Gaffar, Masyita
Department Of ENT, Faculty Of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.

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Deteksi pepsin pada penderita refluks laringofaring yang didiagnosis berdasarkan reflux symptom index dan reflux finding score Andriani, Yunida; Akil, Muhammad Amsyar; Gaffar, Masyita; Punagi, Abdul Qadar
Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Vol 41, No 2 (2011): Volume 41, No. 2 July - December 2011
Publisher : PERHATI-KL

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.293 KB) | DOI: 10.32637/orli.v41i2.48


Background: It is estimated that more than 50% of patients with voice disorders who come fortreatment are caused by laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). LPR has been implicated in the etiology ofmany laryngeal disorders including subglottic stenosis, laryngeal carcinoma, laryngeal contact ulcer,laryngospasm and vocal nodule on the vocal cords. Ambulatory 24 hour double-probe (pharyngeal andesophageal) pH monitoring is the gold standard examination for diagnosing LPR, but it is still far fromideal criteria.The assessment of pepsin in airway secretions could be used as a sensitive diagnosticmarker of LPR because pepsin is not synthesized by any type of airway cells. Purpose: The aim ofthis study was to detect the presence of pepsin on laryingopharyngeal reflux patients which diagnosedbased on reflux symptom index (RSI) dan reflux finding score (RFS) at Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital,Makassar. Methods: This is a comparative quantitative study. We performed RSI and RFS examinationson 51 samples, followed by saliva pepsin detection using ELISA method on 48 samples, then analyzed withSpearman’s Rho test. Result: RSI score >13 was found in 48 samples (94,12%)  and RFS score >7 wasin 51 samples (100%).    Pepsin was detected on all sputum samples, however there was no significant relationship betwen RSI and RFS scoring with the level of pepsin in saliva (p>0.01). Conclusion: Pepsin was detected on saliva of patients with laringopharyngeal reflux who was diagnosed based on RSI andRFS. We concluded that RSI and RFS can be used as diagnostic tools for LPR. Keywords: laringopharyngeal reflux, reflux symptom index, reflux finding score, pepsin Abstrak :  Latar belakang: Diperkirakan lebih dari 50% pasien dengan gangguan suara yang datang berobatke dokter THT diakibatkan oleh refluks laringofaring (RLF). Diduga RLF berperan pada patogenesissejumlah kelainan pada laring, termasuk stenosis subglotik, karsinoma laring, laryngeal contact ulcers,laringospasme dan vokal nodul pada pita suara. Pemeriksaan ambulatory 24 hour double-probe pHmonitoring merupakan gold standard untuk mendiagnosis RLF, namun pemeriksaan ini masih jauh darikriteria ideal. Menentukan adanya pepsin pada sekret saluran napas merupakan petanda diagnostik yangsensitif untuk RLF karena pepsin tidak dihasilkan oleh sel apapun dalam saluran napas. Tujuan: Penelitianini bertujuan mendeteksi keberadaan pepsin pada penderita refluks laringofaring yang didiagnosisberdasarkan refluks symptom index (RSI) dan reflux finding score (RFS). Metode: Jenis penelitian iniadalah komparatif kuantitatif. Dilakukan pemeriksaan RSI dan RFS pada 51 percontoh dan dilanjutkandengan pemeriksaan pepsin saliva menggunakan metode ELISA pada 48 percontoh lalu dilakukan ujiSpearman’s Rho. Hasil: Skor RSI >13 sebanyak 48 percontoh (94,12%) dan skor RFS >7 sebanyak 51percontoh (100%). Pepsin terdeteksi pada saliva semua percontoh. Tidak ada hubungan yang bermaknaantara skoring RSI dan RFS dengan kadar pepsin pada saliva (p>0,01). Kesimpulan: RSI dan RFS dapatdigunakan dalam menegakkan diagnosis RLF. Kata kunci: refluks laringofaring, reflux symptom index, reflux finding score, pepsin
Akurasi Gambaran CT Scan Tulang Temporal Preoperatif dalam Menilai Kolesteatoma pada Penderita Otitis Media Supuratif Kronis (OMSK) Muhibbah, A. Fitrah; Muis, Mirna; Idris, Nurlaily; Zainuddin, Andi A.; Gaffar, Masyita; Ilyas, Muhammad
e-CliniC Vol 9, No 2 (2021): e-CliniC
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/ecl.v9i2.32437


