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Material Biokomposit Sebagai Material Alternatif Sungkup Helm Boy Rollastin
Manutech : Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur Vol. 9 No. 01 (2017): Manutech : Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur
Publisher : Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (787.222 KB) | DOI: 10.33504/manutech.v9i01.24


A Helmet is an equipment that should be used by motorcycle riders. The correct function of helmets is to protect motorcycle riders from head injuries during accident and head collision. Most of helmets existing in markets are produced by helmet factories. Those helmets have to meet certain standards, including the use of materials to construct the helmet lid and the testing processes on the helmet itself. The price of used materials is quite high because those materials are still imported from overseas. It causes the increasing of helmet production cost and the helmet prices in the market become quite expensive. This research aims to find how a biocomposite material (consisting of 85% PP, 10% rice husk and 5% MAPP) can be used as an alternative replacement material for helmet lid preparation. The process is conducted by using finite element software. The result of the testing shows that the test penetration model with 4 mm thickness is not penetrated by indenters. Whereas the result of impact simulation testing of 146.84 g is still classified as a safe limit in accordance with the requirements of SNI 1811-2007 of 300 g.
Uji Penetrasi Spesimen Pada Sungkup Helm Berbahan Biokomposit Sebagai Bahan Alternatif Pengganti Helm Boy Rollastin
Manutech : Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur Vol. 10 No. 01 (2018): Manutech : Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur
Publisher : Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1243.559 KB) | DOI: 10.33504/manutech.v10i01.53


The correct function of helmets is to protect motorcycle riders from head injuries during accident and head collision. Most of helmets existing in markets are produced by helmet factories. The price of used materials is quite high because those materials are still imported from overseas. It causes the increasing of helmet production cost and the helmet prices in the market become quite expensive. This research aims to find how a biocomposite material (85 % PP, 10 % husk of rice and 5 % MAPP) can be used as an alternative replacement material for helmet lid preparation on the condition of passing the SNI standar test, namely the penetration test. The testing process is carried out by using the test tools referring to SNI 181-2007. The results of penetration test with thickness of 4 mm showed that the speciment can not be penetrated by indenter in accordance with the requirements of SNI 1811-2007. So that the testing can be used as a reference for alternative materials to make a standard helmet lid.
Penerapan Case-Based Reasoning untuk Perawatan dan Perbaikan Mesin di Jurusan Teknik Mesin Polman Babel Yang Agita Rindri; Boy Rollastin
Manutech : Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur Vol. 12 No. 02 (2020): Manutech: Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur
Publisher : Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.354 KB) | DOI: 10.33504/manutech.v12i2.137


This study aims to implement a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) for diagnosis and recommendations for the maintenance and repair of machines in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Polman Negeri Bangka Belitung. The research begins with the process of collecting data for knowledge bases related to the maintenance and repair cases of these machines. Furthermore, the data is modeled based on its attributes. The cases that have been modeled are input into the CBR system by applying the similarity function of weighted sum and Euclidean distance. The higher the similarity between a new case and cases that have been stored on a case base, the more suitable the solution on a case base can be applied in other cases. The results obtained were 5 case bases, i.e. the base case of flat grinding machines, the case base of lathe machines, the case base of milling machines, the case base of CNC machines, and the case base of the welding machines. The results of the CBR system are able to diagnose the causes of problems with machines through the symptoms of problems that occur and able to provide recommendations for the maintenance and repair of these machines.
Lecturer Performance Information Systems Based on IAPS 4.0 Yang Agita Rindri Yang; Boy Rollastin
Manutech : Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur Vol. 13 No. 02 (2021): Manutech: Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur
Publisher : Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (722.735 KB) | DOI: 10.33504/manutech.v13i02.178


Currently, the lecturer performance data based on IAPS 4.0 at Polman Babel are still not integrated yet and still collected in Microsoft Excel. This study aims to develop Lecturer Performance Information Systems Based on IAPS 4.0 that can assist the preparation and management of IAPS 4.0-based lecturer performance. This study follows the Systems Development Life Cycle includes planning and preparation, system analysis, system design, development,  testing, and deployment. The system is developed using PHP programming language, MySql database, Codeigniter Framework, Bootstrap Framework for CSS, and the Guzzle library to create a REST Client that accesses the Google Scholar REST API. System testing in this study uses black-box testing to test system functionality. The functionality testing shows that the functionality of the system is 100% successful and accepted by stakeholders.
Pengaruh Fraksi Volume Serat Filter Rokok Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik dan Impak pada Matrik Poliste Rifky Rizaldy; Boy Rollastin; Erwansyah Erwansyah
Jurnal Syntax Admiration Vol. 2 No. 7 (2021): Jurnal Syntax Admiration
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jsa.v2i7.267


