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Jaqfi : Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam
ISSN : 27149420     EISSN : 2541352X     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Jurnal Ilmiah JAQFI: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam adalah jurnal yang mempublikasikan hasil-hasil kajian dan penelitian orisinal terbaru dalam ilmu murni Filsafat Islam dan Aqidah (Teologi Islam), serta cakupannya meliputi kajian filsafat kontemporer, pendidikan, sosial, dan keagamaan dari perspektif filsafat maupun aqidah. Tujuan Jurnal berkala ini adalah untuk upaya meningkatkan intensitas kajian Filsafat Islam dan Aqidah, mengupayakan teori baru serta kontekstualisasinya bagi perkembangan intelektualitas.
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Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 6, No 1 (2021)" : 5 Documents clear
Pluralisme Sebagai Basis Kerukunan Beragama Perspektif John Hick Raja Cahaya Islam; Dadang Kuswana; Roro Sri Rejeki Waluyajati
Jaqfi: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Universitas Negri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.873 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/jaqfi.v6i1.12719


AbstrakPluralitas agama memiliki sebuah potensi konflik yang bisa mengaktual, sehingga pada kondisi tersebut, dibutuhkan sebuah pola agar konflik tersebut setidaknya dapat dicegah atau diminimalisir. John Hick adalah seorang pemikir agama yang menawarkan jalan pada kondisi tersebut dengan konsepnya mengenai pluralisme agama. Berangkat dari situlah penelitian ini ditulis. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka, yang mana sumber data akan diambil dari buku dan jurnal yang relevan dengan tema ini. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah: John Hick menawarkan revolusi Kopernikan dalam agama, yakni mengalihkan keterpustan-diri kepada keterpusatan-Realitas dalam beragama. Lalu Hick mengadopsi distingsi noumena (Yang-Riil) dan fenomena (Yang-Riil sebagaimana dipersepsi) ala Kant yang ditariknya pada ranah agama untuk membangun basis konsepsi pluralisme. Dari pluralisme inilah Hick menegaskan, bahwa pengalaman manusia ketika berkoneksi dengan Yang-Riil bersifat plural, dan karenanya monopoli klaim agama menjadi tidak relevan; dan dari situlah pluralisme sebagai basis kerukunan beragama menjadi mungkin.Kata Kunci:Pluralisme, Revolusi Kopernikan, KeselamatanAbstractReligious plurality has a potential for conflict that can be actualized, so that under these conditions, a pattern is needed so that the conflict can at least be prevented or minimized. John Hick is a religious thinker who offers a way to this condition with his concept of religious pluralism. From there this research was written. The method used is literature study, in which data sources will be taken from books and journals relevant to this theme. The results of this study are: John Hick offers a Copernican revolution in religion, namely shifting self-liberty to Reality-centeredness in religion. Then Hick adopted the Kantian distinction of noumena (Real-Real) and phenomena (The Real as perceived) which he drew on the realm of religion to build a basis for the conception of pluralism. It is from this pluralism that Hick emphasizes that human experience when connecting with the Real is plural, and therefore the monopoly of religious claims is irrelevant; and from there pluralism as a basis for religious harmony becomes possible.Keywords:Copernican Revolution, Pluralism, Salvation
Ulama methods in understanding verses mutasyabih (Study of the Tafwid and Ta'wil Methods Verses About the Attributes of Allah) ade jamarudin; Nelvawita .
Jaqfi: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Universitas Negri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (62.66 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/jaqfi.v6i1.12236


In the realm of Islam, there is a recognized group that has a respectable place in the Muslim community. This group is the salaf group. Often every debate about the understanding of Islam is returned and a reference is sought which leads to that group. Knowing the application of the method of tafwid, taslim and ta'wil tafsili of salaf scholars in understanding the mutasyabihat verses about the nature of Allah SWT The understanding of the salaf ulama on the mutasyabihat verses in the future has an urgent relationship in the formation of the understanding of the firqah-firqah mentioned above. The great contradiction between the Musyabbihah and Ahlussunnah,. This research is in the form of literary research, meaning that this research will be directly based on written data in the form of books, especially classical works, as well as related books. From the development of the study of the Qur’an from the salaf period to the present day, it can be concluded that the study of the Qur’an has experienced rapid and dynamic developments and has passed through various eras, places and generations of thought. Although the description of the historical development of the Qur’an above is very limited and specialized in the scope of the early generation of intellectuals and that is not enough for all existing developments, this is sufficient to prove that the study of the Qur’an is never "dead" and obsolete. in the times
Jaqfi: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Universitas Negri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (623.361 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/jaqfi.v6i1.11873


