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BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers
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BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 4 No 2 (2015): November 2015
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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Penelitian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial-emosional anak melalui metode bercerita. Penelitian dilakukan di KB Siti Sulaechah 04 Semarang, kelompok A dengan jumlah siswa 12 anak dan dilaksanakan pada semester II tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Di Kelompok Bermain Siti Sulaechah 04, anak usia 2-3 tahun keterampilan sosial-emosionalnya masih sangat kurang. Anak masih suka bermain sendiri, belum mau bergabung dengan temannya di sekitar, masih suka menggunakan tangan dan kaki saat menghadapi temannya dan sifat egonya anak masih sangat terlihat jelas. Upaya meningkatkan keterampilan sosial-emosional anak usia 2-3 tahun, peneliti menggunakan metode bercerita dikarenakan anak usia 2-3 tahun masih suka melihat suatu gambar dan keingintahuan yang besar tentang apa maksud dari gambar tersebut.Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, yaitu siklus pertama bercerita dengan buku gambar kecil dan siklus kedua bercerita dengan buku gambar besar. Instrumen dalam penelitian berupa lembar observasi, dan catatan lapangan. Tehnik Pengumpulan berupa pengamatan dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif pada setiap siklusnya. Kesimpulan setelah penelitian tindakan kelas, yaitu (1) Pada kegiatan awal, anak dapat mengenal cara bersosialisasi dan pengendalian emosi. (2) Pada tahap pelaksanaan, anak mampu bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan sekitar dan mampu mengendalikan emosi dengan teman. (3) Pada tahap akhir, anak mampu mengajak dan mengingatkan teman agar mau bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan sekitar dan mengendalikan emosi saat bermain dengan teman.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sosial-emosional anak terjadi peningkatan pada setiap siklusnya. Kondisi awal hanya 8,33% kategori baik. Pada siklus I menggunakan buku gambar kecil dengan hasil 50 % yang termasuk dalam kategori baik. Anak-anak terlihat masih belum puas dan merasa bosan menggunakan buku gambar  kecil dikarenakan tidak bisa melihat gambar dengan jelas, maka perlu diadakan peningkatan melalui siklus II. Pada siklus II, peneliti menggunakan buku besar. Hasil yang dicapai 83,33% yang termasuk dalam kategori baik. Saat bercerita dengan menggunakan buku besar, terlihat sekali anak-anak tertarik untuk melihatnya. Anak-anak usia 2-3 tahun, mulai fokus saat mendengarkan peneliti bercerita dengan buku  besar karena gambar di dalam buku besar terlihat jelas oleh anak-anak.  Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui metode bercerita dengan menggunakan buku besar, dapat meningkatkan sosial-emosional anak 2-3 tahun di KB Siti Sulaechah 04 Semarang.The research aims to improve the social-emotional skills of children through story-telling method. Research conducted at the Siti Sulaechah KB 04 Semarang, Group A with 12 children and the number of students is carried out on a semester II academic year 2014/2015. In Group Play Siti Sulaechah 04, children ages 2-3 years of social-emotional skills are still very less. Children still love to play it myself, not to want to join his friend around, still like to use the hands and feet in the face of his friend and the nature of the child's ego is still very evident. Improve social skills-emotional child age 2-3 years, researchers using the method of storytelling because children aged 2-3 years still love to see a picture and a great curiosity about what the intent of the image. The research was conducted in two cycles, i.e., the first cycle of storytelling with a small picture book and second cycle tells the story with a big picture book. Research instruments in the form of sheets of observation, and a note field. The method of collection in the form of observation and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed further descriptive qualitative basis on each cycle. Conclusion after research action class, namely (1) the initial activities, children can know how to socialize and control of emotions. (2) at the stage of implementation, the child was able to socialize with the environment and be able to control your emotions with your friends. (3) in the final stage, children are able to invite and remind your friends to socialize with the environment and control your emotions when playing with friends. Results of the study showed that children's social-emotional happening increased on each cycle. Initial conditions only 8.33% category either. On cycle I use a small picture book with 50% results are included in the category of good. The children look still not satisfied and feel bored using small picture book because could not see clearly, then the images need improvement through the cycle II. In cycle II, researchers use a big book. Results achieved 83,33% are included in the category either. While telling stories using big books, visible once the children are interested to see it. Children age 2-3 years, began to focus while listening to a researcher tells the story with a great book because the pictures in the book great is clearly visible by the children. Based on the description, it can be concluded that through the method of storytelling by using big books, can increase social-emotional children 2-3 years in KB Sulaechah Siti 04 Semarang.
