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Pelacak Matahari Dua Sumbu Menggunakan LDR untuk Meningkatkan Absorbsi Matahari Parikesit, Elang; Purwadianto, Doddy; Sambada, FA. Rusdi
Media Teknika Vol 12, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (830.957 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/mt.v12i2.1082


The position of the sun in the sky  always  changes  periodically.  A  lot of research has been doneto follow the sun's motion using a solar tracking system to increase the amount of solar energy that can be absorbed. The solar tracking system can be grouped into passive and active system. Active sun tracker system uses motor drive in following the motion of the sun. The current active tracking system is using one or two rotary axis. Active two-axis solar tracking system provides greater efficiency and effectiveness than one-axis solar tracking system. This study aims to increase the absorbable sun energy with a simpletwo-axis solar tracking system. This research has been  done by experimental method by making a model of two-axis sun tracker and  its field  data retrieval. The main parts of the model in this study are (1) LDR sensor, (2) microcontroller and  (3) motor drive.  Initial data of field test results shows  a maximum increase (269%) in absorbable solar energy on a model using a sun tracker than models that d o not use a solar tracking systemKeywords: tracker, sun, two-axis rotate, simple
Pemodelan dan Analisis Termaldestilasi Air Energi Surya dengan Kaca Penutup Berpenampung Air Purwadianto, Doddy; Kusbandono, Wibowo; Sambada, FA. Rusdi
Media Teknika Vol 12, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (848.685 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/mt.v12i2.1084


A common way to increase the efficiency of distillation of solar energy is by cooling the cover glass. The method of cooling glass that is widely studied is the spray method. Spray method still has a weakness that is not the  entire surface of the glass can be wetted cooling water. The water reservoir method allows wettage of the entire surface of the cover glass so that the cooling process can be better. This study aims to increase the efficiency of the distillation of solar  energy water by cooling the cover glass using a water reservoirs method. Parameters varied during this experimental stage are: the cooling water mass rate. Parameters measured were: (1) absorber temperature, (2) cover glass temperature, (3) cooling water temperature, (4) input water temperature, (5) ambient air temperature, (6) distilled water, 7) solar energy coming and (8) data recording time. The conclusions of this study were: the largest distillate water yield obtained was 3.26 liter / (hari.m2) with an average efficiency of 41.0%. Distilled water yield and best efficiency are obtained at cooling water rate of 7.1 liter / hour. The temperature difference between the absorber and the largest glass is 11.4°CKeywords: cooling, water distillation, solar energy, water reservoirs
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Prosiding Seminar Nasional : Pemanfaatan Literasi Digital Dalam Publikasi Ilmiah
Publisher : Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan karakteristik dari mesin pengering emping jagung. Karakteristik mesin meliputi: (a) lamanya waktu pengeringan emping jagung (b) kinerja atau COP dari mesin pengering emping jagung dan (c) daya total yang dipergunakan mesin pengering emping jagung yang menghasilkan pengeringan emping jagung tercepat. Mesin pengering emping jagung bekerja dengan siklus kompresi uap. Daya kompresor mesin pengering emping jagung sebesar 1 HP, bekerja dengan sumber daya dari energi listrik. Media yang dipergunakan untuk mengeringkan emping jagung adalah udara. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimen. Variasi penelitian dilakukan terhadap jumlah rak, jumlah kipas di dalam ruang pengering, dan sistem udara yang dipergunakan di dalam ruang pengeringan emping jagung. Kapasitas mesin untuk sekali pengeringan sebesar 10 kg emping jagung. Penelitian memberikan hasil (a) waktu pengeringan emping jagung tercepat selama 170 menit (b) kinerja atau COP mesin pengering emping jagung yang memberikan waktu pengeringan tercepat sebesar 11,45 (c) daya total yang diperlukan mesin pengering emping jagung sebesar 818,5 watt.Kata Kunci: emping jagung, mesin pengering, energi listrik, siklus kompresi uap
Pemodelan dan Analisis Termaldestilasi Air Energi Surya dengan Kaca Penutup Berpenampung Air Doddy Purwadianto; Wibowo Kusbandono; FA. Rusdi Sambada
Media Teknika Vol 12, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/mt.v12i2.1084


