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Sawala : Jurnal Administrasi Negara Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Serang Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30656/sawala.v7i2.1507


Local governments hold economic based policies of one another through the revitalization of traditional markets. But the problems found in the field and the basis of important reasons to be researched because there is a problem that is, the first available buildings such as stores and both have not been filled, second lack of customer compliance in complying with regulations, third Market manager has not been adequate in terms of quantity, parking in the market is not well managed, parking is premanism and not managed by the market, obscurity in the market retribution, the five rental costs are given variatively but There are some traders who don't last long.  This research aims to determine and assess the trade market revitalization policy as well as its impact on the market Sampay district of Lebak, this researcher uses evaluation indicators namely: effectiveness, adequacy, equalization, responsiveness, accuracy and impact of the policy. The method of research is to use qualitative descriptive. The results of this study showed that the evaluation policy of revitalization of traditional markets (case studies in the market Sampay District Lebak has been successful and has a social impact it can be seen from aspects of (1) responsiveness, society responds well The existence of this market, (2) social impact, that is, change the shopping behavior of shopping habits in the modern market into shopping in the traditional market.Keyword : Impact evaluation, market revitalization policy
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol 10, No 2 (2019): JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (150.674 KB) | DOI: 10.31506/jap.v10i2.6820


Beberapa hal yang mendasar perlunya penataan pasar salah satunya bahwa pasar merupakan alat vital tempat pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat, tempat pemenuhan ini memberikan dua pengertian yaitu pemenuhan bagi konsumen, artinya konsumen mencari dan mendapatkan apa saja hal-hal yang dibutuhkan dengan mudah dan bebeas memilih kebutuhannya dipasar. Pasar tradisional, di masa globalisasi saat ini tengah mengalami berbagai macam masalah.Permasalahan yang umumnya terjadi pada pasar tradisional di tanah air ialah buruknya segi fisik, fasilitas sarana-prasarana sampai lemahnya manajemen pengelolaan pasar, oleh karena itu perlunya kebijakan revitalisasi pasar rakyat yang tidak hanya saja menyentuh pada perbaikan pembangunan fisik tetapi secara menyeluruh meliputi tata kelola dan pembiyaan. Untuk melihat kefektivan suatu kebijakan yang dilaksanakan pasti akan dilihat dari beberapa dampak yang ditimbulkan baik dampak sosial dan dampak ekonomi yang mucul sesuai yang dikehendaki maupun yang tidak dikehendaki. Dan dampak yang dikehendaki ini tentunya menjadi motivasi dan rujukan agar pengelolaan pasar menjadi lebih baik baik lagi untuk diadopsi dipasar-pasar lain di seluruh Indonesia, begitupun dengan dampak yang tidak dikehendaki yaitu dilaukukan suatu cara atau upaya pemerintah untuk segera mengambil tidakan atau langkah konkrit dalam menanganai permasalahn tersebut agar tidak merugikan semua pihak.
JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v2i2.4052


Permasalahan peningkatan PAD melalui pemanfaatan BMD belum dikelola secara optimal dan masih ditemukannya permasalahan, seperti pengamanan dan pemanfaatan aset masih belum baik sehingga banyaknya aset daerah yang tidak tergali potensi pendapatannya serta masih adanya potensi kebocoran pendapatan atas pemanfaatan BMD yang tidak masuk ke kas daerah.Kedepannya pemerintah Provinsi Banten harus bisa membuat kebijakan terkait pengelolaan PAD khusunya dari sektor pemanfaatan BMD. Penelitian ini menggunakan indikator strategi.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yaitu, Pemerintah Daerah telah menyusun target rencana capaian agar dapat mengukur ketepatan waktu dalam menggali sektor pendapatan. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk peningkatan PAD saat ini masih belun optimal karena masih terkendala dengan revisi Perda mengenai rasionalisasi tarif. Dampak peningkatan PAD melalui optimalisasi pemanfaatan BMD yaitu terciptanya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan, peningkatan program kesejahteraan masyarakat, peningkatan pembangunan, dan peningkatan kesejahteraan serta kinerja pegawai. Selain itu masih diperlukannya penggalian potensi sumber pendapatan yang berasal dari pemakaian kekayaan daerah yang belum dilakukan. Perlu ditingkatkannya kualitas pengelolaan BMDsecara menyeluruh. Upaya lainnya penerapan pencatatan retribusi dan pemungutan melalui sistem aplikasi online, memperluas jangkauan layanan dan penggalian sumber potensi pendapatan daerah yang baru. Pembinaan pegawai melalui diklat bagi pengurus barang dan bendahara penerimaan serta menerapkan sangsi yang tegas atas kendala yang didapat dari aparat yang tidak mematuhi aturan dan berindikasi kepada tindakan korupsi dalam penggelapan pendapatan serta penaikan tarif secara sepihak.
Evaluasi Kebijakan Revitalisasi Pasar Tradisional (Studi Kasus Pasar Sampay Kabupaten Lebak) Jumanah Jumanah; Natta Sanjaya; Ipah Mulyani
Sawala : Jurnal Administrasi Negara Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Administrasi Negara Universitas Serang Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (258.209 KB) | DOI: 10.30656/sawala.v7i2.1507


