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EKSYAR: Jurnal Ekonomi Syari'ah & Bisnis Islam Vol 6 No 02 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah & Bisnis Islam
Publisher : LIPI

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As an activity that has never escaped human life, economic practice is a necessity and a necessity. In reality economic practice is adomed by various phenomena that oppress certain groups. Economic practices that void personal desires seem to override the human side. The practice of trade monopolies, usury practices, and fraud seem to have become ingrained in today?s economic practices. As a religion that has a goal maslahah, thisphenomenon certainly must be responded to by the Islamic religion through the principles of Islamic economics. As a literature-based study and literature study, this paper seeks to provide ethical principles in economic practice through the realization of error. The findings in this paper are expected to provide guidelines in economic practice.
UNIVERSUM : Jurnal KeIslaman dan Kebudayaan Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v13i2.1909


As the second source of Islamic teachings after the Qur?an, the Hadith has an important position towards the development of Islamic teachings. The search of the history of the Hadith certainly has very long twists and turns, the era of the Prophet Muhammad, Companions, Tabi?in to the Muhadithin. The dynamics of thedevelopment of the Hadith is also accompanied by the development of the ulumul hadith, one of the aims of the existence of the ulumul hadith is to look for the authenticity of a Hadith, until the theory of the classification of Hadith emerges in terms of the quality or quantity of the Hadith. However, in line with the development of this contemporary era, the Hadith experiences a problem when it must adapt to the conditions and socioculture of society. Historical aspects, authority, reinterpretation, authenticity to methodology are considered to be separate problems experienced by this second source of Islamic teachings in the contemporary era. As a literature study and literature study, this paper attempts to reinterpret the classification of Hadith and reveal the problems of the Hadith in the contemporary era, so as to produce a solution to the continuity of the Hadith in the contemporary era.Keywords: Classification of Hadith; Problematics; Solutions; Contemporary Era.
Hak Ijbar Wali Tinjauan Maqashid Syari’ah dan Antropologi Hukum Islam Muttaqin, Muhammad Ngizzul; Fadhilah, Nur
De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syari'ah Vol 12, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (609.758 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/j-fsh.v12i1.7923


Abstract:As an act determined by religion, marriage is a very sacred act, both in terms of religion and from the agreement between the husband and the wife. The sacredness in marriage certainly cannot be tainted by various aspects. Provisions regarding ijbar rights for the guardians need to be reviewed in terms of their relevance to maintain the holiness of marriage. In its way, the execution of ijbar rights has implications for the wife’s unwillingness. Whereas, the purpose of the application of Islamic law is to create justice and peace for humanity. Even from the community, the rules regarding the ijbar rights held by the guardians met pros and municipality. As literature-based research through extensive library studies, this paper attempts to reconcile the legal issues of ijbar rights from the viewpoint of the legal objectives (maqashid shari'a) and the conditions of culture and the culture of society (the anthropology of Islamic law). The findings in this study are: In the perspective of maqashid shari'ah, the practice of ijbar wali's right does not bring the basic principles of maqashid shari'ah. Namely the principle in creating happiness of calm, and peace in marriage, whereas in the anthropological perspective of Islamic law. The practice of rights ijbar guardian cannot be justified in the social sphere of society, confinement and restraints on women in the practice of ijbar rights are not in accordance with the current socio-cultural of society. So that the practice of ijbar rights cannot be accepted by the community.Keywords: Ijbar rights; maqashid shari’ah; anthropology of Islamic law.Abstrak:Sebagai perbuatan yang ditetapkan oleh agama, perkawinan merupakan perbuatan yang sangat sakral, baik dari segi agama, maupun dari sudut pandang perjanjian antara suami dan istri. Sakralitas dalam perkawinan tentu tidak bisa dinodai oleh berbagai aspek. Ketentuan tentang hak ijbar bagi wali, perlu dikaji kembali relevansinya guna menjaga sakralitas dalam perkawinan. Pelaksanaan hak ijbar berimplikasi pada ketidak relaan sang istri. Padahal, tujuan dari pemberlakuan hukum Islam adalah untuk menciptakan keadilan dan ketentraman bagi umat manusia. Dalam sudut pandang masyarakat pun, ketentuan mengenai hak ijbar yang dimiliki oleh wali menemui pro dan kontra. Sebagai penelitian berbasis litteratur melalui studi pustaka yang ekstentif, tulisan ini berupaya menyelaraskan kembali problematika hukum hak ijbar ditinjau dari sudut pandang tujuan hukum (maqashid syari’ah) dan kondisi kultur dan budaya masyarakat (antropologi hukum Islam). Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah: dalam perspektif maqashid syari’ah, praktik hak ijbar wali tidak mendatangkan prinsip-prinsip dasar maqashid syari’ah, yaitu prinsip dalam menciptakan kebahagiaan, ketenangan, dan ketentraman dalam perkawinan, sedangkan dalam perspektif antropologi hukum Islam, praktik hak ijbar wali tidak bisa dibenarkan dalam ranah sosial masyarakat, keterkungkungan dan pengekangan terhadap perempuan dalam praktik hak ijbar tidak sesuai dengan sosio kultural masyarakat saat ini, sehingga praktik hak ijbar ini tidak bisa diterima oleh masyarakat.Kata Kunci: hak ijbar; maqashid syari’ah; antropologi hukum Islam.
Al-Maiyyah : Media Transformasi Gender dalam Paradigma Sosial Keagamaan Vol 13 No 1 (2020): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (494.664 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/al-maiyyah.v13i1.709