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 3 No 2 (2014): November 2014
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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Kecerdasan verbal-linguistik merupakan kecerdasan dalam menggunakan bahasa dan kata-kata, baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. Anak-anak dengan kecerdasan jenis ini memiliki kemampuan menyimak yang sangat baik dan merupakan orang-orang yang pandai berbicara dengan tepat.Salah satu media yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkankan  kecerdasan verbal-linguistik anak usia dini  adalah melalui pop-up book. Media pop-up book berbasis tematik adalah buku yang memiliki bagian yang dapat bergerak atau berunsur 3 dimensi, serta memberikan visualisasi lebih menarik berdasarkan tema-tema tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kecerdasan verbal- linguistik anak usia 4-5 tahun melalui pemanfaatan media pop-up book berbasis tematik. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif Quasi Eksperiment dengan bentuk desain Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Populasi penelitian adalah anak usia 4-5 tahun di TK Negeri Pembina se-kebupaten Temanggung. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 60 anak dengan 30 anak sebagai kelompok kontrol dan 30 anak sebagai kelompok eksperimen,serta menggunakan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil perhitungan uji t independent pretest kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol adalah tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan karena memiliki nilai thitung = - 0,237 dengan tingkat signifikan kurang dari 0,05. Artinya, kecerdasan verbal-linguistik pada anak sebelum diberi perlakuan dengan menggunakan media pop-up book adalah sama. Setelah diberikan perlakuan pada kelompok eksperimen terdapat peningkatan pada kecerdasan verbal-linguistik anak, terlihat dari mean (rata-rata) pada kelompok eksperimen sebesar 67,52 dan kelompok kontrol sebesar 50,72. Hasil rata-rata tersebut menunjukkan bahwa skor yang didapat kelompok eksperimen lebih baik dari kelompok kontrol dengan selisih sebesar 16,8 serta nilai thitung pada posttest sebesar 8,112 dengan Sig. (2 tailed) 0,00 < 0,05 yang menandakan H1 diterima sehingga terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dalam penerapan media pop-up book berbasis tematik terhadap kecerdasan verbal-linguistik anak, yang dapat dilihat dari adanya perbedaan perolehan skor posttest pada kelompok eksperimen dengan perolehan skor posttest pada kelompok kontrol. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pop-up book memberikan peningkatan yang signifikan terhadap kecerdasan verbal-linguistik pada anak usia 4-5 tahun setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan pop-up book. Guru disarankan untuk menggunakan media pop-up book dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan verbal-linguistik pada anak usia 4-5 tahun.Verbal-linguistic intelligence is intelligence in the use of language and words, either verbally or writing.Wit having children with this kind of capability is very good, and to those who could speak well. One of the media can use to increase verbal-linguistic intelligence to children is pop-up book media. The pop-up book on thematic is a book that has a movable or has as an element three dimensions, and deliver stunning more interesting based on certain themes.The increase aims to know intelligent verbal- linguistic children aged 4-5 years by using media pop-up book besed on thematic. The approach is applicable in the quantitative by Quasi Eksperiment form Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The research is children aged 4-5 years at Pembina Kindergarten Temanggung. The sample of the research were 60 children with 30 children as the control group and 30 children as the experiment group, and use purposive sampling.  The results of the study there is an increase in childrens verbal-linguistic intelligence, the result of t independent pretest, in experiment and control group is have no difference that significant because have point t computing  = - 0,237 by level significant less than 0,05. Its mean, verbal-linguistic intelligence on child before given by conduct by use of pop-up book media are same. After been given conduct on agglomerate experiment was gotten by step-up on child’s verbal-linguistic intelligence, visually of mean on experiment group as big as 67,52 and agglomerate controls as big as 50,72.  Result average that points out that score that gotten by better experiment group of agglomerate control with difference as big as 16,8 and point t computing  on posttest as big as 8,112 by Sig. (2 tailed)  0,00< 0,05, which indicates H 1 is accepted that there is a significant influence in the pop-up book media on thematic says at the beginning verbal-linguistic intelligence as seen from the absence of a significant difference between the acquisition of test scores in the experimental group with the acquisition of test scores in the control group. It is clear that an increase in the verbal-linguistic intelligence after treatment in children. Based on the above description, it can be concluded that the pop-up book provide a significant improvement in the verbal-linguistic intelligence in children aged 4-5 years after treatment with a given pop-up book media. Teachers are advised to use the pop-up book media to improve the verbal-linguistic intelligence in children aged 4-5 years.
