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Pembiasaan Sikap Tasamuh Santri Melalui Pembelajaran Rebana Kolosal A. Bakhruddin; Anjar Anggita Risasongko
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 16, No 2 (2022): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v16i2.18986


This research is motivated by the low habituation of the tasamuh attitude possessed by students at the Tasywiqul Furqon Islamic Boarding School in everyday life. Besides that, the learning method used in learning does not activate students, so students are easily bored and don’t even focus when receiving lessons. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of learning the colossal tambourine in order to increase the habituation of the santri’s tasamuh attitude and whether there are significant changes to the learning of the santri colossal tambourine. This research is a pre-experimental study with a one group pretest posttest research design. Data were obtained using pretest and posttest worksheets. The result show that there is a significant result (2-tailed) 0.000<0.05 which means that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. This shows that there is an effectiveness and a significant change in the learning of colossal tambourine in order to increase the habituation of the student’s tasamuh attitude. The average acquisition score of N after learning is 85.98 and before learning is only 67.61
Pembinaan Sikap Disiplin dan Tawassuth Pada Santri Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Darussalam Boyolali Tri Wulandari; Badrus Zaman
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 16, No 2 (2022): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v16i2.16977


This study aims to describe the fostering of discipline and Tawassuth of students and to describe the impact of fostering discipline and Tawassuth of students at the Salafiyah Darussalam Boyolali Islamic Boarding School. This research uses qualitative research. This research uses data collection techniques through structured interviews with the presence of researchers in the field, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was used, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and verification. The results of the study show that: 1. Fostering discipline and Tawassuth students through giving advice, exemplary and scheduled activities such as congregational prayers, recitation, dziba activities, tahlil activities, simaan, rote memorization, roan, and activities with the community. 2. The impact of fostering disciplinary attitudes and Tawassuth students from disciplinary attitudes, namely: The impact of fostering disciplinary attitudes on students at the Salafiyah Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, namely: Compliance with regulations in Islamic boarding schools, disciplinary attitudes related to the completion of learning assignments, the obedience of students during class hours, as well as in fostering a disciplinary attitude there are sanctions for those who violate it. Then the impact of fostering the attitude of Tawassuth is: Establishing friendship between people so that divisions do not arise, students do not discriminate between groups or groups in interacting and communicating, accept opinions from other people who have different opinions and students can receive suggestions, input and constructive criticism from others.
The Internalization Entrepreneurship Values of Students at Al Fahham Islamic Boarding School Purworejo Ashif Az Zafi; Maisyanah Maisyanah
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 17, No 1 (2023): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v17i1.19666


This study aimed to explain the process of  internalization of entrepreneurship values to students, to identify the entrepreneurship values of  students, and to explain the output produced from establishing the entrepreneurial value of  students at the Al Fahham Islamic Boarding School. This study was qualitative research that used interviews, observation, and documentation to collect the data. The respondents in this study were cottage caretakers, 2 administrators, and 8 students. Data collected were analyzed through the process of  data reduction with select methods related to the goal of  this research. Then, the result of  data reduction was presented in a systematic, easy so this could be understood easily with a draft or theory. Furthermore, the data could be concluded based on the goal of  this research. This study describes data about the internalization process using the planning, acting, and evaluation theory. The values   of  santri entrepreneurs are explained by the concept of  indicators of  entrepreneurial attitudes. Meanwhile, taxonomic concepts are used in the form of  cognitive, affective, and psychomotor to explain the output or results. This study concluded that to realize students with entrepreneurial attitudes, the students needed to determine goals, programs, and proper evaluation methods. Al- Fahham Islamic boarding school’s goal was to create an entrepreneurial spirit in the students themselves and to create capable and skilled cadres of  students who serve the community. Implemented programs supported objective boarding schools, forming the Islamic Boarding School Business Unit (entrepreneurship) and giving spiritual motivation (spiritual). The evaluation was done at the Islamic boarding schools Al Fahham to create students’ entrepreneurial spirit through monthly income reports and appreciation with the method of  giving gifts (rewards) to successful students who reach beyond target income. Internalization process of entrepreneurship values to the students successfully grows up entrepreneur attitude such as discipline, sincerity, independence, hard work, religion, togetherness, caring, affection, simplicity, respect, courtesy, responsibility, and honesty. This value proved that it could help the pesantren alumni to have some skills needed by entrepreneurs, such as creative thinking skills, skills in making decisions to be independent, and leadership skills.
Pembentukan Karakter Berbasis Pembelajaran Sirah Nabawiyyah di SD Aisyiyah Bina Insani Kragan Fitriana Hafidz
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 17, No 1 (2023): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v17i1.18448


