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PERKEMBANGAN TEKNOLOGI DAN KOMUNIKASI DALAM PENDIDIKAN Maretha Dewi Anggraeni; Roufatul Mucharromah; Bela Zain Taqiyya; Rizka Elan Fadilah; I Ketut Mahardika; Firdha Yusmar
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 2022: Seminar Nasional N-ConferSE III 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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The development of technology and information is growing rapidly and influential in the world of education. The development of technology and information in learning is very helpful for teachers in utilizing technological facilities to prepare the learning process or when the learning process takes place. Therefore the importance of technological developments in education for students and educators. In learning, educators can deliver learning materials more easily accepted by students through the use of technology. Information and communication technology has a very important role in the learning infrastructure, such as teaching materials provided in digital formats that can facilitate the teaching and learning process, which can be done anytime and anywhere. The purpose of writing this article is to provide insight to the author about the importance of the development of technology and communication in education. The research method used in this article is a literature research method. The results of research from literature sources indicate that the influence of technological and communication developments is very strong for students and educators. In the sense that it can be seen that as technology and communication develop, the quality of educational learning will increase.
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 2022: Seminar Nasional N-ConferSE III 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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The implementation of STEM in Indonesia is still recently implemented before it was only a discussion of articles because there were challenges for teachers in its application. Therefore, this research was conducted to map all articles published online with the theme of implementing STEM education in Indonesia. This research method is carried out by summarizing articles from various reputable scientific journals. The next step in processing the reference sources obtained, namely the stage of collecting data, analyzing data, inferring the content of the data, and responding to the data scientifically. Five articles discussing STEM Implementation in Indonesia were selected using journal data from the keywords "implementation" + "Stem Education" + "Indonesia" were selected to capture and reach as many relevant studies as possible regarding the implementation of Stem Education in Indonesia. After the collection of article data, the findings of the study are summarized, identified, and then presented quantitatively as well as descriptively. The results showed that teachers' skills and knowledge are still relatively low in applying STEM-integrated science learning. In addition, teachers lack knowledge of the digital resources that can be used to implement STEM-based science learning, teachers do not have the skills to create STEM-based learning tools, teachers do not have adequate insight into STEM-based learning, and lack of support for means/media/props to support STEM implementation. Therefore, stimulation and mentoring to students and teachers is needed so that STEM education can touch all fronts.
PERAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN DALAM PROSES BELAJAR MENGAJAR IPA Vinna Ariyani; Amanda Putri Elysia; Cici Lia Ayu Fatmawati; Intan Dwi Yuswanti; Rizka Elan Fadilah; I Ketut Mahardika; Firdha Yusmar
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 2022: Seminar Nasional N-ConferSE III 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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Learning Media is a tool so that the teaching and learning process can be achieved smoothly. Learning media is designed to be as attractive as possible to arouse students' learning motivation during the learning process. With interesting media, the learning process will not feel boring. Teaching and learning is supported by learning media so that it runs well. Learning itself has an understanding is a process of behavior change that includes the addition of knowledge and experience of new things. With the aim of learning that so that everyone knows about new things. While teaching is an activity of delivering material during the learning process. In science, the learning is related to natural phenomena and research. The objectives of learning science include products, processes, and scientific developments. Natural sciences (IPA) are generally knowledge obtained from data collection through experimentation, observation, and data analysis to provide explanations for existing phenomena. The purpose of the various science learning models is to provide understanding to students so that it is easier to capture the material that has been given.
TEORI NATIVISME, EMPIRISME, DAN KONVERGENSI DALAM PENDIDIKAN Tarisa Triyandini; Nova Nabila Ayu Sanaya; Ririt Yuni Anggarini
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 2022: Seminar Nasional N-ConferSE III 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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Humans are perfect creatures, can change and develop. Among other things about classical developmental theories in education: 1) The theory of empiricism put forward by John Locke. This theory argues that human development does not depend on the genetic factors of parents, but on experience, education, or claims. to be Determined by the Environment. b) Athur Schopenhauer's Nazivism Theory. This theory claims that human traits are innate or from parents. c) Convergence Theory proposed by William Stem. This theory is an amalgamation of previous theories which are a combination of parental and parenting factors. The path of human life that is increasingly dynamic and converges in terms of thought, science and technology are widely accepted as the true perspectives for understanding human growth and development. However, there are differences as to which elements of each educational process are most important for growth and development.
PENGARUH KESENIAN TARI GANDRUNG SEBAGAI SARANA PERKEMBANGAN BAKAT PERSERTA DIDIK SMP DI KABUPATEN BANYUWANGI Ivan Rizki Fauzi; Gesta Pramatasari; Kharisma Husnul Khotimah; Najma Fatimatuz Zakiyah; Firdha Yusmar; I Ketut Mahardika; Rizka Elan Fadilah
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 2022: Seminar Nasional N-ConferSE III 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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The purpose of this study is to describe the Gandrung Dance in the City Banyuwangi, East Java Province, to make it easier for students to develop talents the art of Gandrung Dance and can be a medium of learning for all. Method research that is used as a background, the history of the development of Gandrung art, and the form of presentation in Banyuwangi Regency using descriptive methods qualitative. Gandrung dance itself is a dance performed by adults, you can too delivered by junior high school students in Banyuwangi Regency. This dance performed solo or in groups. There are three types of Jejer Gandrung dance Floor patterns include circles, squares, and lines. In the Jejer Gandrung Kembang dance Menur there are four floor patterns including: Trapezoid, circle, straight line, and arch. Likewise, the Gandrung Dor dance has seven floor patterns including lines curve, straight line, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram, and circle.
PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN INFORMAL TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA SMP Iftidah Dian Furaida; Nurlaily Azizah; Fayza Dwi Ega Leonida; Khuril ‘Aini; Firdha Yusmar; I Ketut Mahardika; Rizka Elan Fadilah
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 2022: Seminar Nasional N-ConferSE III 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the informal environment on student learning outcomes. The method used in this study is a literature review where this method examines the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The independent variable in this study is the informal environment (X) while the dependent variable is student learning outcomes (Y). The success or failure of learning depends on the ongoing process. All parties must work together to promote student success in learning. The family environment is the first and most important environment that has the greatest influence on student learning outcomes. Informal environment can affect student learning outcomes. So that students can achieve learning outcomes that are in line with expectations, the family as a learning environment, the community environment is also a place that influences student learning outcomes that contribute to the teaching and learning process
PERAN ORANG TUA DALAM PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER PESERTA DIDIK SEKOLAH DASAR Sitti Widatul Hasanah; Eka Fitri Nindiatus Sholehah; Riska Ahwa Anggraeni; Desi Ummi Rusdiana
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 2022: Seminar Nasional N-ConferSE III 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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This study focuses on the role of parents in improving the character education of elementary school students. Where parents play an important role in shaping the character of students at elementary school age. The purpose of this study is to educate parents and the general public to pay more attention to children at elementary school age. Like building good communication with children. This research method uses a discussion method in the form of a descriptive analytical method and a library research approach, by examining books, magazines, and other reading sources. The results of the study indicate that a very strategic role in optimizing character education for elementary school students is the role of parents. The effectiveness of the role of parents is very influential on the character of students. In this way, the family environment can become an important pattern in civilizing the nation's character, especially students who are at the elementary school level. An example of the role of parents that can be applied to elementary school students and starting from the simplest, namely, by instilling habits (habituations) about what is good and what is wrong and being able to feel well (moral feeling).
PERAN GURU DAN ORANG TUA DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK Fira Aulia Annur Rizky; Alvina Hermawaty; Ainaya Nafiza Nazali; Afif Rafi Alaudidin; I Ketut Mahardika; Rizka Elan Fadilah; Firdha Yusmar
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 2022: Seminar Nasional N-ConferSE III 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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The lack of learning motivation in learners can be caused by several factors. One of them is the lack of role of the teacher in the teaching and learning process in schools. The difficulty of parents in accompanying children to learn is the background of the parents' education, economic level, and the absence of time. Learning motivation in students is very important because learning motivation has a behavioral influence on students in their learning activities. The research made uses the literature study method by reviewing several journals. In conclusion, the role of teachers and parents in increasing student learning motivation is by managing from learning time, understanding how students learn, building bonds with parents and teachers, providing effective and easily absorbed learning media, providing support for learning and doing assignments, providing opportunities for students to find interests and talents that exist in their identity, and also provide facilities both facilities and infrastructure that are feasible in learning students.
KOLABORASI ORGANISASI MASYARAKAT DENGAN SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA UNTUK MENCAPAI TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN IPA Arista Eka Kumalasari; Akhmad Alifurizal Romli; Dina Emiliana; Niken Putri Arina; Firdha Yusmar; I Ketut Mahardika; Rizka Elan Fadilah
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 2022: Seminar Nasional N-ConferSE III 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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This study aims to find out how important the collaboration of organizations in the community is with the process of ongoing science learning activities in Junior High Schools. This research was conducted in October 2022 using this type of research in the form of basic and supporting data from books and other journals. Collaborative learning makes it easier for students to learn and work together, contribute thoughts to each other and be responsible for the achievement of learning outcomes in groups and individuals. The variables observed are in the form of the causes of collaboration, progress in science and technology, collaboration between educational institutions, teachers/teachers and practitioners who have special skills, as well as the government and the business world.With collaborative learning, various benefits are known for educators and students themselves. The results showed that collaborative learning can improve students' skills in working together and can improve the achievement of student learning outcomes through the learning process.
Pengaruh Small Group Discussion terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas VIII pada Mata Pelajaran IPA SMP di Jawa Timur Nadilatus Salsabila; Mayla Syifani Zulfa; Nanda Zakiatus Solihah; Firdha Yusmar; I Ketut Mahardika; Rizka Elan Fadilah
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 2022: Seminar Nasional N-ConferSE III 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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This article aims to determine the effects of small group discussion on science subjects on student’s learning outcomes. The type of method use in writing scientific articles is literature study. This research was conducted on eight grade students of junior high school in East Java. To improve student achievement, it is necessary to carry out a learning activity using learning methods, one of wich is the Small Group Discussion Method. This research was carried out through this literature study on VIII Junior High School students. The method of data collection in this research is through literature study. The data analysis method is descriptive. The results obtained from this study are the Small Group Discussion Method can improve student learning achievement. These results after ananalysis using a description of the analys conclude that the use of the Small Group Discussion Method can improve creativity and science learning achievements of class VIII students.

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