A common way to increase the efficiency of distillation of solar energy is by cooling the cover glass. The method of cooling glass that is widely studied is the spray method. Spray method still has a weakness that is not the entire surface of the glass can be wetted cooling water. The water reservoir method allows wettage of the entire surface of the cover glass so that the cooling process can be better. This study aims to increase the efficiency of the distillation of solar energy water by cooling the cover glass using a water reservoirs method. Parameters varied during this experimental stage are: the cooling water mass rate. Parameters measured were: (1) absorber temperature, (2) cover glass temperature, (3) cooling water temperature, (4) input water temperature, (5) ambient air temperature, (6) distilled water, 7) solar energy coming and (8) data recording time. The conclusions of this study were: the largest distillate water yield obtained was 3.26 liter / (hari.m2) with an average efficiency of 41.0%. Distilled water yield and best efficiency are obtained at cooling water rate of 7.1 liter / hour. The temperature difference between the absorber and the largest glass is 11.4CKeywords: cooling, water distillation, solar energy, water reservoirs
Pelacak Matahari Dua Sumbu Menggunakan LDR untuk Meningkatkan Absorbsi Matahari Elang Parikesit; Doddy Purwadianto; FA. Rusdi Sambada
Media Teknika Vol 12, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/mt.v12i2.1082


The position of the sun in the sky always changes periodically. A lot of research has been doneto follow the sun's motion using a solar tracking system to increase the amount of solar energy that can be absorbed. The solar tracking system can be grouped into passive and active system. Active sun tracker system uses motor drive in following the motion of the sun. The current active tracking system is using one or two rotary axis. Active two-axis solar tracking system provides greater efficiency and effectiveness than one-axis solar tracking system. This study aims to increase the absorbable sun energy with a simpletwo-axis solar tracking system. This research has been done by experimental method by making a model of two-axis sun tracker and its field data retrieval. The main parts of the model in this study are (1) LDR sensor, (2) microcontroller and (3) motor drive. Initial data of field test results shows a maximum increase (269%) in absorbable solar energy on a model using a sun tracker than models that d o not use a solar tracking systemKeywords: tracker, sun, two-axis rotate, simple
Peningkatan unjuk kerja destilasi air energi surya jenis vertikal menggunakan pelacak matahari Doddy Purwadianto; A. Prasetyadi; Dian Artanto
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 9 No 2 (2016): Oktober 2016
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (823.693 KB)


