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Jurnal Al-Qardh
ISSN : 23546034     EISSN : 25990187     DOI : 10.23971/jaq.v1i2.
Journal Alqardh published by Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business is aimed at being a medium for research results dissemination and scientific papers on the Indonesian economy and business among international academics, practitioners, regulators, and public. The Alqardh is issued two times annually, i.e., in July, and Desember. The Editor receives research manuscripts that not have been offered for publication elsewhere. Since its first issue published in 2016, the Journal Al-Qardh has more progress. Its commitment toward the development of education, especially in the realm of research, the aim Alqardh being a prestigious scholarly periodical in the world on the Indonesian economy and business
Articles 156 Documents
AL-QARDH Vol 3, No 2 (2018): AL-QARDH
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (694.659 KB) | DOI: 10.23971/jaq.v3i2.1180


Beras merupakan bahan makanan pokok utama rakyat Indonesia. Kebutuhan beras dari tahun ke tahun terus meningkat karena kenaikan jumlah penduduk dan kebutuahan ini harus terpenuhi. Kekurangan pangan berpengaruh pada gizi buruk, kesehatan, dan sekaligus menurunkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah senantiasa terus berupaya untuk memiliki serta memelihara ketahanan pangan khususnya beras. Tulisan ini akan menganalisis berdasarkan informasi yang ada, apakah inpor yang dilakukan pemerintah adalah suatu kebutuhan atau keinginan?Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi kualitatif dimana peneliti berusaha mengkonstruksi realitas dan memahami maknanya sehingga penelitian ini sangat memperhatikan proses, peristiwa, dan otensitas. Hasil analisis tersebut, yaitu: (1) Impor beras merupakan kebutuhan karena beberapa hal, yaitu kekurangan stok beras pada suatu negara atau memerlukan beras yang menyehatkan bagi masyarakat. (2) Impor beras menjadi hanya sebuah kepentingan jika hanya segelintir orang yang merasakannya. (3) Saran yang dapat penulis berikan adalah, sebaiknya pemerintah memberikan berhatian lebih kepada para petani, seperti menyediakan lahan, bibit, pupuk, dan sebagainya. Dan mendukung petani dalam menjual berasnya, dengan mengatur harga beras dipasaran.
AL-QARDH Vol 2, No 2 (2017): AL-QARDH
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (47.52 KB) | DOI: 10.23971/jaq.v2i2.830


This research background in IAIN Palangka Raya as one of the colleges that there is a container for printing human resources and potentional knowledgeable in the world of work. One of the graduate printed is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Business Islam with competence in the Islamic finance. But the facts on the ground are not little public data show that graduates become more dominant than the employees in Islamic banking scholars who really has the educational background of Islamic economics. The problem begins with the researcher tried to explore data about the SWOT analysis of the needs of potential economic scholars of sharia in Islamic banking city of Palangka Raya. The problem in this research are 1) Strength, 2) weakness, 3) opportunities, 4) the threats facing prospective Bachelor of Islamic Economics IAIN Palangka Raya on Islamic Banking city of Palangka Raya and 5) How can the application of a SWOT analysis in developing prospective Bachelor of Islamic Economics IAIN Palangka Raya Britain on Islamic Banking city of Palangka Raya. This study used qualitative research methods, the research subject is the faculty of economics and business of Islamic banking Islamic and 4 cities Palangka Raya ie BMI, BSM, BRIS and BPR Mitra Amanah. Data collection techniques through, observation, interviews and documentation; validating data through triangulation techniques, then the data analyzed by data reduction, a data display and conclusion verification. The results of this study are 1) The strength of a. have a basic knowledge of Islamic banking b. have a scholarly foundation related to Islamic financial institutions c. Output Islamic scholars who are experts in Islamic economics. 2) The weakness in terms of academic, SDM Teachers, curriculum learning, relationship. While the non-academic terms that mindset is still low degree candidate. 3) Opportunities have added value, priority religion, knowledge about Islamic banking contract-agreement, an understanding of the products; have communication skills and proficiency in a polite and courteous and knowledge in the field of Islamic religion. 4) Threats to the economy in the banking degree candidate is not looking at the educational background, dressed and physical conditions prescribed for frontline staff. 5) The results of a SWOT analysis required by prospective students of Islamic Economics Iain Palangka Raya on Islamic banking: a. Internal 1) Improving the teaching of human resources. 2) Development of the learning curriculum. 3) improve the relationship in the field of education. 4) Provide training in human resource development sharia economics degree candidate b. External Improvingstudent mindset to be able to develop themselves independent, creative, innovative and high work ethic.
AL-QARDH Vol 1, No 2 (2016): AL-QARDH
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (126.413 KB) | DOI: 10.23971/jaq.v1i2.635


