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Legenda Yeh Abang Dan Pura Nampusela Di Desa Padangan: Analisis Struktur, Fungsi, Dan Nilai Ni Luh Gede Windari Giri; I Gde Nala Antara; I Nyoman Supatra
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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This study examines the legend of Yeh Abang and Pura Nampusela. The purpose of this research is to be able to describe the structure, function, and value in the Legend Yeh Abang and Pura Nampusela so it can be used as a guide to the behavior of people, especially people of Bali. Grounding theory used in this research is the structural theory, function, and value. Used structural theory based on the theory of Teeuw, Sukada, and Nurgiyantoro. For the analysis of the functions and values ??guided by the theory of functions and value delivered by Teeuw, Ratna, and Yudibrata. The method used in procuring data that observation and interview methods are supported with recording techniques as well as recording. In the data processing method used is descriptive-analytic and presentation of data analysis using informal methods. The results obtained in this study is a narrative structure that consists of: incidents, plot, character and characterization, setting, theme, and mandate. That the functions contained religious function, social function and the function of education is closely related to the situation of the villagers Padangan. And contains values ??of religious, ethics, magical value, social value and educational value.
Tinggalan Arkeologi Di Pura Puseh Lan Bale Agung Tampuagan, Kecamatan Tembuku, Kabupaten Bangli Putu Agus Weda Prayudi; I Wayan Redig; Ida Bagus Sapta Jaya
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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Archeological heritage in Bali still functional and kept scares by the public by placing them in a temple, one of them is Puseh lan Bale Agung Tampuagan Temple, District of Tembuku, Bangli regency. The previous research conducted by the Institute for Preservation of Cultural Bali-NTB-NTT in 2001, discovered only to the extent of conservation or has not reached the stage of in-depth analysis. The objective of this study is to determine the form, period, and function of the archaeological heritage found Puseh lan Bale Agung Tampuagan Temple, Tembuku district, Bangli regency. The research method used in this study is the functional theory and the theory of religion. The first stage of method used to solve problems in this study is by collecting data through observation, interview, and library research. The second stage is data processing and analyzing data using qualitative, iconography, and contextual analysis. Based on the analysis, the conclusions are drawn in the form of archaeological heritage of 1 caturkaya statue that looks simple, 2 embodiment statues of bhatara, 5 embodiment statues of bhatari, 1 lingga tribhaga, 1 lingga above the lapik and stela, 1 fragment of lingga, 1 fragment of Ganesha statue, 4 fragments of statues, and fragments of buildings including 1 piece of building fragment above the lapik, 1 piece waterless building fragment, and 2 pieces of building fragments that might be a pillar. Archaeological heritage in Pura Puseh lan Bale Agung Tampuagan can be incorporated into the century of period Bali Madya because it has the characteristics of a style that was similar to the statue of Bali Madya contained in Puncak Penulisan Temple, the statue of the Bhatara in Sibi Agung Kesian Temple, statues pairs in Subak Taulan Kerobokan Temple, and the statue of the bhatari in Penataran Sasih Pejeng Temple. Archaeological heritage in Puseh lan Bale Agung Tampuagan Temple, Tembuku district, Bangli regency is still used as a means of worship by penyungsung temple. Societies or penyungsung temple consider that the archaeological heritage has religious power, magic, that on a certain day ceremony was held veneration of the archaeological heritage. The storage pelinggih penyimpen arca is trusted by the community as a means to seek refuge, safety, and fertility to plants and animals domesticated cattle community.
Analysis On The Intrinsic Elements Of The Poem “A Red, Red Rose” By Robert Burns Ni Made Sintha Wulandari; I Nyoman Tri Ediwan; A.A Sagung Shanti Sari Dewi
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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Penelitian ini berjudul Analysis on the Intrinsic Elements of The Poem ‘A Red,Red Rose’ by Robert Burns. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis unsur intrinsik yaitu pola suara (sajak, aliterasi dan asonansi),bahasa kiasan (simile dan personifikasi), diksi, makna konotatif dari puisi dan menganalisa pesan yang terdapat di dalam puisi. Sumber data dari penelitian ini diambil dari puisi A Red, Red Rose yang ditulis oleh Robert Burns. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan metode dokumentasi dan teknik pencatatan. Metode dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif yang berdasarkan teori sastra yang diusulkan oleh Wallek and Warren (1995), dan Knickerbocker, K.L & H. Williard Reninnger (1963). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa puisi ini berisi enam belas baris dan skema sajak abcbdefefgfghihi. Pada dasarnya, Burns membawa perasaan cinta dalam puisi ini. Dia mendedikasikan puisi ini untuk istrinya yang tercinta dalam hidupnya.Cintanya sungguh dalam dan kekal walaupun mereka terpisahkan.
