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Pengikatan Jaminan Kebendaan dalam Kontrak Pembiayaan Muḍārabah sebagai Upaya Penyelesaian Sengketa Debitur Wanprestasi (Analisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 272/K/AG/2015 tentang Pembiayaan Mudharabah) Harahap, Mhd. Yadi
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 14 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1478.816 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/mnh.v14i1.2999


The imposition of collateral in muḍārabah financing contracts is a separate issue for Islamic banks even though in principle Islamic banks are not required to ask for collateral, but in practice, collateral is one of the elements that must be met by business actors in muḍārabah financing contracts. When the collateral is not applied, problems often arise in the case of debtor default. The problem in this study is whether the imposition of collateral can be used as an effort to resolve debtor disputes in muḍārabah financing contracts. To answer the research question, the method used is a normative juridical research method where the law is not only seen as law in books but also the law in action with the statutory approach and case study approach, namely the decision of the Mahkamah Agung. The results of the study presented that binding guarantees in muḍārabah financing contracts can be used as anticipation to minimize the risk of loss based on article 39 of Law no. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking. When the business actor defaults, neglects, and breaches the contract in muḍārabah financing, the guarantee can be used as an effort to mitigate the settlement of muḍārabah financing disputes to pay off obligations to Islamic banks.
Journal of Islamic Law Studies Vol. 2, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Contract of mudharabah financing is principally intended to meet the interests of businesses in terms of capital or additional capital to implement a productive business, between two or more parties. The problems of contract of mudharabah financing arises when owners of capital requires collateral to be met by businesses. Imposition guarantees in classical fiqh that developed by the mazhab of Imam that in terms of mudharabah financing, capital owners cannot demand collateral from businesses to recoup the principal or capital plus profit. If the owners of capital require the provision of collater-al from mudharib and make collateral as a condition of a contract then the cooperation contract is null and void according to Maliki and Shafi’i. According to the Hanbali, and Abu Hanifah, only the conditions were null and void, while contract itself remains valid. In general, according to Law No. 21 Year 2008 on sharia banking, collateral is termed by rahn and kafalah. This is in line with the DSN-MUI Fatwa formulating collateral consists of Rahn and kafalah. It should be understood that the contract of mudharabah financing is different from the concept of financing debts that require no collateral. When syariah banking is applying guarantee in the contract of mudharabah financing, it will lead to another problem that is interest to be discussed. This research applies a legal normative method by approach legislations and Fatwa DSN-MUI, this allows the researcher to find the answer about the problems that are considered correct.
Mediasi Berhasil Sebagian Dalam Perkara Cerai Talak Kumulasi Hak Isteri, Hak Anak Serta Pengasuhan Anak di Pengadilan Agama Binjai Qamariah Lubis, Akma; Lubis, Fauziah; Harahap, Mhd. Yadi
Rayah Al-Islam Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Rayah Al Islam Oktober 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Bahasa Arab Ar Raayah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37274/rais.v7i2.749


Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan memberikan sudut pandang dalam penyelesaian perkara cerai melalui litigasi (mediasi) berhasil sebagian dalam perkara cerai talak kumulasi hak isteri, hak anak serta pengasuhan anak di Pengadilan Agama Binjai. Penyelesaian sengketa melalui mediasi (damai) telah dikenal dalam agama Islam. Islam mengajarkan agar pihak-pihak yang bersengketa melakukan perdamaian. Dalam kasus perceraian, fungsi dari upaya untuk mendamaikan menjadi kewajiban hakim sebagai mediator yang harus dilakukan berdasarkan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 01 Tahun 2016 tentang Prosedur Mediasi di Pengadilan. Oleh sebab itu diupayakan perdamaian melalui mediasi di Pengadilan Agama agar pasangan yang hendak bercerai mengurungkan niatnya dan rujuk kembali. Dalam realitasnya pemberlakuan mediasi masih kurang begitu efektif dalam menyelesaikan perkara, terbukti dari sedikitnya perkara yang berhasil diselesaikan dengan mediasi. Namun pada tahun 2022 ini mediasi yang dilaksanakan berhasil meningkat dibanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya dan mediasi berhasil sebagian sampai bulan Juni tahun 2022 sejumlah 7 (tujuh) perkara Nomor Register 6 , 173, 184, 188, 205, 228, dan 230. Permasalahan yang akan dibahas dalam penulisan ini adalah tentang keberhasilan mediasi sebagai sarana mendamaikan perkara, yang tujuan utamanya yakni mengurangi jumlah perkara, dan juga untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan mediasi. Khususnya dalam perkara perceraian yang terjadi di Pengadilan Agama Binjai. Di dalam penulisan penelitian ini, Penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian empirik dalam karya ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif Sedangkan dalam metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi. Adapun metode artists data yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif deskriptif. Untuk mengetahui secara jelas tingkat keberhasilan mediasi yang terjadi di Pengadilan Agama Binjai dengan menggunakan data-data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan dalam proses mediasi dalam perkara perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Binjai dalam mengupayakan perdamaian antara para pihak sudah sesuai dengan apa yang diatur pada PERMA No. 1 Tahun 2016, dan HIR. Selain itu tingkat keberhasilan mediasi dalam perkara perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Binjai, jika dilihat dari penerapan mediasinya sudah efektif dan sesuai dengan PERMA Writing this study aims to share knowledge and provide a perspective in the resolution of divorce disputes through litigation (mediation) partially successful in a divorce cases property wife’s rights, children’s rights and childcare in the religious court Binjai. Dispute resolution through mediation (peace) has been known in Islam. Islam teaches that the parties to the dispute do peace. In divorce cases the function of an attempt to reconcile the duty of the judge as a mediator to be done based on Supreme Court Regulation No. 01 of 2016 on Mediation Procedures in Court. Therefore sought peace through mediation in the Religious that couples wishing to divorce the attack and reconciliation. Mediation is a dispute resolution process through the negotiation process or the consensus of the parties, assisted by the mediator has no authority to decide or impose a settlement In reality the application of mediation is less effective in resolving the case, proved by a case that successfully solved by mediation. But in 2022 mediation successful increased dramatically compared to previous years and mediation partially successful until June 2022 amount 7 (seven) case is registration number 6 , 173, 184, 188, 205, 228, and 230. Issues to be discussed in this study is about the effectiveness of mediation as a means of reconciling the case, the main goal of reducing the number of cases, and also to assess the success of mediation. Particularly in divorce cases that occurred in the Religious Court Binjai. In writing this research, Researchers use this type of empirical research in this work, using a qualitative approach. While the data collection methods used were observation and interviews. The method of data analysis used in this study the author uses descriptive qualitative analysis method. To know clearly the success rate of mediation that occurred in the Religious Court Binjai using data obtained in research in the field.
The Concept of Structural Legal Aid in Combating Corruption from the Maqashid Shariah Perspective Hidayat, Hidayat; Tanjung, Dhiauddin; Harahap, Mhd. Yadi
JURNAL AT-TURAS Vol 11, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/at-turas.v11i1.7616


Corruption poses a severe threat to societal well-being, as it undermines various sectors such as education, economy, and law. Consequently, combating corruption effectively is imperative. This study aims to analyze and elucidate efficient strategies for corruption eradication, specifically through the concept of structural legal aid with a maqasid sharia approach. Employing a juridical-normative research methodology, this research integrates statutory, case, and conceptual analyses. Primary legal resources including laws, books, and journals are utilized, supplemented by interviews with key stakeholders such as the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) and MUI Medan City, alongside observations at the People's Basic Rights Advocacy Center (SAHdaR). Findings indicate that the structural legal aid framework prioritizes community engagement in combating corruption. Furthermore, by incorporating the maqasid sharia approach, this framework is deemed effective, as it not only fosters community involvement but also enhances public awareness regarding the perils of corruption. Consequently, this approach serves to safeguard state finances, ensure equitable punishment for offenders, and uphold the fundamental rights of citizens, who are often the primary victims of corruption.
Kertha Semaya : Journal Ilmu Hukum Vol 12 No 6 (2024)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/KS.2024.v12.i06.p17


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk perlindungan hukum bagi anak perantara pengedaran narkoba menurut hukum positif dan hukum Islam, isi putusan dalam perkara 59/Pid.Sus-Anak/2020/PN/Mdn dan analisa hukum atas pertimbangan hakim dalam putusan 59/Pid.Sus-Anak/2020/PN/Mdn terkait perlindungan hukum terhadap anak di bawah umur sebagai pengedar narkoba. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian normatif yang bersifat deskriptif analisis. Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan kasus (case approach). Perlindungan hukum bagi anak perantara pengedaran narkoba menurut hukum positif terdapat pada UU SPPA dan UU Perlindungan Anak, UU SPPA anak memberikan upaya perlindungan hukum terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum upaya diversi (Pasal 1 ayat 6) dan UU Perlindungan Anak memberikan perlindungan khusus pada anak (Pasal 64) dan dalam hukum Islam, bentuk perlindungan yang diberikan terhadap anak sebagai pelaku peredaran narkoba diberi peringatan, nasehat, menjaga dan mengarahkan nuraninya agar melangkah ke arah yang benar. This study aims to provide legal protection for children who are drug dealers according to positive law and Islamic law, the contents of the verdict in case 59/Pid.Sus-Anak/2020/PN/Mdn and legal analysis of the judge's consideration in verdict 59/Pid.Sus-Anak/2020/PN/Mdn related to legal protection of minors as drug dealers. This type of research is normative research which is descriptive analysis. The research approach is carried out through a case approach. Legal protection for children as drug traffickers according to positive law is found in the SPPA Law and the Child Protection Law, the SPPA Law for children provides legal protection efforts for children in conflict with the law through diversion efforts (Article 1 paragraph 6) and the Child Protection Law provides special protection for children (Article 64) and in Islamic law, the form of protection given to children as perpetrators of drug trafficking is given warnings, advice, guarding and directing their conscience to step in the right direction.
Dispute Resolution of Marriage Cancellation through Religious Court Decisions in Indonesia Harahap, Mhd. Yadi
Ulul Albab: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jua.v5i2.22473


