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Aplikasi Data Mining Berbasis Web Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori untuk Data Penjualan di Apotek Sholihati, Ira Diana; Irmawati, Irmawati; Glory, Dearisa
Prosiding SNATIKA Vol 4 (2017): Prosiding Snatika (Seminar Nasional Teknologi, Informasi, Komunikasi dan Aplikasinya)
Publisher : LPPM STIKI Malang

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Perkembangan teknologi informasi telah memberikan kontribusi pada cepatnya pertumbuhan jumlah data yang dikumpul kan dan disimpan dalam basis data berukuran besar. Dibutuhkan sebuah metode atau teknik yang dapat merubah gunungan data tersebut menjadi sebuah informasi berharga atau pengetahuan yang bermanfaat untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan bisnis. Suatu teknologi yang dapat digunakan untuk mewujud kannya adalah data mining. Berdasarkan aplikasi yang sudah ada masih terdapat kekurangan seperti belum tersedianya form untuk menentukan barang apa saja yang akan dianalisa dan belum tersedianya pengambilan data transaksi berdasarkan kurun waktu tertentu. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang suatu aplikasi yang dapat mengelompokkan data pembelian obat berdasarkan data transaksi berdasarkan periode bulan dan tahun tertentu, serta menyediakan form untuk menentukan barang apa saja yang akan dianalisa.
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Online Lectures Against Student Achievements Using the C4.5 Method (Case Study: Faculty of Communication and Information Technology National University): Analysis of the Effectiveness of Online Lectures Against Student Achievements Using the C4.5 Method (Case Study: Faculty of Communication and Information Technology National University) Triayudi, Agung; Sholihati, Ira Diana; Vivimaryati, Vivimaryati
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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This research is aimed at studying the effectiveness of online lectures on student achievement at the Faculty of Technology and Communication and Information at the National University using the C4.5 Algorithm method. The factors that must be considered in measuring the level of effectiveness of online lectures, namely from the income of parents, attendance and GPA (Grade Point Average) to every student. In the third factor has not been measured with certainty so that the Faculty of Communication and Information and Technology found it difficult to determine what can be changed and improved in quality, which will use the C4.5 method, in the case the author tries to measure these three factors so that eventually a Decision Tree. After doing calculations using the application it will know the level of short comings. Educational quality is something that needs to be considered because it is very influential in the process of student learning, therefore it needs an effort to improve effectiveness in online lectures.
Implementasi Sistem Pakar untuk Mendeteksi Virus Covid-19 dengan Perbandingan Metode Naïve Bayes dan Certainty Factor Dzahabi Yunas, Rio Al; Triayudi, Agung; Sholihati, Ira Diana
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 5, No 3 (2021): JTIK
Publisher : KITA Institut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v5i3.221


The Covid -19 virus spread in the world, especially in Indonesia, very fast. This epidemic is of concern around the world because it has a quite bad impact in various sectors. With existing technological advances, the Expert System can assist medical personnel in detecting the Covid -19 Virus. The purpose of the author in conducting the study was to detect the Covid-19 virus as easily as possible with symptom data obtained from patients who had consultations. The Naïve Bayes method is a method that uses probability and statistics that can predict a person's chance of being exposed to Covid-19 in the future based on symptoms experienced in the previous period packed with a web-based program. For comparison, the author uses the Certainty Factor Method. Certainty Factor is a method that aims to determine the certainty value which is based on the previous calculation of CF value by manual calculation. The Naïve Bayes method can group the symptoms obtained from the official WHO website which has been given an indicator of the percentage of someone exposed to the Covid-19 Virus based on the symptom data experienced to determine a person exposed to the Covid-19 Virus. While the Certainty Factor method gets the confidence of someone exposed to the symptoms of the Covid-19 virus by using the calculation indicator on the CF value that has been consulted by the user, which can provide a percentage level of confidence that is 86%.Keywords:Expert System, Covid-19, Naive Bayes, Certainty Factor.
Pemilihan Tema Tugas Akhir Prodi Sistem Informasi Menggunakan Kolaborasi Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), dan SMART Pratama, Aditya; Andryana, Septi; Sholihati, Ira Diana
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 5, No 2 (2021): JTIK
Publisher : KITA Institut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v5i2.178


Menyelesaikan tugas akhir ialah syarat kelulusan bagi seorang mahasiswa yang harus dikerjakan berdasarkan bidang pengetahuannya. Banyak mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah tugas akhir namun belum memiliki tema untuk tugas akhir mereka. Ada juga mahasiswa yang mengambil tema tugas akhir namun tidak selaras dengan nilai dan kemampuanya. Mengenai masalah tersebut akan dilakukan penelitian untuk membantu mahasiswa Prodi Sistem Informasi Universitas Nasional dalam memilih tema tugas akhir yang diproses menggunakan kolaborasi metode Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weighting, dan Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan menentukan nilai kriteria setiap mahasiswa yang dihitung menggunakan metode SAW untuk bobot nilai dan metode SMART untuk bobot kemampuan, berikutnya mencari nilai alternatif untuk setiap tema tugas akhir dengan menggunakan metode AHP, lalu dilakukan proses perankingan dengan cara kali matriks antara nilai kriteria dan alternatif yang akan menghasilkan tema tugas akhir yang optimal.Kata Kunci:Analytical Hierarchy Process; Simple Additive Weighting; Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique; Tugas Akhir.
Analisa Interaksi Pengguna Media Sosial Perusahaan Sekuritas di Indonesia Saat Covid-19 menggunakan Social Network Analysis (Studi Kasus: Indopremier dan Bursa Efek Indonesia) Diniyati, Della; Triayudi, Agung; Sholihati, Ira Diana
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): JTIK
Publisher : KITA Institut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v5i1.166