Penelitian ini bertujuan menyingkap karakter Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam perspektif Sirah Nabawiyyah, sehingga dapat membentuk karakter bangsa yang unggul. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Metode dan pendekatan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis konten (content analysis). Sedangkan sumber datanya meliputi sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Sumber data primernya adalah buku-buku Sirah Nabawiyyah, kitab-kitab hadis sedangkan sumber data sekunder meliputi buku-buku parenting, literatur pendidikan, jurnal, makalah dan sumber-sumber lain yang ada relevansinya dengan penelitian. Adapun temuan dalam penelitian ini, bahwa mempelajari Sirah Nabawiyyah dan mengaplikasikan cara hidup Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam kehidupan sehari-sehari, berdampak besar bagi keunggulan karakter murid-murid SD Aisyiyah Bina Insani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buku sirah nabawiyah mengandung prinsip pendidikan akhlak, diantaranya yaitu pendidikan akhlak dalam hubungannya dengan Allah SWT. Meliputi tauhid, cinta kepada Allah, taubat, takwa, ibadah, syukur, tawakal, berdoa kepada Allah, dan berdzikir. Pendidikan Akhlak dalam hubungannya dengan Rasulullah saw meliputi mencintai Rasul, memuliakan Rasul, dan taat mengikuti sunnahnya. Pendidikan akhlak dalam hubungannya dengan diri sendiri meliputi jujur, kreatif, mandiri, disiplin dan tanggung jawab. Pendidikan akhlak dalam hubungannya dengan sesama meliputi kasih sayang, tolong menolong, toleransi, dermawan, rendah hati dan pemaaf. Serta metode yang digunakan meliputi keteladanan, pembiasaan, nasihat, cerita dan motivasi.
Comparative Study of Poverty Alleviation in The Verses of The Qur’an and The Green Economy Program SGDS Agus Riwanda; Ali Wafa
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 17, No 1 (2023): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v17i1.19943


Poverty is defined based on the failure of individuals to meet their primary life needs. Poverty has a tremendous negative impact on the life of the individual and community level. All societies in the world have made efforts to overcome this challenge. This study uses a qualitative approach by collecting verses related to poverty and presenting them in a categorization form to obtain an intervention level. Islam, through the Qur’an, has presented a comprehensive system to overcome this poverty problem. At the individual level, poverty can be reduced by providing aqidah concepts regarding sustenance, increasing skills and creativity, and encouragement to work hard while still paying attention to sustainability aspects. At the community level, the Qur’an recommends building a social welfare net through philanthropic movements and the spirit of altruism and stipulating religious obligations and suggestions regarding the distribution of wealth
Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis ICT Dalam Pengembangan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Iftitah Ardiwira Pramesti; Nur Faujiyah; Putri Rahmawati; Abdulloh Hamid; Moh. Hafiyusholeh
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 17, No 1 (2023): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v17i1.21841