Terapi Okupasi (Occupational Theraphy) untuk Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (Down Syndrome) (Studi Kasus Pada Anak Usia 5 – 6 Tahun di Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus Semarang) Irawan, Ria Dewi
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 1 (2016): June 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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Child with down syndrome have one of them character is muscle weak, short fingers and short feet. Cause of there certainly the children hard to doing activity gross and fine motor skills. One of method therapy is repair occupation therapy. The formulation of the problem in this study (1) how to application therapy occupation to children of special need (down syndrome) on BP-DIKSUS Semarang. (2) What of media and infrastructure to needed when therapy occupation to children special need (down syndrome). (3) How are form evaluation therapy occupation to children special need (down syndrome). Purpose of research is knowing application therapy occupation. Media and infrastructure needed and form of evaluation therapy occupation to children down syndrome Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus Semarang. This type research used in this study is a qualitative case studies that form the research procedure that produce descriptive data in the form of words, written or spoken words of people, people and observed behavior. The process accumulation data by means of observation, interview, notation, and documentation. Based on this research study indicate therapy occupation that on Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus Semarang is therapy process (opening and pray, colleague activity and kernel activity), the activity adjusted purpose to realized, be reward and punishment, before the child to treated occupation previous child behavior treated, therapy occupation more given to pre academy, pre motor skill and independence self. Media and infrastructure presence CCTV, tools of gross motor skill is sensory integrity that is (a pool ball, slide, stairs), tools of gross motor skill (puzzle, tassel, sewing tools, color cube), the facility of children got (book related, report, absent card), spot of therapy not appropriation yet. Though form of evaluation on Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus Semarang is ordinary evaluation. The problem is therapy schedule once in one week, a form of evaluation like a report and book related, and home program. Based of conclusion suggested (1) therapy to raising application and evaluation appropriate of basic and to adding supported therapy media. (2) parent more consistent to send the children and get insight about therapy occupation.
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 3 No 1 (2014): June 2014
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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Learning process is closely related to interaction among the teacher, the students, and the source of the learning itself. The source of learning is frequently used by the teacher to support the learning activity. Introduction of basic mathematics concept should be given from an early age. One of the way to develop basic mathematics to children is by learning process at school. Learning process which is held in communities is the effective way to introduce basic mathematics concept. According to Sudjana and Rivai (Prastowo, 2012:2), source of learning is the energy that can be used to give simplicity to someone in his or her learning.The aim of this research is to know the usage of cardboard waste as the learning source in developing basic concept of mathematics. This research is kind of an experiment pretest-posttest control group design. The sampling process uses simple random sampling technic, as the samples are Taman Indria kindergarten as the experiment group and PGRI 02 Mlatiharjo 1 kindergarten as the control group.The t paired test between pretest and posttest in experiment group has obtained significant score (2-tailed) < 0,05 is that 0,000 that means there is a significant difference , however the t paired test between pretest and posttest in control group has obtained significant score (2-tailed) < 0,05 is that 0,018 that means there is no significant enhancement. The result test of t paired posttest in control and experiment group is that there are significant difference because it has significant score (2-tailed) < 0,05 is that 0,000 that means there is significant difference There is a distinction in basic concept of mathematics in children of experiment group before and after they are given the cardboard waste as the learning source. It is known that there is a difference comprehension of basic concept of mathematics between the children of experiment and control group after the treatment. Therefore, cardboard waste as the learning source is effective to develop basic concept of mathematics in 5-6 years old children.chool as the education facilities should give another learning source or another literature to develop the basic concept of mathematics in order to children can get better basic concept of mathematics and they will have good understanding in it.Many early childhood education institution that accepts a wide range of diversity, both differences in ethnicity, race, culture, and religion. But in fact the field, which is not too much attention to early childhood diversity that exists, especially in terms of multireligious. Many educators or teachers in learning, teaching leveler way to develop childrens moral and religious. Clarista Kudus early childhood is one of the non-formal schools have multicultural school environment. In the process of learning, it have specific strategies and programs developed to teach moral values and religion of the child who has a multireligious within the scope of multicultural education. The purpose of the reseach