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JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies)
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JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) merupakan jurnal ilmiah berkala yang mempublikasikan hasil penelitian dalam bidang administrasi publik dan ilmu pemerintahan di Indonesia baik oleh peneliti Indonesia maupun peneliti asing.
Articles 7 Documents
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JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v5i2.9482


Synergy between government actors is needed in handling Covid-19. The synergy must reach street level bureaucracy government. This frontline government has an important role in handling Covid-19 both of health and economy sectors. But in its implementation, the case Covid-19 in Serang city continues to increase, adherence to health protocol implementation is still low and there are obstacles in the distribution of economic assistance to the community. These problems can be overcome with good synergy, especially the synergy between levels of the street bureaucracy. The purpose of this study was to determine the synergy between street level bureaucracy actors in handling Covid-19 in Serang City from the aspects of communication, coordination and interaction. The results showed that the synergy between street bureaucracy actors in handling Covid-19 was influenced by the pattern of central and regional government policies, clarity and understanding of roles between actors, conditions of the Covid-19 case in an area and the capacity and local leadership of the street level bureaucracy.
JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v5i2.11148


The number of problems that have occurred that accompany the occurrence of the disaster of the spread of covid 19 or corona, which is a pandemic disaster in Indonesia, shows the need for a breakthrough model using the strength of the knots of society that are already owned in the culture of the Indonesian nation and the smallest government structure in Indonesia such as Rukun Tetangga or Rukun Warga, as well as communities that are concerned about disasters or humanity in Indonesia. In development administration science, there is a concept, namely participatory development-autonomous participation, which can be used in disaster management in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis method with data collection techniques library research due to ongoing government policies lock down and social distancing as well as physical distancing. This study argues that the use of information technology based on Community Capacity Building Online can tackle disasters in Indonesia based on the aspects of efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability.
Upaya Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Tanah Longsor Melalui Implementasi Program Pengembangan Desa Tangguh Bencana Di Kota Sawahlunto Friska Friska; Kusdarini Kusdarini; Roni Ekha Putera
JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v5i2.9498


This study aims to describe and analyze efforts to reduce the risk of landslides by implementing a disaster-resilient village development program in the city of Sawahlunto. This research is motivated by the frequent occurrence of disasters such as floods, landslides, land fires, residential fires, mine blasts, and tornadoes. Under these conditions, efforts to reduce disaster risk, which is an effort to minimize disasters' impact, need to be done. One of the most critical efforts to reduce disaster risk is to increase community preparedness in facing disaster threats. This was implemented through the Resilient Disaster Village program. The findings and analysis of the data that the researchers presented according to the Donald Van Meter and Carl Van Horn policy implementation models The implementation of the Resilient Village Disaster Program Development in Sawahlunto City has been going well. However, it is still not evenly distributed in all implemented villages, and still, two villages are determined. In the Resilient Disaster Village Program Development implementation, two villages that have implemented the Resilient Disaster Village Program Development according to the Resilient Disaster Village Program Development's objectives have begun to be reached. The Lumindai village is in the Primary Resilient Disaster Village category, and until now, there has been no improvement, and the same was true of Silungkang Oso Village. This is due to several indicators, namely the Facilitator with a small number and understanding of the Resilient Disaster Village Program Development implementor is not yet in-depth towards the Development of the Resilient Disaster Village Program, resources, especially budget resources, are still inadequate implementor of the Resilient Disaster Village Development, and support from the community at each village government is different. The Development of the Resilient Village Program has been carried out but not yet optimally due to the lack of development in the village determined.
JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v5i2.9500


Anak jalanan adalah sebuah istilah yang disandangkan kepada seorang yang hidup dan bekerja dijalanan, namun secara pasti kehidupan yang dilakukan anak jalan banyak diesbut masyarakt sebagai parasit. Fenomena anak jalanan ini menjadi persoalan publik yang perlu diselesaikan dengan kebijakan yang konsisten. Beberapa penyebab timbulnya anak jalanan seperti rendahnya tingkat pendidikan dan faktor kemiskinan tentunya menjadi pekerjaan berat bagi para Pemerintah Daerah. Kebijakan yang telah dibuat dalam bentuk Peraturan Daerah nampaknya belum kuat untuk menangani permasalahan anak jalanan, walaupun demikian bagi pelaksana yang menangani anak jalanan tidak henti dan bosan dalam melakukan upaya untuk menyelesaikan persoalan anak jalanan, salah satunya dengan dilakukan pembinaan bagi penyandang anak jalanan. Teori Implementasi kebijakan yang dikemukan oleh menurut Meter & Horn dapat menjadi terobosan yang bisa diandalkan bagi pemerintah daerah untuk menangani masalah ini, karena teori  ini secara komprehensif menjelaskan bagaimana menangani persoalan anak jalanan.
Implementasi Perda Nomor 8 Tahun 2015 Tentang UMKM Di Kabupaten Serang Dalam Pengembangan Kerajinan Gerabah Di Desa Bumi Jaya Kecamatan Ciruas Rizki Amilia; Abdul Hamid; Rd Nia Kania Kurniawati
JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v5i2.9634


