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Penentuan Asosiation Rule Pada Penjualan Produk UMKM Tugu Mulyo Menggunakan Metode Apriori Wulandari, Cindi; Sunardi, Lukman; Syaifudin, Pebrian
Bulletin of Computer Science Research Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/bulletincsr.v4i1.303


Pondok Roti has many existing variants, ranging from chocolate bread, mocca bread, round bread, donut bread, coconut bread, strawberry bread and pineapple bread, green bean bread, birthday cake, burgers, hot dogs, pizza, so the bread that is produced must be right so that the bread can be sold out without any stale and moldy bread because it is not sold. The number of unsold breads will harm the business owner. Transactions that occur in a day are quite a lot in this bread business. Sales transactions are still recorded manually using excel, and existing data has not been managed properly to become new information that can help the management in bread production. The many types and flavors of bread make it easy for buyers to choose and buy the bread they want and like. Looking at existing transaction data, it can be seen that buyers prefer certain flavors. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is used to explain how the process of extracting information hidden in the database. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) and data mining are related to each other. This research uses the apriori algorithm to get a rule base for purchasing products at Pondok Roti stores. The apriori algorithm will later be used to find the most frequent combination of an itemset. Research data will be simulated to get the best rule base using the Weka application. The results of the research are in the form of association rules on the sale of Tugu Mulyo MSME products.
JUTIM (Jurnal Teknik Informatika Musirawas) Vol 6 No 2 (2021): JUTIM (Jurnal Teknik Informatika Musirawas) DESEMBER

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32767/jutim.v6i2.1499


Masalah berdasarkan hasil observasi yang telah dilakukan peneliti bahwa sebagian besar calon peserta CPNS masih mengalami kesulitan dalam menemukan simulasi tes CAT yang mudah, efisien serta membantu mereka untuk menambah pengetahuan sebelum pelaksanaan tes yang sesungguhnya. Melihat kenyataan yang seperti ini tidak heran banyak sekali calon ASN yang memperoleh nilai rendah dalam tes CAT. Sehingga peneliti membuat sebuah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah system web mobile yang dapat melakukan proses tes CAT secara online. Penelitian yang menggunakan metode kualitatif biasanya memperoleh data yang dibutuhkan lewat berbagai cara, dimulai dari wawancara, observasi, ataupun pemeriksaan dokumen. Perbedaan dari metode ini dengan metode yang lainnya adalah lingkup penelitian yang lebih terbatas, sehingga memungkinkan peneliti untuk melakukan penelitiannya secara lebih mendalam. Pengembangan sistem pada penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis data yang digunakan dengan menggunakan SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) atau siklus hidup pengembangan sistem. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program mengenai Sistem Informasi Simulasi Tes CAT (Computer Assisted Test) untuk calon PNS/ASN adalah aplikasi simulasi Tes CAT secara online dengan menggunakan Bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL serta Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 sebagai media penulisan listing program. Simulasi tes CAT secara online ini dirasa cukup membantu calon peserta CPNS dan memiliki efisiensi yang tepat, memiliki harga yang murah, dapat menambah pengetahuan calon peserta tes CPNS, serta hasil yang akurat dan dalam waktu yang cepat. Simulasi tes CAT ini juga dapat diakses di mana saja melalui media internet dan didukung dengan teknologi mobile phone
PERANCANGAN SISTEM PENGARSIPAN DIGITAL PADA KANTOR ATR/BPN KAB. MUSI RAWAS BERBASIS WEB RESPONSIF Wulandari, Cindi; Gunawan, Indra; Elmayati, Elmayati; Rusdiyanto, Rusdiyanto; Rizki, Fido
JUSIM (Jurnal Sistem Informasi Musirawas) Vol 8 No 1 (2023): JUSIM (Jurnal Sistem Informasi Musirawas) JUNI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32767/jusim.v8i2.2211


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu Kantor ATR/BPN Kabupaten Musi Rawas dalam menangani pengarsipan dokumen penting dalam bentuk digital. Penggunaan metode pada penelitian ini untuk pembangaunan sistem pengarsipan digital ini menggunakan metode waterfall yang meliputi identifikasi kebutuhan, analisa kebutuhan, perancangan sistem, perancangan perangkat lunak. Perancangan sistem pengarsipan digital ini menggunakan tool UML dan pemrograman sistem menggunakan php serta perancangan database menggunakan MySQL. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa program Sistem pengarsipan digital pada ATR/BPN kabupaten Musi Rawas menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database menggunakan MySQL. Penyimpulan yang didapat pada penelitian ini yaitu dapat membantu pihak ATR/BPN Kabupaten Musi Rawas dalam digitalisasi arsip dokumen penting dari kehilangan maupun kerusakan dari dokumen tersebut.
Prototype Sistem Informasi Publik dan Prediksi Produksi Karet Menggunakan Metode Naive Bayes Berbasis Website Wulandari, Cindi; Rizki, Fido; Lestari, Ayu
BEES: Bulletin of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 3 No 1 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/bees.v3i1.1532


