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Eksplorasi Mubaligh Hijrah: Laboratorium Dai Muhammadiyah Dalam Mewujudkan Gerakan Moderasi Beragama Di Indonesia Mohammad Jailani, Mohammad Jailani; WAHARJANI, WAHARJANI
Jurnal Perspektif Vol. 16 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Perspektif
Publisher : Balai Diklat Keagamaan Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53746/perspektif.v16i2.126


Dakwah Islam di media online saat ini dipenuhi dengan konten Islam radikal, sedangkan dakwah Islam wasathiyyah cenderung konvensional dan tradisional. Di satu sisi dai micro celebriti yang minim kompetensi mererbak di media online, tetapi di sisi lain sangat sedikit dai moderat muncul di permukkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis mubaligh hijrah berbasis moderasi beragama yakni kaderisasi dakwah Islam yang moderat di Indonesia. Dalam hal ini, program Mubaligh Hijrah yang dikembangkan persyarikatan Muhamamdiyah perlu diangkat sebagai laboratorium dai untuk mengatasi krisis dakwah Islam moderat di Indonesia. Menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan memadukan antara data-data kepustakaan dan data lapangan, kajian ini bertujuan menelusuri program Mubaligh Hijrah serta kontribusinya bagi Muhammadiyah dalam bingkai besar kaderisasi keulamaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa. Mubaligh Hijrah merupakan program kaderisasi Ulama moderat di Indonesia yang telah dirintis sejak jauh-jauh hari oleh Muhammadiyah. Sebagai da’I mellenial yang berperan penting, untuk menyampaikan pesan dakwah ummatan wasatan di era kemajuan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan lahirnya ulama-ulama moderat alumni mubaligh hijrah seperti A.R. Fachruddin (Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah 1968-1990), Ahmad Syafii Maarif (Ketua Umum PP Muhamamdiyah 1998-2005), Busro Muqoddas (Pimpinan KPK 2011-2015), dan lain-lain. Dengan demikian, program Mubaligh Hijrah dapat menjadi prototipe laboratorium dai atau sebagai kaderisasi ulama moderat Indonesia.
ANIS BIN AHMAD AL-INDUNISI AND THE METHOD OF UNDERSTANDING HADITH Huda, Muhammad Khoirul; Husna, Jannatul; Waharjani, Waharjani
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 19 No 2 (2022): Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika
Publisher : State Islamic University of Datokarama Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24239/jsi.Vol19.Iss2.670


Penelitian Metode pemahaman hadis adalah cara bagaimana kita untuk memahami hadis yang baik sesuai dengan ajaran Rasulullah saw. Buku yang bejudul Dhawabith Muhimmah li Husn Fahm al-Sunnah (Kontrol pentingnya bagi kita semua untuk memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang hadis) yang ditulis oleh Prof. Dr. Anis bin Ahmad Thahir bin Jamaal Al-Indunisi dikembangkan menjadi 13 aturan yang akan dijelaskan di dalam pembahasan nantinya.Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research). Perkembangan study hadis terkadang sangat cepat, sehingga cara memahami hadis pun berbeda beda. Peneliti dan pemerhati perlu memahami metodologinya agar dapat memahami lebih dalam tentang perbedaan pandangan tentang Islam. Ini bisa membawa orang ke Ramatan Lil Alamin.
Berinteraksi Dengan Al-Qur’an: Studi Atas Pemikiran Wasfi Asyur Fratama, Risal; Husna, Jannatul; Waharjani, Waharjani
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 20 No 1 (2023): Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika
Publisher : State Islamic University of Datokarama Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24239/jsi.Vol20.Iss1.680


The facts explain that humans seem to avoid and do not approach the Qur'an. This means that humans have not been able to interact with the Qur'an. Wasfi Ashur, his thoughts related to interacting with the Qur'an. The method in this research is a Library. This study aims to examine how to interact with the Qur’an based on Wasfi Ashur's thoughts. The results of this study indicate that there are 8 principles of how to interact with the Qur’an based on Wasfi Ashur's thinking. They are (1) Knowing the value of the Qur’an. (2) Knowing the purpose of the Qur'an. (3) Know Allah as God Almighty and be close to Him. (4) Read the Qur'an correctly. (5) Memorize the Qur'an. (6) Understand the contents of the Qur'an. (7) Action and practice the contents of the Qur'an. (8) Spread the contents of the Qur'an.
Kanz Philosophia: A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024): June
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20871/kpjipm.v10i1.307


From the perspective of the Qur’an, investigating the concept of human nature becomes an intriguing subject for scientific exploration, with a particular focus on the term “muḥsin”. This word holds a wide range of interpretations within the Qur’an, encompassing both its semantic implications and its relevance to understanding humanity. This pursuit of understanding and learning within the realm of science, especially in academic lectures and research, aims to analyze the correlation between the concept of human nature and Islamic education as they relate to the Qur’an and Ilmud dilalah (the science of semantics). This research is specifically oriented towards qualitative research, utilizing a literature review approach. Data was collected from online sources through literature searches on platforms such as Google Scholar, Scopus, and Siendirect. Data analysis involved a meticulous content analysis process. The findings of this study highlight the concept of “fiṭrah” as a divine endowment bestowed upon humans by God, defining their existence. Understanding the meaning of this inherent nature is deemed essential for all individuals, ensuring that God’s gift is not squandered and that one’s full potential is developed. Islamic education plays a pivotal role in this context, serving as a guiding force that helps individuals preserve and direct their innate nature, particularly in fostering trust and confidence in Allah. It emphasizes the importance of nurturing one’s full potential. In Islam, education is not only emphasized but also intricately linked with the philosophy of science when applied to Islamic religious education. It is understood that Islam, as a holistic religion, provides comprehensive guidance and education for Muslims.
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Mu'ashirah: Media Kajian Al-Qur'an dan Al-Hadits Multi Perspektif Vol 21, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : South East Asia Regional Intellectual Forum of Qoran Hadith (SEARFIQH)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jim.v21i1.19639


