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KARSA: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Keislaman (Journal of Social and Islamic Culture)
ISSN : 24423289     EISSN : 24424285     DOI :
KARSA is a peer-reviewed national journal published by Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura. It has been nationally accredited SINTA 2 since 2017 by Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of Republic Indonesia. It is published twice a year (June and December). It publishes articles of research results, applied theory studies, social issues, cultural studies, and Islamic culture issues. The aim of KARSA is to disseminate cutting-edge research that explores the interrelationship between social studies and (including) culture. The journal has scope and seeks to provide a forum for researchers interested in the interaction between social and cultural aspects across several disciplines. The journal publishes quality, original and state-of-the-art articles that may be theoretical or empirical in orientation and that advance our understanding of the intricate relationship between social science and culture. KARSA accepts manuscript with a different kind of languages are Indonesian, English, Arabic, or French.
Articles 470 Documents
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture MADUROLOGI 5
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v15i1.109


Abstrac This article attempts to explore the basic character of Madurese people that put the moral-ethic basics on every attitude, utterances, and behavior of Madurese local politic phenomena. The study results four basic characteristics of Madurese---ejhin, koko, gherra and saduhunah. Those become local wisdom of Madurese people. The four basic characters should have introduced and provided each Madurese local politic phenomena to reach a better politic life. Ejhin character carries a tolerant nature, friendship and dependent.  Koko character introduces loyality, consistency, trust and responsibility. Gherra character reflects carefulness, transparency, and fairness. Saduhunah describes honesty and innocent. Kata-kata kunci ejhin, gherra, koko, saduhuna
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Islam, Budaya dan Hukum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v20i2.44


Abstrak Tulisan ini berusaha mengkaji posisi dan eksistensi tradisi lokal dalam struktur nalar tradisi keislaman. Pola oposisi biner digunakan untuk meneropong relasi Islam dengan tradisi lokal, yaitu relasi akomodasionis dan relasi puritanis. Relasi akomodasionis sangat menghargai dan menghormati tradisi lokal secara cerdas, sebaliknya relasi puritanis mengambil pola relasi yang judes. Tulisan ini merekomendasikan pada pilihan sikap pertama, akomodasionis, dengan me-ngambil tradisi ngunya masyarakat Muslim Pegayaman di Bali sebagai kajian utama, karena ia  berhasil memaknai dan mengubah konsep ritual ngunya dalam tradisi Hindu di Bali menjadi suatu bentuk mekanisme penyelesaian konflik internal komunitas muslim Pegayaman secara cerdas dan elok. Abstract This article has examined the position and existence of local traditions in the logical structure of the Islamic tradition. The pattern of  the binary opposition is used to probe the relation of Islam with the local tradition, namely the relation of  puritanist and  accommodationist. Accommodationist relation appreciates and respects local traditions intelligently, otherwise the puritanist takes a bitchy relationship patterns. This paper recommends to take the first attitude, accommodationist by taking the ngunyatraditions of the Pegayaman muslim community in Bali as the main study because they can give a new meaning and change the  concept of ngunya ritual in the  tradition of Balinese Hindhu into a form of internal conflict resolution mechanisms among Pegayaman muslim community.   Kata Kunci: Islam akomodasionis, Islam puritanis, merangkat, ngunya, Pegayaman.
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 21, No 2 (2013): ISLAM, BUDAYA DAN BAHASA
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v21i2.524


