inadequate, the means of transportation for health access is not available, there are still traditional birth who do not want to partner with the reason of financial results which they get is not appropriate and age factors are old, and there are still pregnant women who do not want to give birth in health facilities on the grounds of remote, difficult transportation access and feel comfortable with traditional birth. Traditional birth do not feel to have an advantage in the economic aspect but have an advantage in aspect of midwifery science. In contrast, midwifes felt that the partnership program provided benefits to facilitate the work of the village midwife. For pregnant women this partnership gives a positive meaning because pregnant women feel calm and comfortable because the childbirth is assisted by traditional birth and midwife. For village midwifes and program holders to maintain good relation relationships with traditional birth who partner and arrange regular meetings for effective communication. Invite traditional birth who have not partnered by involving them as posyandu cadres and provide health education to the community about the benefits of deliveries in health facilities.Keywords: midwife, patnershipdan aid delivery, traditional birth
The Influence of Hospital Management Service Quality Toward Doctors Satisfaction in JKN Era at Dumai City Public Hospital (RSUD Dumai) Yossi, Irma
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

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Dumai City Public Hospital (RSUD Dumai), is one of the local government-owned hospitals in Riau Province that has been serving JKN patients. The doctors stated that since the era of JKN the workload of doctors become more severe because of the large number of patients who must be served with high working hours, Then social jealousy between doctors who have been efficient to serve patients with doctors who are still relatively wasteful in providing services because it does not affect the amount of medical services accepted so as if there is no sanction against such wasteful doctors so it affects doctors’ satisfaction in working. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the influence of hospital management service quality toward doctors satisfaction in JKN era at Dumai city Public Hospital (RSUD Dumai). This type of research is a survey research with explanatory research approach that aims to explain about the influence of hospital management service quality to doctors’ satisfaction. Subjects in this study were all functional doctors in Dumai City General Hospital amounted to 51 people. The results showed the quality of hospital management service statistically consisted of physical evidence dimension (Tangibles) with p value = 0,001, reliability (Reability) with value of p <0,001, Responsiveness with value p <0,001, Assurance with value p <0.001 and attention (empathy) with p value <0.001, have a significant effect on doctors’ satisfaction. Physical evidence dimension (Tangibles) has the greatest effect on the satisfaction with the value of the coefficient (B) 0,552. The result of this research is the quality of hospital management service consists of physical evidence dimension (tangibles), reliability, responsiveness, assurance and attention (empathy) affect doctors’ satisfaction in JKN era at Dumai City Public Hospital (RSUD). The most influential service quality is the Physical Evidence (tangibles).influence on doctors’ satisfaction in JKN era at Dumai City Public Hospital (RSUD Dumai). The most influential service quality is the Physical Evidence (Tangibles).  It is suggested to the hospital party to try to meet the expectations of doctors through improving the quality of service based on the quality of hospital management services dimension in order to improve doctors’ satisfactionKeywords: service quality, doctors satisfaction
Nutritional Status of Under-Five Children and Influential Factors A Control Case Study in the Working Area of Puskesmas Meurah Mulia Kabupaten Aceh Utara Anwar, Chairanisa
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

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Factors influencing child nutrition status include nutrition intake, mothers formal education level, mother’s awareness level of nutrition, exclusive breastfeeding, and family income. In some ways, nutrition intake is influenced by mothers characteristic. Also, a mother characteristic participates in determining child nutritional status. Malnutrition becomes a public health problem that will affect the quality of the next generation. Prevalence of malnutrition in Indonesia in 2007 is 5.4%, 4.9% in 2010 and 5.7% in 2013. Nationally, the prevalence of malnutrition has decreased by 5.4% in 2007 to 4.9% in 2010. In Aceh Province, however, the prevalence of malnutrition is still higher than the national rate that is 7.1%. By 2014, data trends on malnutrition in Aceh Province have reported that there were 341 cases of malnutrition, and it has been decreased in 2015 to 307 cases. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect the child nutritional status. This is an observational study with case control research design. Samples were taken by simple random sampling with ratio 1:2 which is 11 cases and 22 controls. The statistical test used was Chi Square Test with 95% confidence level and multivariate analysis of logistic regression with simple method. The results showed that there were two variables that influenced child nutritional status, that are mothers knowledge with p=0,052 and OR=5,950 (95% CI:1,223-28,951) and exclusive breastfeeding variable with p=0,033 and OR=7,600 (95% CI:1,388-41,617). Besides, the result of multivariate analysis showed that the most dominant variable was exclusive breastfeeding with p=0,033 and OR=7,600 (95%CI: 1,388-41,617). A child who was not given exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months will probably suffer malnutrition with risk up to 9,427 times compared to children who was given exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. It is expected that public health officers could hold a counseling regarding the risk of malnutrition and should build a prevention by helping people to be more aware of the importance of good nutrition for children by giving the children exclusive  breastfeeding.Keywords: mother’s education, family income, exclusive breastfeeding, completeness of immunization, child nutrition status
Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Influential Factors in the Working Area of Puskesmas Darul Imarah Kabupaten Aceh Besar 2015-2016 Rosdiana, Eva; Ginting, Daniel; G., Vierto Irennius
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