AbstractMostly researchers of Muslim society had predicted that tarekat will slowly become extinct in Modern era. Yet, there are still many tarekats that exist in Modern era. In fact, they are always adapting to modernity, like Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah (TQN) Yogyakarta. In the midst of modern society, TQN Yogyakarta is still exist and attract a lot of disciple. Examine the reality of the TQN's existence certainly interesting. Why TQN still exist in Modern society? What do tarekat members think about sufism and modernity? This article answers this question by interview TQN members and join some TQN activities and review some relevant literature. The result, TQN Yogyakarta is tarekat that live in the context of civilization. For TQN members, the relationship between sufism and modernity is not contradictory, but symbiotic mutualism, therefore a new religious style was created, that is the modern tarekat whose activities have a modern style.Keywords: TQN Yogyakarta, Tarekat, Modernity, and Sufism course AbstrakSebagian besar pengamat masyarakat Muslim meramalkan bahwa tarekat, akan sedikit demi sedikit punah dalam masyarakat modern. Namun, ternyata masih banyak tarekat-tarekat yang masih tetap eksis di era modern ini. Bahkan senantiasa beradabtasi dengan komodernan, seperti yang dilakukan oleh Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah (TQN) di Yogyakarta. Di tengah masyarakat modern, ikhwan tarekat ini masih terus eksis dan cukup banyak menarik peminat. Realitas eksistensi TQN tersebut tentu menarik untuk dikaji lebih lanjut. Mengapa TQN tetap bertahan di tengah masyarakat modern Yogyakarta? Bagaimana pandangan ikhwan tarekat TQN Yogyakarta akan tasawuf dan kemodernan? Pertanyaan inilah yang diulas dalam artikel ini. Dalam menjawab pertanyaan tersebut penulis langsung menggali informasi lewat wawancara, ikut terlibat dalam kegiatan-kegiatan TQN, serta melakukan kajian literatur. Hasilnya, TQN Yogyakarta adalah tarekat yang hidup dalam historisitas kemanusiaan. Bagi para ikhawan TQN kolaborasi antara tarekat dan kemodernan bukanlah bersifat antagonis, melainkan simbiosis-mutualisme, sehingga tercipta suatu corak keagamaan baru, yaitu tarekat modern dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang sarat nuasan kemodernan.Kata kunci: TQN Yogyakarta, Tarekat, Komedernan, Kursus Tasawuf.
Rekognisi Axel Honneth: Gramatika Moral Bagi Defisit Rasionalitas Beragama Diah Meitikasari; Oktarizal Drianus
Jaqfi: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Universitas Negri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.159 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/jaqfi.v6i1.11905


This paper aims to explore Axel Honneth's thoughts on recognition. This is considered important that today, religious moderation is expected to be a mode of living together that able to reconstructs a just and rational moral grammar, instead of falling into a deficit of rationality. This paper uses a literature study approach with the main source of Honneth's work, The Struggle for Recognition: Moral Grammar for Social Conflict. Several points were learned, namely: 1) recognition for Honneth is a normative basis for recognition and social struggle that eliminates all forms of disrespect; 2) Honneth's Recognition manifests in three domains: love, rights, and solidarity; 3) Mutual relations in three domains which are basic self-confidence, self-respect, and self-esteem; 4) Honneth's recognition can be a moral grammar for religious moderation efforts in Indonesia.
Jaqfi: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Universitas Negri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.439 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/jaqfi.v6i1.11669


This reaserch focuses on self as a fundamental requirement for the philosophy of existentialism, the first step in trying to understand the self-concept according to Rollo May. Then look for teh root of the philosophical problem that makes man lose himself until finaly unable to exist in the world. Rollo May is one of the psychologist who brought the philosophical tradition of existensialism to America. In this reaserch, the wraiter places Rollo May as an existentialist philosopher, with depart from the problem of self-philosopy.

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