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Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan
ISSN : 14105020     EISSN : 24071781     DOI : -
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles from agricultural disciplines covering Plantation crops, Food crops and horticulture, food Technology, Agriculture biology and agribusiness. Articles published in the Journal of Applied Agriculture may be research results (original) and scientific review articles (review). Applied Journal of Agriculture is published by Research Unit and Community Service of Lampung State Polytechnic Society 3 edition one year, that is January, May, and September. JPPT was first published in January 2000. JPPT published a print version in 2007, then started the online version or Open Journal System (OJS) in 2014. Early online versions of JPPT or OJS editing have not yet been fully implemented online management and are beginning to make improvements Web Journal view and journal cover and OJS governance management on Volume 2 No. 2 of 2017. JPPT has been indexed on Google Scholar and Garuda IPI by 2015, and by 2017 it has indexed SINTA and registered DOAJ and Crossref in the same year. We accept submissions from all over Indonesia. All submitted articles will not be published elsewhere, original and not considered for other publications.
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Pemanfaatan Kompos Kiambang dan Sabut Kelapa Sawit sebagai Media Tanam Alternatif pada Prenursery Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Gusta, Adryade Reshi; Kusumastuti, Any; Parapasan, Yonathan
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 15, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (38.079 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v15i2.122


The efforts to achieve optimal results in the development of oil palm cultivation one of which is the use of the planting medium. Palm oil seedlings require planting medium that has the chemical and physical properties are good. Media palm nurseries generally consist of topsoil are mixed with sand and organic matter which is expected to obtain a good medium fertility premises. Top soil needs more difficult, so we need to look for alternative media to growing media prenursery palm oil. This study used randomized complete design and experiment arranged in seven media with four replications. The applications method of media: 100 % topsoil (A), topsoil and salvinia compost (1:1) (B), topsoil and coir palm oil (1:1) (C), topsoil and salvinia compost (1:2) (D) , topsoil and coir palm oil (1:2) (E), coir palm oil and salvinia compost (1:2) (F) , topsoil , salvinia compost, and coir palm oil (1:1:1) (G). All data were analyzed for variance. Data analysis followed by separation of means using LSD test with significance level of 5%. The resulted showed that both time and applications method of topsoil have affect on growth component. The best application method was topsoil, salvinia compost, and coir palm oil increased dry weight and root dry weight. Keywords: Prenursey, topsoil , salvinia compost, coir palm oil
Pengaruh Jumlah Tanaman Per Lubang Terhadap Vigor Benih Tiga Varietas Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor [L].Moench) Dengan Metode Pengusangan Cepat (MPC) Purnamasari, Lidya; Pramono, Eko; Kamal, M.
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 15, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (89.793 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v15i2.118


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the number of plants per hole on seed vigor of all sorghum varieties. Experiment is prepared by treatment with randomized block design (RAK) and repeated three times to do to achieve that goal. The first factor is the number of plants per hole that is 1 plant / hole (p1), 2 plants / hole (p2), 3 plants / holes (p3), and 4 plants / hole (p4). The second factor is the variety Numbu (g1), Keller (g2), and Wray (g3). The seed that had been harvested from each of the combination treatments in the test vigornya through germination test method Rolled Paper Test (UKD). Prior to germinate, seeds treated quickly with imbibition pengusangan on rice paper damp ethanol 8%. The results showed that the population of one plant per hole produces seeds with higher vigor than those harvested from other populations. Numbu varieties produce seeds with higher vigor than varieties Keller and Wray especially on untreated seed pengusangan quickly. Population 1 plant per hole produces the best vigor compared with a population of 2, 3 and 4 plants per hole on the three varieties of sorghum seed. Keywords: seeds, planting amount per hole, metode pemngusangan cepat, sorghum, vigor
Pengaruh Kehalusan Bahan Dan Lama Ekstraksi Terhadap Mutu Ekstrak Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.) Manoi, Feri
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 15, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (179.444 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v15i2.123