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengaruh fraksi serat filter rokok terhadap kekuatan tarik dan impak pada matrik polister. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan fraksi volume matriks dan serat 60% : 40%, 55% : 45%, 50% : 50%. Bahan yang digunakan serat filter rokok (selulosa astetat). Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah uji Tarik sesuai standart ASTM D-638, uji impak sesuai standar  ASTM D 256-00 dan hasil patahan rata-rata yang paling maksimal pada komposit berpenguat serat filter rokok dengan fraksi matriks dan serat 60% : 40%. Pada uji tarik didapatilah nilai 14,10 Mpa dan pada uji impak mendapatkan hasil 0.0139 (J/ mm²). Hal ini disebabkan karena campuran yang tercampur dengan sempurna dan menutup pori-pori pada serat sehingga membuat material menjadi lebih kuat. Sedangkan pada campuran matrik dan serat 50% : 50% pada pengujian tarik atau impak pendapat nilai paling kecil, yang diakibatkan oleh campuran yang tidak merata dan menyebabkan pori-pori serat tidak tercampur dengan baik.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Polmanbabel Vol. 1 No. 01 (2021): DULANG : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (291.58 KB) | DOI: 10.33504/dulang.v1i01.153


There are many indigenous cuisines of the Belinyu community, such as: Pempek (Kelesan), grilled satay (otak-otak), Model, Lenggang, Tekwan etc. These cuisines come from the processing of seafood and become targets of travelers for culinary hunting. Based on the results of surveys to several places in the Belinyu sub-district, most of these culinary craftsmen are home industries. They still process the food, especially the dough manually. This process affects the quality of the dough, which becomes uneven and hard. The dough is also difficult to become smooth. To make the dough smooth using this manual method, it will take a long time to stir in the stirring process. This causes delays in production time. The specific target of this community service activity is the establishment of a mutually beneficial relationship between Polman Babel and Partners. Partners will receive appropriate technical assistance in the form of mixer machines and production business management training. In order to solve the production problem, such as the quality and production capacity that must be achieved, an appropriate technology was made. The technology is a mixer machine with a dough capacity of 5 Kg/operation or 25 kg/hour using electromotor power. This machine is expected to solve the production problems faced by partners.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Polmanbabel Vol. 2 No. 01 (2022): DULANG : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (794.107 KB) | DOI: 10.33504/dulang.v2i01.198


Snacks are the lifeblood of the Home Industry Community (IKM), which is still developing. One of the potential producers of local food as a typical Bangka snack is in the northern part of Bangka Island, Belinyu District, Bangka Regency. Bukit Ketok Village in Belinyu District is a granary that produces snacks. One of the home industries that produces various snacks in the form of chips made from tempeh is being developed. This tempe chip product is produced by manual slicing of tempeh using a knife, so the results are less productive and not optimal because it requires a lot of energy and time. In addition, education and innovation are needed to increase their production capacity. Therefore, we need an appropriate technology machine capable of slicing tempe with the desired thickness and uniform size with a semi-automatic slicing system with a processing capability of 10kg/hour. The method used is the procurement of a tempe slicing machine, training on machine operation and machine maintenance. Thus, the training can be easily understood by partners properly and correctly. After that, evaluation and monitoring are carried out to partners so that the level of success of the production process can be measured. The output targets resulting from this community service are media publications, production machines and increased partner production.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Polmanbabel Vol. 2 No. 02 (2022): DULANG : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33504/dulang.v2i02.243