describe the moral values and religion are taught, applied the concept of multicultural education, moral and religious learning strategies children through multicultural education in Clarista early childhood and constraints. This reseach used a qualitative case studies approach. Researchers used a observation method, interview, and documentation in collecting the data. Then to analyze the data in this reseach researchers used reduction data, display data, conclusion and verification. From the research, the researchers found that the moral values and religion in early childhood applied in there is basic faith, worship, love to Almighty God and loving Gods creatures and tolerance, mutual respect, empathy, forgiveness, honesty, discipline, responsibility, self-contained. The concept of multicultural education is applied is organizing a national based education through habituation and play of process interaction while learning creative by teaching children about the beauty of the difference for child to respect and loving differences or multicultural that exist in the surrounding environment that early enrollment nationally, accept children and multicultural environment (religious, ethnic, and cultural), provide religion learning facilities in accordance beliefs or the religious that are believed to child , and held a celebration of religious. Religious learning strategy used is the classical approach to learning according to the religion class each child through habituation and training strategies, learning strategies, strategies playing, exemplary strategies with learning methods lecture, question and answer, exemplary, sociodramas, as well as the method of travel works. These strategies are poured into all aspects of learning activities.There are two obstacles in the implementation of the strategy, the internal resistance of the attitude of children who are still unstable, easily bored, and external barriers that inadequate media and school management in terms of making plan learning activities that are less good.
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 4 No 2 (2015): November 2015
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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Proses sosialisasi anak terjadi langsung maupun tidak langsung dalam interaksinya dengan lingkungan sosial, sehingga lingkungan memiliki peran yang sangat besar setelah orangtua dalam proses perkembangan moral anak. Sementara itu, sekarang ini banyak sekali tempat-tempat lokalisasi yang menjamur dan berkembang di Indonesia salah satunya Sunan Kuning, sehingga peran lingkungan yang seharusnya menjadi tempat tumbuh dan berkembang anak menjadi tempat yang tidak aman untuk bermain. Dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh lingkungan tersebut yaitu anak yang berkata “asu”, “susumu lho ketok”. Rumusan masalah dalam penulisan yaitu (1) bagaimana proses penanaman nilai moral pada anak usia dini di lingkungan lokalisasi Sunan Kuning Semarang?, (2) apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat penanaman nilai moral pada anak usia dini di lingkungan lokalisasi Sunan Kuning Semarang?. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk mengetahui proses penanaman nilai moral pada anak usia dini di lingkungan Lokalisasi Sunan Kuning Semarang, (2) untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat penanaman nilai moral pada anak usia dini di lingkungan lokalisasi Sunan Kuning Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif melalui pendekatan fenomenologi dengan subyek penelitian yaitu Muhammad Syahputra yang ditentukan dengan cara purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh diperiksa keabsahan datanya dengan triangulasi sumber, metode dan waktu. Data dianalisis dengan teknik analisis data model interaktif Miles and Huberman. Berdasarkan analisis data, proses penanaman nilai moral pada anak usia dini dilakukan dengan cara mengajarkan baik buruk, sopan santun, dan cara beribadah. Faktor pendukung penanaman nilai moral yaitu kepatuhan anak terhadap orangtua cukup tinggi, harapan orangtua supaya anak berperilaku baik, perhatian dari orangtua, pembelajaran agama, dan pembiasaan tidur siang. Sedangkan faktor penghambat penanaman nilai moral yaitu lingkungan yang kurang baik, keterbatasan waktu orangtua untuk bertemu anak, nenek yang terlalu memanjakan cucunya, dan tidak adanya contoh perilaku baik dari orangtua, serta tidak adanya pembatasan pergaulan.The child's socialization process occurs directly or indirectly in its interaction with the social environment, so that the environment has a very big role after the parents in the process of moral development of the child. In the meantime, this is now a great many places of localization which mushroomed and flourished in Indonesia one ofSunan Kuning, making the role of the environment should be a place to grow and develop the children become unsafe places to play. The impact posed by theenvironment that is the child who said "asu", "susumu lho ketok". Formulation of theproblem in writing, namely (1) how the process of cultivation of the moral values inearly childhood in Semarang Sunan Kuning localization environment?, (2) what are thefactors supporting and restricting the cultivation of the moral values in early childhood in Semarang Sunan Kuning localization environment?. This research aims(1) to know the process of cultivation of the moral values in early childhoodenvironments in the localization of Sunan Kuning Semarang, (2) to find out the factor endowments and a barrier to the cultivation of the moral values in early childhoodenvironments in the localization of Sunan Kuning. This type of research is qualitative research phenomenological approaches to the subject through research namely Muhammad Syahputra specified by means ofpurposive sampling. Data collection method using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data obtained are examined the validity of the data with thetriangulation of sources, methods and time. Data were analyzed with the interactivemodel of data analysis techniques, Miles and Huberman. Based on the data analysis, the process of cultivation of the moral values in early childhood is done in a way to teach good bad, good manners, and how to worship.The cultivation of the moral values of the supporting factors i.e. submission againstparents is quite high, the expectations of parents so that children behave well, the attention of parents, religion, learning and conditioning a NAP. While the factorsrestricting the cultivation of the moral values that is an environment that is less good,limited time parent to meet the child, a grandmother too indulged his grandson, and the absence of examples of good behavior from parents, as well as the absence of anylimitation by Association
