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Tinjauan Implementasi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan: Pengelolaan Sampah Kota Kendari Sudirman, Faturachman Alputra; Phradiansah, Phradiansah
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Juli-Desember (In Press)
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.49 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v5i2.9821


Waste management issues is the primary concern of the Kendari City Government, considering to become a liveable city namely the sustainable development of Kendari City. This study discusses the challenges of implementing a waste management policy based sustainable development in Kendari City. One of the goals of sustainable development on the 2030 agenda is to reduce the impact of the urban environment with the percentage of municipal reliable waste handling indicators. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of waste management policies using the concept of policy implementation by Edwards III and to link it to the concept of sustainable development and the 2030 agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study used a qualitative method, in which data was collected through interviews and documentation, the findings in this study that the implementation of waste management policies in Kendari City was quite excellent in the aspects of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. However, various challenges were also present in every aspect of policy implementation. Overall, the implementation of waste management policies also takes into account sustainable development in economic, social and environmental aspects and was by efforts to achieve SDGs Goal 11, where 73.30 per cent of urban waste has been handled.
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi UHO : Jurnal Penelitian Kajian Ilmu Komunikasi dan Informasi Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Edisi April
Publisher : Laboratorium Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universitas Ha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (755.855 KB) | DOI: 10.52423/jikuho.v6i2.17229


In the context of an authoritarian government, social media can be a tool of protest and criticism of the government and mobilization to end all forms of violence and repression to support the democratic process. Social media encourages political participation through online interactions of information and ideas involving various civil groups and communities. Tunisia and Egypt in Arab spring phenomena were examples where social media plays a vital role in encouraging democratization and preventing prolonged conflict and violence by governments. However, on the other hand, social media can also give a threat and challenges to democratic stability because the massive dissemination of information cannot be adequately controlled and supervised by governments, where individuals or groups that are not responsible can spread hate speech, and fake news because of certain political motives. So regulation is needed as an instrument to criminalize perpetrators, as well as collaboration between civil society and the government in monitoring, civil society groups can utilize anti-hoax discussion groups to make literacy or education regarding the use of social media wisely and correctly in order community is not easily damaged understanding to maintaining democracy stability.Keywords : Challenges, Democratic Society, Social Media, Political Mobilization
PERSUASI FITUR INSTAGRAM : STAY ON SCREEN Susilawaty, Fera Tri; Wardanhi, Sartika Sari; Sudirman, Faturachman Alputra; Halika, La Ode Herman
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi UHO : Jurnal Penelitian Kajian Ilmu Komunikasi dan Informasi Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Edisi Januari
Publisher : Laboratorium Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universitas Ha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (650.582 KB) | DOI: 10.52423/jikuho.v7i1.22539


Abstrak Instagram tak henti berinovasi dengan mengeluarkan fitur-fitur baru yang membuat instagram semakin digemari. Kepopuleran instagram membuat penulis semakin penasaran mengenai media sosial ini. Maka, penulis menjadikan bahan riset untuk mengkaji keberadaan fitur-fitur instagram yang memiliki daya tarik untuk mempersuasi pengguna sehingga pengguna selalu berada pada laman instagram atau penulis ungkapkan dengan kalimat stay on screen. Riset ini juga ingin melihat fitur apa saja yang paling memiliki daya pikat dan alasan mengapa fitur tersebut memberikan pengaruh persuasi. Metode riset menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel 288 orang. Beberapa data juga diambil melalui interview untuk memperoleh data kualitatif sebagai perbandingan untuk menyempurnakan hasil dari data analisis. Riset ini menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 131 orang memilih IG story (instastory) sebagai fitur yang paling memberikan persuasi kepada mereka. 36 orang memilih IG TV, 39 orang memilih Feed, 35 orang memilih reels, 16 orang memilih direct massage (DM) dan 10 orang memilih fitur-fitur lainnya. Kata kunci : Persuasi; Instagram; fitur; screen