The provisions of Article 22 of Law no. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage that a marriage can be annulled if the parties do not meet the requirements to enter into a marriage. Unlike the case with a marriage that does not fulfill the pillars of marriage, the consequences of the marriage are invalid and null and void, meaning that the marriage is considered to have never existed. In the context of Islamic law there is a typology of types of marriage. First, a marriage is considered valid if the conditions and pillars of marriage are met. Second, if one of the pillars of marriage is not fulfilled then the marriage is considered invalid. Third, if one of the conditions for marriage is not fulfilled, the fasid marriage can be annulled. How is the resolution of the dispute over the annulment of marriage and the legal consequences of the annulment of the marriage. Empirical research methodology is a method used to answer the above questions, using a statutory and case study approach. While the data sources used consist of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials using qualitative descriptive analysis. There are at least three legal consequences of resolving disputes over marriage cancellations, namely: the position of the child remains as a legitimate child, joint property can be divided if the marriage is based on good faith, and the husband is not obliged to provide a living for his wife during the iddah period.
Cancellation of Grants Transferred In The Form Of Inheritance Through The Supreme Court Decision Sebayang, Muhammad Alfalah; Harahap, Mhd. Yadi
Judge : Jurnal Hukum Vol. 5 No. 02 (2024): Judge : Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/judge.v5i02.560


Research activities must have clear objectives to achieve. Research objectives show the quality and value of research. The objectives to be achieved in this research are to analyze the judge's considerations in deciding the grant cancellation case and to explain the judge's considerations in canceling the first decision after it was ratified AS well AS regarding the authority of the Court in adjudicating disputes over the withdrawal of grants transferred in the form of inheritance. This research has positive legal implications for efforts to realize the rights that should be given to grantees and families of grantees who have been transferred in the form of inheritance. This qualitative research was conducted by collecting, analyzing and interpreting narratives into visual data to obtain a complete, comprehensive and holistic understanding of the phenomenon of adjudicating grant disputes. The results of this study reveal that the urgency of studying Islamic fiqh and the two sets of KHI article 212 and KHES articles 719 and 728 are to become more familiar in resolving sharia economic disputes such as AS the withdrawal of grant assets. And so that both can be used AS guidelines, not just one of them, so that they can be collaborated and do not conflict with fiqh rules. The results of this study are expected to contribute ideas for the development of legal science in Indonesia and especially civil law, especially regarding cases of settlement of grant withdrawals in court.
Jurnal Review Pendidikan dan Pengajaran (JRPP) Vol. 7 No. 4 (2024): Inpress Vol. 7 No. 4 Tahun 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jrpp.v7i4.34372


Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan mengenai bagaimana pertimbangan hakim pemeriksa perkara pada tingkat kasasi dalam kasus No. 301 K/AG/2012, serta analisis yuridis terhadap pertimbangan hakim dalam memutus perkara tersebut. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah salinan Penetapan Kasasi Perkara No. 301/K/AG/2012. Penulis kemudian menganalisis pertimbangan hukum yang digunakan oleh majelis hakim untuk menolak permohonan pencegahan perkawinan, yang didasarkan pada peraturan hukum yang berlaku, seperti Undang-undang No. 1 Tahun 1974, Kompilasi Hukum Islam, Kitab Hukum Undangundang Hukum Perdata, dan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Perdata. Pemohon Kasasi didasarkan pada fakta bahwa Pemohon telah diberi kesempatan untuk membuktikan dalilnya namun tidak dapat menguatkan dalil tersebut dengan bukti surat maupun saksi. Analisis penulis juga menyoroti bahwa pertimbangan hakim mungkin tidak tepat karena tidak mempertimbangkan fakta bahwa anak pemohon belum mencapai usia kecakapan hukum saat memberikan kuasa kepada advokat untuk mengajukan penetapan wali adhol. Meskipun demikian, berdasarkan analisis penulis yang mengacu pada Pasal 1865 KUHPerdata, pertimbangan hakim dalam memutus perkara tersebut dianggap tepat karena sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku.