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Penentuan Lokasi Stasiun Komunikasi Pemberitahuan Tsunami Berdasarkan Waktu Tiba Tsunami Selat Sunda Tahun 2018 Alif, Satrio Muhammad; Pratama, Agung Bhakti
Geo-Image Vol 10 No 1 (2021): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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The 2018 Sunda Strait Tsunami is tsunami caused by landslides on Krakatau volcano and kills 437 people.The establishment of tsunami announcement communication station as part of tsunami early warning system and disaster mitigation is necessary to reduce the risk of tsunami. The objective of this research is to determine the location of announcement communication station. The data used are tsunami source coordinate, sea depth, and tsunami arrival time recorded on tide gauges. The method is calculating tsunami propagation time from tsunami source to the coast. Tsunami arrival time is calculated from tsunami propagation time and tsunami starting time which is at 20.56 and then is corrected by time recorded by tide gauges. Moreover, distance between two stations, distance between station and settlement, and station construction cost are used as consideration in establishing the station beside arrival time and evacuation time. Tsunami arrival time in southern coast of Lampung varies between 21.16 and 22.01. Tsunami propagation time is highly affected by sea depth and small islands hindrance. There are 9 possible locations of announcement communication stations by considering construction cost and its benefit to people in wide area. Tsunami Selat Sunda tahun 2018 merupakan tsunami yang terjadi akibat longsoran dari Gunung Krakatau dan membunuh 437 orang. Pembangunan stasiun komunikasi pemberitahuan tsunami sebagai bagian dari peringatan dini tsunami dan mitigasi bencana perlu dilakukan untuk mengurangi risiko tsunami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan rencana lokasi stasiun komunikasi pemberitahuan tsunami. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data koordinat sumber tsunami, kedalaman laut, dan data waktu tiba tsunami yang terekam di stasiun pasut. Metode yang dilakukan adalah perhitungan waktu tempuh tsunami dari sumber tsunami ke Pesisir. Waktu tiba tsunami dihitung dari waktu tempuh tsunami dan waktu kejadian tsunami yaitu pukul 20.56 yang kemudian dikoreksi dengan data yang terekam di stasiun pasut. Selain itu, jarak antar stasiun, jarak stasiun dengan pemukiman, dan biaya pembangunan stasiun dijadikan pertimbangan dalam pembangunan selain dari waktu tiba atau waktu evakuasi. Waktu tiba tsunami di pesisir selatan Lampung berkisar dari pukul 21.16 sampai pukul 22.01. Waktu tempuh tsunami sangat dipengaruhi kedalaman dan hambatan pulau kecil Rencana lokasi stasiun komunikasi pemberitahuan tsunamiberjumlah 9 stasiun mengingat biaya pembangunan dan kemanfaatan stasiun pada masyarakat dalam daerah yang luas.
Penentuan Lokasi Stasiun Komunikasi Pemberitahuan Tsunami Berdasarkan Waktu Tiba Tsunami Selat Sunda Tahun 2018 Alif, Satrio Muhammad; Pratama, Agung Bhakti
Geo-Image Vol 10 No 1 (2021): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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The 2018 Sunda Strait Tsunami is tsunami caused by landslides on Krakatau volcano and kills 437 people.The establishment of tsunami announcement communication station as part of tsunami early warning system and disaster mitigation is necessary to reduce the risk of tsunami. The objective of this research is to determine the location of announcement communication station. The data used are tsunami source coordinate, sea depth, and tsunami arrival time recorded on tide gauges. The method is calculating tsunami propagation time from tsunami source to the coast. Tsunami arrival time is calculated from tsunami propagation time and tsunami starting time which is at 20.56 and then is corrected by time recorded by tide gauges. Moreover, distance between two stations, distance between station and settlement, and station construction cost are used as consideration in establishing the station beside arrival time and evacuation time. Tsunami arrival time in southern coast of Lampung varies between 21.16 and 22.01. Tsunami propagation time is highly affected by sea depth and small islands hindrance. There are 9 possible locations of announcement communication stations by considering construction cost and its benefit to people in wide area. Tsunami Selat Sunda tahun 2018 merupakan tsunami yang terjadi akibat longsoran dari Gunung Krakatau dan membunuh 437 orang. Pembangunan stasiun komunikasi pemberitahuan tsunami sebagai bagian dari peringatan dini tsunami dan mitigasi bencana perlu dilakukan untuk mengurangi risiko tsunami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan rencana lokasi stasiun komunikasi pemberitahuan tsunami. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data koordinat sumber tsunami, kedalaman laut, dan data waktu tiba tsunami yang terekam di stasiun pasut. Metode yang dilakukan adalah perhitungan waktu tempuh tsunami dari sumber tsunami ke Pesisir. Waktu tiba tsunami dihitung dari waktu tempuh tsunami dan waktu kejadian tsunami yaitu pukul 20.56 yang kemudian dikoreksi dengan data yang terekam di stasiun pasut. Selain itu, jarak antar stasiun, jarak stasiun dengan pemukiman, dan biaya pembangunan stasiun dijadikan pertimbangan dalam pembangunan selain dari waktu tiba atau waktu evakuasi. Waktu tiba tsunami di pesisir selatan Lampung berkisar dari pukul 21.16 sampai pukul 22.01. Waktu tempuh tsunami sangat dipengaruhi kedalaman dan hambatan pulau kecil Rencana lokasi stasiun komunikasi pemberitahuan tsunamiberjumlah 9 stasiun mengingat biaya pembangunan dan kemanfaatan stasiun pada masyarakat dalam daerah yang luas.
Association between Surface Air Temperature And Land Use On The Campus Scale Satrio Muhammad Alif; Erwin Yosua; Adam Irwansyah Fauzi; Bambang Edhi Leksono
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology Vol. 5 No. 3 (2020): JGEET Vol 05 No 03 : September (2020)
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2020.5.3.5187


The increasing trend of global temperature is related to the land use change in the form of urbanization. The impact of land use change to surface air temperature in Indonesia especially in smaller scope in Indonesia have not researched yet. The study area is located on newly built campus and the development of land use change inside campus can be managed carefully. This research aim is to determine which land use affecting high-temperature by using multiple linear regression method with least square approach so that temperature increase can be controlled in which some land uses must be preserved in urbanization. Land use data is interpreted from the photo map of 275 hectare campus. Temperature data is measured by using the digital thermometer three times a day. The method idea is to obtain distinctive contribution of every land use to every temperature measurement point. The contribution follows the inverse distance weighted concept. Surface air temperature measurement points are located with 150 meter interval and centroids of land use polygons are used for association calculation. Temperature measurement shows values between 25.5oC and 35.4oC. Land use with more anthropogenic activities and rubber plantation are the top contributors to high surface air temperature within a day. In the non-built-up land use category, water body increases the temperature in the daytime. Anthropogenic activities and vegetation density within land use is the main factor in increasing the surface air temperature so that it is suggested to plant farm-like vegetation around every built-up land use.
Analisis Pentingnya Gempa Bumi sebagai Faktor Pemicu Kejadian Gerakan Tanah di Lampung Barat Satrio Muhammad Alif; Annisa Nurul Hidayah; Adam Irwansyah Fauzi; Redho Surya Perdana
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi Vol 12, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Badan Geologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34126/jlbg.v12i3.356


ABSTRAKGempa bumi merupakan faktor pemicu utama pada kejadian gerakan tanah dan kaitannya dapat diteliti di lokasi dengan intensitas baik gempa bumi dan gerakan tanah yang tinggi seperti di Lampung Barat. Tidak hanya gempa bumi dengan kekuatan besar yang dapat mengakibatkan gerakan tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kaitan antara kejadian gerakan tanah dan gempa bumi di Lampung Barat dengan menggunakan data kemiringan lereng, curah hujan, jenis batuan, dan tutupan lahan. Data yang digunakan bersumber dari Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Provinsi Lampung, Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika, Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, Badan Informasi Geospasial, dan citra Landsat 8. Setiap titik kejadian gerakan tanah yang telah terjadi dari 2015 hingga 2019 dilakukan skoring, pembobotan, dan klasifikasi dari empat parameter untuk menentukan potensi bencana gerakan tanah. Hal ini dilakukan untuk melihat kesesuaian kejadian gerakan tanah yang sudah terjadi di suatu wilayah dengan potensi bencana gerakan tanah di wilayah tersebut. Kejadian gerakan tanah yang terjadi di wilayah dengan kelas rendah dikaitkan dengan keberadaan gempa bumi sebelum setiap kejadian gerakan tanah. Terdapat 24% dari gerakan tanah di Lampung Barat terjadi setelah gempa bumi. Dua kejadian gerakan tanah terjadi setelah gempa bumi dengan magnitudo di atas 6. Gempa bumi dengan magnitudo di atas 4 dapat memicu gerakan tanah terutama di wilayah dengan radius 50 km dari sesar. Gempa bumi sebaiknya digunakan dalam penentuan wilayah yang berpotensi terjadi gerakan tanah untuk meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat ketika telah terjadi gempa bumi.Kata kunci: bencana, curah hujan, gempa bumi, gerakan tanah, skoringABSTRACT Earthquakes are a major factor for the occurrence of ground motion and its relation can be investigated in locations with high intensity of both earthquakes and ground movements such as in West Lampung. It is not only earthquakes of great strength that can cause ground motion. This study aims to analyze the relationship between ground motion and earthquakes in West Lampung using slope data, rainfall, rock types, and land cover. The data used were obtained from the Lampung Provincial Disaster Management Agency, Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency, Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geospatial Information Agency, and Landsat 8 imagery. weighting, and classification of the four parameters to determine the potential for landslides to occur. This is done to see the suitability of ground motion events that have occurred in an area with the potential for landslide disasters in that area. Earth movement events that occur in low-class areas are associated with the presence of an earthquake before each ground motion event. There are 24% of the ground motion in West Lampung occurred after the earthquake. Two ground motion events occur after an earthquake with a magnitude above 6. An earthquake with a magnitude above 4 can trigger ground motion, especially in areas with a radius of 50 km from the fault. Earthquakes should be used in determining areas that have the potential for landslides to occur to increase community preparedness when an earthquake has occurred.Keywords: disaster, rainfall, earthquake, landslide, scoring 
Penentuan Titik IGS sebagai Titik Ikat dalam Pengolahan Data GNSS untuk Studi Geodinamika di Pulau Sumatra Satrio Muhammad Alif; Pungkas Tri Hapsoro
Jurnal Tekno Global Vol 10, No 2

