Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya
Bioscience And Biotechnology Research Center, Faculty Of Mathematics And Natural Sciences, Universitas Mataram

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Pembimbingan Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Rumput Laut Sederhana dan Pentingnya Kualitas Sanitasi Lingkungan dalam Rangka Pencegahan Stunting Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya; Dewi Puspitorini Husodo; Angga Susmana Abidin; Nanda Sofian Hadi Kurniawan; Bq Tri Khairina Ilhami; Indah Alibiah Putri Kirana; Aluh Nikmatullah; Sri Widyastuti; Ahmad Jupri
Jurnal Pengabdian Magister Pendidikan IPA Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Januari - Maret
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (217.163 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpmpi.v5i1.1250


Rumput laut coklat Nusa Tenggara Barat, seperti Sargassum dan Turbinaria yang melimpah keberadaannya diketahui mengandung hormonpertumbuhan tanaman dengan kadar yang cukup tinggi. Penggunaan pupuk kimia yang berlebihan pada budidaya tanaman menyebabkan meningkatnyabiaya produksi, menurunkan kesuburan tanah, dan mencemari lingkungan yang berpotensi menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi kesehatan dankeamanan pangan. Oleh karena itu, substitusi pupuk kimia dan perangsang tumbuh sintetis dengan bahan alam. merupakan solusi terbaik untukmengatasi masalah tersebut. Substitusi pupuk organik akan menurunkan kontaminasi bahan kimia berbahaya pada air tanah sehingga kualitas sanitasair dan lingkungan dapat dibenahi. Menjaga kebersihan sanitasi dan memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih merupakah salah satu tindakan pencegahanstunting yang digalakkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan. Desa Puyung menjadi target dalam program ini mengingat prevalensi kejadian gizikurang dan stunting di wilayah tersebut terbilang cukup tinggi dan memerlukan perhatian. Terlebih Desa Puyung merupakan salah satu desabinaan Universitas Mataram. Program ini dikemas dalam bentuk penyuluhan dan demonstrasi serta pembimbingan langkah-langkah aplikasipupuk organik berbahan dasar rumput laut NTB. Materi edukatif disampaikan oleh tiga orang narasumber yaitu Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya, M.Sc., Ph.D., dan Dr. H. Ahmad Jupri, M.Eng selaku perwakilan Pusat Unggulan IPTEK Biosains dan Bioteknologi Universitas Mataram, serta dr. Dewi Puspitorini Husodo, Sp.An. selaku pimpinan CV. Organik Medika Biotek yang menjadi mitra dalam kegiatan kali ini. Materi penyuluhan edukatif yang disampaikan meliputi substansi berikut : (1) Eksplorasi rumput laut sebagai bahan dasar pupuk organik; (2) Peran pengaplikasian PORL dalam langkah preventif pencegahan stunting; (3) Tahapan pembuatan PORL sederhana.
Isolation of Entomopathogenic Lysinibacillus sphaericus from Sewage at Some Housing Complex in Mataram City and Evaluation of Its Toxicity Against Aedes aegypti Larvae in Laboratory Novia Devi Kusuma Dewi; Ernin Hidayati; Sarkono Sarkono; Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya; Bambang Fajar Suryadi
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.biotropika.2022.010.01.07


The aims of this study were to isolate Lysinibacillus sphaericus from sewage at some housing complex in Mataram city and evaluate its toxicity against third Aedes aegypti larvae. The bacteria collected from mud taken from diluted sewage and objected to heat shock procedure at 80ºC for 30 minutes. The microbiological culture was done using a Nutrient Agar solid medium and incubated at 30ºC for 72 hours. Bacterial characterization was done based on bacterial colony morphology, cell morphology, cell physiology, and cell biochemistry characteristics. Toxicity test on 3rd Aedes aegypti larvae was done for 24, 48, and 72 hours applying Nutrient Broth medium with various dilution. From this study total of 11 isolates of Lysinibacillus sphaericus were isolated, only three isolates showed a high killing rate against Ae. aegypti in 24-hour observation. They were isolate Bs9-2-3 (LC50 24-hour value was 1.75 x 104 cell/mL), isolate Bs9-1-5 (LC50 24-hour value was 6.23 x 104 cell/mL) and isolate Bs2-1-2 (LC50 24-hour value was 7.17 x 106 cell/mL). These local isolates of L. sphaericus had good potential to be developed for bacterial-based biopesticide/biolarvicide for battling Aedes mosquito larvae in the near future.
NPC-Exosome Carry Wild and Mutant-type p53 among Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients Hamsu Kadriyan; Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya; Nova Audrey Luetta Pieter; Masyita Gaffar; Amsyar Akil; Agusalim Bukhari; Budu Budu; Andi Alfian Zainuddin; Rina Masadah; Achmad Chusnu Romdhoni; Abdul Qadar Punagi
The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Vol 13, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : The Prodia Education and Research Institute (PERI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18585/inabj.v13i4.1718