The Qur’anic tafsir (exegesis) has undergone changes over time, addressing issues from classical eras to current challenges faced by the Muslim community. Concerns have been raised about approaches that are overly literal or forceful in understanding the contexts of Qur’anic verses for application in the present time. Hence, there is a need to formulate a more profound effort to explore the meanings of the Qur’an to extract its messages and guidance. This involves understanding the contextual aspects of Qur’anic verses in terms of history and literal meanings, applying them to contemporary situations. However, as highlighted, there appears to be a gap between existing theories and their practical realities. This underscores the necessity for more careful and structured research to bridge the theoretical and practical aspects. The objective of this study is to analyze the contextualization of the Qur’an in the contemporary era, as pioneered by Abdullah Saeed. The study employed a qualitative method with an analytical study approach, utilizing literature review as the primary data collection method, drawing from Abdullah Saeed’s writings, journal articles, books, and relevant references. The findings revealed that Abdullah Saeed’s contextualization of the Qur’an is highly relevant in understanding verses that remain textual and challenging to interpret. With the evolution of the modern era, there is a need for reinterpretation, especially in the context of nation-building and culture. The local descent of Qur’anic revelations and the complexity of developments in the modern context necessitate a new understanding. The understanding sought in the current context is dynamic and can contribute to a more harmonious life. This points towards a new direction for humanity in the current millennial era.
Impelementasi Nilai-Nilai Islam Wasathiyah: Upaya Membangun Sikap Tasamuh Generasi Milenial dan Generasi Z Rizayanti, Hana; Waharjani, Waharjani; Perawironegoro, Djamaluddin
Kontemplasi: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 12 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Kontemplasi
Publisher : UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/kontem.2024.12.1.127-146


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji nilai-nilai Islam wasathiyah. Urgensi penelitian pada artikel ini yaitu memberikan penjelaskan implementasi nilai-nilai Islam wasathiyah yang kemudian berkontribusi dalam membangun sikap tasamuh. Terlebih fokus penelitian ini berupa kajian tentang nilai yang terkandung dalam Islamasathiyah dalam membangun sikap tasamuh pada generasi milenaial dan generazi Z. Allah Swt. menciptakan manusia dari seorang laki-laki dan perempuan, lalu menjadikan mereka bersuku-suku dan berbangsa-bangsa dengan tujuan untuk saling mengenal bukan untuk bertikai. Mengakui keberagaman merupakan bukti keimanan manusia. Namun, realitanya tidak semua menerima dan memahmi makna keberagaman. Sungguh menyedihkan keadaan masa kini di mana menjadi sangat umum aneka tuduhan kepada sesama muslim hanya karena yang dituduh berbeda pendapat dengan yang menuduh. Sungguh, toleransi telah hilang atau memudar dari umat Islam. Maka, Islam wasathiyah adalah solusi untuk menumbuhkan sikap tasamuh, mengakui, menghargai, dan menghormati satu sama lain. Dengan adanya implementasi nilai-nilai Islam wasathiyah akan lahir generasi yang menjunjung tingggi nilai-nilai tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, implementasi nilai-nilai Islam wasathiyah dalam membangun sikap tasamuh meliputi: (1) nilai ta’aruf, (2) nilai ta’awun, (3) nilai tawassuth, (4) nilai syura, (5) nilai tatawur wa ibtikar.
Improving Learning Outcomes of Islamic Religious Education for Elementary School Students with the Application of the Talking Stick Learning Model Wantini, Wantini; Waharjani, Waharjani; Wijayanti, Clara Shinta; Suyatno, Suyatno
AT-TA'LIM Vol 30, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jt.v30i2.808


This study aims to analyse the improvement of Islamic religious education learning outcomes for elementary school students by applying the Talking Stick learning model. A Achieving the target of learning is the main goal of an educator to his students. In fact, there are not a few educators who have not fully implemented how to learn effective and fun and still stick only with classical methods. There are quite a few choices of learning models, one of which is the Talking Stick. This research was conducted using the Systematic Literature Review method which was carried out by reviewing, analysing, and drawing conclusions based on relevant articles that were screened and selected systematically. In this study, we will discuss efforts to improve elementary school student learning outcomes by applying the Talking Stick learning model. Learning outcomes by applying the Talking Stick learning model, namely, the experimental class with the Talking Stick model immediately showed significant differences in learning outcomes in the first cycle compared to before the implementation of Talking Stick. Several other studies on the implementation of the Talking Stick model were carried out for 2 to 3 cycles and then there was a significant difference in results from before the implementation of the Talking Stick learning model.