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36982/jtg.v10i2.1921


Geodynamic studies on the Sumatra island generally use GNSS data. GNSS data processing using the differential method by using the IGS point as a tie point. This study aims to determine good IGS point in processing GNSS data for geodynamic studies on the Sumatra island. The data used are GNSS data from 3 SuGAr points and 20 IGS points in 2019 with DOY 061, 062, and 063. 211 GNSS data processing is carried out using different IGS points. The number of tie points used are 18, 19, and 20 IGS points. Determination of a good IGS point is based on the results of the standard deviation. The factors that cause the standard deviation value are the quality of the IGS point, distance, and temperature value. The processing results with 18 IGS points are better than 20 IGS points when using poor IGS points. The processing quality at the SuGAr point on the southern part of Sumatra Island (TJKG point) is the best compared to the other two SuGAr points. IGS points that are bad for geodynamic studies are XMIS and PBRI points because of the high standard deviation values for close distances. Good IGS points with low standard deviation values are COCO, DGAR, and LHAZ points. The low temperature value at the LHAZ point is thought to be the cause of the low standard deviation value.  Keywords : GNSS, Standard Deviation, Precision, IGS, Differential
GeoEco Vol 8, No 2 (2022): GeoEco July 2022
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ge.v8i2.50412


Land subsidence is a phenomenon that always occurs due to natural factors as well as human actions. Land subsidence has an even impact on all fronts. Land subsidence occurs continuously, therefore it is necessary to observe the phenomenon of land subsidence periodically using the GNSS method, which requires a benchmark that serves as a reference point for observation. With the need for a new benchmark devoted to observing land subsidence, it is necessary to do spatial modeling which is useful for finding out the suitability of the location where the subsidence observation point will be made. Spatial modeling was carried out using land cover data and lithology type to then be given weight and score and determined the soil movement vulnerability class into three, namely low class, medium class, and high class. The results of the spatial modeling of subsidence vulnerability show that the area12292.60 square kilometers is low grade, 20230.64 square kilometers represents medium class and 540.32 square kilometers is high class. Based on these results, the planning of the location of new observation points was carried out in areas with moderate to high levels of vulnerability with a total of 87 points scattered throughout the cities in Lampung.
GeoEco Vol 5, No 2 (2019): GeoEco July 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ge.v5i2.34660


The southern segment of a Sumatran fault zone was one of the sources of earthquakes in Lampung Province. The source of hazard came from stress accumulation of crust, which can be derived from movement of bench mark in surface. Lack of research in southern segment was caused by small numbers of monitoring bench mark. This research  shown optimal monitoring bench mark distribution by considering existing bench mark and location which is decent and representative to monitor Sumatran Fault Zone movement by considering on its position relative to Sumatran Fault Zone, earthquake history, Digital Elevation Model and land use. Decent location was determined by overlaying land use and slope processed from Digital Elevation Model. Representative location was determined by taking into account the distance to Sumatran Fault Zone and earthquake history. Very decent location is around 10.5 percent of the total area. Very representative location is around 44.5 percent of the total area. There are total 15 planned bench marks location to make southern Segment of Sumatran Fault Zone monitoring bench mark more optimal.
GeoEco Vol 8, No 2 (2022): GeoEco July 2022
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ge.v8i2.54577


