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Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/ijota.v2i1.10965


One of the freshwater fishes that began to be developed is Wader fish, but there is still a lot of information that has not been supported on fish farming techniques. One of them is the optimal stocking density for cultivation. The purpose of this study was to study the effects of different stocking densities on the growth and survival rates of the Wader Cakul fish (Puntius binotatus). This research was conducted in May - July 2018. The method used in this study was to use a Completely Randomized Design with 4 training, namely P1 (2 fish/liter), P2 (3 fish/liter), P3 (4 fish/liter) and P4 (5 fish/liter). Each treatment was repeated 3 times. The main parameters were absolute growth rate (length and weight gain)(GR), specific growth rate (SGR), survival rate (SR), and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Data were analyzed using ANOVA (analysis of variance) and continued with the Least Significant Difference Test. The results showed that different stocking densities gave significant values (P <0.05) for GR, SGR, SR and FCR comparisons. The best treatment in this study was P1 with a growth value of 0.31 ± 0.01 gram, SGR 3.50 ± 0.03%, Long Growth 1.97 ± 0.05 cm, SR 85.07 ± 2.17% and FCR 1.47 ± 0.02. P1 (2 fish/liter) is the best maintenance to increase the growth, survival rate, and feed efficiency of the cakul wader fish.Keywords: Wader cakul, Puntius binotatus, Growth rate, Survival rate, Feed Conversion Ratio
Pengaruh pengkayaan Daphnia sp. menggunakan astaxanthin terhadap kualitas warna merah ikan Cupang Halfmoon (Betta splendens, Regan 1910) Prasetyo, Dony; Handajani, Hany; Hermawan, David; Fuhaira, Iqbal
JSIPi (Jurnal Sains dan Inovasi Perikanan) (Journal of Fishery Science and Innovation) Vol 4, No 1 (2020): JURNAL SAINS dan INOVASI PERIKANAN
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jsipi.v4i1.11071


Betta splendens adalah salah satu jenis ikan hias yang mempunyai daya tarik dan nilai ekonomis pada kualitas warna yang dimunculkan dari tubuhnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemberian pakan hidup yang diperkaya dengan astaxanthin Carophyll© red dapat meningkatkan kualitas warna merah pada ikan cupang halfmoon merah serta untuk mengetahui dosis Carophyll© red yang memberikan nilai optimal bagi warna ikan cupang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan dosis Carophyll© red yang diperkaya melalui Daphnia sp. dengan 5 perlakuan 5 ulangan : 0 g (kontrol); 0,25 g L-1; 0,5 g L-1; 0,75 g L-1 dan 1 g L-1. Ikan yang digunakan adalah ikan cupang halfmoon dengan warna yang seragam. Pengamatan yang dilakukan selama 28 hari meliputi kualitas warna yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat color reader, perhitungan jumlah konsumsi Daphnia sp. selama pemeliharaan, pertumbuhan panjang, bobot yang dihasilkan dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kualitas warna pada ikan cupang optimal dengan dosis 0,25-0,5 g L-1. Namun peningkatan warna bersifat temporer. Tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan bobot dan panjang mutlak, laju pertumbuhan berat mutlak. Pengkayaan Dapnia sp. dengan Carophyll© red dapat mingkatkan konsumsi pakan dan sintasan ikan Cupang.
Use of Durian leaf infused (Durio zibethinus) as natural anesthetic for Gouramy fish (Osphronemus gouramy) in dry transportation Hany Handajani; Dony Prasetyo; Sri Dwi Hastuti; Muhammad Fahimuridlo
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Jurnal Ilmu Perairan, Vol. 9: No. 1 (April, 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v9i1.6964


