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Effect of Length and Up Ward Tapping on Physiology and Latex Yield on Rubber Plants RRIM 921 Purwaningrum, Yayuk; Asbur, Yenni; Kusbiantoro, Dedi; Khairunisyah
Jurnal Pertanian Tropik Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021): JURNAL ONLINE PERTANIAN TROPIK
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.549 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/jopt.v8i1.6311


RRIM 921 is a slow starter clone where the metabolic rate is low to moderate which has specific characteristics such as responsiveness to stimulants, relatively more resistance to exploitation pressure and generally thick recovered skin so that it is potential to be exploited. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the length and direction of the top tapping on the physiology and production of rubber plant clones RRIM 921. This research was conducted at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) Kebun Sei Putih, Afd I is located in Galang District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province with an altitude of 25 meters above sea level with Ultisol soil type. Using a non-factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) with three replications, as the treatment of groove length and upward tapping direction (S) consisted of 3 levels, namely S/2U d3 ETG/27d; S/4U d3 ETG/27d and S/8U d3 ETG/27d. The results showed that the S/8 U d3 ETG/27d treatment had the highest sucrose content of 3.97 mM, the highest latex Pi level was found in the S/4U d3 ETG/27d treatment of 26.01 mM and the highest Thiol content was found in the S/8U d3 ETG/ treatment. 27d by 1.03 mM. The highest latex production was in January on the S/4U d3 ETG/27d treatment of 13.98 g/p/s and the lowest in April on the S/8U d3 ETG/27d treatment of 0.85 g/p/s.
Analysis Study of Soil Phosphorus Availability on the Growth of Oil Palm Seedlings (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) with the Application of Liquid Fertilizer and Guano Fertilizer (Bat Manure) in Main-Nursary Lubis, Fiqi Alfisar; Kusbiantoro, Dedi; Asbur, Yenni; Purwaningrum, Yayuk; Kurniawan, Indra Saputra
Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024): April: Agriculture
Publisher : Central Research Institute For Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59651/cceria.v18i2.138


Guano fertilizer is a fertilizer derived from bat dung which is organic fertilizer, and contains a lot of P elements that can increase plant growth both vegetatively and generatively. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of Banana Stem POC and Guano fertilizer (Bat Manure) on soil P availability and growth of oil palm seedlings in the Main-Nursery. The experimental design used was a factorial Randomized Group Design with three replications. The treatments were arranged in four levels each of Banana Stem POC (C0 = Control, C1 = 1.5 ml/l water/Polybeg, C2 = 3 ml/l water/Polybeg, C3 = 4.5 ml/l water/Polybeg) and Guano Fertilizer (K0 = Control, K1 = 200 g/Polybeg, K2 = 400 g/Polybeg, K3 = 600 g/Polybeg). Banana stem is an agricultural waste that can be used as a useful product because it contains potential compounds, while Bat guano fertilizer has several advantages, namely it can stay longer in soil tissue, increase soil productivity and provide food for plants. These results show that the application of Banana Stem POC and Guano Fertilizer can increase the growth of plant height, stem diameter, leaf area and P available.
Analisis Preferensi Konsumen dalam Membeli Buah Semangka (Citrullus Lanatus) Terhadap Pasar di Desa Tanah Merah Kecamatan Air Putih Nasution, Khairunnisyah; Kusbiantoro, Dedi; Febrianti, Aulia
AGRILAND Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 11, No 3 (2023): Agriland: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Islam sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30743/agr.v11i3.8912


Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April 2023 – Juni 2023 di, Desa Tanah Merah, Kecamatan Air Putih, Kabupaten Batu Bara, Sumatera Utara dengan metode analisis data. Tujuan dari penelitian kajian preferensi konsumen dalam membeli buah semangka (Citrullus Lanatus) terhadap pasar tanah merah kecamatan air putih ini adalah (1) untuk menganalisis karakteristik konsumen dalam membeli buah semangka, (2) untuk mengkaji preferensi konsumen dalam membeli buah semangka, (3) untuk mengetahui atrubut apa saja yang mempengaruhi preferensi konsumen terhadap pasar tanah merah. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan bantuan daftar pertanyaan kuesioner dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari instansi atau lembaga terkait. Hasil penelitian kajian preferensi konsumen dalam membeli buah semangka menunjukkan bahwa hasil preferensi sebagai berikut (1) atribut – atribut konsumen buah semangka (X1) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap preferensi konsumen buah semangka (Y). Sedangkan karakteristik konsumen buah semangka (X2) tidal berpengaruh signifikan terhadap preferensi konsumen buah semangka di desa tanah merah.
Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Agroindustri Gula Merah Nira Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) di Desa Pegajahan Kecamatan Pegajahan Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai Nasution, Khairunnisyah; Kusbiantoro, Dedi; Hendrawan, Dian
AGRILAND Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Agriland: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Islam sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30743/agr.v11i2.7717