Local governments hold economic based policies of one another through the revitalization of traditional markets. But the problems found in the field and the basis of important reasons to be researched because there is a problem that is, the first available buildings such as stores and both have not been filled, second lack of customer compliance in complying with regulations, third Market manager has not been adequate in terms of quantity, parking in the market is not well managed, parking is premanism and not managed by the market, obscurity in the market retribution, the five rental costs are given variatively but There are some traders who don't last long.  This research aims to determine and assess the trade market revitalization policy as well as its impact on the market Sampay district of Lebak, this researcher uses evaluation indicators namely: effectiveness, adequacy, equalization, responsiveness, accuracy and impact of the policy. The method of research is to use qualitative descriptive. The results of this study showed that the evaluation policy of revitalization of traditional markets (case studies in the market Sampay District Lebak has been successful and has a social impact it can be seen from aspects of (1) responsiveness, society responds well The existence of this market, (2) social impact, that is, change the shopping behavior of shopping habits in the modern market into shopping in the traditional market.Keyword : Impact evaluation, market revitalization policy
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 17, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v17i2.608


The problem in this research, the Provincial Government of Banten faced on the condition of the regional economy sluggish due to pandemic Covid-19 so it requires a scheme of setting budgetary policy of regions, ranging from setting regional revenue, regional expenditure, up to the setting of local financing. According to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Finance and Minister of internal Affairs, Local Government is obliged to make the mechanism of setting the Budget Revenue and Expenditure through refocusing and reallocation of the budget. The purpose of this study is to determine how the policy of local budgeting in the pandemic Covid-19 study case on Local Government of Banten Province. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative using Purposive Sampling. The results showed the policy of the management of the regional budget in the pandemic Covid-19 at the Provincial Government of Banten that, the Provincial Government of Banten has been running a budget management in accordance with the directives and policies that have been set by the central government through the mechanism of refocusing and reallocation of the budget revenue, expenditure, and financing the area appropriately. 
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol. 17 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v17i2.608


The problem in this research, the Provincial Government of Banten faced on the condition of the regional economy sluggish due to pandemic Covid-19 so it requires a scheme of setting budgetary policy of regions, ranging from setting regional revenue, regional expenditure, up to the setting of local financing. According to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Finance and Minister of internal Affairs, Local Government is obliged to make the mechanism of setting the Budget Revenue and Expenditure through refocusing and reallocation of the budget. The purpose of this study is to determine how the policy of local budgeting in the pandemic Covid-19 study case on Local Government of Banten Province. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative using Purposive Sampling. The results showed the policy of the management of the regional budget in the pandemic Covid-19 at the Provincial Government of Banten that, the Provincial Government of Banten has been running a budget management in accordance with the directives and policies that have been set by the central government through the mechanism of refocusing and reallocation of the budget revenue, expenditure, and financing the area appropriately. 
EVALUASI PROGRAM FLOOD MANAGEMENT IN SELECTED RIVER BASINS DI KABUPATEN PANDEGLANG Arif Nugroho; Agus Lukman Hakim; Pryo Handoko; Natta Sanjaya; Ipah Mulyani; Ade Hadiono
Jurnal Inovasi Daerah Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Kabupaten Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56655/jid.v2i1.86


The problem of flooding and erosion is a natural phenomenon that greatly affects the community. Losses resulting from these events can reduce the quality of human life in various aspects of life. So there is a need for immediate management with various strategies. One of them is the Evaluation of the Flood Management in Selected River Basins Program in Pandeglang Regency. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Farmland Management and Sustainable Agriculture Practices for Flood Management in Selected River Basins program Sector Project Pandeglang with the perspective of the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, Product) and to recommend sustainability strategies. The research was conducted using a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the existence of the FMSRB program was able to answer various problems with critical lands and flood risk. Then the most effective continuation strategy that must be carried out is carried out by the Pandeglang Regency government with a Collaborative Governance strategy, namely collaboration between the Regency government and the private sector, universities/academics, and so on. The conclusion of the research is that the CIPP evaluation model can answer the main causes of flooding in the Pandeglang Regency.
NIAGARA Scientific Journal Vol 15 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Niagara
Publisher : LPPM STIA Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55651/juni.v15i1.18