Purpose the research to know influence giving leaf durian infusedto anesthesia process gurami fish with weight 100-150 gr usepredetermined dosage by upper threshold test and lowerthreshold test. Then, use formula EC-100 (EffektivityConsentrastion) to know fainting time fish and conscious timefish. On threshold test use among others concentrate 1000ppm,2500ppm, 5000ppm and 7500ppm. That at concentration7500ppm is upper threshold because gurami fish die by soakingleaf Durian infused for 24 hours while at concentration 5000pmis lower threshold because gurami fish not die by soaking leafDurian infused for 48 hours. Next to search concentration rowwith use formula EC-100 and than available concentrate5400ppm, 5900ppm, 6400ppm, 6900ppm and 7400ppm. Theconcentration be used to research treatment, P1:5400ppm,P2:5900ppm, P3:6400ppm, P4:6900ppm and P5:7400ppm. TheMethod of this research is a complete random design (RAL) usefive treatments and three replications. The main parameterobserved lamely fainting time fish and conscious time fish. Theresult fainting time fish (minute) on P1: 200, 67 P2: 198,33 P3:196 P4: 193 and P5: 186,67 while results conscious time fish(minute) on P1: 22 P2: 22,67 P3: 23,33 P4: 28,33 and P5: 30,33.Next statistic test use method ANOVA and BNT test with level 5%indicate significantly different, and 1 % indicate very differentlyreal. The obtainable conclusion that research use leaf durianinfusum to anesthesia process gurami fish very differently real tofainting time and conscious time. The best treatment on P5(7400ppm) because gurami fish fast to fainting time and long afor conscious time.Keywords: Anesthesia; Durian Leaf; Gouramy; Infused; Saponin
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur Vol 14, No 4 (2019): (Desember, 2019)
Publisher : Pusat Riset Perikanan, Badan Riset dan Sumber Daya Manusia Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (281.303 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/jra.14.4.2019.261-271


Bakteri selulolitik dan amilolitik mampu mengubah selulosa dan amilum menjadi glukosa serta mampu menghasilkan enzim selulase dan amilase. Bakteri selulolitik dan amilolitik diisolasi dari rumen sapi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bakteri selulolitik dan amilolitik dari rumen sapi yang memiliki nilai indeks selulolitik dan amilolitik yang tinggi, serta mampu memenuhi syarat untuk dijadikan sebagai probiotik. Screening bakteri pada rumen sapi menghasilkan enam isolat yaitu AR, BR, CR, DR, ER, dan FR. Uji aktivitas selulolitik dilakukan pada substrat carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) dan amilolitik pada amilum, uji ketahanan terhadap kondisi asam (pH 3), pengamatan pertumbuhan bakteri selama 30 jam, uji antagonistik terhadap bakteri patogen Aeromonas hydrophila, uji penempelan bakteri dan uji patogenisitas bakteri pada ikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas selulolitik terbesar pada isolat AR (2,67 ± 0,35 cm) dan aktivitas amilolitik terbesar pada isolat AR (4 ± 0,60 cm). Hanya empat isolat (AR, BR, ER, dan FR) yang dilakukan uji lanjut. Keempat isolat mampu bertahan dalam kondisi asam pH 3 selama delapan jam dengan nilai OD terbesar pada isolat ER (1.137). Uji antagonistik menunjukkan bahwa isolat AR, ER, dan FR mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila. Isolat FR memiliki nilai antagonistik terbesar yang ditandai dengan terbentuknya zona hambat 17 mm. Uji penempelan bakteri untuk membuktikan bahwa isolat mampu menempel pada usus ikan. Uji patogenesitas pada isolat yang didapatkan guna membuktikan bahwa isolat tidak bersifat patogen terhadap inang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa isolat yang didapatkan dari rumen sapi termasuk bakteri selulolitik dan amilolitik yang telah memenuhi syarat sebagai kandidat probiotik pada ikan.Cellulolytic and amylolytic bacteria can transform cellulose and starch into glucose and produce the cellulase and amylase enzymes. These types of bacteria can be found in and isolated from cow’s rumen. Thus, the purpose of this study was to obtain potential cellulolytic and amylolytic bacteria from cow’s rumen with a high cellulolytic and amylolytic index value and can be qualified as probiotics. The screening of bacteria in the cow’s rumen produces six isolates i.e. AR, BR, CR, DR, ER, and FR. The parameters observed were: the cellulolytic activity in carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) substrate, amylolytic activity on starch substrates, resistance test to acidic conditions (pH 3), bacterial growth for 30 hours, antagonistic to pathogenicity test to bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila, bacterial attachment test, and bacterial pathogenicity test in fish. The results showed that the largest cellulolytic and amylolytic activities were observed in AR isolates with a value of 2.67 ± 0.35 cm) and 4 ± 0.60 cm, respectively. Only four isolates (AR, BR, ER, and FR) were used in further tests. The four isolates were able to survive in the acidic conditions of pH 3 for 8 hours with the largest (OD) value was achieved by ER isolates (1,137). The growth of each isolate was different. The antagonistic test showed that the three isolates could inhibit the growth of A. hydrophila. FR isolates had the greatest antagonistic values characterized by the formation of an inhibition zone of 17 mm. Bacteria attachment test proved that the isolates were able to stick in the fish gut. The pathogenicity tests also proved that the isolates were not pathogenic to the host. 
Use of Durian leaf infused (Durio zibethinus) as natural anesthetic for Gouramy fish (Osphronemus gouramy) in dry transportation Hany Handajani; Dony Prasetyo; Sri Dwi Hastuti; Muhammad Fahimuridlo
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Jurnal Ilmu Perairan, Vol. 9: No. 1 (April, 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v9i1.6964


