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BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 10, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/bb.v10i3.742


The problem in Lake Sentani area are degradation of watershead and land forest convertion, which cause decreasing water quality in Sentani Lake. For this reason, it is very important to analyze of water quality status in L. Sentani periodically in order to retain its sustainability. The analyzed result by using STORET method showed the quality statue of L.Sentani are ranged from moderate to heavy pollution in category since 2006.
PENINGKATAN KADAR LOVASTATIN ANGKAK OLEH Monascuspurpureus KO-KULTUR DENGAN Endomycopsis burtontt Asadayanti, Danik D; Jenie, B Sri Laksmi; aningrum, Harsi D Kusu; Nurhidayaf, Novik
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 10, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v10i3.746


Lovastatin is a bioactive material of statin groups and has been used to reduce cholesterol through inhibiting HMG Co-A reductase enzyme activities. Three indigenous strains of Monascus purpureus and three mutans were used in this study produced lovastatin at the range of 0,1 - 1,42%. The objectives of this study were to increase lovastatin productions by co-cultured with several concentrations of Endomycopsis burtonii. M. purpureus (10 cfu/ml) was co-cultured with various concentrations of E. burtonii (10M0 ) cfu/ral at three different feeding times (day 2, 4, and 6). Feeding times and concentrations of E. burtonii significantly increased production of lovastatin by four strains of M. purpureus (JMBA5K, AID, JMBA and TOS). The highest production of lovastatin was achieved by M. purpureus TOS co-cultured by E. burtonii at 10 cfu/ml added at day 6. Expression of the genes that responsible for lovastatin production were analyzed by PCR and RT-PCR method. The phenotypic character of M. purpureus TOS with high lovastatin production was conformed by the high intensity of its gene expression.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 10, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (502.394 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v10i3.741


Durian (Durio zibethinus) is one of the most popular tropical fruits in SE Asia. Indonesia has several local clones that have not yet been widely introduced to local fruit markets. This present study aimed to assess genetic diversity of 17 clones of durian from West Java based on RAPD fingerprints. Thirty RAPDs primers were initially screened and four were selected for the analysis.These four primers (OPA 13, OPD 8, OPN 6 and OPA 18) generated 63 scorable bands to which 100% of them were polymorphic.OPA-13 at 700bp was exclusively possessed by Tambleg clone and other bands were shared among the other clones. Clustering analysis was performed based on RAPD profiles using the UPGMA method. The range of genetic similarity value among genotypes was 0.15-0.73 suggesting high genetic variation among them. Results from genetic diversity analysis based on plant propagation system showed a higher genetic diversity value in occulating (87.30%) plants than that of grafting (60.32%).
PENGARUH PADAT TEBAR IKAN KOAN {Ctenopharyngodon idella) TERHADAP LAJU PERAMBAHAN DAN LUAS TUTUPAN ECENG GONDOK (Eichornia crassipes) DI DANAU LIMBOTO, GORONTALO Krismono, Krismono; Rahardjo, MF; Harris, E; Kartamihardja, ES
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 10, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (354.38 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v10i3.752


Water hyacinth {Eichhornia crassipes) in Lake Limboto was covering the area about 40 to 60% in 2008. It caused a lot of problems on water transportation, fishing activities, reducing water quantity and quality. To manage the number of water hyacinth population, biological control use omnivorous species and such as grasss carp (Ctenopharingodon idella) is a promosing alternative. In this study, effect of different stocking density of grass carp on the population of water hyacinth was observed. The result showed that 200 fish was the most effective compare to other stocking density and enabled to reducing the covering area up to 10 to 20%.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 10, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (419.842 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v10i3.745


An experiment to study the effect of soft fraction derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Hansen) to elicit ajmalicine production by Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. callus cultures has been conducted. Callus were induced from leaf segment and grew on Zenk medium supplemented with 2,5 x l0M NAA dan 10 M BAP respectively. Callus on the third subculture level were elicited with soft fraction derived from S. cerevisiae. The following concentrations of elicitor tested were 0, 0,5, 1,0 and 2,5 % (g/v), and the harvesting times were 0, 18, 36 and 72 hour respectively. Influence of elicitor to production of ajmalicine by the callus were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A significant increasing of ajmalicine content in the callus (303,475 ± 5,602 ug/gDW) was achieved by addition of elicitor of 0,5 % (g/v) after 36 hour. This study showed a significant increase of ajmalicine production in C. roseus callus cultures after being challenged with elicitor derived from S. cerevisiae i.e. 69,334%.
OPTIMASI FREKUENSI PEMBERIAN VITAMIN C PAD A PAKAN KOMERSIAL UNTUK PENGENDALIAN PENYAKIT KOI HERPES VIRUS (KHV) PADA IKAN MAS (Cyprinus carpio Linn.) Taukhid, Taukhid; Lusiastuti, Angela Mariana; Suryadi, Kusumasari; Rosidah, Rosidah; Setiadharma, Gunawan
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 10, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (529.665 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v10i3.749


The research with objective to understand optimization frequency of supplemented ascorbic acid (microencapsulated vitamin C CFC-90) feeding to control the Koi Herpes Virus (KHV) disease infecting common carp has been done in Fish Disease Laboratory Fishes were reared in plastic container (80 litres), with density of 20 fish sized 10 gram in average. The treatments were: (A) daily application, (B) three daily application, (C) five daily application, and (D) without vitamin C as a control. Examined fishes were challenged to KHV infection after the 21 days rearing period by cohabitation method for 2 weeks. Observations been done on behaviour, clinical signs and mortality of fishes. The results showed that the highest survival rate was found on the application o vitamin C given every 3 days (50.0%); followed by every day (12.5%), every 5 days (7.5%), and the lowest was found on contro group (1.3%). Control techniques in the case of KHV carp populations through the provision of vitamin C immunostimulatory conducted regularly since well before the existence of KHV infection provides the best protective level.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 10, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v10i3.744


Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) are essential nutrients for plant.The deficiency one of these nutrients will be limiting the plant growth.A glass house experiment with one treatment factor was conducted to study the effect and interaction of N and P fertilizers application on maize growth in regosol and latosol soils. The results show that the interaction of N and P fertilizers application(N 1 P 1) on regosol had a significant influence to plant height on 3 to 7 weeks after planting, whilst on latosol had a significant influence to plant height on 1 to 5 weeks after planting. The shoot dry weight, root dry weight and total dry weight of maize on regosols and latosol soils were significantly influenced by the interaction of N and P fertilizers application (N 1 P 1). There were a positive correlation between N and P fertilizers application on both soils types to the total plant dry weight.
PERKEMBANGAN OOSIT IKAN PATIN SIAM, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus Sauvage, 1878 (PANGASIIDAE; SILURIFORMES) Tahapari, Evi; Iswanto, Bambang
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 10, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.243 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v10i3.748


Pangasianodon hypophthalmus is an introduced species of fish culture and fisheries resources in Indonesia. Reproductive biology aspects, e.g. maturity, plays an important role on the fisheries management. There was no detail information of oocytes development of P. hypophthalmus. The aim of this study is to find out the detail of its oocytes development through the observation of whole oocytes and ovarian histological slides microscopically. The results showed that the rhythm of oocyte development of P. hypophthalmus was grouped synchronism, assigned by the presence of two oocyte groups in the mature females, i.e. the large and maturing oocytes which would be spawned soon, and the small ones as the stock and still unyolked for the next spawning. The oocyte development could be devided into five stages, i.e. stage 1 (chromatin nucleolar and perinucleolar) with oocytes diameter less than 300 urn, stage 2 (yolk vesicles and cortical alveolar) with oocytes diameter of 230-660 urn, stage 3 (yolk granules) with oocytes diameter of 430-1,100 urn, stage 4 (migratory nucleus and hydrated) with oocytes diameter of 950-1,260 urn, and stage S (atretic) with oocytes diameter less than 800 m
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 10, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1073.889 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v10i3.743


Previous ecological studies have revealed the types of non-forest frog commonly occupying habitats that have been modified by humans are still severely limited. For that purpose the research was conducted in the wetland area of Ecology Park in LIPI Campus Cibinong which is located at S 06" 29 40.2"; E 106° 51 06.3" with 165 meters altitude above sea level (asl) over seven months (May-November 2009) by monitoring 14 times during the study period (July-November).The transect method was used to determine the effect of habitat on the diversity and abundance of frog species in the wetland area. Transect was set for 100 meters on one side of the lake where the area has a variety of habitat types. Length of 100 meters transect was divided into 10 sections with 10 meters length for each section, (length of each section was 10 meters). Every 10 meters, the type of habitat, frog species encountered and the abundance of the species were recorded. Environmental data recorded were air humidity, air temperature, water temperature and moon phase (full moon, crescent moon or the dark moon). Ten frog species which belong to 4 families, the Bufonidae (Bufo biporcatus and B. melanostictus), Microhylidae (Kaloula baleata), Ranidae (Fejervarya cancrivora, F. limnocharis, Rana chalconota, R. erythraea, R. nicobariensis and Occidozyga lima) and Rhacophoridae (Polypedates leucomystax) were found.R. erythraea, R. nicobariensis and O. lima were the dominant species and found on every visit. Furthermore, the most dominant species was R. erythraea. The results showed that environmental factors (air temperature, water temperature, humidity and conditions of the moon) did not have an impact on the presence and number of species. Abundance of three dominant species (R.erythraea, R. nicobariensis and O. lima) was strongly linked to vegetation type. Moreover, environmental factors (water temperature, humidity and the condition of moon) affected the abundance of R. nicobariensis in sub transect 2 and 5 where dominated by Eleocharis dutcis ans Leerxia hexandra. On the other hand air temperature affected the abundance of O.lima in sub transect 7, dominated by floating lotus plant Nymphaea lotus.
IDENTIFIKASI GEN SELENOMETIL TRANSFERASE (smt) PADA ISOLAT Geobacillus sp. 20K YANG RESISTEN TERHADAP SELENIUM Triana, Evi; Nurhidayat, Novik; Yulinery, Titin; Kasim, Ernawati; Dewi, Ratih M
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 10, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.562 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v10i3.747


The trace element Selenium is toxic at high concentration.Most of organisms living in selenium rich environment are selenium resistant.One of the resistance mechanisms is methylation,in which selenium is methylated and transformed to non-toxic selenium compound.The methylation is catalyzed by seleno methyltransferase (SMT) coded by smt gene. The gene are expressed by selenium tolerant plants. However, there was no available report yet on such specific gene in the bacterial genome. This study was carried out to determine smt homologous gene on selected selenium accumulator bacteria, Geobacillus sp. 20k, The smt gene of was determined by amplifying target DNA and analyses its sequences through homology search (BLAST). The result showed that the DNA and its protein part of thermophilic enzyme involved selenium metabolisms.

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