Connotative Meaning Of Verbal And Visual Signs In Printed Perfume Advertisements I Wayan Eka Suarmita; Ni Wayan Sukarini; Putu Weddha Savitri
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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Makalah ini berjudul ‘Connotative Meaning of Verbal and Visual Signs in Printed Perfume Advertisements’. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari makna konotatif dari tanda verbal dan tanda visual di iklan cetak parfum dan menganalisa hubungan antara tanda verbal dan tanda visual dalam menciptakan makna konotatif. Metode kualitatif digunakan sebagai metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari iklan parfum yang di cetak di majalah. Ada dua teori utama yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Yang pertama adalah ‘dyadic theory’ dari Saussure (1983) untuk menganalisis makna konotatif. Yang kedua adalah teori dari Berger (1984) untuk menganalisis tanda visual. Sementara itu, teori yang diusulkan oleh Leech (1972) adalah untuk menganalisis tanda verbal terhadap struktur iklan. Dan teori yang diusulkan oleh Dyer (1982) digunakan untuk menganalisis makna konotatif dalam iklan. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis berdasarkan teori yang digunakan disebutkan di atas dan disajikan secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan klausa dan kalimat. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, makna konotatif tanda verbal dalam iklan biasanya terjadi dalam kalimat sederhana dan singkat untuk menarik perhatian penonton dan pengiklan juga memilih kalimat sederhana yang mudah diingat. Makna konotatif mungkin sulit untuk dipahami, tetapi bisa membuat iklan lebih menarik. Tanda visual yang mengandung makna konotatif dapat ditemukan dalam hal ukuran, spasialitas, kontras, bentuk, dan warna. Hubungan antara tanda verbal dan tanda visual dalam menciptakan makna konotatif mendukung satu sama lain untuk menarik perhatian pembaca. Sebenarnya keduanya mengirim pesan yang sama ke pembaca tetapi melalui bentuk yang berbeda.
Drama Jalan Mutiara Karya Sitor Situmorang: Perspektif Eksistensialisme Jean Paul Sartre Ilham Khudzaifi; I Made Jiwa Atmaja; I Made Suarsa
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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The object of this study is Jalan Mutiara drama by Sitor Situmorang which are consists of three stories, namely Jalan Mutiara, Pertahanan Terakhir and Pulo Batu. This research focuses on two problems, they are drama structure that consisting of premise, character and plot, moreover the actualization of existentialism thought of the Satrenism in those dramas. The analysis of Jalan Mutiara drama showed the premise of the story, the premise of this drama is disappointed to the character of Elizabeth, the story of Pertahanan Terakhir is a rebellion, and the story of Pulo Batu is about betrayal, love and the throne. In addition the plot used in those stories are forward and backward plot. The characters of those stories clearly defined in terms of sociological and psychological, unfortunately lack in terms of physiological. The existentialism of Jean Paul Sartre cult proved to be actualized through the characters that exist in the three stories of Jalan Mutiara drama by Sitor Situmorang.
American Slang In “Horrible Bosses 2” Movie By Anders And John Morris Luh Putu Amara Sukma Dewi; A.A Shanti Sari Dewi; Ni Wayan Sukarini
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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Bahasa mempunyai arti penting sebagai sarana untuk berkomunikasi. Bahasa dapat dibagi menjadi dua bentuk yaitu bahasa formal dan non-formal sesuai dengan konteks situasinya. Selain itu, di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari manusia mempunyai pemilihan bahasa dalam berkomunikasi seperti, jargon, ungkapan, methapora, dan bahasa slang. Slang adalah salah satu dari variasi tersebut. Slang adalah bahasa inggris non-formal yang dibuat dan digunakan oleh orang-orang dalam komunitas tertentu. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan tipe arti yang terdapat pada film berjudul Horrible Bosses 2. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mencoba untuk menganalisis fungsi dari slang yang terdapat pada film tersebut. Penelitian dokumentasi digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dari film dan metode kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisa data. Teori- teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisa data adalah teori dari Leech (1974) dan teori fungsi bahasa dari Holmes (2010). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat enam fungsi yang ditemukan di film Horrible Bosses 2 yaitu, expressive, directive, referential, metalinguistic, poetic, dan fungsi phatic. Sedangkan Teori arti dari Leech (1974) menunjukkan bahwa hanya terdapat enam dari tujuh tipe arti yang terdapat di film Horrible Bosses 2 yaitu; conceptual, connotative, reflected, stylistic, affective, dan arti collocative. Dari ke tujuh tipe arti hanya tipe arti thematic tidak ditemukan di film Horrible Bosses 2.