Purpose the research to know influence giving leaf durian infusedto anesthesia process gurami fish with weight 100-150 gr usepredetermined dosage by upper threshold test and lowerthreshold test. Then, use formula EC-100 (EffektivityConsentrastion) to know fainting time fish and conscious timefish. On threshold test use among others concentrate 1000ppm,2500ppm, 5000ppm and 7500ppm. That at concentration7500ppm is upper threshold because gurami fish die by soakingleaf Durian infused for 24 hours while at concentration 5000pmis lower threshold because gurami fish not die by soaking leafDurian infused for 48 hours. Next to search concentration rowwith use formula EC-100 and than available concentrate5400ppm, 5900ppm, 6400ppm, 6900ppm and 7400ppm. Theconcentration be used to research treatment, P1:5400ppm,P2:5900ppm, P3:6400ppm, P4:6900ppm and P5:7400ppm. TheMethod of this research is a complete random design (RAL) usefive treatments and three replications. The main parameterobserved lamely fainting time fish and conscious time fish. Theresult fainting time fish (minute) on P1: 200, 67 P2: 198,33 P3:196 P4: 193 and P5: 186,67 while results conscious time fish(minute) on P1: 22 P2: 22,67 P3: 23,33 P4: 28,33 and P5: 30,33.Next statistic test use method ANOVA and BNT test with level 5%indicate significantly different, and 1 % indicate very differentlyreal. The obtainable conclusion that research use leaf durianinfusum to anesthesia process gurami fish very differently real tofainting time and conscious time. The best treatment on P5(7400ppm) because gurami fish fast to fainting time and long afor conscious time.Keywords: Anesthesia; Durian Leaf; Gouramy; Infused; Saponin
Growth performance of Wader Cakul juvenile (Puntius binotatus) with different stocking density Dony Prasetyo; Anis Zubaidah; Vera Noviana
IJOTA (Indonesian Journal of Tropical Aquatic) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): February
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/ijota.v2i1.10965


One of the freshwater fishes thatbegan to bedeveloped is Wader fish, but there is still a lot of information that has notbeen supportedon fish farming techniques. One of them is the optimal stocking density for cultivation. The purpose of this study was to study the effects of different stocking densities on the growth and survival rates of the WaderCakulfish (Puntiusbinotatus).This research was conductedin May - July 2018. The method used in this study was to use aCompletely Randomized Design with 4 training, namely P1 (2 fish/liter), P2 (3 fish/liter), P3 (4 fish/liter) and P4 (5 fish/liter).Each treatment was repeated3 times. The main parameters were absolute growth rate (length and weight gain)(GR), specific growth rate (SGR), survival rate (SR), and feed conversion ratio (FCR).Data were analyzedusing ANOVA (analysis of variance) and continued with the Least Significant Difference Test. The results showed that different stocking densities gave significant values (P <0.05) for GR, SGR, SR and FCR comparisons. The best treatment in this study was P1 with a growth value of 0.31 ± 0.01 gram, SGR 3.50 ± 0.03%, Long Growth 1.97 ± 0.05 cm, SR 85.07 ± 2.17% and FCR 1.47 ± 0.02. P1 (2 fish/liter) is the best maintenance to increase the growth, survival rate, and feed efficiency of thecakulwader fish.
The relationship of redox potential to crustacea abundance at Bama beach of Baluran National Park, Situbondo, Indonesia Hariyadi Hariyadi; Dony Prasetyo; Yuni Dwi Kurniawati
IJOTA (Indonesian Journal of Tropical Aquatic) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): August
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/ijota.v3i2.13204