Clothes as primary necessity is the most needed especially if there is a disaster such as flood, eruption, fire and some other disasters. It is better if the clothes belong to some unlucky people, and it can be through benefaction instrument. So it can create the economy balancing which then be able to make a development of economy equalization, especially the primary needed (daruriyat) it is about clothes needed. It can be as a solution to the overage clothes which had by the rich men and also as a way to consumptive attitude that has been a life style and character of rich men toward clothes trend mode. The main aim of this study was to review the basic problem: (1) What were the economic values which had on the clothes of syariah economy perspectives? (2) How was the clothes benefaction ijtihad of syariah economy perspectives as economy development?This study was a library reseacrh, where specifically it was mentioned as deductive qualitative descriptive design in frame syariah ecoonomy by using histroical approach, conceptual approach, and syariah economy contextual approach, by using deductive qualitative descriptive analysis model, they were data reduction, data display, and verification. Data collected was analyzed by using retropsective method.The results of the study concluded that: (1) the economic values which had on the clothes of syariah economy perspectives were the function value and the benefit of human sustainability guarantee which placed on priority scale of human’s need. It was primary needed (daruriyat) which can guarantee the equilibrium of doing the life activity whether based on muamalah or worship. (2) the clothes benefaction ijtihad  of syariah economy perspectives as economy development were through two models they were consumptives benefaction (using directly without any production process) and productive benefaction (processing the clothes which economical) as a relevant idea to the new paradigm of benefaction in Indonesia and also as solution to consumptive attitude of the community toward the dynamic of clothes trend mode.      
AL-QARDH Vol 1, No 1 (2016): AL-QARDH
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (135.166 KB) | DOI: 10.23971/jaq.v1i1.624


Electric shock activity is an activity of an electric discharge into the water to look for fish using a stun. This activity is a way to sustain the local economy of the challenges existing conditions. Because of some reasons such as easy, effective and efficient this way is still used. Another reason this way is still used is because of economic necessity, small capital, and another effort is difficult to do.Even in preserving the environment, the Local Government who has authority in this case issued a regional regulation. Moving on from these problems, the writer wants to know the important role of the Electric shock activity at RT 01 Mendawai Seberang as the foundation to sustain the local economy as well as its impact, with the problem of the studies are (1) How does the Electric shock activity at RT 01 Mendawai Seberang Pangkalan Bun? (2) How is the role of culture in Electric shock activity on maintaining the local economy at RT 01 Mendawai Seberang Pangkalan Bun? (3)What is the impact of Electric shock activity for ecosystems and humans? This research is using qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects of this research are people who live in RT 01 Mendawai as the fisherman who use stun to look for fish. The object of this research is the culture of Electric shock activity in maintaining the local economy RT 01 Mendawai Seberang Pangkalan Bun. The techniques used in data collection are observation, interview and documentation. In the technical validity of the data, the researcher was used a triangulation process.             The results from the culture of electric shockonmaintaining economic society at the RT. 01 Mendawai Seberang Pangkalan Bunis an activity that has long been done and the result of cultural transformation that has been handed ancestors.This activity is one way to sustain the local economy of the challenges existing conditions. Using a stun for fishing has several factors because it is easy, effective and efficient.Economicnecessity, the capital required is not too large, another effort is difficult to do, and the domicile is the reason behind this culture is still being conducted until today. The impact of electric shock toward the ecosystem of fish just a little bit because it is not spent the ecosystem of fish. Only a small portion is taken for the purposes of trade. Whereas the impact on the fishermanthemselves the possibility exists, if its application is not appropriate and not in accordance with the existing procedures could harm the fishermanthemselves.Electric shock activity is an activity of an electric discharge into the water to look for fish using a stun. This activity is a way to sustain the local economy of the challenges existing conditions. Because of some reasons such as easy, effective and efficient this way is still used. Another reason this way is still used is because of economic necessity, small capital, and another effort is difficult to do.Even in preserving the environment, the Local Government who has authority in this case issued a regional regulation. Moving on from these problems, the writer wants to know the important role of the Electric shock activity at RT 01 Mendawai Seberang as the foundation to sustain the local economy as well as its impact, with the problem of the studies are (1) How does the Electric shock activity at RT 01 Mendawai Seberang Pangkalan Bun? (2) How is the role of culture in Electric shock activity on maintaining the local economy at RT 01 Mendawai Seberang Pangkalan Bun? (3)What is the impact of Electric shock activity for ecosystems and humans?                This research is using qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects of this research are people who live in RT 01 Mendawai as the fisherman who use stun to look for fish. The object of this research is the culture of Electric shock activity in maintaining the local economy RT 01 Mendawai Seberang Pangkalan Bun. The techniques used in data collection are observation, interview and documentation. In the technical validity of the data, the researcher was used a triangulation process.             The results from the culture of electric shockonmaintaining economic society at the RT. 01 Mendawai Seberang Pangkalan Bunis an activity that has long been done and the result of cultural transformation that has been handed ancestors.This activity is one way to sustain the local economy of the challenges existing conditions. Using a stun for fishing has several factors because it is easy, effective and efficient.Economicnecessity, the capital required is not too large, another effort is difficult to do, and the domicile is the reason behind this culture is still being conducted until today. The impact of electric shock toward the ecosystem of fish just a little bit because it is not spent the ecosystem of fish. Only a small portion is taken for the purposes of trade. Whereas the impact on the fishermanthemselves the possibility exists, if its application is not appropriate and not in accordance with the existing procedures could harm the fishermanthemselves.
AL-QARDH Vol 3, No 1 (2018): AL-QARDH
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.303 KB) | DOI: 10.23971/jaq.v3i1.1186