BACKGROUND: Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) is known to release a specific exosome. NPC-derived exosome (NPC-Exo) could carry p53. However, information regarding the type of p53 carrier on NPC-Exo remains limited. This study aims to introduce our important findings regarding the type of p53 NPC-Exo cargo.METHODS: Serum from patients with NPC were prepared for exosome isolation with Seramir Exoquick by following the manual instructions. RT-PCR was conducted to determine the expression levels of latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) and p53 in the exosome isolate. Partial sequencing of p53 amplicon was conducted to determine mutation type of p53.RESULTS: There were 8 patients enrolled in this study. According to RT-PCR results, the expression levels of LMP-1 and p53 varied in the NPC-Exo isolate. Based on sequencing analysis, 1 case of p53 mutation was noticeable.CONCLUSION: According to current results, the NPC-derived exosome potentially carries not only wild type but also mutant type p53. Further research is needed to explore deeper the effect of the mutant type p53 as an exosome carrier in the clinical application.KEYWORDS: Nasopharyngeal cancer, exosome, p53, mutation
Jurnal Sinergitas PKM & CSR Vol 5, No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/jspc.v5i1.2950


Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light provides high effectiveness in inhibiting germs, bacteria and the Sars-Cov 2 virus that causes Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19). However, due to the depletion of the ozone layer which acts to ward off short wave radiation, there is an increase of UV light radiation amount that reaches the earth's surface. As a result, human skin is exposed to UV radiation which can cause premature skin aging and even skin cancer. Researchers claim that brown algae contain anti-UV compounds that can absorb UV radiation. Therefore, it has been developed a skin protection cream based on brown algae seaweed that can protect human skin from exposure to UV radiation. This article reports on the introduction and training of how to produce anti-UV sunscreen for seaweed farmers who faces high intensity sun exposure on a daily basis. Participants were 20 person (wives and children of the farmers). In this training, video tutorial of making cream was played following with demonstration of making cream by the participants. After the training, it is hoped that the farmers wives and children will be able to produce this anti-UV sunscreen that was not for self-used to protection against UV radiation exposure, but could also for sale to increase the income of coastal communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Paparan sinar ultraviolet (UV) memberikan efektivitas yang tinggi dalam penghambatan kuman, bakteri hingga virus Sars-Cov 2 penyebab Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19). Namun karena menipisnya lapisan ozon yang berperan menangkal radiasi gelombang pendek, maka radiasi akibat sinar UV sampai ke permukaan bumi. Akibatnya, kulit manusia terpapar radiasi UV yang dapat menyebabkan penuaan kulit secara dini dan bahkan kanker kulit. Para peneliti menyatakan bahwa algae coklat mengandung senyawa anti-UV yang dapat menyerap radiasi ultra violet. Karena itu, telah dikembangkan krim pelindung kulit berbasis rumput laut alga coklat yang dapat melindungi kulit manusia dari paparan radiasi UV. Artikel ini melaporkan pengenalan dan pelatihan cara pembuatan krim anti-UV kepada pembudidaya rumput laut yang sehari-hari harus berhadapan dengan terpaan matahari berintensitas tinggi. Hadir sejumlah 20 orang (para istri dan anak-anak pembudi daya). Dalam pelatihan ini diputarkan video tutorial membuat krim yang kemudian diikuti dengan demonstrasi membuat krim.  Setelah pelatihan, diharapkan para istri dan anak pembudidaya dapat memproduksi krim anti-UV yang tidak saja dapat digunakan sendiri sebagai perlindung terhadap paparan radiasi UV, melainkan juga dapat dijual untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat pesisir pada masa pandemi COVID-19. 
Effect of Solid and Liquid Extracts of Lombok Sargassum cristafolium on Growth and Yield of Rice Plants (Oryza sativa L.) Haji Sunarpi; Aluh Nikmatullah; Anggit L. Sunarwidhi; Yogi Ambana; Bq Tri Khairina Ilhami; Sri Widyastuti; Ari Hernawan; Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 20 No. 3 (2020): September - Desember
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v20i3.2048