Catfish farming is growing rapidly because the cultivation and marketing technology is relatively easy for the community to master, and the required business capital is relatively small. Pond water waste originating from fish metabolism and dissolved food waste is toxic to fish. One of the efforts that can be done is fish farming that is integrated with plants through an aquaponics system. Research to determine the effect of AB Mix addition on the growth of African catfish and lettuce cultivated by the aquaponics system. The research method used was an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of three treatments and three replications. The addition of AB mixed nutrition did not differ in the growing significance of catfish and lettuce. However, the increase in growth occurred with an increasing dosage of AB mix with the best treatment with AB Mix 3 mL L-1. This treatment resulted in absolute growth in fish of 20.52 g and 4.62 g of watercress. The use of a dosage of AB mix higher than 3 mL L-1 may result in better growth.
Analysis of purse seine fisheries business feasibility in coastal fishing port Pondok Dadap, Sendang Biru, East Java, Indonesia Imam Nurul Firdaus; Dony Prasetyo; Ganjar Adhywirawan Sutarjo; David Hermawan
IJOTA (Indonesian Journal of Tropical Aquatic) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): February
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/ijota.v3i1.13316


A purse seine is a fishing tool made of nets which are operated by circling the hordes of fish to a bowl-shaped tool at the end of the fishing process and is commonly used to catch pelagic fish by fishermen at UPT PPP Pondokdadap. The purpose of this study was to determine the technical aspects and income of the purse seine vessels in Sendang Biru village and to analyze the feasibility of the purse seine fishery business in the Sendang Biru village. This research was conducted from May to June 2019 at UPT PPP Pondokdadap, Sendang Biru, Malang Regency. The research sample was taken by purposive sampling. Data analysis using descriptive analysis and business financial analysis. The results of the calculation of the business analysis and investment on the purse seine ship found a profit of IDR 1,394,798,872, R/C of 43, PP of 13 months, ROI of 92, NPV of IDR 90,337,780,072, IRR of 633.8 %, and Net B/C is 61. The results show that the purse seine fishery business meets the requirements and is still feasible to be implemented.
Analysis of catching of sea cucumber (Stichopus variegatus) in Kramian islands, Sumenep regency, East Java Dony Prasetyo; Riza Rahman Hakim; Andriyanto Andriyanto
IJOTA (Indonesian Journal of Tropical Aquatic) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): February
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/ijota.v4i1.13327


Kramian Island is located in the north of the Masalembu Islands, East Java. This area has good sea cucumber resources, but the rules on the prohibition of overfishing of sea cucumbers have not been implemented by the government in the Kramian Islands, so that fishing activities carried out by fishermen, continuously regardless of the type and size of sea cucumbers, can cause sea cucumbers in the wild to run out and the impact of sea cucumbers will be extinct. The research was conducted with the aim of knowing the fishing location, fishing method, sea cucumber species, number of catches, and benefits of sea cucumber catch. This research was conducted in March-June 2020. The method used in the study was observed with fishermen. The results of the discovery of the location of sea cucumbers using GPS, there were 3 types of sea cucumbers, namely Tanduk (Stichopus variegatus), Kapuk (Stichopus variegatus), and Susu (Holothuria rigida). Sea cucumber catch in March (253.4 kg), April (261.1 kg), May (124.1 kg), June (733.6 kg). The highest sea cucumber catch data occurred in June, while the lowest catch occurred in May.
The effectiveness of cellulolytic bacteria on feeds towards the immune response of Tilapia Dony Prasetyo; Anis Zubaidah; Hany Handajani; Emilio Hudin
IJOTA (Indonesian Journal of Tropical Aquatic) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): August
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/ijota.v4i2.20360


Tilapia is one of fishery commodities that is very good to be developed in thecultivation sector. However, the tilapia often incurs with the diseases so thatthe cultivators have difficulty in maintaining the health of the tilapia. One ofthe ways to improve the health is by distributing the cellulolytic bacteriaaddition and blood is one of parameters that used to identify the tilapia’shealth. The research method used was an experimental quantitative methodby preserving the fish and giving cellulolytic bacteria on the feeds for 30 days;then, the bloods ware taken to test the immune system. The parameters usedwere 12 parameters, of which parameters involved of 8 main parameters andsupporting parameters. The conclusion of this research is that the besttreatments are in the treatments of P1 because 4 main parameters out of 8main parameters experience an increasement and 6 main parametersexperience highest increasement from all of the treatments. For the P3, thehighest increasement of main immune system is in the leukocytes andphagocytosis activity. Thus, the fish can prevent the outside attacks.