Tanjung Ketapang Village is a centre for making shrimp paste in the South Bangka Regency. Shrimp paste is one of  the superior regional products with quality to be developed to compete in the global market. The stages of processing shrimp paste are drying, mixing salt and then fermentation, pounding shrimp, drying shrimp paste, pounding shrimp paste dough, and molding shrimp paste. The production stages are still carried out traditionally with manual equipment, which requires more energy and time and is less hygienic. The problems faced by the two partners are the production process which is still traditional and manual from beginning to the end of product processing, and conventional marketing systems. Based on problem,s analysis, data were obtained from the technical specifications of the machines needed by partners, namely mixing machines, grinding machines, and shrimp paste drying ovens. The implementation methods applied are identification of partner problems, machine design, machine manufacture and assembly, function testing, training on how to operate and maintain machines marketing management training, and mentoring for both partners. After the implementation of the partner's production process, namely an increase in the production capacity of shrimp paste for the two partners, it was twice as much as the previous production and online marketing media.
Analisis Simulasi Pengaruh Kekuatan Material Komposit Paduan HGM dan Serat Alami terhadap Kekuatan Uji Balistik Boy Rollastin; Juanda Juanda; Yudi Oktriadi; Galindra Mutiara Rahmatullah
J-Proteksion Vol 7, No 2 (2023): J-Proteksion
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/jp.v7i2.11474


Seiring perkembangan teknologi rekayasa material, banyak cara dilakukan guna meningkatkan elastisitas rompi anti peluru berfungsi dengan baik dan bobot seringan mungkin agar bisa direkomendasi sebagai material peredam. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sifat mekanik dari material komposit dengan komposisi Hollow Glass Microsphere, epoxy, dan serat daun nanas untuk pengujian balistik standar NIJ 0101.06. Metode yang digunakan Analisis pada software finite element dengan variasi ketebalan 10mm (24.12gr serat; 21.6gr HGM; 134.87gr Epoxy), 15mm (36.18gr serat; 32,4gr HGM; 202,30gr Epoxy) dan 20mm (48.24 gr serat; 43.2gr HGM; 269,73gr Epoxy). Hasil analisis nilai deformasi yakni 49,823mm, 36,1mm dan 24,974mm. Nilai tegangan berturut-turut 20,604Mpa, 17,451Mpa dan 49,231Mpa. Nilai regangan berturut-turut 0,04056 mm/mm, 0.066374 mm/mm, dan 0,3323 mm/mm, sedangkan energi kinetik pada rompi 195,94 J, 168,31 J dan 110,59 J. 
Analisa Pengaruh Jalur Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Terhadap Hasil Akademik Mahasiswa Menggunakan Metode Clustering K-Means Agita Rindri Yang; Boy Rollastin; Muhammad Riyadi
Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Volume 12. No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : STMIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33022/ijcs.v12i1.3103


Setiap tahun perguruan tinggi melakukan penerimaan mahasiswa baru untuk menyaring calon mahasiswa baru yang berkualitas. Data penerimaan mahasiswa baru tersebut semakin bertambah setiap tahunnya dan hanya tersimpan sebagai arsip dalam basis data perguruan tinggi. Padahal data-data tersebut dapat diolah dengan menggunakan teknik data mining untuk mendapatkan informasi tertentu yang bermanfaat bagi perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan data penerimaan mahasiswa baru untuk mengetahui pengaruh jalur penerimaan mahasiswa baru terhadap hasil akademik mahasiswa selama mengikuti perkuliahan dengan menggunakan algoritma K-Means Clustering. Data yang digunakan adalah data penerimaan mahasiswa baru pada Program Studi Sarjana Terapan Teknik Elektro, Program Studi Sarjana Terapan Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, dan Program Studi Sarjana Terapan Teknik Mesin dan Manufaktur Polman Negeri Babel Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 dan data nilai semester ganjil TA 2021/2022. Jumlah data yang digunakan sebanyak 179 data dari Program Studi Sarjana Terapan Teknik Elektro, Program Studi Sarjana Terapan Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, dan Program Studi Sarjana Terapan Teknik Mesin dan Manufaktur. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa K-Means Clustering mengelompokkan data menjadi 3 cluster di setiap kategori jalur penerimaan mahasiswa baru. Hasil cluster tersebut menunjukkan bahwa jalur SNMPTN menghasilkan 48% mahasiswa memiliki hasil akademik 10 terbaik di kelasnya, sementara itu 60% mahasiswa dari jalur MANDIRI menempati peringkat 21-30 di kelasnya.