An exessive use of inorganic fertilizers in agriculture cultivation system causes many disadventages, such as increase cost production, reduce farmer’s income and soil fertility, and harm our environment. Therefore, it is needed to find out raw materials for development of organic biostimulant and biofertilizer inducing essential element absorption, growth and yield of plants, which are adaptive to our environment as well. Previous researchres reported that seaweed contained plant growth hormones and essential elements in liquid and solid extracts respectively. This article reports effect of solid and liquid extracts of Sargassum cristafolium on growth and yield of rice plants. The extracts were extracted according to modified procedure.. Solid extract (350 gr) of Sargassum cristafolium was mixed with soil (6650 gr) to become 7 kg soil media. Moreover, liquid extract (10%) of Sargassum cristafolium was sprayed to rice plants once a week during vegetative growth. The results shown that addition of 350 gr of solid extract to soil media increased growth (plant high, tiller number, shoot dry weight and root dry weight) and yield (penicle number and grain weight per plants) significantly compared with those of plants which were not supplied with solid extract. However, spraying liquid extract of Sargassum cristafolium did not affet significantly growth and yield of rice plants, even small change happen in growth and yield parameters of the rice plants supplied with solid extract. This indicates that solid extract is a potential source for development of biofertilizer which is adaptive to our environment to support sustainable agriculture system.
Introduksi Teknologi Budidaya Sargassum sp. di Gerupuk Kabupaten Lombok Tengah Nunik Cokrowati; Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya; Bq Tri Khairina Ilhami; Heri Hariadi; Muhammad Jumat; Jayusri; Dinda Crista sya Waang; Wanda Qoriasmadillah
Jurnal Pengabdian Magister Pendidikan IPA Vol 5 No 4 (2022): Oktober-Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jpmpi.v5i4.2538


Sargassum sp. merupakan alga coklat yang hidup di perairan laut tropis dan menempel pada subtrat dasar perairan. Sargassum sp. memiliki kandungan alginat dan dapat dimanfaatkan sebgaai bahan baku dan bahan tambahan untuk industri pangan, farmasi, kosmetik dan bahan laboratorium. Sargassum sp. yang dimanfaatkan saat ini masih di ekplorasi dari alam yaitu pada perairan laut hingga kedalaman 7 m dan daerah pasang surut. Untuk kelestraian ketersedian Sargassum sp. dan pemenuhan kebutuhan industri maka diperlukan upaya budidaya. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah adalah untuk mengintroduksi teknologi budidaya Sargassum sp. kepada pembudidaya rumput laut di Gerupuk Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Gerupuk, Desa Sengkol, Kecamatan Pujut, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Kegiatan dilaksanakan selama 8 Agustus sampai dengan 9 Oktober 2022. Kelompok sasaran kegiatan adalah pembudidaya rumput laut yang ada di Gerupuk. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah demplot budidaya Sargassum sp. dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Teknologi Budidaya Sargassum sp. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah demplot teknologi budidaya Sargassum sp. dengan menggunakan metode rakit apung dan metode patok dasar. Sargassum sp. pada kedua metode budidaya tersebut dapat tumbuh dengan baik namun pertumbuhan optimum diperoleh pada metode patok dasar. FGD diikuti oleh pembudidaya rumput laut, tim kegiatan, dan aparat pemerintahan desa. Hasil dari FGD adalah diperolehnya pemikiran bersama untuk keberlanjutan budidaya Sargassum sp., Kappaphycus alvarezii dan Eucheuma spinosum. Kesimpulan kegiatan ini adalah introduksi teknologi budidaya Sargassum sp. telah dilakukan pada pembudidaya rumput laut di Gerupuk dan keberlanjutan budidaya Sargassum sp. telah dilakukan oleh pembudidaya.