Utilization of medicinal plants both for health and treatment increased at this time. Number of Traditional Medicine Industry (IOT), Small Industries Traditional Medicine (IKOT) and Industrial Appliances (PIRT) is increasing. Thus the demand for raw materials is increasing, one of which is tempuyung. Good quality raw material in the form of crude drugs and extracts need to be considered as related to the efficacy and quality of products for further processing. The study aims to determine the effect size and the old material extraction to the yield and quality of the extract. Activity consists of two sub-activities (1). How to drying (a) the sun covered with black cloth, (b) the sun combination of tools, and (c) drier. Sub-activities (2) extraction technique which consists of two factors: the fineness of materials (20,40 and 60 mesh) and the second factor is the length of the extraction (2, 4, and 6 hours). The study design using factorial completely randomized design with three replications. Parameter observations consisted of yield bulbs, phytochemical screening, quality characteristics, extract yield, and quality extracts. The results showed levels of water extract Sonchus arvensis L. greater than the levels of alcohol cider. Quality simplicia Sonchus arvensis L. dried using a dryer is not different from the quality of the dried under the sun. Fineness of materials and time of extraction affects the yield of the extract Sonchus arvensis L Keywords: Subtlety material, extraction, quality
Penerapan Sistem Olah Tanah dan Pemulsaan Pada Tebu untuk Pengendalian Nematoda Parasit Tumbuhan Dominan Swibawa, I G.; Yulistiara, S. P.; Aeny, T. N.
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 15, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (158.604 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v15i2.119


Conventional tillage system practices for a long time can reduce soil qualities because of soil erosion, soil compaction and depleting of soil organic matter. Conservation tillage such as No-tillage system can be applied as an alternative technique to rehabilitate soil degradation problems.. This research is a part of a long term study of soil rehabilitation that was conducted from 2010 till now, in PT GMP, Central Lampung. Sampling of nematodes was done on April 2013 when the second ratoon RGM 00-838 variety of sugarcane was 9 months old. The aim of this research was to study the effect of tillage and mulching systems on the abundance of several dominant plant parasitic nematodes. Split plot experimental design was applied on this research. Tillage system as the main plots consisted of intensive tillage and no-tillage systems, while mulching system as the sub-plots consisted of no-mulch and mulching with 80 ton ha-1 of fresh bagasee. Nematodes were collected from 0-20 cm deep of soil and extracted by sieving and centrifugation with sugar solution methods at the Plant Pest and Disease Laboratory, University of Lampung. The results of this research showed that there were eleven plant parasitic and seven free-living nematode genera inhabited the PT GMP sugarcane plantation. The three plant parasitic nematode genera dominant were Hoplolaimus, Xiphinema, and Hemicriconemoides. No-tillage system effectively reduce the abundance of Xiphinema and , mulching with bagasse reduced the abundance of Hemicriconemoides. Meanwhile, mulching on No-tillage system more effective to reducing the abundance of Hoplolaimus compared to intensive tillage system. This results suggested that the No-tillage with bagasse mulching system was one of alternative techniques to control plant parasitic nematodes pest of sugarcane plantation. Keywords : Tillage, mulching, sugarcane, plant parasitic nematodes, abundance.
Penampilan Bawang Merah Pada Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) Di Pulau Punjung Kabupaten Dharmasraya Misran, Misran
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 15, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (28.379 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v15i2.124


To support the growth of onion plants are optimal, the price factor is one of the easiest growth factors and factors of the environment that can be modified through fertilization.The used of fertilizers with the right amount could be increased plant growth. This research aims to get the best fertilizers on the growth and yield of onion. The experiment was conducted at farmers yard members of KRPL Ranah Lintas, Pulau Punjung District, Dharmasraya Regency, from June to October 2012. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design (RBD), with involving five farmers as replication, where the sub-sample of each farmer 2 times so that the experimental units totaling 50 units. Seeds of onion used are varieties of Bima (derived from Balitsa Lembang), planted in polybags size 30 x 35 cm, before cutting the seedlings planted in the upper third. The treatments tasted were; (A) 0.0 g / pot equivalent to 0 kg/ha, (B) 0.375 g/pot equivalent to 125 kg/ha, (C) 0.75 g / pot equivalent to 250 kg/ha, (D) 1,125 g/pot equivalent to 375 kg/ha, and (E) of 500 kg / ha or 1.5 g/pot equivalent to 500 kg/ha. As a basic fertilizer used cow manure 20 t, Urea 150 kg, and SP36 200 kg / ha. The results showed that no significant effect on plant height and weight of a small bulb. The highest weight bulb/pot obtained of KCl giving 0.375 g/pot with the average weight of bulb/pot 50.65 g. The results suggested that to obtain optimal growth and yield of onion in this location (KRPL) of KCl should be given at a dose of 0.375 g/pot equivalent to 125 kg / ha. Keywords: Onion, KRPL, KCl
Peran Sarana Angkutan Darat Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Efisiensi Distribusi Ternak Dan Hasil Ternak Sapi Potong Di Indonesia Winarso, Bambang
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 15, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (214.316 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v15i2.120


