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The Protection of Arwana Kelesak As A Native Species of Bangka Belitung Kusuma, Winanda; Permatasari, Bunga
Jambe Law Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Jambi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jlj.5.2.271-287


The protection of wildlife should be a concern of international law that is regulated in a legal framework agreed upon by the state by respecting sovereignty in implementing international law. Yet the implementation of sovereignty is a challenge for wildlife protection. In Bangka Belitung region in Indonesia live native species, one of which is the Arowana Kelesak. This species of fish in the fresh waters of Bangka Belitung without human intervention and, yet is not a native species. The priority of local regulations on the Arowana Kelesak species is still negligible. Therefore, the efforts to make this fish endangered status have to begin from the area where they live as long as the regulations are concerned. On the other hand, the application of Indonesian laws is not prioritized. The lack of valid scientific data is another challenge. This article aims to ensure that regional regulation of Arwana Kelesak is a necessity because CITES has listed this species as endangered. International legal regulations must be the basis for protecting species that Indonesia has ratified so that the seriousness of the regulations must be clear. On top of that, scientific information from the region regarding the location of the habitat is difficult to find and cannot be used as evidence to claim the threat of extinction. Whilst, illegal tin mining activities in this area pose an additional challenge to the protection of Arwana Kelesak. It is evidence that the mining pit has damaged freshwater ecosystems, especially such native species as the Arwana Kelesak. This article argues that international law through CITES and IUCN has to be taken into account by Bangka Belitung government. Similarly, local regulations and the attention of the central government as the official management authority of CITES need to be ensured to protect the Arwana Kelesak
Exclusive Economic Zone: Contemporary Law of the Sea Fisheries Regulations Toni, Toni; Kusuma, Winanda; Kurnia, A Cery; Anwar, Muhamad syaiful; sari, Rafiqa
Ikatan Penulis Mahasiswa Hukum Indonesia Law Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2023): IPMHI Law Journal, July 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ipmhi.v3i2.71165


The sea as an important area in a country must be able to be maintained both for state sovereignty and respect for sovereign rights. This is regulated in the jurisdiction of the territorial sea regime which applies sovereignty and the EEZ regime which applies sovereign rights. This research analyzes the background of agreements on international regulation of the sea and the utilization of fisheries which are also regulated in international law. The current international law of the sea only strictly regulates regional regimes and territorial jurisdiction, while the nature of fisheries cannot follow this. This research method is normative where international fisheries law arrangements still do not exist. The vacuum of international norms is only filled by weak international agreements and their implementation cannot be forced. The history of the current international law of the sea shows that the basis of the agreement is only related to territory and respect for maritime law in the form of international customs. It needs to be understood that the sea as a natural area must be used in a sustainable manner and also must not violate, so the marine potential, especially fisheries, needs to be agreed with strict sea area regulations and optimal utilization within the framework of the welfare and sustainability of marine ecosystems.
Peningkatan Pengawasan Partisipatif Masyarakat Desa dalam Pelaksanaan Pemilihan Umum Serentak Tahun 2024 melalui Penyuluhan Hukum Kusuma, Winanda; Permatasari, Bunga; Suntara, Reza Adriantika
DAS SEIN: Jurnal Pengabdian Hukum dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 2 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33756/jds.v2i2.15256


Konkretisasi Demokrasi sebagai sistem politik dan sistem pemerintahan menempatkan kedaulatan berada ditangan rakyat dilakukan dengan pemilu, sehingga dalam sistem demokrasi rakyat mendapatkan tujuan pemilu yang adil. Adil proses pemilu dengan mengikutkan pada proses pengawasan. Luaran kegiatan ini juga berbentuk publikasi media massa untuk informasi Desa Sangku merupakan desa yang berperan aktif dalam pengawasan partisipatif. Kegiatan ini berupa penyuluhan dipaparkan kepada masyarakat Desa Sangku di Kantor BPD Desa Sangku yang dihadiri penjabat Desa dan aparatur Desa, sehingga diharapkan informasi ini tersampaikan kepada seluruh warga desa. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21 Maret 2022 difasilitasi oleh Pemerintahan Desa Sangku. Pengetahuan atas informasi mengenai tahapan pemilu sesuai peraturan perundangan dan tahapan pelaporan atas pelanggaran pemilu dipahami sehingga tidak adanya ketidaktahuan masyarakat. Akhirnya masyarakat mendapatkan pemilu yang berkualitas. The concretization of Democracy as a political system and a system of government puts sovereignty in the hands of the people carried out by elections, so that in a democratic system the people get the goal of fair elections. Fair the electoral process by including the oversight process. The output of this activity is also in the form of mass media publications for information, Sangku Village is a village that plays an active role in participatory supervision. This activity in the form of counseling was presented to the people of Sangku Village at the Sangku Village BPD Office which was attended by the village acting and village officials, so it is hoped that this information will be conveyed to all villagers. This counseling activity was carried out on March 21, 2022, facilitated by the Sangku Village Government. Knowledge of information about the stages of elections in accordance with laws and regulations and the stages of reporting on election violations is understood so that there is no public ignorance. Finally, people get quality elections.
Kerentanan Pulau Terluar Dalam Menjaga Kedaulatan Negara Dalam Kerangka Hukum Laut Internasional Kusuma, Winanda; Kurnia, A Cery
Jurnal Pembangunan Hukum Indonesia Volume 4, Nomor 3, Tahun 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jphi.v4i3.447-458


Negara pantai dan negara kepulauan memiliki tantangan atas pulau terluar yang memiliki kondisi jarak dan pelaksanaan penegakan hukum juga pengawasan terbatas. Keterbatasan ini mengeskalasi potensi masalah atas pelaksanaan kedaulatan hukum. Metode penelitian secara normatif melihat masih belum jelasnya pengaturan pulau yang tersebar yang kenyataannya memiliki karakter berbeda. Hasil peneltian bahwa, perlu adaya perhatian dan perlindungan negara pantai atas wilayah pulau terluar dengan pengaturan kolaborasi dalam kerangka peraturan hukum laut kontemporer, perlindungan pulau tersebar perlu kolaborasi antar negara pantai yang berdekatan dan negara kepulauan di wilayah perbatasan. Pulau terluar menjadi objek terekspose untuk dimanfaatkan dengan kekurangan bila pengawasan negara pantai dan negara kepulauan tidak dibenahi. Perlu pemikiran kembali pengaturan pulau dengan karakteristik terluar dan menawarkan opsi kolaborasi untuk kepentingan bersama atas pulau terluar dengan tetap penghormatan kedaulatan negara.
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Satwa Terancam Punah Di Indonesia : Bagaimana Ikan Air Tawar Endemik Bangka Belitung Permatasari , Bunga; Kusuma, Winanda; Situmorang, Ave Agave Christina
Supremasi Hukum: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Vol 32 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/jsh.32.2.161-176


The purpose of this study is to analyze forms of protection for rare and endangered species. Moreover, to find out the mechanism for determining the protection of rare and endangered animals. The research method was carried out normatively with a statutory and conceptual approach. The results show that Indonesia already has several laws protecting animals, especially aquatic biodata. The protection is in the form of full protection and limited protection. Unfortunately, the endemic freshwater fish of Bangka Belitung has not received protection status in Indonesian laws and regulations. Furthermore, the determination of fish species protection status is carried out through a. initiative proposals, b. verification of proposals, c. public consultation, d. policy analysis, e. scientific recommendations, and f. determination of fish species protection status. Moreover, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries assigns a status category to the type of protection. Local governments are also given the authority to determine limited protection