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Tuberculosis is one of the ten causes of death throughtout the world. Indonesia is ranked the third of tuberculosisin 2015 after China and India. It is still abig  problem in the developing countries. The results of the survey in Darul Imarah Puskesmas in 2016 found that the case increased from the previous year to 42 cases in which 2 of them were relapse cases, 2 of the died and one of them extra pulmonary tuberculosis. The objective of the research was to find out some factors which influenced the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis the research used mixed method (quantitative-qualitative) with case-control design. The samples were 41 respondents in case group dan 41 respondents in control group (the ratio of 1:1), taken by using simple random sampling technique. Chi square test was used for statistic test at the significance level of 95%; the data were analyzed by using multivariate analysis with logistic regression test. The result of the research showed that there was the influence of the variable of ventilation at p-value = 0.008 and OR = 3.801 (95%CI: 1.345-12.393) and the variable of smoking habit at p-value = 0.004 and OR = 10.676 (95%CI: 2.120-53.748). The result of multivariate analysis showed that the variable which the most dominant influence was smoking habit at p-value = 0.008 and OR = 9.822 (95%CI: 1.833-52.614) which indicated that a person who had smoking habit, and ventilation and lighting which had not fulfilled the requirement would have 81.9% of the opportunity to have the risk for being affected by tuberculosis. It is recommended that the health care providers at Puskesmas provide counseling about tuberculosis and eliminate people’s stigma about tuberculosis and help DOTS program in finding new case in tuberculosis in society so that the incidence of tuberculosis can be handled properly.Keywords: pulmonary tuberculosis, ventilation,  smoking habit
The Management of Medical Waste at Putri Hijau Level II Hospital Under The Decree of Health Minister Republic of Indonesia Number 1204/MENKES/SK/X/2004 Melpi, Yori
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

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Medical waste is a waste directly generated by medical activities at hospitals that classified as harmful and poisonous wastes and potentially endanger the hospital community that requires a systematic and sustainable management process in accordance with the policy of waste management according to the decree of Health Minister Number 1204/Menkes/SK/X/ on Hospital Health Environmental Requirements. This research is a descriptive research with qualitative method approach which aims to know and analyze the type of waste contained and waste management method applied by Putri Hijau Level II Hospital, Medan. In addition, the research sample is all parts and installation units related to waste management at Putri Hijau Level II Hospital, Medan. The data is analized to describe the type of waste and waste management method at Putri Hijau Level II Hospital, Medan. The result of this research showed that the waste at Putri Hijau Level II Hospital Medan is medical and non medical waste with garbages, rubbish, radioactive waste and liquid waste. Moreover, the process of liquid waste management at Tk Putri Hijau Level II Hospital Medan is still using the decree of Health Minister Republic of Indonesia Number 1204/year 2004 while the SOP that has been made has not been legalized and socialized. For liquid waste, the volume of liquid waste was generated in the average of 38 m3/day. The implementation of liquid waste management policy was applied according to SOP restricted in the Policy of Health Minister Republic of Indonesia Number 1204/ Menkes/ SK/ X/ 2004 on Hospital Health Environmental Requirements.Keywords: medical waste management, hospital waste
Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Keikutsertaan Pria Mengikuti KB di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Blang Rakal Kecamatan Pintu Rime Gayo Tahun 2017 Faralico, Hervina; Sitorus, Mido Ester
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

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Rendahnya tingkat partisipasi pria dalam menggunakan alat kontrasepsi dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor seperti umur, sosial budaya, agama, ekonomi, serta pengetahuan pria terhadap kontrasepsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan keikutsertaan pria mengikuti KB di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Blang Rakal Kecamatan Pintu Rime Gayo Tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian ini berupa observasional dengan metode pendekatan cross-sectional. Dalam penelitian ini yang menjadi populasi adalah seluruh pria atau pasangan usia subur di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Blang Rakal Kecamatan Pintu Rime Gayo yang berjumlah 87 orang dan sampel merupakan total populasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian diperoleh : ada hubungan pengetahuan, sikap, budaya, sumber informasi, dukungan isteri dengan keikutsertaan pria mengikuti KB, faktor yang dominan berhubungan dengan keikutserta pria mengikuti KB di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Blang Rakal Kecamatan Pintu Rima Gayo adalah faktor sikap suami/ pria. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah agar suami dapat memahami tentang ber-KB, maka para suami dapat mencari informasi melalui petugas kesehatan yang diantaranya cara mengatur jarak untuk memiliki anak. Dari informasi yang diperoleh tersebut dapat menambah pengetahuan sehingga dapat merubah sikap dengan ikut serta dalam ber-KB. Demikian pula Puskesmas dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat dapat melakukan sosialisasi ber-KB agar masyarakat bersedia menjadi akseptor KB khususnya para suami serta dapat mengajukan penambahan anggaran persediaan alat kontrasepsi kepada Dinas Kesehatan setempat.Kata Kunci : keikutsertaan pria mengikuti KB, faktor yang berhubungan

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