This research aims to investigate the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based learning media in enhancing the professionalism of Islamic Religious Education teachers. ICT-based learning media offers significant potential for Islamic Religious Education teachers to expand access to learning resources, create interactive learning experiences, boost student motivation, and foster collaboration among fellow educators. This study proposes a descriptive-quantitative research approach, involving the distribution of questionnaires to Islamic Religious Education teachers in the Candi sub-district of Sidoarjo. Through this research, it is anticipated that a deeper understanding of the impact and implications of utilizing ICT-based learning media on the professional development of Islamic Religious Education teachers will be gained. Based on the analyzed data, the research will demonstrate that out of the surveyed teachers, 16 teachers (53.33%) achieved high scores, while 11 teachers (36.67%) fall into the medium category, and finally, 3 teachers (10%) fall into the low category. This research also conducted interviews with several Islamic Religious Education teachers at the middle school level, revealing that these teachers have effectively utilized ICT-based media in their teaching and professional development.
Pengembangan Toleransi Beragama Siswa Melalui Aktivitas Pembelajaran di Kelas Dengan Metode Komunikatif Adip Fanani; Rahmat Aziz
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 17, No 1 (2023): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v17i1.20313


Education has an important role in developing the value of  religious tolerance in students. Learning in the classroom has a strategic role in developing it. This research aims to determine the influence of  the learning process in the classroom on students’ religious tolerance. The research subjects were 210 students who were randomly selected from two junior high schools in the city of  Malang, East Java. Data was collected through a class activity scale and a religious tolerance scale. Analysis was carried out using simple regression techniques. The results of  the analysis of  the influence of  class activities on students’ religious tolerance character, there are six classroom activity indicator factors, namely: classroom rules, student support, student involvement, positive learning, teacher support, class management. Of  these six indicators, the most influence on students’ religious tolerance character. is the rule in the class with the regression results getting a significance value (0.13<0.05). The results of  this research have the implication that classroom rules can influence students’ religious tolerance by 59%.
Development of Religious Moderation Measurements M. Nur Ghufron; Adri Efferi
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 17, No 1 (2023): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v17i1.22360


This research with qualitative and quantitative approaches in order to develop measurements of religious moderation. There are stages that will be carried out, first determining the definition or concept of religious moderation, with a prototype methodology approach. Search, explain and describe individuals who have moderate nature in religion. Prototype methodology is used to obtain constructs of psychological variables, including cognitive, conative and psychomotor. Subsequent research compiles or develops measuring instruments for religious moderation. The first study was analyzed qualitatively, while the second study used quantitative analysis. Based on reliability tests with an alpha internal consistency approach, reliability was obtained of 0.90. Based on confirmatory analysis, it was found that chi-square 295.103 (DF = 164, p = 0.000), CMIN / DF = 1.799, GFI = 0.877, TLI = 0.887 and RMSEA = 0.062. Conclusion The criteria for acceptance of the model are met or have been as required. The proposed model design is the same as the empirical data or the model proposed fit. This means that religious moderation can be explained through tolerant behavior towards other people's religions and beliefs, having a national commitment, non-violence and being able to behave and behave accommodating with local culture.
Urgensi Literasi Moderasi Beragama Dalam Ruang Bermedia Sosial Perspektif Al Qur’an Ahmad Havid Jakiyudin
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 17, No 1 (2023): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v17i1.17148


Beredarnya konten viral di berbagai media sosial menimbulkan dampak positif dan negatif. Seringkali konten yang bertebaran mengarah pada tindakan eksplosif, ekstremisme, dan tindakan negatif lainnya tidak dapat dihindari. Perlunya penanaman literasi moderasi beragama bagi pengguna media sosial. Tujuan dari penulisan adalah memberikan konsepsi baru berupa penguatan literasi moderasi beragama guna menetralisir dampak negatif dalam bermedia sosial. Metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan model studi literatur digunakan untuk mendapatkan hasil pembahasan yang holistik. Pendekatan wawasan yang mengacu pada ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an digunakan untuk menjawab isu tersebut. Hasil dari pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa literasi merupakan cerminan dari Q.S Al Alaq ayat 1-5. Ayat tersebut mengandung perintah kewajiban bagi manusia untuk senantiasa memperluas keilmuan. Wawasan keilmuan berupa moderasi beragama ditanamkan kepada pengguna media sosial untuk bersikap adil dan berimbang (refleksi Q.S Al Baqarah 143). Penguatan literasi moderasi beragama dikalangan masyarakat mampu mewujudkan sikap masyarakat yang berkomitmen terhadap bangsa, toleran, anti kekerasan, dan akomodatif terhadap budaya lokal.