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Published by Universitas Halu Oleo
ISSN : 2460058X     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
Rez Publica sebagai jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Publik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Halu Oleo mempublikasikan berbagai karya tulis ilmiah berupa hasil penelitian sebagai penunjang bagi segenap civitas akademika dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan khususnya ilmu sosial. Hasil penelitian yang di publikasikan di fokuskan pada kajian ilmu administrasi negara (publik), manajemen dan kebijakan publik, politik dan pemerintahan, hubungan internasional, community development, serta kajian ilmu sosial yang secara umum mengarah pada pengembangan ilmu administrasi publik.
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Articles 1 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1, No 1 (2015): March - May" : 1 Documents clear
SCREENING BAKTERI AMILOLITIK DAN SELULOLITIK DARI LIMBAH SAGU (Screening of Amylolytic and Cellulolytic Bacteria From Sago waste) Yanti, Nur Arfa
REZ PUBLICA Vol 1, No 1 (2015): March - May
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/rzp.v1i1.627


ABSTRACTScreening of indigenous bacteria from sago waste based on amylolytic and cellulolytic activitywas done to obtain bacterial isolate having double activity, i.e. could to hydrolize of starch(amylolytic) and cellulose (cellulolytic). Screening amylolytic and cellulolytic bacteria wasdone based on amylolytic and cellulolytic activity on agar media. Determination of amylolyticactivity on starch agar media was based on the presence of clear zone around the bacterialcolony upon flooding with lugol’s iodine solution. Cellulolytic activity was determine based onthe presence of clear zone around the bacterial colony on Carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC)agar upon flooding with congo red solution. Presence of a clear zone around the colonyindicated starch and cellulose hydrolysis. The diameters of clear zone produced on CMC andstarch agar were measured and used as an indication of the amylolytic and cellulolyticactivities of the bacteria. The results of the screening based on amylolytic and cellulolyticactivity showed that a number of 21 bacterial isolates that having both activities. LCA2 was thebacterial isolate with the highest amylolytic and cellulolytic activity as revealed by the size ofclearing zone on both types of agar plates. The diameters of clear zone on starch and CMCagar were 4,98 and 3,65 cm2, respectively. Therefore, LCA2 isolate was bacterial isolate thatpotent for biconvertion sago hampas into value-added products

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