This study discusses the Implementation of Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2015 concerning SMEs in Serang Regency in the Development of Pottery Crafts in Bumi Jaya Village, Ciruas District. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation efforts made by the Serang District Government through the Department of Cooperatives, Industry and Trade for micro pottery businesses in Desa Bumi Jaya, Ciruas District. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Determination of informants in this study using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques are done through observation, direct interviews and documentation. Testing the validity of the data in this study was carried out by triangulating data sources and member checks associated with the theory of public policy implementation Van Metter & Van Horn, Deddy Mulyadi 2016. Which consists of six indicators namely policy standards and targets, resources, communication between organizations and strengthening activists, implementing agent characteristics, socio-economic and political conditions, and implementor disposition. The data analysis technique uses the concept proposed by Miles and Hubberman. The results showed that the effort to implement Perda Number 8 of 2015 concerning MSMEs in Serang Regency in the Development of Pottery Crafts in Bumi Jaya Village, Ciruas District was still not optimal. This refers to the implementation efforts made by the Department of Cooperatives, Industry and Trade of Serang Regency which are still nature thorough in and are more oriented to routine government work. These conditions ultimately hindered the process of implementation for pottery artisans in Desa Bumi Jaya. The researcher recommends that the Department of Industry and Trade Cooperatives of Serang Regency to provide assistance in the form of capital for each pottery SME group in Bumi Jaya Village for the implementation of the perda, has integrity to the MSME pottery actors in Bumi Jaya Village to more intensely provide an understanding of based marketing ways e-commerce to improve better product competitiveness by making existing earthenware vessels in Bumi Jaya Village become icons or landmarks in Serang Regency that prioritize the potential of the region and provide new innovations that will increase the knowledge of the craftsmen to technology literacy
JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v5i2.9289


In 2015, Lebak Regency was the highest contributor to infant mortality and maternal mortality in Banten Province. Researchers want to know how the implementation of the UJAS Program goes according to the Lebak Regent Regulation number 26 of 2016. In this study, researchers used a case study qualitative approach to find out in-depth about the UJAS Program. The theory used by researchers is Edward III (1980), which is about the implementation of public policy. In the process and activities of collecting data in detail, researchers conducted observations, interviews, and triangulation. The community has not yet known about the UJAS program, especially potential program beneficiaries and program beneficiaries, especially from the section on how to use the Program. Not only that, there are still facilities and infrastructure that are not in accordance with the conditions, for example the vehicles for picking up patients are not in accordance with road conditions, there is no special budget to meet the needs of the program and there is no organizational structure so there is no clarity of the UJAS program implementers. Implementers Need to socialize the UJAS Program again so that it can be better known and understood by the wider community. Then allocate a special budget to meet the needs of the UJAS Program, and make the UJAS Program Organizational Structure so that there is clarity on the implementer.
Evaluasi Kebijakan Jalur Penangkapan Dan Penempetan Alat Penangkapan Ikan (Studi Kasus Pada Nelayan Di Pelabuhan Karangantu Kota Serang, Banten) Agus Koharudin; Ipah Ema Jumiati; Suwaib Amiruddin
JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v5i2.9635


Regulation  of  the  Minister  of  Maritime  Affairs  and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia Number 71 / Permen-Kp / 2016, aims to realize the utilization of fish resources that are responsible, optimal and sustainable and to reduce conflicts over the use of fish resources based on the principles of management of fish resources. In implementing the regulation, it creates dynamics in fishing communities. The focus of this study examines the evaluation of the fishing lane policy and the placement of fishing gear on Fishermen in the Serang Port of Serang, Banten. The theoretical study in this study uses the William N. Dunn (1990) Policy Evaluation approach. The research method is a qualitative approach with a descriptive analytic research design. The results showed that the characteristics of the fishing track in the Karangantu Archipelago Fisheries Port, most fishermen had small scales. Government policy does not provide levies for fishermen who lean in the Port of Karangantu PPN. Government policies related to fishing gear have been issued Ministerial Regulation No. KKP. 71 of 2006, as a reference to bring order to fishermen in conducting operations in the Banten Bay Area and even throughout Indonesia. The policy is not implemented optimally because fishermen who operate in the port of Karangantu are mostly small-scale fishermen, while those who are regulated should pay attention to the characteristics of the type of boat and the size of the boat. The fishing area is carried out in a 4-mill marine area, and using fishing gear. The use of Cantrang or Arat Mini fishing gear similar to Trawling Tiger is actually not permitted and even there are no permits for fishermen who violate the rules of fishing gear, but these conditions are still used by fishermen. For enforcement, government support related to operational budgets is needed to support operations at sea.

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