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KARSA: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Keislaman (Journal of Social and Islamic Culture)
ISSN : 24423289     EISSN : 24424285     DOI :
KARSA is a peer-reviewed national journal published by Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura. It has been nationally accredited SINTA 2 since 2017 by Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of Republic Indonesia. It is published twice a year (June and December). It publishes articles of research results, applied theory studies, social issues, cultural studies, and Islamic culture issues. The aim of KARSA is to disseminate cutting-edge research that explores the interrelationship between social studies and (including) culture. The journal has scope and seeks to provide a forum for researchers interested in the interaction between social and cultural aspects across several disciplines. The journal publishes quality, original and state-of-the-art articles that may be theoretical or empirical in orientation and that advance our understanding of the intricate relationship between social science and culture. KARSA accepts manuscript with a different kind of languages are Indonesian, English, Arabic, or French.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 27, No 1 (2019)" : 5 Documents clear
The Concerns, Roots, and Challenges of Islamic Culture in Sumbawa and Their Implications for Implementing Halal Tourism Jazadi, Iwan; Widari, Iga
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 27, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v27i1.2299


This article analyzes the concerns, roots, and challenges to Sumbawa culture, aiming to inform decisions in designing halal tourism policy in Sumbawa and West Sumbawa Regencies. The theories underpinning this study are that of culture, cultural approaches in foreign language teaching, and halal tourism. The data for analysis come from documentation and observation. The results and discussion show that the present state of Sumbawa culture is at risk of loss or distortion unless its revitalization is committed. The cultural roots identified and analyzed are the ancestors’ cultures, historical Islamic cultures, and prominent values in social interaction by Sumbawa people. A future challenge to Sumbawa culture lies in the handing down of cultural values by ensuring the fulfilment of the people’s right to quality education at all education channels,  accomodating the rooted cultural values into the educational content, and implementing halal tourism as a means of socialization among Sumbawa people and with guests from other regions or overseas.
Propaganda and Da’wah in Digital Era (A Case of Hoax Cyber-Bullying Against Ulama) Karim, Abdul; Wajdi, Firdaus
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 27, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v27i1.1921


The presence of the media with all conveniences has surrounded the lives of Muslims. The patterns and models of da’wah developed by the da'i should adjust to the era of information and communication technology. However, under the pretext of freedom, many media appearances tend to damage social values and order. The purpose of this study is to analysis the elements of propaganda and da’wah in the movement of cyber-bullying of scholars through the hoax which based on the existence of problems in Islamic da’wah done with contradictive, and online media utilized with provocative. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research which is using documentation and direct observation by accessing the website then the data collected is analyzed by filling system analysis. The data source was obtained from an online web that broadcasted the news with the keywords da’wah, bullying ulama and hoaxes. The result of research indicates that element of da’wah only exist in cyber-bullying while the hoax more prominent in propaganda side. The data found are (1) the existence of ulama propaganda movements which are bullied; (2) propagation of ulama through hoaxes; and (3) the existence of perpetrators of cyber-bullying ulama movements; however (4) there are several parties responsible for overcoming cyber-bullying through hoax.
Syncretism of Slametan Tradition As a Pillar of Islam Nusantara Muqoddam, Faqihul; Maghfiroh, Virgin Suciyanti
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 27, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v27i1.1950


Slametan is a tradition which is still embraced by Javanese in general, especially who is in rural areas. The slametan has different characteristics in each region that due to heterogeneity factors. The research purposes to describe slametan forms, process, and syncretism patterns of slametan tradition in Ngaringan village, Gandusari district, Blitar. The research used a qualitative tradition with descriptive narrative approach which is thematic analysis for data analysis process used. The research were participated by public figures in Ngaringan village. Data collection with in-depth interviews and observation. It found (1) Slametan forms generally includes birth, death, marriage, cleaning the village, feast day, welcoming Ramadhan, celebrating after coming back from abroad for the work, and celebrating when harvest comes. (2) The slametan process consists of serving food (such as; chicken in ingkung form, buceng rice, jenang colors red and white, jenang sengkolo) and prayer. (3) The slametan tradition is a pattern of syncretism between Java and Islam as a pillar of “Islam Nusantara”. The Slametan had already existed as a Javanese ritual before Islam came than they were merged into the one. The research conclusion reveals that the slametan tradition is a ritual which is combining between Javanese and Islamic traditions than became characteristic of “Islam Nusantara”.
Cultural Da’wah and Islamic Education Values in Antar Ajong Tradition of People in Melayu Sambas West Kalimantan Adnan, Adnan; Suriadi, Suriadi; Mujahidin, Mujahidin; Jayadi, Jayadi; Mursidin, Mursidin
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 27, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v27i1.1537


 This study describes the culture in the tradition of antar ajong in Sambas Regency and also the meaning contained in both cultural preaching and the value of Islamic education. This research is about traditional ritual ceremonies of antar ajong as traditional media in preaching and associating Islamic values. This study uses a qualitative approach. The research aims to describe the antar ajong tradition and the value of Islamic education in antar ajong tradition related to (a) its process of carrying out traditional rituals of antar ajong, (b) the purpose of the antar ajong tradition, (c) the function of the antar ajong ritual as a form of da'wah and as value of Islamic education. The traditional ceremony of antar ajong was carried out by the Malay community, Sambas Regency had a social role in order to establish relations with human beings, as well as to have a religious role, namely to establish human relations with the Almighty God. Through the tradition of antar ajong, as a cornerstone for religious development in the community also will be created, and closer to a lifestyle that is opt to Islamic guidance, besides antar ajong tradition contains Islamic values. Therefore, Muslim community in its association reveals positive behavior, because it is directed to always do something good, right through ethics and morals in society.
The Values of Islamic Education in Enmaen Tradition Toward Madurese in Suka Maju Village, Sungai Ambawang District Umam, Saiful; Wahjoeharjanto, Djoko; Pratama, Ari Alfian
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 27, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v27i1.1919


Enmaen This tradition is carried out after marriage most of couples that carry out this Enmaen tradition do not understand that actually there are many values in that tradition has the same line with Al-qur’an and hadist. The purpose of this research is to find the values in the tradition which has been done for long time by maduranese in the west of Kalimantan. This research used qualitative method with etnografic and descriptive analysis. The western culture which comes to Indonesian rapidly makes some of Madurenese traditions in Suka Maju disappear including the Enmaen tradition itself. It happens because the society, especially Maduranese in coundutcing the tradition like Enmaen, just follow the habit from ancestor, whitout understand about the meaning of this tradition. The Islamic education values in Enmaen tradition are religious values, social empatic, responsibility, loving the country and tolerance.

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