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E-Journal of Tourism
Published by Universitas Udayana
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E-Journal of Tourism promotes and enhances research developments in the field of tourism. The journal provides an international platform for debate and dissemination of research findings whilst also facilitating the discussion of new research areas and techniques. E-Journal of Tourism continues to add a vibrant and exciting channel for those interested in tourism and hospitality research developments. The scope of the journal is international and encompasses research into tourism aspects as well as the development of new research approaches. It continues to include high quality research papers in any area of tourism, including reviews of literature in the field and empirical papers on tourism issues.
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Articles 210 Documents
Rapid Growth of Hotels in Yogyakarta and Its Relation to the City's Water Supply Odilia Renaningtyas Manifesty
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 6 Number 1 (March 2019)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.618 KB) | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v6i1.41878


As tourist destination, Yogyakarta offers a complete tourism package from man-made environment such as Ullen Sentalu Museum and the ancient temples to natural environment such as Mount Merapi. Roughly five million tourists, both locals and foreigners, were visiting the city in 2017. Furthermore, eighty percent of the tourists are reported staying at hotels and any other form of accommodation. The high number in accommodation demand makes hospitality business to flourish and more hotels to be built. However, the stated development might violate the environmental carrying capacity. The concern rises after the city’s residents started to link the growth of hotels development with water shortage in several parts of the city. Two sets of urban layer related to clean water supply is presented and ,with the support of numerical data about the growth of tourist accommodation, is analyzed to give scientific base to the issue and as preliminary study on formulating the solution to the issue.
Local Community Involvement and Quality of Life in Tourism Destination Development: Case of Coastal Tourism in West Java, Indonesia Fitri Abdillah
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 3 Number 2 (September 2016)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (603.301 KB) | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v3i2.25258


The community in the tourism destination is one of the key elements to ensure the sustainability of the tourism destination itself. The objective of this study was to determine if the development of tourism contributes to the involvement and the level of quality of life of the local community in Pangandaran and Palabuhanratu. A total of 279 samples were obtained from two locations. Data were analyzed by using descriptive methods to determine the phase of the development of destinations, the community involvement, and the level of quality of life The results showed that (1) Pangandaran has a better destination performance than Palabuhanratu, (2) Pangandaran is in the growth phase and Palabuhanratu is in the consolidation phase, (3) Increase in the number of tourist arrivals in destinations within the growth phase is more influential than that in the consolidation phase, and (4) Among the four components of quality of life, the material aspect has the highest value, followed by the spiritual, social and personal aspects. The development of tourism destinations significantly affected the level of community involvement and the level of quality of life.
Destination Marketing Strategy in Bali Through Optimizing the Potential of Local Products I Gusti Ayu Oka Suryawardani; Agung Suryawan Wiranatha; Christine PETR
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 1 Number 1 (March 2014)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.442 KB) | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v1i1.19302


This study was designed to study destination marketing strategy in Bali through optimizing the potential of local products. Seventy nine of hotel managers were interviewed based on cluster sampling method to gain their point of view. The results show that destination must build their images around unique attributes that provide them sustainable competitive advantage including its attraction which should be designed to meet the needs of the target market and should be served by local products. The results also show that hotel managers thought that foreign tourists always preferred imported products, meanwhile previous statistical results indicate that foreign tourists significantly look for local products. There is a need to encourage hotel managers to change their perception and attitude about local and imported products. In fact, hoteliers expressed willingness to use local products as long as these meet the quality standard. As tourism involves four types of activities, namely something to see, something to do, something to buy, something to learn, destination product development could be focused in the above activities through offering foreign tourist, such as to stay in hotels, homestays or villas owned by Balinese; to eat in restaurants owned by Balinese by choosing the authentic local foods that are using local meat, seafood and vegetables, exotic local fruits and beverages; and to buy products that are produced by the Balinese. By promoting vacation on the real Balinese atmosphere such as stay in accommodations owned by the Balinese supported by the authenticity of local Balinese foods, fruits and beverages, these will strengthen the local economy, so the benefit of tourism development can be more beneficial to the local Balinese. The results suggests that destination management related to improvement of service and hospitality are really important through improvement of human resource by giving training to their employees, educate consumers, and manage consumer expectations. Physical evidence can be easily associated with the product by the customer. This includes the atmosphere of the service operation and any tangible evidence used to market the product. Marketing through authenticity is precise approach for success in destination marketing of Bali tourism. Destination marketing strategy should then be focussed on promoting the physical evidences of the authenticity of the local products and excellent services offered to the visitors as well as participation of stakeholders in developing authenticity of local products at reasonable price which will differentiate the destination distinctively.
The Use of Online Travel Agent (OTA) By Non-Star Hotels in Sanur Bali I Gusti Agung Mirah Sanjiwani; Agung Suryawan Wiranatha; I Gusti Ayu Oka Suryawardani
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 6 Number 2 (September 2019)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1053.924 KB) | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v6i2.56514