Catering becomes a solution to consumers who want to fulfill their needs and wants without having to waste time and energy. This is also a challenge for a catering businessman to maintain and keep improving their service quality from time by time so can keep satisfying consumers. In the payment system, catering business is using down payment system. According to that case, to understand more about how the down payment application in Islamic economics perspective need to studied more details. This research aimed to analyze and understand (1) How are the down payment application of Catering Aulia and Catering Hj. Wati in Palangkaraya City. (2) How the buying and selling system with the down payment in Islamic economics perspective.The result of this research is the application of down payment in Catering Aulia and Catering Hj. Wati is an 'urf or a habit that is done both for catering owners and their customers. Application of down payment in catering payments in terms of the usual materials included in the 'urf fi'li, while in terms of good and bad judgments included into 'urf shahih. In practice, both in Catering Aulia and Catering Hj. Wati the amount of down payment is not specified. And if there is an order cancellation then the down payment will be refunded in full except at certain moments. Implementation of down payment viewed in terms advantages may be done as long as no party feels disadvantaged. Down payment made to avoid any breach between the catering owners and consumers.
AL-QARDH Vol 3, No 2 (2018): AL-QARDH
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (747.323 KB) | DOI: 10.23971/jaq.v3i2.1176


Social function of Sharia Banks is to receive funds i.e. zakat, infaq, sedekah, wakaf, hibah, and distribute them in accordance to sharia laws under the banks’ name or amil zakat institutions appointed by the government. This function is an aspect that distinguishes sharia banks and conventional ones. In sharia law, social function and other functions cannot exist without the other. The implementation of social function in Kota Padangsidimpuan is in accordance with legal basis which is UU No. 21 tahun 2008. However, PT. Bank SUMUT Syariah KCS Padangsidimpuan has no authority to distribute social fund due to its existence as Islamic Windows. The implementation actually has positive impact on the welfare of the society despite being temporary. While it is only impactful towards those who receive the fund, the distribution is helpful.
AL-QARDH Vol 2, No 1 (2017): AL-QARDH
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (82.335 KB) | DOI: 10.23971/jaq.v2i1.826


The purpose of this research was to answer these problems. Based on the above issues, this type of research in this thesis was using qualitative research with descriptive approach. Data collection techniques in this research were interview, observation and documentation. The result of this research, namely: (1) cooperation practice of meat-producing chicken was done by the supplier (capital contribution) and managers (capital contributions and skill) with the provisions of the results namely: IDR 1,200 per kilograms (stuck). (2) the cooperation practice of meat-producing chicken business in Jekan Raya District was incompatible with Musharaka contract because the the result obtained before acquiring the real advantage and the disadvantages were not divided according to the capital portions of both parties.
AL-QARDH Vol 1, No 2 (2016): AL-QARDH
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (95.947 KB) | DOI: 10.23971/jaq.v1i2.631


This research is motivated by the thought of Ibn Khaldun regarding taxes. According to Ibn Khaldun if the tax is too low, can not lead a government function, if the tax is too high, fiscal pressure becomes too strong, so the profits traders and producers declined and there goes their incentive to work.The purpose of this study was to learn the concept of a fair tax management perspective by Ibn Khaldun in order to build a modern economy that is equitable and to find out how the tax relevance according to Ibn Khaldun with today's modern economy.This research method used literature study (library research) with descriptive qualitative type of research. The data source consisted of Muqaddimah books as primary sources, work or theory that discussed of primary materials as secondary materials and the complement of primary and secondary materials as tertiary material. The approach in this study was a historical approach and philosophic. Data collection method used existing literature and data analysis used content analysis and the hermeneutic.The study concluded that the concept of fair tax perspective of Ibn Khaldun is a tax that is withdrawn from the taxpayer in accordance with the ability of taxpayers to pay and the money tax collection should be used properly and fairly as possible, according to Ibn Khaldun when the tax burden lighter, people have an incentive to try to be more active. Therefore, the business world become more advanced, leading to greater satisfaction among the people, because of the low tax burden while tax revenue will also increase, judging from the overall resources of land tax, the thought of Ibn Khaldun regarding taxes is very relevant to be applied to the condition of modern economy of this time where the economic situation is less stable, the situation of society more complicated, the prices of expensive life needs make people’s life difficult.
AL-QARDH Vol 3, No 1 (2018): AL-QARDH
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.429 KB) | DOI: 10.23971/jaq.v3i1.1181


This research aims to see the Influence of Service Quality Dimension on Satisfaction and Consumers' Cause Back Against The Wira Megah Car Workshop Toyota Profitamas Palangka Raya Branch.This research is a quantitative research using descriptive quantitative approach. Analysis tool in this research is Smart PLS (Path Analysis) application. The research variables consist of Quality of Service (X), Consumer Satisfaction (Y1) and Come Back (Y2) as mediation variable. Samples use Accidental Sampling method as many as 100 samples from all customers of Toyota Workshop Palangka Raya.Result of research of service quality constructively can influence customer's satisfaction which have implication on intention come back in accordance with outer loading analysis result 0,867 (86,7%). Similarly, customer satisfaction variables have been able to explain and mediate quality of service variables with outer loading of 0.925 (92.5%). While for the intention variable comes back own value of outer loading equal to 0,922 (92,2%) The information indicate that statistically test service of new service to workshop is the highest indicator in describing variable of intention come back again.
AL-QARDH Vol 2, No 2 (2017): AL-QARDH
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (138.42 KB) | DOI: 10.23971/jaq.v2i2.831


The people of Palangka Raya city in today's modern era made angkringan as a place of social interaction and place of consumption for all social layers of society. Therefore the authors seen the existence of business opportunities angkringan. Angkringan was a place to buy food and drink "typical". As for the formulation of the problem (1) How the sales strategy angkringan to achieve sales targets? (2) How was the business opportunity of angkringan in Palangka Raya city? (3) How was the feasibility of angkringan business in Palangka Raya city? This research method used descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was done by used interview technique, observation, and documentation. The technique of determining the subject in this study used purposive sampling technique was the technique of determining the subject based on several considerations determined. Data validation was done by used triangulation. Further data the processed and analyzed with several stages: data collection, data presentation), conclusions (withdrawal by viewing data presentation), and Verification (drawing conclusions to answer from problem formulation). The results of this research were: (1) marketing strategy of angkringan business in Palangkaraya city to increased market share after passing strategic stages that was choosing strategic location, there wass no limited for all circle become its consumer, food menu provided safe for consumption, possible, clean place, affordable price and promotion through banner, social media and mouth of mouth; (2) angkringan business opportunities in the city of Palangka Raya had good prospects in the future and have the competence to do it, supported by the results of SWOT analyzed (strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats); (3) feasibility study of angkringan business in Palangka Raya city, Jekan Raya Sub-district, the whole aspected was considered feasible. The market and marketing aspected of angkringan business was feasible to run because it has the market potential and the opportunity to market its products this was seen from the number of potential customers owned by the business. The social and cultural economic aspected can be said to be feasible because it had opened the job field, then from the aspected of business law angkringan was considered feasible because of the exemption from the Regulation of the Minister of Trade which states that not all businesses should be permits included the angkringan business.

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