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 2 No 1 (2013): June 2013
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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Social behavior is an activites in interact with others. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of themes and partner selectedin the Cooperative Play to increase social behavior in children 5-6 years old in Sekaran, Gunungpati Semarang. The approach used is a quantitative withQuasyexperiment design, Nonequivalent control group design. The population is children 5-6 years old in Sekaran. The sample is 60 children by using cluster sampling. The technique used in the data analysis is t-test. The result of the t-test values ??treatment group were not given theme selection on social behavior is 6.426 that smaller than the value of the treatment group were given themesselection to the social behavior that 7.447. While the value of the t-test treatment group were not given the partner choice is 1,211 social behavior that smaller than the value of the treatment group were given the partner choice that 2,221 social behavior. Thestudy conclusion is there was significant influence of themes and partners selection in cooperative play against increasing of social behaviors children 5-6 years old.
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 1 No 1: June 2012
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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AbstractPenggunaan Model Cooperative Learning dalam pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar dalam Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Bahasa di RA Muslimat NU Desa Kandang Kecamatan Comal Kabupaten Pemalang belum dilaksanakan secara optimal. Hal ini disebabkan karena Masih banyak guru-guru RA Muslimat NU Desa Kandang yang kurang memahami pentingnya model pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Model Cooperative Learning. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode PTK penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, tiap-tiap siklus terdiri atas tahapan perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis data kwantitatif, indikator keberhasilan semua aspek pencapaian masing-masing memiliki skor 90%. Berdasarkan analisis data penelitian pada siklus I diperoleh hasil nilai rata-rata siswa 2,908 dan ketuntasan belajar siswa mencapai 65,4%, aktivitas belajar siswa dalam ketidak hadiran 3%, keberhasilan dalam kerjasama dalam kelompok 100%, bicara lancar mencapai 75%, kekayaan kosa kata mencapai 59%, mengungkapkan gagasan 50%, kemampuan bercerita mencapai 43%. Sedangkan pada siklus II mencapai nilai rata-rata 3,254 dan ketuntasan belajar siswa mencapai 94%, aktivitas ketidak hadiran siswa 0 dengan aspek pencapaian kerjasama kelompok 100%, bicara lancar 91%, kekayaan kosa kata 91%, mengungkapkan gagasan 97% dan kemampuan bercerita 91%. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, simpulan yang dapat diambil adalah model pembelajaran cooperative learning dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan. Saran bagi guru untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan bahasa sebaiknya menggunakan pembelajaran model cooperative learning, bagi sekolah untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan melengkapi fasilitas pembelajaran untuk mendukung proses kegiatan belajar mengajar.Use of Cooperative Learning Model in the implementation of teaching and learning in Language Intelligence Increase in RA Cage Muslimat NU Village District Comal Pemalang not been implemented optimally. This is because many teachers are still Muslimat NU RA Cage village who do not understand the importance of learning models by using the Cooperative Learning Model. The method used in this study is the method of TOD study was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data analysis was performed by analysis of quantitative data, an indicator of the success of all aspects of the achievement of each has a score of 90%. Based on the analysis of research data on the cycle I obtained the average value of 2.908 and completeness of students reached 65.4% of student learning, student learning activities in the absence of 3%, the success of the cooperation within the group 100%, 75% speak fluently, the richness of vocabulary word reached 59%, 50% expressed the idea, the ability to tell at 43%. Whereas in the second cycle reaches an average value of 3.254 and completeness reached 94% of student learning, student activity absences 0 with aspects of teamwork achievement of 100%, 91% speak fluently, the richness of vocabulary, 91%, 97% expressed the idea and the ability to tell 91 %. From this research, conclusions can be drawn is a learning cooperative learning model to improve intelligence. Suggestions for teachers to improve the intelligence of the language you should use a learning model of cooperative learning, for schools to improve the management of teaching and learning activities to complement learning facilities to support the process of teaching and learning activities.
