Matsumoto, Toru
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KEBERHASILAN SEKOLAH MERAIH GELAR ADIWIYATA DAPAT MENINGKATKAN KESADARAN RAMAH LINGKUNGAN SISWA DALAM HEMAT ENERGY (Study Case: SMA Negeri 8 Serang Banten) Rachman, Indriyani; Muarif, Samsul; Santuso, Edy; Rahayu, Ida; Dahlia, Karlina Puspa; Raharjo, Slamet; Matsumoto, Toru
PEDAGOGIA Vol 15, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/pedagogia.v15i1.6560


One of the school's successes in reaching the title Adiwiyata is habitual school community in everyday life. These habits reflect whether they are environmentally friendly patterned or not. Adiwiyata is a program that forms the entire school community to characters that care for the environment. Creating a school that is clean, healthy, beautiful and ethics and aesthetics. With the knowledge and habits of students' awareness and eco-friendly lifestyle, it is the foundation for SMA Negeri 8 Kota Serang to be earned Adiwiyata. This study raised the issue of whether the program launched by the school for a degree Adiwiyata can increase knowledge and change the habits of students in energy efficiency. This research method using qualitative description, in which respondents were given questionnaires, interviews, and observations. However, the role that the school community is very important in realizing the success of the school to achieve Adiwiyata title. Thus the required environmental education activities that can form the students become the generation that can contribute to being part minded citizens who are environmentally.
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Currently, imported electronic products enter the Indonesian market using general import procedures, where the importer has to pay the import duty and taxes in full rate. In the absence of proper recycling systems, the electronic products that have reached their end of life and those are no longer used, end up in the landfills. Some researchers found hazardous materials inside the electronic products that could contaminate water, soil and air. Therefore, another strategy is needed to avoid negative effects on the environment. The Temporary import policy is one of the import procedures under Customs administration control, which states that goods can only be imported for a specific period, and should be re-exported afterwards. This paper tries to analyze the impact of the implementation of the temporary import policy on electronic products. By employing the Input-Output Analysis to the data from the Statistic Central Bureau and Indonesian Customs, this paper identified the impacts of the proposed procedure to some sectors in the Indonesian input-output table, namely: import activity, waste management and recycling system, transportation and storage, and final demand. The result shows increasing in quantity to be re-exported, and potential benefit from transportation and warehousing, leasing and rental services, and other business.
EDUTECH Vol 19, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Prodi Teknologi Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/e.v1i2.24624


Public awareness of waste management and processing in Indonesia is still very low. Likewise, with students,  warnings are still needed in keeping the environment clean. Environmental education (EE) in schools has started to be widely applied in many schools. Ideally, student awareness in keeping the environment, especially in managing waste, becomes better wherever they are. This study aims to explore students’ perceptions of waste management and processing as one of the implementations of environmental management. It is hoped that Environmental Education can have an impact on students’ perception in managing their daily environment. It also explores students’ pereptions at elementary, junior high, and senior high school levels about: (1) environmental education in a school; (2) waste management and processing as part of environmental education; and (3) waste management and processing by local government. Data collection was carried out randomly to several students taking part in Car Free Day (CFD) activity involving 42 student respondents. and the data was processed using descriptive statistics. It was found that firstly, respondents agreed with the application of environmental education in schools through local content subjects, and the Adiwiyata program itself was felt necessary to add insight and knowledge about managing the environment. Secondly, students’ perceptions of waste management as part of Environmental Education was already good, as shown by their preference to keep the garbage if they couldn’t find a place to throw them. Third, waste management and processing by the local government statistically showed good responses. One example is that many dust bins are placed in public location by grouping waste according to their type.    Lingkungan alam di sekitar kita dan dunia saat ini sedang mengalami kerusakan. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam menjaga dan mengelola lingkungan hidup ini. Di Sekolah pendidikan lingkungan hidup (PLH) dilaksanakan sebagai salah satu kurikulum muatan local dengan waktu1 jam pelajaran saja. Tentunya bukan seberapa banyak waktu yang dihabiskan untuk mempelajari kesadaran lingkungan hidup, namun yang paling penting adalah bagaimana mengimplementasikannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai upaya membantu menjaga lingkungan hidupnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi masyarakat tentang implementasi PLH yang diterapkan oleh peserta didik saat di rumah dan di lingkungan sekitarnya. Bukti real mengetahui kesadaran diterapkannya PLH salah satunya terlihat di ruang public, sebagai contohnya saat pelaksanaan Car Free Day (CFD). Tidak sedikit setelah CFD selesai petugas kebersihan harus membersihkan kembali kawasan karena banyaknya sampah yang dibuang masyarakat tidak pada tempatnya. Data diambil kepada 40 orang secara acak terdiri dari anak usia sekolah SD, SMP, dan SMA, serta orang tua.  Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kesadaran masyarakat akan menjaga lingkungan cukup baik. Hanya saja belum ada spesifikasi upaya yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat dalam upaya mengurangi, mengolah, dan menggunakan sampah yang ada agar lebih mermanfaat.
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Wastewater and household trash have become serious problems in major Indonesian cities due to the lack of environmental education for children and society as a whole. This paper will examine the urban lifestyle and the processing of waste, followed by an analysis of problem-based learning (PBL) experiments in elementary schools in various cities. The analysis will be supplemented with a questionnaire distributed to the students before and after the PBL trial. The article aims to offer an alternative educational environment that will evoke maximum learning results. It has been prepared using cross-tabulation research methods for three groups: The first group is comprised of students and teachers who have studied environmental education using the PBL method and through workshop activities. The second group comprises teachers who have studied environmental education using workshop activities. The third group includes teachers and students who have studied environmental education without the PBL model or workshop activities. Using cross-tabulation, show that the proportion of respondents increased after implementation compared to before is hand both Groups A and B. Group C does not show much change after implementation. From this study, authors conclude that groups using the PBL learning model with workshops showed significant changes in knowledge aspects.
LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT AND COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF MUNICIPAL WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Soesanto, Qiyam Maulana Binu; Utomo, Laksamana Rayhan; Rachman, Indriyani; Matsumoto, Toru
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Cimahi City is located in West Java Province, Indonesia. With a population of half million and the annual waste generation per capita reaching 0.48 kg/day, managing municipal waste has become increasingly challenging. To date, waste management costs in Cimahi City have not been specifically addressed. In addition to the total cost, there is also a plan to move the final landfill site from TPA Sarimukti, which is located approximately 34 km from the city center to a new final landfill site in TPA Legok Nangka, which is located approximately 56 km from Cimahi Municipality. This move will cause an increase in the cost to Cimahi Municipality. The aim of this study was to analyze the optimum waste management strategies for Cimahi City according to the environmental and cost-benefit impacts of the landfill site move. We used life cycle assessment and cost-benefit analysis to determine the optimum solution for waste management strategies of Cimahi City. Four scenarios, including the addition of waste banks, were compared as municipal waste management strategies. The switch of landfills did not contribute significantly to the total CO2 equivalent emitted. Increasing the number of waste banks could be an alternative to reducing the cost of disposing waste to landfills. Scenario (SC)-2 the scenario with additional government waste banks established, provided the highest net present value equal to IDR 1,428,622 per tonne of waste managed and was considered the most profitable in terms of the cost-benefit ratio. Hence, SC-2 was the most preferred for implementation in Cimahi City.