Non-star hotels as a tourism business are nowadays using online travel agents (OTA) to market their rooms. The research on using OTA is interesting to be conducted, considering that research involving hotel management in accepting technology using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is has not widely found. This study aims to analyze the influence of non-star hotel management's acceptance in using OTA by TAM, namely Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitude Toward Using, and Behavioral Intention to Use. The study involved 59 non-star hotel managements in Sanur as the respondents. The questionnaire included 17 indicators on TAM and interviews were conducted to support the statistical analysis. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis was carried out by using the SmartPLS 3 program. The results shows that: 1) Perceived Usefulness is significantly influenced on Attitude Toward Using, 2) Perceived Ease of Use is significantly influenced on Attitude Toward Using, 3) Perceived Usefulness is significantly influenced on Perceived Usefulness, 4) Attitude Toward Using is significantly influenced on Behavioral Intention to Use, and 5) Perceived Usefulness is not significantly influenced on Behavioral Intention to Use in hotel management of non-star hotels in Sanur Bali in using OTA. Overall, the non-star hotel management accepts OTA well to be used in their hotels. Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model, Online Travel Agent, Non-star Hotels Management, Bali.
Family Tourist - is Different Motive, Different Choice of Tourist Activity? Rahmat Ingkadijaya
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 5 Number 2 (September 2018)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.023 KB) | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v5i2.41704


Currently, many families travelling to various tourist destinations. This phenomenon is interesting to be investigated. Existing research results can be utilized by stakeholders to develop their own policies and strategies. However, at this time not much study exists in family travel. This study examines family’s travel motivations, family’s activities in destination, and the differences of family’s activity choice across categories of travel motivations. Survey method has been employed in this study. The sample was obtained from a residence in Bogor City, West Java and consisted of 300 families chosen by convenience sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and hypothesis test using chi-square. The findings indicated that there were two dominant family’s travel motivations, personal escape and interpersonal seeking. The family chose natural, cultural, and special tourist activities. Family’s activity choice across categories of travel motivations was the same except rafting. It was most preferred by families who had personal escape motivation.
Spiritual Tourism: a Case Study of Foreigners’ Participation in The Pitrayajna Ceremony in The Desa Pakraman of Muncan, Selat, Karangasem, Bali Nararya Narottama
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 3 Number 1 (March 2016)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.502 KB) | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v3i1.20841


The influence of globalization appears to occur worldwide and affect any joint of life, including small village near Mount Agung, named Muncan Pakraman village, Karangasem, Bali. When the series of Pitrayajña ceremonies (Balinese traditional cremation series) took place in 2009 at this village, a lot of foreigners from various countries got involved, includeing Germany, Turkey, Israel, the Netherlands, UK, Spain, Belgium and Italy. They were involved not only as a spectators or tourists, but participated in the ceremony for their ancestors, and deceased loved ones and took part in "Ngayah" (working together and voluntarily, without being paid). Pitrayajña ceremony is processions of sacred ceremonies, which usually performed only by Hindus, especially in Bali, was also participated by foreigners (international students of Ratu Bagus Ashram), who were having a spiritual journey to find their true identity. Formally, they were not Hindus, but believed in the teachings of the Hindu religion, and their activities are form of spiritual tourism implementation in Bali. The main problem of research is to reveal how the phenomenon of deconstructing Pitrayajña ceremony in Bali, how the participation of foreign persons in this ceremony, what motivated them, what was the public perception of the deconstruction of Pitrayajña ceremony, the views of the Hindu leaders in Bali to the deconstruction of the Pitrayajña ceremony and whether there was a change of meaning, if the changes are purely the universality of Hindu religion itself, how its impact on society, and its relation to spiritual tourism. With the formulation of a clear scope, this research is also expected to produce maximum findings.
Community Involvement on Caldera Toba Geopark Development Case Study: Pusuk Buhit Area, Samosir Regency Cathelya Yosephine Hotasina Silaen
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 4 Number 2 (September 2017)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (909.735 KB) | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v4i2.36404


Geopark is a geological area, including the specific features of the geologically significant, rare or in the form of beauty which also has ecological value, archaeological, historical and cultural to local economic development through conservation, education and tourism. The most important thing of geopark development is local involvement by making a collaboration between government and locals, such as in Caldera Toba National Geopark. The existing collaboration between government and locals in this geopark, is formed simply as reciprocity, where they understand their position in the development of geopark and is willing to establish new relationships that equally benefit to them, even though there are some actors who deny the existence Caldera Toba Geopark. That kind of collaboration came up by mapping each actor role and position in every stage of geopark development, also ultimately how each of these actors collaborate in developing and operating Caldera Toba Geopark as a national and international tourism destination. The most interesting thing to be explored is how to collaborate geopark managerial issues with local culture. To involve the locals with their own entrenched culture, the government needs to create creative strategies and innovations to collaborate the locals, the government itself and the third party as well. This study lies in Pusuk Buhit Area, which has four geosites and located in Geoarea Samosir. Pusuk Buhit has its history of the starting of the old Bataknese people. Based on that history, Pusuk Buhit is inhabited by the old Bataknese family that have their pure Bataknese culture and its local wisdom. Beside their culture wisdom, this area is still affected by religious wisdom, such as Christianity and local religion, named Parmalim. To involve all stakeholders with their own interests, the government should construct the new institutional scheme for the future Caldera Toba Geopark,that has to be a collaboration instituional. By using stakeholder analysis for the mapping, with primary data collection methods in-depth interviews with some of the key actors, the author may interpret and assess the extent of the collaboration undertaken by each actor in developing Caldera Toba Geopark, as well as predict the suitable collaboration for managing Toba Caldera Geopark, as a strategy to make this geopark works.
Local Community Participation in the Development of Ecological Tourism in West Bali National Park I Nyoman Sunarta
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 2 Number 2 (September 2015)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.314 KB) | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v2i2.19495