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 3 No 2 (2014): November 2014
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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Implementasi kurikulum merupakan penerapan atau pelaksanaan program kurikulum yang telah dikembangkan dalam tahap-tahap pendidikan. Melalui implementasi kurikulum, diketahui bagaimana sekolah menyusun perencanaan hingga evaluasi pembelajaran bagi anak. PAUD berbasis TPQ adalah program yang mengintegrasikan layanan PAUD yang menyatu dengan pembelajaran Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an yang sudah ada dengan tujuan untuk memaksimalkan layanan Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an dengan implementasi pemenuhan seluruh kebutuhan perkembangan anak melalui praktik pembelajaran yang berlandaskan pendidikan anak usia dini. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi kurikulum PAUD berbasis TPQ di PAUD TPQ Al-Amien melalui tahap-tahap implementasi yakni perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi program. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah Kepala Sekolah, Guru, dan Pengelola Yayasan PAUD TPQ Al-Amien. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu: observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan meliputi tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi kurikulum PAUD berbasis TPQ di PAUD TPQ Al-Amien yakni: perencanaan program kurikulum menggunakan perpaduan antara kurikulum Dinas Pendidikan dan kurikulum RA/BA meliputi program tahunan, program semester, rencana kegiatan mingguan, dan rencana kegiatan harian. Program kegiatan tambahan menggunakan metode Iqra’ dan AISME. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran di dalam kelas menggunakan model rolling dan di luar kelas menggunakan metode  field trip. Evaluasi program meliputi 2 tahap: supervisi internal dilakukan oleh pengelola, kepala sekolah, dan pendidik serta supervisi eksternal oleh lembaga Dinas Pendidikan dan Kementrian Agama Kota Salatiga dan evaluasi hasil kemajuan perkembangan anak menggunakan buku komunikasi dan buku raport akhir tahun.Implementation of the curriculum is the application or implementation of the curriculum programs has been developed in the stages of education. Through the implementation of the curriculum, it is known how school planning and evaluate of students learning. Qur’anic Kindergartens-based Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a program that integrate the Early Childhood Education services with learning of Qur’anic Kindergartens that already exist with the goal of maximizing the services of Qur’anic Kidergartens and the implementation of the fulfillment of all the needs of the children development through the practice of the Early Childhood Education-based learning. The aim of this research was to describe the implementation of the Qur’anic Kidergartens-based ECE curriculum in PAUD TPQ Al-Amin through the implementation phases of planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs. This research used a qualitative approach. Subjects of the research were School Principals, Teachers, and Foundation Manager of PAUD TPQ Al-Amin. Data collection techniques were used: observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used include the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and withdraw conclusions. Data validation techniques using triangulation of source and triangulation of techniques. Based on the analysis of the data it can be concluded that the implementation of the Qur’anic Kindergartens-based Early Childhood Education curriculum in PAUD TPQ Al-Amien, including: planning curriculum programs use a combination of the Department of Education curriculum and RA/BA (Islamic Kindergartens) curriculum. Activities program includes annual program, semester program, weekly plan activities, and daily plan activities. Additional activities using the Iqra method and AISME programs. Implementation of learning in the classroom using the rolling model and outside the classroom using the field trip method. Evaluation of the program includes two stages: an internal supervision conducted by Managers, Principals, and Educators as well as external supervision by the Departement of Education agency and the Ministry of Religious Education of Salatiga. The evaluation of the children development progress result using communication books and year-end report books.