Health Social Security Agency or Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJSK) is a health to make people pays inexpensive price to get medical treatment. One of the shortcomings of BPJSK is regency of BPJSK card owner must be identical with the regency of target hospital. Lampung Province has varying location and uneven distribution of hospitals especially in regencies. This study aims to determine location with lack of hospital with BPJSK by using of n-dimensional Euclidean distance. The three-dimensional coordinate of 2098 sample points (SP) and 77 hospitals are the quantitative parameter used to calculate the distance. Every hospital and SP are assigned an identity number depending on the regency of each hospital and SP. Each SP pairs with its closest hospital. The SP with different identity is grouped. 32.1% of area of Lampung Province is the location with lack of hospital with BPJSK. The most prioritized regencies is Pringsewu Regency based on the distance and the population. Further research about spatial analyzing the exact location to build hospital with BPJSK service should be conducted.
Klasifikasi Parameter Penyebab Kemacetan Jalan Kolektor Satrio Muhammad Alif; Ruth Angelia Silaen
Jurnal Manajemen Transportasi & Logistik (JMTRANSLOG) Vol 7, No 1 (2020): MARET
Publisher : Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54324/j.mtl.v7i1.360


The increasing population in Bandar Lampung has an impact on the increasing traffic congestion. The discussion of the causes of congestion in other studies focuses on the social aspects and there is no comprehensive discussion to determine the main parameters of the congestion causes related to the position of parameters of the body on the road. The study aims to determine the main parameters causing congestion on the collector road related to the position of the parameters of the body on the road using the smallest square modeling. The study took the data from the traffic lights coordinate, railroad tracks, bends, turns, and commercial areas as well as coordinates from the road lines and Google traffic volume. The traffic volume data was taken in the morning, afternoon, and evening on weekdays and weekends for one week. Classification of the congestion causes was based on 65 mathematical equations that were calculated using the smallest square. The congestion happens more likely on weekdays than on weekends. Furthermore, more congestion occurs at night than during the day. The traffic lights are the main parameter causing traffic jams followed by railroad tracks and turns. The rounds with less than 100 meters distance from the traffic lights are recommended to be closed because they cause congestion the most.
Perubahan Kecepatan Subduksi Lempeng Indo-Australia terhadap Lempeng Sundaland akibat Gempa Bumi Samudera Hindia tahun 2016 Satrio Muhammad Alif; Muhamad Sofyan Sauri; Redho Surya Perdana
Jurnal Geosains dan Teknologi Vol 4, No 3 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jgt.4.3.2021.159-167


Gempa bumi Samudera Hindia terjadi pada tanggal 2 Maret 2016 dengan magnitudo7.8 di sekitar zona subduksi Lempeng Sundaland. Implikasi tektonik dari gempa bumi dengan magnitudo di atas 7 ini diteliti karena implikasi tektonik gempa bumi di Samudera Hindia tahun 2012 sangat besar hingga Pulau Jawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan pengaruh gempa bumi Samudera Hindia tahun 2016 terhadap perubahan kecepatan subduksi. Data yang digunakan adalah data Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) kontinu di tujuh stasiun yang berada di Lempeng Indo-Australia dan Lempeng Sundaland. Data diolah dengan perangkat lunak ilmiah untuk mendapat solusi koordinat harian. Pada deret waktu koordinat, dilakukan perhitungan kecepatan degan regresi linier untuk data sebelum gempa bumi dan data setelah gempa bumi. Nilai kecepatan yang diperoleh digunakan untuk perhitungan regangan. Hal yang didapatkan dan dibahas adalah perubahan nilai kecepatan dan regangan, serta membandingkan arah kecepatan stasiun GNSS dengan arah kecepatan dari lempeng terkait. Kecepatan stasiun GNSS yang diperoleh berkisar 18 hingga 70 mm/tahun. Kecepatan stasiun GNSS mengalami penurunan dan regangan mengalami pertambahan nilai pemendekan setelah gempa bumi. Nilai perubahan semakin besar untuk stasiun yang lebih dekat ke Palung Sunda. Stasiun GNSS yang berada di pulau di sebelah barat Pulau Sumatra diduga berada di Blok Sumatra, pecahan dari Lempeng Sundaland.