Dependence of local communities on natural resources in the area of ??West Bali National Park (TNBB) showed low conservation awareness of local communities to support the area as ecological tourism resources, and showed lack of participation of the local community because of their powerlessness in decision-making and captures a wide range of benefits or contributions of ecological tourism. This study aims to determine the level of local participation in the development of products and markets of ecological tourism, by using deductive approach.During stage of analysis and synthesis, descriptive method is used to explain the causal link between the study variables. Since 2008, TNBB changed its repressive approach to community development that previously looked into persuasive public relations with BTNBB as " us vs. them " later changed into " we ", especially in the development of ecological tourism product, which is actualized in society called "Manuk Jegeg". Participation of local communities in the development of ecological tourism is not entirely the local community initiatives. So that kind of participation can be classified into functional types of participation. Participation is still a continuation of the existence of an external agent External interests of society. It is seen from the establishment of "Manuk Jegeg" community, where external parties are only facilitating and accommodating the aspirations of the community in decision making.
Tourism Development Impacts on Water Resources in Northern Kuta District of Badung Bali I Nyoman Sunarta; Made Sudiana Mahendra; Agung Suryawan Wiranatha; Syamsul Alam Paturusi
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 1 Number 2 (September 2014)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (214.734 KB) | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v1i2.19420


One of the problem in the development of Bali tourism is declining carrying capacity supporting tourism resources, especially water. In the past, rural areas have never experienced a lack of water, by which presently facing a water crisis. This condition corresponds to the higher intensity of exploitation of water resources as a result of tourism development. The rapid development of business on accommodation facilities in North Kuta District is potential to accupy rice paddy and water resources. If this development is not properly controlled can cause negative impacts not only on the existence of the fields, but also for the potential of water resources. Tourism is significantly depend on adequacy of water resources to be able to function properly, thus in case of a water crisis in the tourist areas of Bali in particular, then sooner or later will create the economic crisis and the crisis of tourism. The research was located in North Kuta District aimed to know the impacts of the development of the tourism on water resources potential. In order to understand the impact on water resources used geography disciplines approach, and applying survey research methods. Tourism development is determined by the interpretation of Quickbird imagery in a different location. Carrying capacity of water resources is determined by using the guidelines of Per Men LH. No. 17 year 2009. Impact of tourism development on water resources was determined using comparative analysis of surface water and groundwater, both an quantity and quality. There were two patterns of land use change in North Kuta District, namely from the rice fields to tourist accommodation and from the dryland/orchard land, to tourist accommodation. Changes from rice field for about 16 years (1992-2008) in North Kuta District was 1,218.44 Ha. Carrying capacity of water resources was considered deficit at all village in North Kuta District. Development of tourism, especially tourism accommodation has changed land cover in an resulting increase in coefficient of flow, so that more rain water flowing on the surface than into the ground water as a reserve. Development of tourism in the Northern District of Kuta had a negative impact on potential water resources both quantity and quality. On quantity aspect, an increase in runoff discharge 3,255 lt/sec/year and declined of the water table resulting in resources from shallow groundwater to deep groundwater in. On quality, water resources have indication of pollution and salinity content in groundwater has reached at a distance of about 3 km from the beach, as an indication of the occurrence of seawater intrusion.
The Role of Local Government in Fostering the Economic of Community: Eka N Kencana
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 6 Number 1 (March 2019)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (422.926 KB) | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v6i1.47283


For Bali and its administrative territories, tourism and the related sectors are very important for their development agendas. Referring to Bali Statistic Office, the agricultural sector and food and beverages services, contribute more than one-third of Bali’s gross regional domestic product (PDRB) for the year 2017. It is not surprising, then, tourism and the related industries have been positioned as the important pillars for the economic development of Bali. Consisting of nine regencies or city, Klungkung, after Denpasar city as the capital of Bali, is the second smallest region with its area is 315 km square or approximately 5.59 percent of Bali area as much as 5,366.66 km square. In the last five years, the local government of Klungkung is intensively developing Nusa Penida district as a marine tourists destination. The aim of this essay is to study the causal relationship between government roles and the economic benefit of tourism for the local people. A hundred and thirteen people of Nusa Penida were questioning their perception regarding the benefits of tourism for their families. Applying variance-based SEM, this work found the roles did not directly affect the economy of local people. However, by the mediation of tourists' behavior as well as the tourism industries at Nusa Penida, the role of Klungkung’s government is significantly influence the economy of Nusa Penida people.

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