Abstrak:Mencari air bersih merupakan salah satu pekerjaan utama masyarakat di daerah terpencil. Di beberapa daerah, sumberair yang ada sudah terkontaminasi garam atau zat lain yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan. Cara penjernihan air palingmurah dan sederhana adalah dengan destilasi air menggunakan energi surya. Permasalahan umum destilasi air energi suryasaat ini adalah masih rendahnya efisiensi yang dihasilkan. Masalah ini dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan sistem pelacakmatahari agar posisi alat destilasi dapat mengikuti arah gerakan matahari. Penelitian penggunaan sistem pelacak matahari padaalat destilasi air energi surya yang ada umumnya adalah untuk destilasi air energi surya jenis horisontal, pada penelitian inidigunakan destilasi air energi surya jenis vertikal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi destilasi air energi suryajenis vertikal serta mengembangkan model sistem pelacak matahari yang ada yakni dengan menambahkan RTC(Real TimeClock). Penambahan RTC dapat mengatasi kelemahan sistem pelacak matahari yang ada yakni ketidak akuratan penentuanposisi matahari saat cuaca berawan. Parameter yang diukur adalah temperatur air, temperatur kaca penutup, temperatur udarasekitar (TA), kelembaban udara sekitar, kecepatan angin, jumlah massa air destilasi yang dihasilkan, energi surya yang datangdan lama waktu pencatatan data.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian multi tahun dengan dana Dikti yang saat ini memasukitahun kedua dari rencana penelitian selama tiga tahun. Hasil tahun pertama menunjukkan, air destilasi yang diperoleh destilasidengan pelacak matahari 30% lebih banyak dibandingkan destilasi tanpa pelacak matahari. Hasil tersebut diperoleh pada lajumassa air yang akan didestilasi sebesar 0,7-1 kg/jam. Pada tahun kedua akan diupayakan peningkatan efisiensi yang lebih baikdengan penyempurnaan sistem pelacak matahari, sistem pendistribusian air, posisi alat destilasi dan penggunaan absorberyang mempunyai sifat kapilaritas yang lebih baik.Kata kunci: destilasi surya, vertikal, pelacak matahariAbstract:Looking for clean water is main activity in some remote areas because the water is contaminated by salt or other healthjeopardized substance. Solar distillation is the cheapest and simplest way to clean water. But the common solar still has lowefficiency due to the solar daily movement. Therefore solar tracker should be applied to such condition. Researches onapplication of the solar tracker usually were conducted on horizontal solar still. This research is focused on vertical solar still withsolar tracker. The aims of the research are to enhance the solar still efficiency with application of the solar tracker and toimprove solar tracker with RTC (Real Time Clock). Applying the RTC on solar tracker will increase its capability on predicting thesolar position during cloudy times. The measured parameters are water temperature, cover parameter, ambient temperature(TA), ambient humidity, wind speed, distillated water mass, solar energy and time. The research is multi-years research fundingby High Education Department. This year is the second of three planned year research. The result of the first year researchshows that the clean water produced by the vertical still with solar tracker is 30% more than vertical solar still without solartracker production. Such condition was done on 0.7 – 1 kg/jam water mass rate. In the second year, improvement of theefficiency will be attempted on improving of the solar tracker system, water distribution system, position of the solar still andbetter absorber with higher capillarity.Kata kunci: solar still, vertical, solar tracker
ABDIMAS ALTRUIS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (79.528 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/aa.v4i2.3488


Computer programming is the implementation of a logical and coherent way of thinking even in simple problems. Computer programming training with visual basic is one way to take advantage of existing facilities in Microsoft Excel with a more attractive appearance so that it improves the way students learn. The training was carried out with participants of class X Automotive Light Vehicle Engineering Skills at Pangudi Luhur Muntilan Vocational School. The results of this training, students feel that this training is very useful, interesting, suitable, increases motivation to learn and adds insight or provisions after graduation.
Characteristics of Straight Trapezoidal Cross-Sectional Fins under Unsteady Conditions Michael Seen; Doddy Purwadianto; Gilang Argya Dyaksa; Heryoga Winarbawa; Rines Rines; Stefan Mardikus; Wibowo Kusbandono; Y. B. Lukiyanto
International Journal of Applied Sciences and Smart Technologies Volume 06, Issue 1, June 2024
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/ijasst.v6i1.7989


The aim of this research is to understand the characteristics of fins with a trapezoidal cross-section. The shape of the fin's cross-section is one of the influential factors affecting fin characteristics. In the design of fins, it is crucial to comprehend the characteristics of the fin as they relate to temperature distribution, heat transfer rate, and the efficiency of the fin. The research was conducted using numerical computation with an explicit finite difference method. Variations were made in the length of side 3 of the trapezium to 0 m, 0.02 m, and 0.04 m. The research results indicate that increasing the width of the fin enhances the temperature distribution, flow rate, and efficiency achievable by the fin. Significant improvement occurred when varying the side length from 0 m to 0.02 m, whereas subsequent variations did not considerably alter the efficiency. The highest efficiency achieved was 0.90 when the length of side 3 was 4 cm at the 300 seconds.