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 3 No 2 (2014): November 2014
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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Partisipasi masyarakat umumnya dipandang sebagai suatu bentuk perilaku kesehatan adalah partisipasi ibu balita dalam program posyandu. Posyandu merupakan bentuk layanan terpadu yang diselenggarakan untuk dan oleh masyarakat dengan program-program kerja dari instansi terkait untuk kemudian memperoleh layanan kesehatan dasar, penurunan angka kematiaan ibu dan anak dan untuk pencapaian Keluarga Kecil Bahagia Sejahtera (KKBS). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui layanan posyandu di Desa Mergowati, mengetahui partisipasi masyarakat peserta posyandu di Desa Mergowati. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Informan penelitian adalah   ibu-ibu balita di Posyandu Desa Mergowati, kader dan bidan Desa Mergowati.   Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data penelitian menggunakan tringulasi sumber, teknik, waktu, analisis data dengan mereduksi data dan kemudian disimpulkan. Hasil penelitian partisipasi masyarakat peserta posyandu di Desa Mergowati sudah baik terbukti sudah banyak warga khususnya ibu balita yang dalam kegiatan posyandu. Warga sudah mulai sadar dengan pentingnya menimbangkan balita ke posyandu untuk pemantauan pertumbuhan dan kesehatan balita selain itu warga juga sudah mulai sadar akan pentingnya menjaga kebersihan rumah dan lingkungan. layanan posyandu di Desa Mergowati sudah baik dengan srata posyandu mandiri. Kegiatan posyandu sudah rutin dilaksanakan setiap bulannya, kegiatan 5 meja terlaksana dengan berkesinambungan. Kinerja kader dan bidan yang bertugas di posyandu sudah dapat menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik dan dapat bekerjasama dengan baik.Community participation is generally seen as a form of health behavior is participation in the program posyandu toddlers mother. IHC is a form of integrated services organized for and by the community with the work programs of relevant agencies to then obtain basic health services, reduction of maternal and child kematiaan and for the achievement of Small Family Happy Prosperous (KKBS). The purpose of this study to determine the service posyandu Mergowati village, knowing participation in village Mergowati posyandu participants.  This study uses qualitative research methods. The informants were mothers of children under five in IHC Mergowati village cadres and village midwives Mergowati. Data collection methods used were interviews, observation and documentation. The validity of research data using tringulasi source, technique, time, analysis of the data by reducing the data and then summed. The results of the study participants posyandu community participation in village Mergowati already well proven already many people especially in the toddlers mother posyandu activities. Residents have started to realize the importance of a toddler weigh posyandu for monitoring the growth and health of infants in addition to the residents have also begun to realize the importance of keeping the house and the environment. Mergowati posyandu services in the village has been good with posyandu srata independently. Routine growth monitoring sessions have been held every month, the activities carried out with continuous table 5. Performance of cadres and midwives posyandu already can carry out their duties well and can work well together.
Gross Motor Skills of The Children’s Group A Judging From Demonstration Method of Motion and Song in Kindergarten Pertiwi Nusa Indah Komputerisna, Adzannisa Arum; Diana, Diana
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 1 (2016): June 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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Gross motor skills can be developed through a variety of interesting ways, one of them using a demonstration of motion and song. Demonstration method of motion and the song is a method that combines motion demonstration accompanied by the song to practice gross motor skills of children. The aim of this study was to determine differences in gross motor skills of children in group A in terms of methods of demonstration of motion and song. This study used an experimental method, with samples in TK Pertiwi Nusa Indah as an experimental class and TK Pertiwi Flamboyan as the control class. The method used is the method Quasi-experimental design types of nonequivalent control group design. Results of t-test calculation of independent sample t-test obtained t count equal to -17.318 with Sig. (2.tailed) <0.05, namely 0.00 <0.05. Based on the conclusion that there are differences in gross motor skills of children in group A in terms of methods of demonstration of motion and songs in kindergarten Nusa Pertiwi Indah. The conclusion that H0 is rejected and Ha accepted.

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