Abstract: This study was aimed to determine the accuracy of preoperative temporal bone CT-scan ini assessing cholesteatoma in chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) patients. This was a diagnostic test study conducted by comparing the findings of the preoperative temporal bone CT-scan with the intraoperative findings of 54 CSOM patients who had a temporal bone CT-scan followed by surgery at the Hasanuddin University Hospital and the Jaury Academic Hospital. Assessment of cholesteatoma on a preoperative temporal bone CT-scan was performed when soft tissue density was found in the middle ear accompanied by bone erosion. In addition, an assessment was also carried out for the presence of ossicular, scutum, tympanic tegmen, facial nerve canal and mastoid tegmen erosions. The results indicated that the accuracy of preoperative temporal bone CT-scan in assessing cholesteatoma in CSOM patients was 87.04% with a sensitivity of 85%, specificity of 88.23%, a positive predictive value of 80.95%, and a negative predictive value of 90.91%. The sensitivity of the preoperative temporal bone CT-scan in assessing the highest erosion of cholesteatoma in the erosion of the scutum and tympanic tegmen (100%) with the specificity and accuracy of the preoperative temporal bone CT scan of the in assessing erosions in cholesteatoma highest on mastoid tegman erosion  (100% and 96.29%). In conclusion, preoperative CT scan of temporal bone has high accuracy, sensitivity, and specifity values in assessing cholesteatoma and erosions of surrounding structures.Keywords: cholesteatoma, chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM), temporal bone CT-Scan  Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akurasi gambaran CT-scan tulang temporal preoperatif dalam menilai kolesteatoma pada penderita otitis media supuratif kronis (OMSK). Jenis penelitian ialah uji diagnostik yang membandingkan temuan pada CT scan tulang temporal preoperatif dengan hasil temuan intraoperatif pada 54 penderita OMSK yang menjalani pemeriksaan CT scan tulang temporal dilanjutkan dengan tindakan operasi di Rumah Sakit Universitas Hasanuddin dan Rumah Sakit Akademis Jaury. Penilaian kolesteatoma pada CT Scan tulang temporal preoperatif ketika ditemukan densitas jaringan lunak di telinga tengah yang disertai dengan erosi tulang. Selain itu, dilakukan penilaian adanya erosi osikula, skutum, tegmen timpani, kanalis nervus fasialis, dan tegmen mastoid. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan akurasi CT scan tulang temporal preoperatif dalam menilai kolesteatoma pada penderita OMSK sebesar 87,04% dengan sensitivitas 85%, spesifisitas 88,23%, nilai prediksi positif 80,95%, dan nilai prediksi negatif 90,91%. Sensitivitas CT scan tulang temporal preoperatif dalam menilai erosi pada kolesteatoma tertinggi pada erosi skutum dan tegmen timpani (100%) dengan spesifisitas dan akurasi CT scan tulang temporal preoperatif dalam menilai erosi pada kolesteatoma tertinggi pada erosi tegmen mastoid (100% dan 96.29%). Simpulan penelitian ini ialah CT scan tulang temporal preoperatif memiliki nilai akurasi, sensitivitas, serta spesifisitas yang cukup tinggi dalam menilai kolesteatoma serta erosi pada struktur di sekitarnya.Kata kunci: kolesteatoma, otitis media supuratif kronis (OMSK), CT scan tulang temporal
Anatomical Measurement of Normal Eustachian Tube on the Temporal Bone Computed Tomography Imaging Yanti Anita Ratag; Sri Asriyani; Bachtiar Murtala; Masyita Gaffar
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas Vol 9, No 3 (2020): Online September 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jka.v9i3.1323


Tujuan: Menggambarkan pengukuran anatomis tuba Eustachius normal pada pencitraan Computed Tomography (CT) tulang temporal. Metode: Ini adalah penelitian deskriptif tuba Eustachius normal dengan mengukur diameter pretimpani, sudut tubotimpani dan panjang pars kartilago tuba Eustachius normal menggunakan teknik rekonstruksi multiplanar pada pencitraan CT tulang temporal dari 58 sampel di beberapa rumah sakit di Makassar. Semua sampel dibagi lagi menjadi kelompok laki-laki dan perempuan, serta kelompok sisi  kanan dan kiri. Kami juga membagi sampel menjadi 6 kelompok usia. Hasil: Rerata diameter pretimpani pada kelompok pria adalah 4,62 mm dan pada kelompok wanita adalah 4,36 mm. Rerata diameter pretimpani adalah 4,59 mm pada kelompok sisi kanan dan 4,36 mm pada kelompok sisi kiri. Rerata sudut tubotimpani adalah 143,5o pada kelompok pria dan 143,3o pada kelompok wanita. Nilai rerata sudut tubotimpani tidak memiliki perbedaan di kedua sisi telinga. Rerata panjang  pars kartilago tidak memiliki perbedaan antara kelompok pria dan wanita dan juga antara sisi kanan dan kiri. Simpulan: Diameter pretimpani lebih besar pada kelompok pria dan kelompok sisi kanan. Sudut tubotimpani dan panjang kartilago tuba Eustachius tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan pada semua kelompok.Kata kunci: tuba eustachius, diameter pretimpani, sudut tubotimpani, panjang kartilago, CT tulang tempor
NPC-Exosome Carry Wild and Mutant-type p53 among Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients Hamsu Kadriyan; Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya; Nova Audrey Luetta Pieter; Masyita Gaffar; Amsyar Akil; Agusalim Bukhari; Budu Budu; Andi Alfian Zainuddin; Rina Masadah; Achmad Chusnu Romdhoni; Abdul Qadar Punagi
The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Vol 13, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : The Prodia Education and Research Institute (PERI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18585/inabj.v13i4.1718


BACKGROUND: Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) is known to release a specific exosome. NPC-derived exosome (NPC-Exo) could carry p53. However, information regarding the type of p53 carrier on NPC-Exo remains limited. This study aims to introduce our important findings regarding the type of p53 NPC-Exo cargo.METHODS: Serum from patients with NPC were prepared for exosome isolation with Seramir Exoquick by following the manual instructions. RT-PCR was conducted to determine the expression levels of latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) and p53 in the exosome isolate. Partial sequencing of p53 amplicon was conducted to determine mutation type of p53.RESULTS: There were 8 patients enrolled in this study. According to RT-PCR results, the expression levels of LMP-1 and p53 varied in the NPC-Exo isolate. Based on sequencing analysis, 1 case of p53 mutation was noticeable.CONCLUSION: According to current results, the NPC-derived exosome potentially carries not only wild type but also mutant type p53. Further research is needed to explore deeper the effect of the mutant type p53 as an exosome carrier in the clinical application.KEYWORDS: Nasopharyngeal cancer, exosome, p53, mutation