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Heuristic Algorithm for Portfolio Selection with Minimum Transaction Lots ., Afnaria
JURNAL KEGURUAN Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Keguruan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACTPortfolio selection problem was first formulated in a paper written by Markowitz, where investment diversification can be translated into computing. Mean-variance model he introducedhas been used and developed because of it’s limitations in the larger constraints found in the realworld, as well as it’s computational complexity which found when it used in large-scale portfolio.Quadratic programming model complexity given by Markowitz has been overcome with thedevelopment of the algorithm research. They introduce a linear risk function which solve theportfolio selection problem with real constraints, i.e. minimum transaction lots. With the MixedInteger Linear models, proposed a new heuristic algorithm that starts from the solution of therelaxation problems which allow finding close-to-optimal solutions. This algorithm is built onMixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) which formulated using nearest integer searchmethod. Key words: MILP, heuristics, portfolio optimization, minimum transaction lots, nearest integersearch.
Pembentukan Karakter Melalui Pembelajaran PAKEM Andriany, Liesna
JURNAL KEGURUAN Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Keguruan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACTUniversity is aplace to create the children of nation in to the qualified human, intellectual, virtuous character which have been the slogan and logo of education. To achieve these educational goals,learning is the core of educational process. Achievement of quality professional learning is theresponsibility of a teacher. There fore, a holistic systematicis necessary as an effort to increase thequality and character of sciencethat canbe applied through innovative and constructive learningmodel. Implications of applying the model PAKEM which integrates with character valuesindirectly will develop the character quality of graduates, ready-made, self-reliant, resilient,creative, innovative and well characterized. Key words: character, PAKEM
Ada Apa di Balik “Pincalang” Idris Pasaribu, Sebuah Kritikan Harahap, Abdul Rahim
JURNAL KEGURUAN Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Keguruan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACTThis criticism aims to see how extent the structural reinforcement novel “Pincalang” by Idris Pasaribu terms of themes and forms. The themes will question the existence of man marine (boatpeople) in North Sumatera Sibolga to exploit cultural values and religion. While the shape, justanalyze the dominant elements in the novel. And then vote as strengths and weaknesses. Themethod used is the structure and descriptive methods. Both methods are used to see „what‟ and„how‟ the themes and forms of it in the novel.The research reveals that in fact of Presidential decree to launch a boat loan in addition failing toimprove the welfare of fishermen in general, can also threaten boat human life. Proven decree onlybenefits the employers and authorities, while the lives of poor fishermen and boat people remainpoor. And families victimized Amat (punished to 7 years in prison) despite his determination aftergetting out from prison are to continue living as the sea with the truth and trying to save the humannature of any land disturbance.The strength of this novel, apart from the intent is the novelist wants the dignity of boat peopletoday, as well as conduct suspension at the beginning of the story, making in interest andmemorable. But the weakness is the novelist did curbs on character actors that seem like reportageonly. The authors concluded that the implementation of the presidential decree boat loans to thefishermen in the west coast of northern Sumatra province Sibolga need to review again.Keyword : Appreciation, Novel, Critical
Memperkenalkan Hak Asasi Manusia pada Siswa (SD) Melalui Pembelajaran Terpadu dengan Model Webbed Syam, Tasrif
JURNAL KEGURUAN Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Keguruan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRAKSeyogiyanya pemahaman tentang hak asasi manusia dimulai sejak dini, beriringan dengan pendidikan. Penanaman nilai-nilai moral, nilai etika dan nilai estetika dalam hak asasimanusia diberikan sejak sekolah dasar, meski hanya sebatas untuk mengetahui saja.Pembelajaran terpadu dengan model webbed identik dengan jaring laba-laba, artinya satudengan lainnya saling berkaitan kendati didasari latar tema yang berbeda, namun tema intiditetapkan sesuai harapan yang akan dicapai terhadap siswa dalam masalah hak asasi manusia.Siswa sekolah dasar yang sudah diperkenalkan hak asasi manusia sejak awal akan lebihmudah mengimplementasikan secara praktis. Kata kunci : Hak Asasi Manusia, Sekolah Dasar, Pembelajaran Terpadu, Model Webbed.

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