The problem in this research is currently, public information to every village community is not carried out effectively because public information is carried out directly so that people who want to know village information must come directly to the Ngestiboga Village office 1. For the process of serving the letters needed by the community through a long process. The community must take care of, for example, a cover letter from the head of the hamlet and then forward it to the Ngestiboga 1 Village Office, where to carry out the service process to take care of the letters is difficult for the community because it is a long process. This study used data collection methods by conducting observations in Ngestiboga 1 Village, Jayaloka District, interviews with staff or the head of Ngestiboga 1 Village, Jayaloka District and literature on books related to the author's title, The results of the research are Public Information System Design and Rubber Production Prediction, the application is built using the PHP programming language with MYSQL as the application database and the application interface is built based on a Website and nave Bayes will be used as an algorithm for rubher production prediction. It can be concluded that the system can provide information and public services online to the community of Ngestiboga I Village, Jayaloka District and apply the Naive Bayes Algorithm so as to produce information on rubber production in the future.
Jurnal Medicare Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024): JULY 2024
Publisher : Rena Cipta Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62354/jurnalmedicare.v3i3.82


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which blood pressure is above the normal limit of 120/80 mmHg. The normal limit of blood pressure is less than 130/85 mmHg. If the blood pressure is more than 140/90 mmHg then it is declared hypertension. This study aims to determine the relationship between family support and low-salt diet adherence in hypertensive patients at Posbindu Kemuning, Margahayu Village, Bekasi City in 2023. The research method used is quantitative with crossectional analytical research type.The population in this study was hypertensive patients at productive age, aged 15-64 years at Posbindu Kemuning, Margahayu Village, totaling 90 people. Data collection technique using a simple type of random sampling based on inclusion criteria and obtained a sample of 73 respondents. The results of the study found that with a significant level of 95% or a value of α 5% (0.05) the Chi Square test results obtained p-value (0.000   ) < a value of α (0.05). This indicates that H0 is rejected. The conclusion of the study is that there is a relationship between family support and adherence to a low-salt diet in people with hypertension at Posbindu Kemuning, Margahayu Village, Bekasi City in 2023.
Analisis Sentimen Aplikasi Youtube di Google Play Store Menggunakan Machine Learning Alga, Jimmy; Wulandari, Cindi; Intan, Bunga
Resolusi : Rekayasa Teknik Informatika dan Informasi Vol. 4 No. 4 (2024): RESOLUSI March 2024
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/resolusi.v4i4.1750


YouTube users can create, watch, and share videos for free. Interaction between viewers occurs through the comment feature, which can be positive or negative. The frequent appearance of negative comments on the youtube application on the google play store can have an effect on these accounts. But to find out how much negative comments on the account are needed, an SVM algorithm is needed.  This study aims to determine the sentiment towards the youtube application on the google play store using Machine Learning with the SVM algorithm. The data taken is 4996 review data which is then preprocessed so that the remaining data becomes 4993 data that can be processed. Data labelling is done automatically based on the review rating score. The results of data labelling are divided into 3 classes, namely positive classes as many as 1083, negative classes as many as 3365 and neutral as many as 545. Classification and evaluation are carried out using the SVM method. Based on the training and testing data comparison value of 9: 1, the results obtained an accuracy rate of 75% then negative class precision of 76% and negative class recall of 97% and K-Fold Cross Validation testing using a value of K = 10 with an average accuracy of 0.75 or 75%.
Penerapan Algortima Support Vector Machine (SVM) Untuk Prediksi Tingkat Kelulusan Siswa SMA Wulandari, Cindi; Bimastari Aviani, Tri Hasanah; Rian Saputra
Resolusi : Rekayasa Teknik Informatika dan Informasi Vol. 4 No. 4 (2024): RESOLUSI March 2024
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/resolusi.v4i4.1753


Graduation is the desire of every student to be able to complete their studies, and to achieve graduation, students must complete stages such as taking 6 semesters of learning with a school exam score for each subject above 70, and this is a rule in the school. In this study, researchers used student data for the 2022/2023 school year, which researchers took in senior high school number one Lubuklinggau. The method used by the researchers is data mining. Data mining is a term used to describe knowledge discovery in databases. The algorithm the researchers use to predict graduation is the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm because it is able to predict good graduation. In predicting graduation, the accuracy value is 98.81% for XIIth grade students, 96.49% for XIth grade students, and 98.25% for Xth grade students.