In livestock trading system and cattle product such as meat and other livestock products always involves some businesses that make up the chain of marketing. Tradable commodity that can be distributed right from the producer to the end consumer in the form of live cattle or in the form of livestock product. Distribution activities of livestock and livestock products by land necessarily involves a good means of land transport trains, trucks and other means of land transport. While also involving the various levels of the marketing chain of middlemen village level, large padagang up with retailers. Implementation of the distribution chain between marketing is not just a process of transporting goods. Consistent with the mechanism of the existing business, there will be a new price formation on each node chain path. The longer the chain through which the formation of prices will be higher . Such conditions led to the emergence of the marketing margin distribution on each node marketing chain. The amount of the marketing margin generated between the node is varied, it is largely determined by many things, in addition to the cost of marketing, also the advantage taken by the perpetrator. The study was conducted in East Java and West Java in 2013. Analysis of data using simple cross-tabulation of data derived from primary data and secondary data Keywords: Land Transport, Distribution and Livestock
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 15, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v15i2.121


Government policies in helping dairy farmers in an effort to meet the capital needs of breeding them is through a policy program Kredit Usaha Pembibitan Sapi (KUPS). KUPS is skim credit used to finance the development of cattle breeding and dairy cattle by businesses with subsidized interest rates. The problems that the distribution KUPS seen through the eyes of a banking institution is (a) the availability of information prospective potential borrowers are still minimal (b) the legality of ownership of assets (c) cattle breeding company still slightly. KUPS program has been rolled out since 2010, meaning that until 2014 the program has been running five (5) years. But the realization of its lending until September 2014, reached 15.42% of the amount of the ceiling of Rp 4.00 trillion. The realization can be said to be too small or fails. Of course there is the small achievements of the bank as an institution that is authorized to distribute funds would need to act professionally and carefully. Given the experience of lending a mass program past such cases KUT (Kredit Usaha Tani) end up with less encouraging. Instead the main purpose of the program is awakened, just the opposite of credit are understood as government social assistance by the debtor (the farmer). So it is very natural that the bank hand is always cautious. The study was conducted in West Sumatra in 2014, data analysis used data a simple cross-tabulation using the primary data and secondary data from interviews with respondents either breeders penmanfaat KUPS and banking institutions as channeling KUPS Keywords: Beef Cattle Development, Venture Capital, KUPS
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 15, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v15i2.116


Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is a vegetable plant which consumption in fresh form. Color, texture, and aroma lettuce can beautify also be an ornamental dish of food. Request lettuce until now has not met its full potential, it is because there are obstacles in cultivation that influence the quality and production results. One technique that can be used in the cultivation of lettuce ie hydroponic. The purpose of this study was to: (1) To know the effect of Catalyst Plant on growth and yield of plants in hydroponic lettuce, (2) To know the effect of the concentration of nitrogen on the growth and yield of plants in hydroponic lettuce, (3) To determine the concentration of nitrogen in response to the liquid fertilizer Catalyst Plant. This study uses a randomized group design perfect (RKTS) arranged factorial (5x2) with three replications. The first factor is the nitrogen concentration of 200 ppm, 225 ppm, 250 ppm, 275 ppm, 300 ppm supplied from planting as much as 3 times a day. The second factor is the provision of liquid fertilizer Catalyst Plant (P1) and without giving liquid fertilizer (P0) with a concentration of 2 g / L of water. Interval application of liquid fertilizer once a week until harvest time. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance to investigate the influence of the treatment applied. If there are significant between the treatment continued with the separation of the middle value of Orthogonal polynomial at 5%. Of the two factors obtained 10 combined treatment with 3 replications and obtained 30 experimental units. Each experimental unit planted two plants, so that the overall use of 60 trial plants Catalyst Plant liquid fertilizer application resulted in better plant growth compared without giving liquid fertilizer. Increased nitrogen concentration of 25 ppm, the concentration of 250-300 ppm improve the growth of plant height of 0.02 cm, 0.01 cm long roots, and plant fresh weight of 0.03 grams (11:12%). There are a response to the nitrogen concentration of liquid fertilizer Catalyst Plant . Keywords: Grand Rapid lettuce, hydroponics, Catalyst Plant, the concentration of nitrogen

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