Capacity Building is a process to improve individuals, groups, organizations, communities and society to achieve the goals that have been set This study uses qualitative methods, is a study to manage and describe data and information based on facts which are then analyzed further. The number of informants in this study amounted to 12 people using purposive sampling. From the results in the field, it shows that: 1) There is a covid-19 outbreak which has resulted in the performance of both government and private activities decreasing drastically, so that activities or activities both in the public space and outside the public space have to be limited. 2). The BPD of Pasir Karag Village has not yet fully played an active role in carrying out its duties and functions, there is still a lack of experience and knowledge of the members. 3). The budget issued by the central government in fulfilling the capacity development of the village apparatus, especially in Pandeglang district is still very minimal. 4). the influence of political factors is still high which causes injustice related to information regarding aid programs and others.
INDEKS KEPUASAN MASYARAKAT PADA LAYANAN IRIGASI DI WILAYAH KABUPATEN LEBAK TAHUN 2023 Isvan Taufik; Arlan Marzan; Zainul Hakim; Karvina Budiwati Apriliani; Agus Lukman Hakim; Natta Sanjaya; Siti Yuniar
Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan Daerah Vol 8 No 1 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Provinsi Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56945/jkpd.v8i1.290


The Banten Provincial Government, through the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency (PUPR), has provided irrigation network services for the community in Banten Province. This study evaluates and assesses community satisfaction with irrigation services in Lebak Regency, organized by the PUPR Agency. The research method used is quantitative descriptive with a saturated sampling technique, involving all Water User Farmer Associations (P3A) or farmer groups that receive irrigation services in Lebak Regency, with 83 respondents from 10 irrigation areas. The study was conducted for 45 days, from November to December 2023. Data were analyzed using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The IPA results showed an overall positive gap, with four questions in quadrant I (high importance and low satisfaction), ten questions in quadrant II (high importance and high satisfaction), nine questions in quadrant III (low importance and low satisfaction), and three questions in quadrant IV (low importance and high satisfaction). The CSI results show a level of public satisfaction of 78.00%, which is included in the "Good" category, according to Permenpan RB. This study provides strategic recommendations to improve the quality of irrigation services and maximize public satisfaction.
Analisis Peran Aktor dalam Kebijakan Kemandirian Petani Konservasi Lahan melalui Program Flood Management in Selected River Basins (FMSRB) Agus Lukman Hakim; Pryo Handoko; Arif Nugroho; Natta Sanjaya; Ade Hadiono; Ipah Mulyani; Nasir Nasir; Siti Aina Firdaus
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol 14, No 2 (2023): JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jap.v14i2.22651


This study analyzes the role of actors in farmer institutional strengthening policies as an implementation of the Flood Management In Selected River Basins (FMSRB) Program that has been accompanied and fosters independence in funding farmer groups. The informants of this research were all farmer groups who received benefits from the Community Driven Development (CDD) program in the Farmland Management and Sustainable Agriculture Practices for Flood Management in Selected River Basins Sector Project – FMSAP FMSRB Pandeglang Regency as well as policy stakeholders and competent experts in the program with a total of 22 people.  Data analysis using Stakeholder Analysis. Based on stakeholder analysis, it was found that first, the main actor is the farmer group as the beneficiary, the relationship and influence are very strong because as the object of the beneficiary The secondary stakeholders are academics, mass media, private sector, consultants, CF (Facilitator), Extension (PPL), Communities are affected indirectly, with the actors most playing a role being private actors. Key stakeholder groups include donor agencies, the Asian Development Bank; the ministry of agriculture and related ministries such as the Environment; Local Government of Pandeglang Regency, especially the Department of Agriculture and Food Security; Regional Development Planning Agency; Regional Financial Revenue and Assets Agency; Environmental Agency; Regional Disaster Management Agency; Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning. The initiator and catalyst actors in the sustainability of the program are highly dependent on the Regional Government of Pandeglang Regency, especially the Department of Agriculture and Food Security. Second, the pattern of Sustainability and Development of FMSRB is expected to be initiated by the Pandeglang Regency Agriculture and Food Security Office by involving various agencies and community groups concerned with land conservation efforts.