Tujuan dari penelitian analisis kelayakan usaha agroindustri gula merah nira kelapa sawit yang dilaksanakan di Desa Pegajahan Kecamatan Pegajahan Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui besarnya total biaya usaha produksi gula merah nira kelapa sawit, penerimaan serta pendapatannya (2) untuk menganalisis tingkat kelayakan usaha agroindustri gula merah nira kelapa sawit untuk dikembangkan berdasarkan R/C dan B/C Ratio. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian analisis kelayakan usaha agroindustri gula merah nira kelapa sawit yang telah dilaksanakan , maka didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut (1) penerimaan usaha gula merah nira kelapa sawit per bulan sebesar Rp. 340.103.500 dan total biaya usaha sebesar Rp. 314.749.677. Maka pendapatan usaha gula merah nira kelapa sawit per bulan yaitu sebesar Rp. 25.353.823. (2) analisis kelayakan usaha agroindustri gula merah nira kelapa sawit menunjukkan bahwa nilai R/C sebesar 1,08 1 dan B/C sebesar 0,081, yang     dapat     diartikan  bahwa pengolahan gula merah nira kelapa sawit ini efisien untuk diusahakan berdasarkan R/C Ratio.
Pemanfaatan Media Film sebagai Sumber Pembelajaran Sejarah dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa di Kelas IX IPS Madrasah Aliyah Tahfizil Quran Ayu, Dedek; Nababan, Surya Aymanda; Hardiyansyah, Muhammad Ricky; Kusbiantoro, Dedi; Azis, Abdul; Darma, Aditya
Hijaz: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/hij.v2i3.1021


In general, history teachers tend to use methods such as lectures and discussions, using simple media such as blackboards and printed materials like books. However, teachers in Madrasah Tahfizil Qur'an use films as a teaching media, which motivates students to learn and facilitates their understanding and mastery of the subject. This study aims to describe the technique of utilizing films by teachers as a learning media in history, the suitability between the film media and the subject matter, and the students' response to the use of films as a source of learning in history. The research method used is qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques and tools include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data processing is conducted using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Then, the data is compared, checked for validity, and described. The findings of the field research are as follows: (1) The utilization of film media as a source of learning in history in Madrasah Tahfizil Qur'an is good. History teachers have mastered the steps of using film media and have employed appropriate strategies in teaching. (2) Film media in history learning in Grade XI of Madrasah Tahfizil Qur'an can only be used for specific learning objectives and competencies. (3) The students' response to the utilization of films as a learning media in history in Grade XI of Madrasah Tahfizil Qur'an is very positive. The use of film media in history learning leaves a positive impression on the students, and they are motivated to learn because they can effectively grasp the conveyed material.
PENGARUH JENIS MULSA TERHADAP PERTAMBAHAN VOLUME AKAR DAN KARAKTER FISIOLOGIS TIGA VARIETAS PADI GOGO Kusbiantoro, Dedi; Chairani Hanum; Yenni Asbur; Yayuk Purwaningrum; Fiqi Alfisar; Martha Adiwaty Sihaloho
Agroprimatech Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Agroprimatech
Publisher : Prodi Agroteknologi Fakultas Agro Teknologi Universitas Prima Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34012/agroprimatech.v8i1.4947


Gogo rice is one of the food crops that has the potential to be developed in national rice is becoming increasingly important, this is due to the decreasing rice field area, while the population growth rate is getting higher. Field experiments were carried out on the land of the Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of North Sumatra from May to August 2021. The aim is to determine the effect of mulch type on root volume, plant growth rate and net assimilation rate of gogo rice plants. The research method used was a Factorial Group Random Design with three different types of mulch as treatment, namely without mulch, black plastic mulch, Asystasia gangetica mulch, straw mulch. The varieties used are IPB8, IPB9 and Red Sigambiri. The treatment combination consists of 12 combinations in three repetitions. The results showed that mulch and varietal treatment had a real effect on root volume, while on plant growth rate and net assimilation rate had no real effect. Keywords: rice gogo, mulch, varieties