Film memiliki potensi untuk memengaruhi dan membentuk masyarakat berdasarkan muatan pesan dibaliknya. Salah satu film yang cukup fenomenaladalah film Ayat-Ayat Cinta. Film ini sarat dengan pesan-pesan dakwah.Karenanya, kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui representasi pesan-pesandakwah secara verbal dan nonverbal dalam film Ayat-Ayat Cinta. Kajian inimenggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisissemiotika Roland Barthes untuk mengetahui makna denotatif, maknakonotatif, dan mitos/ideologi yang tersembunyi dalam film tersebut. Teknikpengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumentasi, studi kepustakaan,dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa film AyatAyatCinta merupakan film yang merepresentasikan pesan-pesan dakwah,baik  pesan verbal maupun pesan nonverbal. Pesan-pesan dakwah verbal adayang bersifat mengajak, seperti anjuran menikah, menjunjung tinggiperempuan, dan berperilaku adil dalam berpoligami, hubungan sesamaMuslim. Ada yang bersifat melarang, seperti dilarang bersentuhan denganyang bukan mahramnya. Demikian juga, pesan-pesan dakwah nonverbal adayang bersifat mengajak, seperti menjaga pandangan untuk menghindari zinamata dan mengerjakan shalat sebagai media komunikasi spiritual, dan adayang bersifat melarang, seperti aurat laki- laki.
Wasatiyyah Islam in The Framework Pesantren Education Tradition Hasan, Mohammad
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 26, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v26i2.2047


Islamic boarding schools are religious institutions that not only teach religious problems to santri, but also relate to the role of porndok pesantren on community empowerment. Islamic boarding schools also have a role in national politics. In this context the role of the pesantren in dialogue and contextualizing Islamic teachings is not rigid and black and white. But Islamic boarding schools are able to display the teachings of Islam that are harmonious, peaceful, tolerant, and not radical. Islamic understanding initiated by Islamic boarding schools is far from the values of radical doctrines, or easy doctrine to state ‘heresy’ to other groups. This becomes the view and value championed by the pesantren community including the role of the Kiai (Islamic clergy) in developing modern and global life.
Making Halal Food in Processed Fish: From Traditional Knowledge to Fishermen’s Household Awareness in Producing Fish-Processed Halal Food Darvina Soedarwo, Vina Salviana; Saati, Elfi Anis
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 26, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v26i2.1465


The daily life of the fishermen’s household in Lekok Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia is still adopting traditional knowledge, especially in their activities in catching   and processing fishes.  This knowledge is inherited from generation to the next. However,  at present they have started making entrepreneurial endeavors although the endeavors are still limited to producing processed fishes in the form of fried fishes that are sold in the nearest markets. The problem encountered by the fishermen community is the stagnation of their welfare due to their relatively low incomes. Therefore, it is necessary to study  the problem and also to guide them in solving the problem. The method of this research is  a Participatory Action Research (PAR) and using Rapid Rural Apraisal (RRA) approach.  The findings of the research is a  model for empowering the fishermen’s household. This model is named integrative-participative model  with entrepreneurial mindset approach.   By using  the model,  the fishermen’s household will be more aware of the weightiness of fish-processed food variations and halal certification for the product that may improve the consumers’ interest in buying the products.
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 23, No 2 (2015): ISLAM, BUDAYA, DAN PESANTREN
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v23i2.724


This article tries to describe government policies toward pesantren, as the Islamic intistitution, which has been existing from the early  Independence of Indonesia period to present times, and its implications on the progresses of pesantren. This study uses library research on related documents of government policies and the result shows that the government policies tend to indicate to be a positive development. In the beginning of old and new orders, government policies were simply in form of unofficial claim above the role of pesantren in accelerating the nation intelligence. Since the release of decree of UU No. 2/1989 pesantren has been approved and legitimated as the subsystem of national education, though, pesantren keeps and maintains its characterisitc. As UU  No. 20/2003 legitimated and followed by relating policies –especilally PP No. 55/1997, PMA No. 13/2014, and PMA No. 18/2014 – pesantren has been totally awarded as part of national educational system, in turn, such of the institution has more freedom in portraying Islamic values by enhancing its characteristic as the institution focusing on tafaqquh fî al-dîn (an attempt to a totally Islamic understandings) and developing the other competences based on the characteristic of each pesantren.Copyright (c) 2015 by KARSA. All right reservedDOI: 10.19105/karsa.v23i2.724 
petunjuk penulisan dan mitrabebestari karsa, Karsa
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Islam, Budaya dan Hukum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v20i2.49


petunjuk penulisan dan mitrabebestari
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Islam, Budaya dan Pesantren
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v20i1.54