The development of information technology, especially social media users, is increasing. Many securities companies make use of technology so that users can make various transactions and search for information digitally. This can be used in online marketing strategies and information dissemination, one of which is Twitter. Users can disclose known information and this information is User Generated Content (UGC), which is the track record left behind. Twitter user interaction analysis can provide information that supports various business decisions, such as customer engagement. This research takes advantage of the Covid-19 phenomenon in which the stock market has experienced a global downturn. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of awareness and identify customer engagement from the results of the implementation of Social Customer Relationship Management (SCRM) by the company. This study uses the Social Network Analysis (SNA) method, with secondary data in the form of tweets of Twitter user interactions regarding 2 securities companies, IndoPremier, and the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The result is that IndoPremier is a securities company that is superior in informing optimal customer engagement through the implementation of SCRM.Keywords:Social Network Analysis, User Generated Content, Social Customer Relationship Management, COVID-19.
Perbandingan Metode Weighted Product (WP) dan Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) terhadap Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Rekomendasi Calon Paskibraka Setiawati, Riska; Triayudi, Agung; Sholihati, Ira Diana
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 5, No 3 (2021): JTIK
Publisher : KITA Institut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v5i3.181


Seleksi Paskibraka dilakukan pada setiap tahun dengan tujuan mencari putra putri terbaik yang nantinya akan ditugaskan pada upacara peringatan kemerdekaan Indonesia untuk mengibarkan duplikat bendera pusaka. Pada beberapa wilayah, seleksi Paskibraka masih menggunakan perhitungan dengan excel atau perhitungan manual lainnya dalam menentukan keputusan. Perhitungan manual ini tentunya membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama dan hasil yang dapat kurang akurat. Oleh karena itu, dibuatlah aplikasi sistem pendukung keputusan dengan menggunakan metode Weighted Product(WP) dan Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) yang dapat memberikan nilai akhir penilaian seleksi sesuai dengan kriteria dan bobot yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil dari kedua metode ini nantinya akan dibandingkan agar didapatkan hasil yang terbaik. Hasil dari aplikasi ini berupa perangkingan peserta berdasarkan kecamatannya.Kata Kunci:Sistem Pendukung Keputusan; Paskibraka; Seleksi; Simple Additive Weighting; Weighted Product.
Analisa Perbandingan Metode MOORA, Promethee, dan Weighted product dalam Penentuan Lokasi Usaha Nadila, Tika Aenun; Andryana, Septi; Sholihati, Ira Diana
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 5, No 3 (2021): JTIK
Publisher : KITA Institut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v5i3.185


In building a business, there are many aspects that need to be considered in choosing the right business location,  to minimize costs while still providing quality space to provide long-term benefits This research uses the Moora (Multi-objective optimize on the basis of ratio analysis) method, Promethee (Preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation), and Weighted product. These three methods were analyzed by manual calculation, then comparisons were made based on the effectiveness in processing the data and the level of conformity. The results showed that the suitability level of the weighted product method was higher with a value of 99.99857%, followed by MOORA 99.99779% and Promethee 99.99679%. Weighted products also have a fast and effective process stage, so this method is the method used in implementing web-based business location decision support systems . The results of manual and system calculations on weighted products also have the same results, namely the HI shop alternative with a value of 0.189 as the highest alternative.Keywords:Business Location, Moora, Promethee, Decision Support Systems, Weighted product.
Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni (Smart Adma) dengan Metode Extreme Programming (XP) Wahyuddin, Mohammad Iwan; Aldisa, Rima Tamara; Fauziah, Fauziah; Sholihati, Ira Diana
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 5, No 4 (2021): JTIK
Publisher : KITA Institut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v5i4.256


The purpose of this research is to develop a website-based system to facilitate the academic administration of student affairs at the Faculty of Information Communication Technology, Universitas Nasional in providing various student information ranging from information on association activities, scholarships, competitions, achievements achieved by FTKI (SI-TI) students. and helping FTKI students and graduates to find updated information about job vacancies related to information technology. This study will develop an administrative information system for student affairs with the Extreme Programming method, an Agile Development Method. will include FTKI students and graduates as users. The results of research from the Student and Alumni Administration Information System (Smart Adma) can provide time efficiency in administrative management, make it easier for students to get information from association activities, proposals, requests for funds to submission forms and internship assessments, as well as alternative media during the Covid 19 Pandemic.Keywords:Information Systems, Smart AdMa, Extreme Programming Method (XP).
Analisa Data API Pasien Covid-19 di Dunia menggunakan Power BI Syirod, Achmad; Triayudi, Agung; Sholihati, Ira Diana
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): January-March
Publisher : KITA Institut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v6i1.386


Melewati setahun sejak dimulainya pandemi Covid-19, telah banyak memakan korban dan mengubah cara manusia dalam berinteraksi dan menavigasi dunia. Meskipun penggunaan vaksin diterapkan, tetapi tetap saja jumlah korban terus bertambah di dunia. Informasi tentang data Covid-19 tersebar di setiap negara, sehingga perlu wadah untuk melihat data tersebut secara cepat, akurat dan fleksibel antar aplikasi. Dengan menggunakan metode API atau Application Programming Interface,  dapat diperoleh data tersebut melalui internet. Pada tahapan penelitian dilakukan melalui perencanaan sistem, pengumpulan data, dan analisis data. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Power BI mampu menarik dan mengolah data API Covid-19 menjadi berbagai macam grafik. Kemudian dari hasil grafik-grafik tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk total kasus, total total sembuh dan total meninggal untuk tertinggi dipegang oleh negara USA (Amerika Serikat). Untuk total kasus baru tertinggi oleh negara India. Kemudian untuk tertinggi bagian persentase total kasus berdasarkan benua dipegang oleh benua Asia.