Analisis Psikologi Sastra Tokoh Lian dalam Novel Nyawakarya Vinca Callista Ni Wayan Rita Sutiari; I Wayan Cika; I Made Soreyana
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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This study analyzed the novel Nyawa by Vinca Callista using psychology approach that focuses on the study of psychology of literature and psychological conflict. The issues that were analyzed in the study are (1) How is the structure of novel Nyawa including its characterization, plot, and setting (2) How is the psychological aspect of Lian in novel Nyawa by Vinca Callista (3) How is the psychological conflict of Lian in novel Nyawa by Vinca Callista. The theories used in this study were the structural theory, psychology of literature theory, and conflict theory. Structural theory was used to analyzed the intrinsic elements, while the psychology theory of literature was employed to assess the psychological aspect of Lian in novel Nyawa. To analyzed instrinsic elements, a theory proposed by Nurgiyantoro was used, while on the other hand, a theory proposed by Minderop, Atmaja, Kartono, Endraswara, Teeuw was used to analyzed the psychological aspect of Lian. Also a theory proposed by Minderop and Emzir was used to analyzed the psychological conflict of Lian.
Metafora Dalam Album Evergreen Motohiro Hata Arry Luh Ketut Prasthaningrum; Ni Putu Luhur Wedayanti; Ni Luh Kade Yuliani Giri
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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The title of this research is “Metaphor in Evergreen Album by Motohiro Hata”. This research aims to analyze the category, the meaning and the function of metaphor in Evergreen Album by Motohiro Hata. The theories that are used for analyzing arestylistics by Al-MA’ruf (2009) and metaphor by Knowless & Moon  (2006). The results of this research shows there are four metaphor identified in Evergreen CD 1: 1) personification; 2) simile; 3)metomyny; 4) synesthesia. In addition to it, the metaphor are functioned as follow : 1) to describe one’s feeling; 2) to show up impression whitin the lyrics; 3) to intensify the meaning.
Kamus Bali-Indonesia Bidang Istilah Upakara Manusa Yadnya Di Kabupaten Badung Putu Krisna Aprianti; I Ketut Ngurah Sulibra; Ni Made Suryati
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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Research dictionary Balinese-Indonesia classified for terminology upakara manusa yadnya in Badung Regency, to have special purpose to know the shape and quantity of terminology in upakara manusa yadnya in Badung Regency. It is used linguistic structural theory by Ferdinand de Saussure, lexicology theory, and lexicograpy theory. In act of preparing data, it is used interview and see method, with tap technique. Followed record technique and note technique. In analysis data is used (1) translasional method followed by based technique classify determine element with intermediate technique, related equivalent technique make the same with related equivalent technique compare the main thing. (2) apportion method with based technique for element direct with intermediate technique are expansion technique and infix technique. Method that used in presentation analysis result is formal method and informal with inductive and deductive technique. The result of this research is terminolgy in form of based word consist of based word in one word, two word, three word, four word. From the based word can make new word. Affixs consist of : preffixs {N-}, {-paN}, {m?-}; suffixs {-an}; konffixs {pa-/-an}, and also combination affixs, the word that replay consist of : whole reduplication, whole reduplication + affixs, partial reduplication, partial reduplication + affixs, and word complex. Terminology in form of phrase is: endosentrik phrase just one main word consist of: nominal phrase, numeralia phrase, and verbal phrase. This research collect 402 terminology.
Komodifikasi Penjor Di Kota Denpasar Tahun 2000 – 2015 I Wayan Gede Mahaputra; A.A. Bagus Wirawan; I Wayan Tagel Eddy
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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Penjor is part of Galungan ceremony. Penjor symbolized the victory of Dharma over Adharma. Penjor a means of gratitude to God. Penjor development not only as a means but also as a decoration ceremony of Bali. Penjor used as a tourist attraction, a means of competition, and as a livelihood. Penjor the local wisdom of Bali Hindu culture. Developments Penjor able to attract the younger generation to understand and maintain the cultural heritage, it is not only made to be developed but also understood its meaning so that the future can create harmony between the needs of religiosity, social, cultural, economic, and political.

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