Abstrak: Dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif, tulisan ini berupaya mengupas  pesantren dari aspek pendidikan, budaya, dan tradisi. Diakui bahwa pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan ter­tua dan khas Indonesia. Peran pesantren tak diragukan lagi bagi pemba­ngunan masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Dalam perjalanannya, secara pelan dan pasti pesantren terus bertahan dan menyesuaikan dengan perubahan. Kendati demikian, per­jalanan panjang pesantren tidak luput dari tantangan dan hambatan. Problem epistemologis dan metodologis meru­pakan salah satu masalah yang belum selesai dihadapi pesantren. Karena itu, upaya terus menerus untuk memperbaharui dua aspek ini perlu terus dilakukan dengan mengadopsi pemikiran-pemikiran modern tanpa tercerabut dari akarnya. Abstract: This paper explores pesantren from the aspects of education, culture, and tradition. It has become a common sense that pesantren is the oldest educational institutions in Indonesia. Like a journey, pesantren has transformed and partly metamorphosed into an educational institution with many experiences. Thus, pesantren cannot escape from the challenges and obstacles  and  one of them is modernity. One of the most highlighted aspect is related to epistemological and methodological issues. Therefore, a continous efforts to develop this two aspects must be done to adopt modern thoughts without losing it’s character.   Kata Kunci : pesantren, pendidikan, budaya, tradisi, metodologi  
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 22, No 1 (2014): ISLAM, BUDAYA DAN PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v22i1.545


Modernisasi pendidikan berupa penyelenggaraan pendidikan sekolah danmadrasah modern mengakibatkan banyak pesantren yang mengubah sistempendidikannya  dengan menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang memasukkan ilmuilmunon keislaman. Akhir-akhir ini, pesantren-pesantren tersebut menyelenggarakansistem pendidikan sekolah dengan menggunakan kurikulum yangmengikuti program dan kurikulum pemerintah. Sementara itu terdapatpesantren yang tetap bertahan dengan sistem pendidikan tradisionalnya danmenolak pendidikan sekolah dan madrasah modern. Pondok Pesantren Al-Is’afmerupakan salah satu pesatren dengan tipe tersebut. Fokus penelitian  ini adalahaspek-aspek kebertahanan Pesantren salaf Al-Is’âf dengan sistem pendidikantradisionalnya di tengah arus modernisasi pendididkan, berupa sistempendidikan madrasah dan sekolah formal, landasan berpikir Pengasuh PesantrenAl-Is’âf bertahan menghadapi modernisasi pendidikan, faktor-faktor yangmempengaruhi kebertahanannya dan implikasi kebertahanan pesantren ditengah arus modernisasi terhadap proses pembelajaran  yang dilaksanakannya.
The Concerns, Roots, and Challenges of Islamic Culture in Sumbawa and Their Implications for Implementing Halal Tourism Jazadi, Iwan; Widari, Iga
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 27, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v27i1.2299


This article analyzes the concerns, roots, and challenges to Sumbawa culture, aiming to inform decisions in designing halal tourism policy in Sumbawa and West Sumbawa Regencies. The theories underpinning this study are that of culture, cultural approaches in foreign language teaching, and halal tourism. The data for analysis come from documentation and observation. The results and discussion show that the present state of Sumbawa culture is at risk of loss or distortion unless its revitalization is committed. The cultural roots identified and analyzed are the ancestors’ cultures, historical Islamic cultures, and prominent values in social interaction by Sumbawa people. A future challenge to Sumbawa culture lies in the handing down of cultural values by ensuring the fulfilment of the people’s right to quality education at all education channels,  accomodating the rooted cultural values into the educational content, and implementing halal tourism as a means of socialization among Sumbawa people and with guests from other regions or overseas.

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