Masalah dan kesalahpahaman dalam keluarga adalah suatu keniscayaan dan manusiawi. Cita-cita akan terciptanya sebuah keluarga yang harmonis dan bahagia merupakan sebuah keharusan dan perintah dari Undang-undang. Salah satu amanat yang diberikan oleh Undang-undang dalam rangka menanggulangi problematika dalam rumah tangga adalah ?perjanjian pra nikah?. Dalam era kontemporer saat ini, perjanjian pra nikah diperlukan dalam rangka melindungi kepentingan perempuan. Dimana perempuan dalam isu gender kontemporer ini mempunyai peran dan kemampuan sebagaimana laki-laki. Kajian ini menggunakan analisa deskriptif-kualitatif melalui kajian pustaka (library research), dimana tulisan ini berupaya mengungkap pentingnya perjanjian pra nikah sebagai upaya melindungi kepentingan perempuan guna merespon isu hukum dan gender kontemporer, Temuan dalam penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa perlindungan perempuan bisa diminimalisir dan diantisipasi dengan perjanjian pra nikah. Sementara dalam isu hukum dan gender, perjanjian pra nikah bisa dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah pernikahan untuk mengatur semua hal yang dibutuhkan oleh kedua belah pihak guna menghilangkan diskriminasi dan penindasan terhadap perempuan.
Perlindungan Perempuan Melalui Perjanjian Pra Nikah (Respon Terhadap Isu Hukum dan Gender) Muttaqin, Muhammad Ngizzul; Rosadi, Miftah
Al-Maiyyah: Media Transformasi Gender dalam Paradigma Sosial Keagamaan Vol 13 No 1 (2020): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35905/al-maiyyah.v13i1.709


Facing problem and misunderstanding in family becomes a necessity and humane. The goal of harmonious and happy family is a necessity and an order from the law. One of the mandates given by the law in order to overcome problems in the household is the “marriage agreement”. In the contemporary era, marriage agreements are needed in order to protect the interests of women. Where women in contemporary gender issues have the same roles and abilities as men. This study uses descriptive-qualitative analysis through library research, where this paper seeks to reveal the importance of prenuptial agreements as an effort to protect women’s interest in response to contemporary law and gender issues. The findings in this study indicates that women’s protection can be minimized and anticipated by prenuptial agreements. While in legal and gender issues, prenuptial agreements can be done before and after marriage to regulate all the things needed by both parties eliminate discrimination and oppression of women.
REINTEPRETASI PENGKLASIFIKASIAN HADIS (Meneropong Problematika dan Solusi Hadis Era Kontemporer) Muttaqin, Muhammad Ngizzul
UNIVERSUM : Jurnal KeIslaman dan Kebudayaan Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v13i2.1909


As the second source of Islamic teachings after the Qur’an, the Hadith has an important position towards the development of Islamic teachings. The search of the history of the Hadith certainly has very long twists and turns, the era of the Prophet Muhammad, Companions, Tabi’in to the Muhadithin. The dynamics of thedevelopment of the Hadith is also accompanied by the development of the ulumul hadith, one of the aims of the existence of the ulumul hadith is to look for the authenticity of a Hadith, until the theory of the classification of Hadith emerges in terms of the quality or quantity of the Hadith. However, in line with the development of this contemporary era, the Hadith experiences a problem when it must adapt to the conditions and socioculture of society. Historical aspects, authority, reinterpretation, authenticity to methodology are considered to be separate problems experienced by this second source of Islamic teachings in the contemporary era. As a literature study and literature study, this paper attempts to reinterpret the classification of Hadith and reveal the problems of the Hadith in the contemporary era, so as to produce a solution to the continuity of the Hadith in the contemporary era.Keywords: Classification of Hadith; Problematics; Solutions; Contemporary Era.
Maqāṣid Sharī'ah Flexibility to Overcome COVID-19 in Indonesia: From Government Policies to Fatwā of Council of Indonesian Ulema (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and Muhammadiyah Mashuri, Mashuri; Nur, Iffatin; Muttaqin, Muhammad Ngizzul
De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syari'ah Vol 13, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/j-fsh.v13i2.13280


Abstract: Since its first appearance in Wuhan, China, the COVID-19 has become a worldwide concern, and now its impact as a pandemic has been felt globally. The number of cases, the death tolls, the steps that each country’s government must take, and the activities of social life that must be practiced by all people, among others, are interesting phenomena to study. This paper tries to examine from the Islamic perspective, regulations issued by the Indonesian Government and edicts issued by religious institutions and organizations in Indonesia, especially of the Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and Muhammadiyah, in response to the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia. This study is qualitative research with a discourse analysis that discusses the legal-socio-contextual aspects of the rules and fatwās/edicts with the maqāṣid sharī'ah (purposefulness of Islamic law) approach. The results show that the regulations and edicts are in accordance with fundamental values in the discourse of obtaining the objectives of Islamic law (maqāṣid sharī’ah), and the necessity to preserve one’s soul is prioritized over preserving one’s religion since practicing religious teachings can only be conducted whenever one’s soul is preserved.Keywords: Pandemic; COVID-19; Fatwā; Indonesian Regulation; Maqāṣid Sharī'ah. Abstrak: Sejak pertama kali muncul di Wuhan, China, COVID-19 telah menjadi perhatian dunia dan kini dampaknya sebagai pandemi sudah terasa secara global. Banyaknya kasus, jumlah korban meninggal, langkah-langkah yang harus diambil oleh pemerintah masing-masing negara, dan aktivitas kehidupan sosial yang harus dilakukan oleh semua orang menjadi fenomena yang menarik untuk dikaji. Tulisan ini mencoba mengkaji, dari perspektif Islam, peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia dan fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga dan organisasi keagamaan di Indonesia, khususnya Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), dan Muhammadiyah, dalam menyikapi mewabahnya COVID-19 di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis wacana yang membahas aspek legal-sosio-kontekstual terhadap aturan dan fatwa dengan pendekatan maqāṣid syari'ah (tujuan hukum Islam). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peraturan dan fatwa tersebut sesuai dengan nilai-nilai fundamental dalam wacana pencapaian tujuan hukum Islam (maqāṣid syari'ah) dan keharusan memelihara jiwa lebih diutamakan daripada memelihara agama karena mengamalkan ajaran agama hanya dapat dilakukan manakala jiwa seseorang terpelihara.Kata Kunci: Pandemi; COVID-19; Fatwa; Peraturan Indonesia; Maqāṣid Sharī'ah.